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In the eyes of some people, Picasso’s paintings would seem rather foolish


The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy


The man told his wife to keep the medicine on the top shelf so that it would be beyond the children’s reach.


Happiness doesn’t always go with money


That car has given me nothing but trouble ever since I bought it


Since the beginning of this summer,Haier has waged a massive ad campaign to promote its air-conditioner sales.


Mary’s parents frown on the idea of her going to America, so it remains to be seen whether she will realize her dream.


Rose knows that continuous letters from John, together with countless roses, are aimed at winning her heart


Through sponsoring the growing of fruit trees to regenerate waste land, the government succeeded in improving the ecological environment.

5政府已采取了一系列新的环保措施,由此在全国各地出现了许多公园和公共绿地。The government has undertaken a series of new environmental initiatives. As a result, many parks and green belts have sprung up all over the country

1人生充满了欢乐与痛苦 Life is full of ups and downs

2我始终知道他会以优异的成绩毕业 I knew all along that he would graduate with distinction.

3工作人员对这一说法的真实性保留看法 The working staff had some reservations about the truth of the claim

4当地政府将还不犹豫的采取最严厉的措施对付犯罪分子The local government will not hesitate to take the severest measure against criminals

5他企图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间 He tired to buy time by doing a lot of talking 1对大多数父母来说,送孩子出国学习的决定是经过仔细考虑后做出的。他们会尽力在孩子离开之前安排好一切For most parents,the decision to send children abroad for study is made after careful thinking.The will try to have everything worked out before their children leave.

2杰克才开始工作了3个月,经验尚不足,所以让他独立完成这项任务是有困难的 Jack has only been working for three months,so,for lack of experience,he will have difficulty finishing the task alone.


As long as you specify what we are expected to do, we’ll try our best to help you get everything ready

4苏珊以为自己会很快适应那儿的生活,可后来发现事情没那么容易,于是她开始想家Susan had thought she would adapt to life there soon, but she found later things were not so easy, and she began to feel homesick

5当离别时刻到来时,这些孩子忐忑不安起来,因为他们不知道自己是否能适应没有父母在身边的生活 Tension descended on these children when it was time for departure, since they didn’t know whether they could adapt to the life without parents.

1我父亲太忘事,老是在找钥匙 My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys

2再没有收到过他的信,于是我们开始怀疑他是否还活着 Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was still alive

3对这位科学家来说,凌晨两三点上床睡觉是很平常的事 It is not unusual for the scientist to go to bed at two or three in the morning

4那人弯腰从地上把书捡起来 The man bent down and picked up the book from the floor 5丽贝卡把头靠在丈夫的肩上哭起来 Leaning her head on her husband’s shoulder, Rebecca began to cry

1她误解了自己最好的朋友,感到非常内疚 She was very guilty about having understood her best friend

2她容貌秀美,举止优雅,很吸引人 Her good looks and elegant manners are very attractive

3显然,他总以为自己的学历和工作经力肯定会给人深刻印象,但实际并非如此。 Obviously, he takes it for granted that his educational background and work experience are surely impressive. But actually they are not.

4他引用一位著名艺术评论家的话,为自己的绘画才能增加一点自信心 By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tired to add a bit of self-confidence to his talents

5每个学生都有自己的不同特点-友善或拘谨,长相平平或漂亮妩媚。老师不应该歧视中间任何人 Every student has his or her characteristic qualities, such as friendliness or reserve, plainness or charm. A teacher should not be prejudiced against any of them

1医生建议说,有压力的人要学会做一些新鲜有趣、富有挑战性的事,来发泄负面情绪 The doctor recommends that those stressed people should try some new, interesting and challenging things in order to give their negative feelings an outlet.


The teacher gives more homework to the student who has had grades, instead of allowing him to cut that down.

