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Safety Course Answer——OCT 15

Safety Course Answer——OCT 15
Safety Course Answer——OCT 15

Safety Test Answers:

Q: Besides periodical cheks, the Employer could request to the health physician a physical exam and other checkups should some symptoms related to VDT occur? A: Yes, the health physician will evaluate the possibilities and define the modality of diagnostic chekups during a physical examination

Q: What are the characteristics of a chair at VDT?

A: It needs to have 5 wheels, the adjustable height to allow the legs to be 90 degrees and the feet well rested on the floor, adjustable backseat in inclination so to support the entire lumbar area, well shaped seat, comfortable and made with breathable fabric

Q: How often should workers undertake a physical exam?

A: Health checkup and ergoftalmologic exam every five years for the people under 50 years old; biennual and from 50 years old on

Q: At Politecnico di Milano the Employer is:

A: The General Director

Q: Decree Law 81 of 2008:

A: has as its main impact the integration of safety in the business organization

Q: When should we dial 118?

A: The correct answer is: When the first aid agent considers that his intervention is not sufficient

Q: The Employer can delegate:

A: Everything but the nomination of RSPP and the Evaluation of risks

Q: The document of risk evaluation:

A: It’s a document in which the Employer needs to evaluate the risks connected to the work activity achieved in his company and to indicate the measures to eliminate or reduce to a minimum these risks

Q: What is a heath supervision program for the exposed workers to VDT risk?

A: The health supervision of workers who ises at least 20 weekly hours VDT includes: a work physical exam ed un esame ergoftalmologico

Q: Why is it possible to feel a light numbing to the fingers of the hand?

A: Because of the repetition of the movements and the nerves and the tendons of the hand and the forearm which support the mouse and result compressed or over loaded

Q: Training and Information:

A: Are prevention measures from the risks for health and safety

Q: For the Safety regulations within the university, who is in charge of the creation of emergency plans:

A: The Directors for Safety purposes

Q: What do we mean by sight weariness?

A: Burning, tear-watering eyes, dryness of the eyes, fotofobia, blurry sight, splitting sight, headache, all define sight weariness

Q: The insurance rate:

A: Fluctuates in positive or negative in function of the injuries trend of the company Q: The Prevention and Protection Service of the university:

A: It's a staff service for the General Director

Q: What do we mean by workstation:

A: workstation, chair, the equipment filled with VDT included mouse, keyboard, screen, software and connected equipment (phone, modem, printer), optional accessories (book holder, footrest) and the surrounding environment

Q: The evaluation of the risks is mandatory and the person in charge of it is

A: Employer

Q: Which of these definitions better illustrate the differences between danger and risk:

A: The danger is an intrinsic caracteristicwhich leads to cause damages, the risk depends, instead, from the specific conditions of use and has to be determined case by case

Q: The prevention and protection measures in the Italian normative for Health and Safety at the workplace:

A: They don’t have the same value since the prevention is more important.

Q: At Politecnico di Milano which directors are named for Safety purposes?

A: Area directors and managing directors

Q: Who needs to be considered "worker" within safety?

A: Whichever person operates within an organization notwithstanding the type of contract that ties them to the Employer

Q: Should a health emergency occur within a facility, which is the first thing to do?

A: I call the First Aid Office

Q: What does it mean if, after being stopped, the alarm restarts after 5 minutes?

A: There is order to evacuate

Q:How often should workers undertake a physical exam?

A: Health checkup and ergoftalmologic exam every five years for the people under 50 years old; biennual and from 50 years old on

Q:Training and Information:

A:Are prevention measures from the risks for health and safety

Q:Who has obbligations from the Safety point of view within the organization?

A:The Employer, the Director, the Appointee and the worker

Q:What are the characteristics of a chair at VDT?

A:It needs to have 5 wheels, the adjustable height to allow the legs to be 90 degrees and the feet well rested on the floor, adjustable backseat in inclination so to support the entire lumbar area, well shaped seat, comfortable and made with breathable fabric

Q:What do we mean by worker exposed to VDT risk?

A:A person who uses VDT in a systematic way for at least 20 hours weekly

Q:What does it mean if, after being stopped, the alarm restarts after 5 minutes?

A:There is order to evacuate

Q:Should a health emergency occur within a facility, which is the first thing to do?

A:I call the First Aid Office

Q:Which are the tasks of the employer relative to the work activities with VDT equipment?

A:He has to provide training and information to the workers regarding the modalities of work activity at VDT

Q:Why is it possible to feel a light numbing to the fingers of the hand?

A:Because of the repetition of the movements and the nerves and the tendons of the hand and the forearm which support the mouse and result compressed or over loaded

Q:When should we dial 118?

A:When the first aid agent considers that his intervention is not sufficient

Q:The Prevention and Protection Service of the university:

A:It's a staff service for the General Director

Q:For the Safety regulations within the university, who is in charge of the creation of emergency plans:

A:The Directors for Safety purposes

Q:At Politecnico di Milano which directors are named for Safety purposes?

A:Area directors and managing directors

Q:Besides periodical cheks, the Employer could request to the health physician a physical exam and other checkups should some symptoms related to VDT occur?