3尽管我已经把许多任务分派给其他人去做,我依然担心这项计划无法赶在四月一号截止期前完成 Although I’ve delegated many tasks to other people, I’m still afraid that I won’t be able to finish the plan before the April 1 deadline 4从医生的角度看,脾气越急躁的人越易失控。因此他们往往容易患心脏病。 From a doctor’s viewpoint, the hotter-tempered people get, the more likely they are to lose control. Consequently, they tend to suffer heart diseases. 5教师首先要考虑的事情之一是唤起学生的兴趣,激发他们的创造性 A teacher’s priorities include exciting students’ interests and stimulating their creativity


Unit7 汉译英 1. 警察放大了失踪女孩的照片,这样他们能容易认出她。(Use "have + object + V-ed" structure) The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged so that they could recognize her easily. 2. 我喜欢乘公共汽车上班,而不是自己驾车。那天上午也不例外。(rather than, no exception) When I go to work, I prefer to take a bus rather than drive and that morning was no exception. 3. 这位老人见到自己的孙女走进屋时站了起来,竟意想不到地移动了几步,就好像他能行走了似的。(get to one's feet, as if) When he saw his granddaughter coming into the house (Seeing his granddaughter coming into the house), the old man got to his feet and moved several steps unexpectedly as if he could walk by himself. 4. 当时我们的注意力全集中在那幅画上,没有注意到四周有什么异样情况,所以也不能提供任何额外的细节。(focus on, additional details) At that time we focused our attention on that painting without noticing anything unusual around us, and we can't offer any additional details. 5. 这两个劫匪的作案手法表明他们可能就是过去几个月里这一地区多起抢劫案的元凶。(commit) The two robbers' methods suggested they might be the same men who had committed a number of robberies in the area over the past few months. 6. 无论这个问题多么令人讨厌,它都是我们必须正视的问题。(no matter how) It's a question we have to face no matter how unpleasant it is. 英译汉 1. Experience told him that a woman's natural instinct was to defend herself rather than hurt the attacker. 经验告诉他,妇女的天性是保护自己而不是去伤害攻击者。 2. The room is looking much better since she had the walls repainted. 自从她把墙重新粉刷了后,这房间好看多了。 3. Teenage crime was out of control in many parts of the country, and this city was no exception. 在这个国家的许多地方,青少年犯罪已经失去了控制,这个城市也不例外。 4. Weeks after the robbery, he was afraid to go outside, fearing that he would come face to face with the robber a second time. 抢劫案发生后的几周,他不敢出门,害怕自己再次与劫匪面对面遭遇。 5. The victim described to the policemen how a man, who suddenly emerged from the shrub, robbed her. 受害者向警察描述她是怎样突然遭到一个从灌木丛中出来的人抢劫的。 6. For many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception. 如今,对许多美国人来说,周末工作已经不幸地成为了惯例,而不是例外。 Unit9


1适应校园生活——来自世界各地的访谈 塔尼娅?扎茹茨卡娅莫斯科,俄罗斯 去年的这个时候,我对新生活感到很紧张。我没有朋友,也是第一次离开家。一开始,我一天到晚都在忙功课:上课,并且学习到深夜。 可后来我意识到我错过了大学里许多其他活动。一天,跟我住同一幢宿舍楼的一个女孩儿邀请全楼的人去参加一个晚宴。我不知道她在哪儿买的那些吃的,也不清楚她怎么会有足够的钱。而且她穿得像个模特儿。我真不知道她干嘛还要费那劲儿上大学!现在我结识了许多有趣的人,既努力学习,也快乐地生活。 米古尔?方斯卡瓜达拉哈拉,墨西哥 刚上大学的时候,我尽量把教授们在课堂上说的每一句话都记下来。结果是我光忙着记笔记,都顾不上听讲了。我现在学的是化学,现在学的东西似乎都比我们在中学里学的复杂。不过我意识到,在大学里,你应该更多地去听、去思考。现在,我已弄清新知识和过去所学知识之间的差别了。 弗兰辛?博内里昂,法国 我刚来时,这所大学似乎很大,也很不友好。一开始,我觉得很难适应缺乏指导的自由生活。上中学的时候,我已经习惯了晚上做家庭作业。 如何使用每月的生活费也让我感到很头疼。你得买食品、书、公交车票、衣服等东西,这和小时候在家花零花钱大不一样。每学期的钱是一次性汇来的,所以一开始我总觉得手头相当宽裕。然后我就大手大脚地花钱,搞到后来每天只能吃一个三明治! 我现在认识到家长或老师不再有照顾我的责任了。长这么大第一次,我该自己打理自己的生活了……可我却不知道该怎么办! ?2世界各地的街头小吃 “快餐”这个词通常会让人想起汉堡包和薯条。我们会想到送到现代市民手中的过度包装、却并不健康的饭菜。而人们也只是把食物当作聊以充饥的东西,而不是可以享用的美食。 事实上,快餐并不是现代社会的产物。到世界上任何一个地方旅游,你都会看到街头小贩的身影,听见他们卖各式各样的地方小吃的吆喝声。这些小吃通常都是用几样当地的基本配料加工而成,现场制作,立等可取。 商业化的快餐制作采用工业化的加工程序,用现成的配料大量烹制,然后重新加热。不管你到世界的哪个地方吃麦当劳,食物的味道都是一样的。 而街头小吃在多数地方都是现场烹制的。你只需闻着香味,一边看一边等着小贩给你准备新鲜的小吃。尽管在一些地方卫生条件差强人意,但因为食物一般是高温快速烹制的,吃起来基本安全。


英语翻译题库Translation. Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English to Chinese. Each of the 10 sentences is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer. 1. When exporting goods, it is essential to arrange insurance cover in case the goods are lost or damaged in transit. A.为了促进货物出口, 减少货物的丢失或者损坏, 必须发展保险业. B.出口时, 货物基本上都会上保险, 这样货物就避免了丢失或损坏. C.出口货物时必须办理保险, 以防货物在运输过程中丢失或者损坏. D.出口前货物一般都会上保险, 以便在货物遗失或损坏后得到赔偿. 2. If we do not receive payment by the end of this month, we will have no alternative but to take legal action. A.如果本月底我们还收不到付款, 我们将会采取除申诉以外的一切行动. B.如果在本月底我们仍未收到货款, 我们别无选择, 只能采取法律行动. C.如果本月底我们还收不到订货, 我们就不得不采取其他办法了. D.如果本月底我们还收不到订购的货物, 我们就不得不拒绝付款. 3. Party B has the right to a written notice to Party A under the following conditions. A.乙方在下述情况下有权以书面通知甲方取消合同. B.乙方有义务在下述条件下通知甲方签定书面合同. C.乙方在下列条件下有权拒绝接受甲方书写的合同. D.乙方在下列情况下才得有权与甲方终止书面合同. 4. I have already given instructions for the task to be taken up first and the engineers doing the job to work overtime. A.我已下达指示, 首先要承担这项任务, 并且从事该项工作的工程师们必须加 班. B.我已做了说明, 从事该项工作并肯加班的工程人员具有优先权来参与这项 任务. C.我已经下达指令, 涉及该项工作的人员应首先接受该项任务, 并且要加班工 作. D.我已做了解释, 首先必须有工程师们愿意加班工作才能有可能来完成这项 任务. 5. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. A.尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能理解创造性工作,也不能代替人类。 B.有许多优点的电子计算机也不能代替人类去做创造性工作。 C.电子计算机有很多缺点,既不能进行创造性工作,也不能代替人类。

英语翻译 大一下学期

Unit8 Passage A 1. 罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns) 在诗中把他所钟情的女孩比作玫瑰花。(compare...to) In his poem, Robert Burns compares the girl he loves to a rose. 2. 无论你多忙,你都应该抽时间回学校参加同学聚会。(no matter how) No matter how busy you are, you should try to make it back to the class reunion. 3. 离婚后她需要一个能给她安慰的人。(a shoulder to cry on) Answer:After her divorce she needed a shoulder to cry on. 4. 毕业20年以后,他几乎认不出他以前的同学了。(barely) Answer:He graduated 20 years ago, so he could barely recognize his former classmates. 5. 什么都无法替代亲密朋友之间的友谊。(replace) Answer:Nothing can replace the friendship between intimate friends. Unit1 Passage A 1.任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4. 公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 2. Unit2 Passage A 1. 警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。(fill out) The policemen are busy fi lling out forms about the accident. 2. 我想在还车之前把油箱加满。(fill up, fuel tank) I want to fi ll up the fuel tank before returning the car. 3. 如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。(follow the procedure) If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure. 4. 要不是约翰帮忙,我们绝不会这么快就完成实验。(without) We couldn’t have fi nished the experiment so soon without John’s help. 5. 暴风雨之后,岸边的人们焦急地搜索湖面以期发现小船的踪迹。(scan for) After the storm, the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat. Unit3 Passage A 1.我发现量入为出地过日子越来越难了。(increasingly) I find it increasingly difficult to live within my income. 2. 现代政治家们都试图以电视讲话来影响普通百姓。(reach out) Modern politicians try to reach out to ordinary people in their TV speeches. 3. 应该帮助学生对人生采取积极的态度。(adopt) Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive attitude to life.