A:Yes, the health physician will evaluate the possibilities and define the modality of diagnostic chekups during a physical examination

Q:The Employer can delegate:

A:Everything but the nomination of RSPP and the Evaluation of risks

Q:Which is the optimal distance one should keep between the screen and the eyes?

A:Between 50 and 70 cm

Q:The Legislative Decree 81 of April 9th 2008, which substitutes the Legislative Decree on Safety. Why?

A:Because it gathers all the main norms in terms of work safety

Q:Which of the following are not prevention measures:

A:Tiers for the rain, safety seat belts and fog-lights

Q:What do we mean by screen in "primary position"?

A:We mean that the screen has to be positioned exactly in front of the operator

Q:What is the purpose of the simple periodical operations of maintenance and cleaning of the mouse?

A:to avoid the accumulation of dust and make more fluid the mouse movements

Q:What is the purpose of the simple periodical operations of maintenance and cleaning of the mouse?

A:to avoid the accumulation of dust and make more fluid the mouse movements

Q:Who is authorized to give the verbal communication of evacuation in case of emergency?

A:The agent responsible for emergency

Q:Which kind of degrees should the operator ideally form between his body (chest-thigh and angle of the knee)?

A:Angles which allow the erect and relaxed position of the operator (90 degrees

Q:The evaluation of the risks is mandatory and the person in charge of it is:


Q:Management according to the state:

A:It is only applied in the case of public administrations.

Q:The economic performances for the injuries and the subjects with professional diseases:

A:They are proportional to the entity of the damage and the received compensation

Q:Insurance premium rates:

A:They are proportional to the INPS (Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale) and Insurance against injuries and diseases of the production sector of the company

高二英语暑假作业10 (2)

新课标2015年高二英语暑假作业10 (满分100分) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共4小题;每小题5分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 For some reason we were reminded that we primates(灵长目) need love. Kim Bard of the University of Portsmouth in England and her colleagues carried out a study on 46 baby chimpanzees orphans(黑猩猩孤儿), which had lost their mothers. The study showed that primate babies that have tight relationships with mother figures do much better on cognitive (认知的 ) tests than babies who only grew up with peers (同伴), but this is not breaking news. In fact, it ' s old news. In the 1950s, Harry Harlow did a series of experiments with baby monkeys that showed. that lack of love and comfort makes for a crazy monkey. Harlow constructed a cage that included a wire monkey "mother" with a plastic face. Then he equipped the "mother" with a milk bottle .The cage also had another wire "mother" who was covered with soft cloth. The baby monkeys spent all their time with the cloth "mother" arid only went to the wire "mother" to feed. Harlow's monkey experiment was important because, at the time, child care experts, and everybody's grandmother had a "no touch, no comfort" policy toward children. They advised parents not to respond to crying babies. They thought that babies should sleep alone to become independent, and for God's sake put that kid down. But Harlow's work changed that policy. Mothers were soon permitted to have their babies next to them in the hospital. The current chimp research based on Harlow's work shows that mother's love doesn't just make for a psychologically(糖神上地) healthy child, it also makes for a smart child. The highly raised chimps do better than those that are not loved, and the well-raised chimps do even better than human kids on IQ tests. We are primates, social animals which need love. We need to be held and talked to and made to feel that at least one person wants to be with us all the time. 1. The study Kim Bard and his colleagues did A. included 46 baby and mother monkeys B. is nothing new to people about the findings C. showed that many chimpanzees lack of love when they were young D. showed many chimpanzees had good relationship with their mothers 2. Harlow built two "mothers" for baby,.monkeys to _______ A. make them live comfortably B. let them have more choices


一、华侨城创意园 深圳华侨城创意园:这里绝不是伊甸园,这里绝不是乌托邦,这里是深圳华侨城创意园。你要小心,不要让那些比篮球还大的菠萝蜜砸到,也不要介意半夜会有老外上来搭讪。 特色小店: (1)驴吧是很多喜欢艺术的人,或者来侨城差旅的文艺青年们喜欢去的地方,一杯咖啡,三五好友,细品慢酌,很有情调,特别是雨后,影调丰富,更是有中特别的味道在里面,驴吧最有特色的是,为了显眼,在咖啡吧的三面墙上都有驴吧的标志,也无意中成了摄友们喜欢拍摄的原因之一。 (2)“My系列”是来自“香港室内设计之父”高文安的创意,分为My Noodle面条馆、My Coffee咖啡馆、My Gym体育馆三个创意园据点,是创意园内人气最高的地方,三个场地内层出不穷的室内设计灵感,以及浓烈交织的异域风情所带来的惊喜,简直叫人词穷。 地址:广东省深圳市南山区华侨城(香山东街与恩平街交汇处,锦绣花园后面)附近公交站点:创意文化园经过公交车:B603 二、大芬油画村