一单元A 1.She wouldn't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner. 她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 2.He thought I was lying to him,whereas I was telling the truth.他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 3.How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释? 4.The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 他们利润增长,部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 5.Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。 6.We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 1. I don't think that he would commit robbery, much less would he commit violent robbery.我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了. 2. Men earn ten dollars an hour on average, whereas women only seven dollars.男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元. 3. Once the balance in nature is disturbed, it will result in a number of possible unforeseeable effects.自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏,就会带来很多不可预知的影响. 4. The final examination is close at hand; you'd better spend more time reading.期终考试迫在眉睫,你最好多花点时间看书. 5. What is interesting is that consumers find it increasingly difficult to identify the nationality of certain brands. This is due partly to globalization and partly to changes in the location of production.有趣的是,消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国.其部分原因来自于全球化带来的影响,部分原因是由于产地的变化. 6. A recent survey showed that women account for 40 percent of the total workforce.最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的40%. 二A 1. Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。 2. Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation. 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。 3. The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer. 坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。 4. He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。 5. The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。 6. This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience. 这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。 B 1. They persisted in carrying out the project despite the fact that it had proved unworkable at the


A. Translate the following into English. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 昨晚在晚会上你玩得开心吗?(have a great time) Did you have a great time at the party last night? 2. 这个学期她选修了英语、计算机和驾驶三门课程。(take a course) This term she has taken courses in English, computers/computing, and driving. 3. 朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。(have a debt) He has a debt to his friends who have helped him a lot. 4. 我明白了一个道理:永远不要让你的朋友失望。(let down) I have learnt one thing: never let your friends down. B. Translate the following into Chinese. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. 的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。 2. As a teacher, I always tell my students to work hard and keep up from day one. 作为老师,我总是告诫我的学生从第一天开始就努力奋斗、积极向上。 3. For a rich full life of college, you should make the most of the opportunities at hand. 为了你的大学生活过得充实、丰富,你应该充分利用即将得到的机会。 4. So, as you begin your college career, make up your mind to learn as much as possible. 因此,在开始你的大学生涯时,请下定决心好好学习。 A. Translate the following into English. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 假如你让他待在你家,你就是在自找麻烦。(ask for) If you let him stay at your home, you are asking for trouble. 2. 善于学习语言的人能够把他们的错误变成通向成功的一大步。(turn...into) Good language learners can turn their mistakes into a big step toward their success. 3. 这次事故(accident)给了他一个教训,从此他再也不会酒后驾车了。(teach someone a lesson)


1)你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼。(reasonable) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising. 2) 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都更健康,受到了更好的教育。(in general) In general, children are healthier and better educated than ever before. 3) 待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。(come along) Wh en the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it. 4)每天他都留出点时间跟家人在一起,享受生活。(set aside) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life 5) 我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。(hand in hand) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father 6) 他最终辜负了父母的期望。(live up to) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations. 相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。(in contrast) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously. 8) 经过努力,他成功地克服了自己的致命弱点。(overcome) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. 1) 人们认为,悲观常常会导致绝望、疾病和失败。 It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure. 2) 与此相反,乐观主义能使你幸福、健康和成功。 Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. 3) 当你做某件事失败时,把失败当作一种学习的经历从中汲取益处。 When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience ) 在问题或困难面前,要想想自己的长处并树立起自信心。 Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties. 5) 不要让消极的想法阻碍你。 Don’t let negative thoughts hold y ou back. 6) 每个人都经历过失败和失望,因此不要过多地责怪自己。 Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much. 1) She wore a dress ____with a pattern of rose__________ (有玫瑰图案) on it. 2) Helen had ____prepared a wonderful/good meal for us_ (为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜). 3) Ann _______promised faithfully___ (信誓旦旦地保证) that she would never tell. 4) Could you ____deliver this letter__ (把这封信送到) to the accounts department? 5) We were offered ____a selection of milk and plain____chocolate (精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力). 6) Tell the children to ___keep out of mischief / behave themselves_____(别胡闹). 7) We could hear _____the sound of distant thunder_____ (远处打雷的声音). 8) The project has now __received approval from the government (得到政府的批准). 9) Kelly loved her husband ____in spite of the fact that he drank too much (虽然他喝酒太多). 10) Experts seem unable to ____agree whether the drug is safe or not_ (就这个药是否安全取得一致意见). 1. Not every bomb has hit its target. 并非每个炸弹都击中了目标。 2. We can have one or the other but not both simultaneously. 我们能够得到其中一个,但不能同时两个都有。 3. She wanted nothing more than work. 她只想要工作。 4. You cannot be too careful. 你越仔细越好。 5. I have yet to receive an apology from a child who just ran over my foot while chasing a sibling. 有个小孩在追逐自家的兄弟姐妹时踩了我的脚,却仍未向我道歉。 1. 并非所有父母都和你一样能提供很多情况。 Not all parents are as informative as you


1.这个婴儿还不会爬,更不要说走了。 The baby can’t even crawl,let alone talk. 2.威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正在与一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。 Will claimed that he was dinning with a group of friends at the time of the murder,but in my opinion he told a lie. 3.一定程度上阅读速度与阅读技巧密切相关;有了阅读技巧,你就可以更好的应对课外阅读了。 To a certain extent,the speed of reading is closely related to reading skill;and with reading skill you can cope with outside class reading better. 4.根据规则他俩都可以参加比赛。 According to the rules they both can take part in the competition. 5.有些人想当然的认为日语中的每一个词在汉语中都有对应的词语。 Somebody assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word. 6.我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。 We have passed all relevant information on to the police. 7.关于那件事你问我再多的问题也没用,因为我是不会回答你的。 It’s no use asking any more questions about that matter because I won’t answer. 8.事先没有仔细阅读合同就签了名是吉姆的错。 It was a mistake on Jim’s part to sign the contract without reading it carefully. 9.他们拒绝向我们提供所需要的全部信息。 They refused to provide us with all the information we need. 10.这起事故与三年前发生的一起事故极为相似。 This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago. 11.这部电影是根据莎士比亚的戏剧改编的。 This film is based on a play by Shakespeare. 12.如果你的英语和电脑技能都掌握得好,那么你在谋职时就一定比别人更有优势。 If you have a good command of English and computer skill;you ill surely have an advantage over others in finding a job. 13.很多老师不赞同这种做法. Many teachers frowned on this practice. 14.当我想从草地上穿过去的时候,有位老人在旁边怒视着我。 When I was trying to cut across the lawn,an old man glared at me. 15.当我提到我的父亲时,她的脸上露出了认出我的笑容。 When I mentioned my father,she showed a smile of recognition. 16.我的大孩子比较听话,而小的那个比较倔。我现在还常回想起小的孩子在中学毕业后是如何执意要出国读书的。 My first child was quite obedient,while younger child was very stubborn.I can still recall now how the younger child insisted on going abroad to study after he finished his secondary school. 17.当海啸袭来时,许都东南亚国家遭受了巨大的损失。 When the tsunami stuck the area ,many countries in South East Asia sustained great losses. 18.每当做母亲的拿弟弟跟哥哥做比较,弟弟就要抗议。 Every time the mother tries to compare the younger brother with his elder brother,the younger one will protest.


【英语】高考英语翻译试题经典 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.熬夜大大影响健康。(affect) _________________________ 2.等他明年回来,这个体育馆就建好了。(by the time) _________________________ 3.从长远来看,你的知识面越广,就越有能力应付工作中的问题。(capable) _________________________ 4.据信,过分溺爱孩子会不知不觉地造成孩子的坏脾气,甚至缺乏自理能力。(It) _________________________ 【答案】 1.Staying up late affects one’s health greatly. 2.By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up. 3.In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems at work. 4.It is believed that spoiling children too much may unconsciously cause their bad temper, even the lack of ability to take care of themselves. 【解析】 【分析】 本题考查翻译句子,注意使用括号内的提示词进行翻译。 1.考查非谓语动词。affect表示“影响”,是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,stay up表示“熬夜”,本句使用动名词作主语,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,注意动名词作主语时谓语动词用第三人称单数,故翻译为:Staying up late affects one’s health greatly. 2.考查时态语态。by the time引导的时间状语从句,表示将来的时间时,从句用一般现在时,主句用将来完成时,stadium与set up之间是被动关系,所以用将来完成时的被动语态,故翻译为:By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up. 3.考查固定句式。be capable of表示“能够”,根据句意可知本句使用“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,表示“越……,就越……”,陈述的是客观事实。用一般现在时,故翻译为:In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems at work. 4.考查形式主语和非谓语动词。ability后用不定式作后置定语,ability to do表示“做……的能力”,根据提示词可知本句使用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为:It is believed that spoiling children too much may unconsciously cause their bad temper, even the lack of ability to take care of themselves. 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in


1.这个婴儿还不会爬(crawl),更不要说走了。(let alone) The baby can't even crawl yet, let alone walk! 2. 威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正在与一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。(cl aim, in one's opinion) Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends when the murder happened, but in my opinion he told a lie. 3. 一定程度上阅读速度与阅读技巧密切相关;有了阅读技巧,你就可以更好地应对课外阅读了。(to a certain extent, relate …to …, cope with) To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better. 4. 根据规则他俩都可以参加比赛。(according to) According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in the game. 5.有些人想当然地认为日语(Japanese)中的每一个词在汉语中都有对应的词语。(assume, equivalent) Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word. 6.我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。(relevant) We have passed all relevant information on to the police. We have informed the police of all the relevant information. We have told the police all the relevant information. 7 关于那件事你问我再多的问题也没用,因为我是不会回答你的。(it's no use) It is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won't answer you. 8.事先没有仔细阅读合同(contract)就签了名是吉姆的错误。(on one's part) It was a mistake on Jim's part to sign the contract without reading it carefully. 9. 他们拒绝向我们提供所需要的全部信息。(provide …with) They refused to provide us with all the information we needed. 10. 这起事故与三年前发生的一起事故极为相似。(similar to) This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago. 11.这部影片是根据莎士比亚的戏剧改编的。(base on) The film is based on a play by Shakespeare. 12. 如果你的英语和电脑技能都掌握得好,那么你在谋职时就一定比别人更有优势。(have an advantage over) If you have a good command of English and computer skills, you will surely have an advantage over others in finding a job. 1.很多老师不赞同这种做法。(frown on) Many teachers frowned on this practice. 2.当我想从草地上穿过去的时候,有位老人在旁边怒视着我。(glare at) An old man glared at me when I was trying to cut across the lawn. 3.当我提到我的父亲时,她的脸上露出了认出我的笑容。(recognition) When I mentioned my father, she showed a smile of recognition on her face. 4.我的大孩子比较听话, 而小的那个非常倔。我现在还常回想起小的孩子在中学毕业后是如何执意要出国读书的。(whereas, stubborn, recall) My first boy was quite obedient, whereas my younger child was very stubborn. I can still recall now how the younger child insisted on going abroad to study after he finished his secondary school. 5.当海啸(tsunami)袭来时,许多东南亚国家遭受了巨大的损失。(sustain) Countries in South East Asia sustained great losses when the tsunami struck the area. 6.每当做母亲的拿弟弟跟哥哥做比较,弟弟就要抗议。(compare with, protest) Every time the mother tries to compare the younger brother with his elder brother, the younger one will protest. 7.当他初到这个新学校的时候,发现自己与其他同学格格不入。(fit in with) He found himself unable to fit in with his classmates when he first came to this school. 8. 她脸上气急败坏的表情实在把我吓坏了。我再也不敢说个不字。(terrify) The fury on her face terrified me. I dared not say no to her again. 9. 怪不得你最后闯出祸来,原来你从来不听你父母的管教。(no wonder, end up in trouble) No wonder you ended up in trouble. You never followed your parents' advice. 10. 他花了整整两年的时间才慢慢适应了这个新环境。(adapt to) It took him two years to adapt to the new environment.

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