大芬村是深圳市龙岗区布吉街道下辖的一个村民小组,占地面积0.4平方公里,本村原住居民300多人。香港画家黄江来到大芬,租用民房招募学生和画工进行油画的创作、临摹、收集和批量转销,由此将油画这种特殊产业带进了大芬村。 因为,大芬村的艺术气息可谓是最浓厚的,而这里也聚集了很多特色小店以及很多原创画摊。想在这里淘到几幅独特画作可谓是天堂。 交通:从深圳火车站、罗湖口岸出发:乘坐106路直达大芬村 从深圳机场出发:乘坐机场7线(665)直达大芬村 三、红糖罐

红糖罐这个名字可以是一间清吧名也可以是一座厂房名,坐落于福田和罗湖的红糖罐几乎每周都有表演,可以说是深圳最文青的地方了,只要你热爱音乐,享受艺术,带着你最自然的热情去红糖罐,想必一定不会让你失望。 交通:福田区车公庙泰然九路皇冠园区2栋一楼G9(车公庙地铁站C出口),进了皇冠科技园迎面一栋左边路往前走50步就到 罗湖店:深圳市罗湖区黄贝路乐扬枫景一楼(地铁怡景花园站)(罗湖区图书馆转进来碧波花园旁、碧波小学对面、公交天井湖站) 四、花会所


功率谱定义 从确定性信号功率计算开始 ()()221 11lim lim 222T T T T T P x t dt X d T T ωωπ∞--∞→∞→∞==?? ()()21lim 2T T S X T ωω→∞= S(w)为功率谱密度,简称功率谱 则 ()12P S d ωωπ+∞-∞= ? 随机信号的功率谱密度 (1)样本功率谱与功率谱密度 ()()21,lim ,2X T T S X T ωξωξ→∞= 针对一个具体的样本而言,其是一个确定性的信号 (2) 随机信号的平均功率及平均功率谱密度 ()X X P E P ξ=???? 需要对具体的样本取概率均值才能计算出功率 ()()()21,lim ,2X X T T S E S E X T ωωξωξ→∞??==?????? 故功率谱密度是对所有概率取期望的反应。 (3)自相关函数与功率谱密度 ()()R S τω? (4)信号的自相关函数计算 分为确定信号和随机信号 确定信号 02002*0 1()lim ()()T T x T R x t x t dt T ττ-→∞=-? 周期信号 0202*0 1()()()T T x R x t x t dt T ττ-=-? 随机信号 *()[()()]x R E x t x t ττ=- 2 功率计算 (1)根据定义来计算

(2)周期信号如何计算 0cos()A t ω的计算 200()()1()[]2 A A s d T πσωωπσωωωω+∞-∞-++==?不好算因此放弃,但是应该可以类推得出结论 (3)自相关函数计算 0cos()A t ω的计算 /2 200/2 /222000/2201()cos()cos(())cos()cos(2)1[]2 cos()2 T T T T r A t t d T A A t d T A τωωτωωτωωτωωτ+-+-=-+-==?? 所以其功率谱为 200()2 A πσωωσωω(-)+(+) 0j t Ae ω的计算 0000/2()2/2 /22/2 21()1T j t j t T T j T j r A e e dt T A e dt T A e ωωτωτωτ τ+---+-===?? 总结:因此周期函数,首先转换成傅里叶级数,然后再通过自相关函数的定义计算自相关函数,得到其功率谱密度。


小学英语二年级学生假期作业及寒假作业答案 一、请小朋友听一听,圈出你听到的那个字母或字母组合。 (10%) 1. r l a 2. m n r 3. b p t 4. f h l 5. p q b 6. M W N 7. DVD VCD PRC 8. USA UK HK 9. PM AM UM 10. CD PK UV 二、请小朋友听一听,选出你听到的单词,并将编号填在括号内。(10%) ( ) 1. A. room B. classroom C. art room ( ) 2. A student B. study C. truck ( ) 3. A. hand B. hear C. head ( ) 4. A. train B. truck C. tree ( ) 5. A. ship B. shop C. shelf ( ) 6. A. who B. what C. where ( ) 7. A. policeman B. postman C. policewoman ( ) 8. A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss ( ) 9. A. wall B. hall C. tall ( ) 10. A. pupil B. purple C. pink 三、请小朋友听一听,选出你所听到的句子。 (10%) ( ) 1. A. My doll has a pink dress.

B. My doll has a purple coat. C. My doll has a purple dress. ( ) 2. A. Mr Li is a shop assistant. B. Mrs Li is a nurse. C. Miss Li is a shop assistant. ( ) 3. A. Is he a postman? B. Is he a doctor? C. Is she a doctor? ( ) 4. A. What colour are the walls? B. What colour is the wardrobe? C. What colour is the table? ( ) 5. A. What can you see? B. What can you hear? C. What can you smell? 四、请小朋友听一听,根据问句选择准确的答句。 (10%) ( ) 1. A. Yes, there is. B. No, there is. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 2. A. It’s yellow. B. They’re yellow. C. It’s a yellow wardrobe. ( ) 3. A. We line up and play. B. We eat and drink. C. We study.

2020学年高二英语 寒假作业(23)新人教版

寒假作业(23) 一、小题练习 1、I have made ______ a rule that I buy a copy of English Square every month. A.one B.that C.this D.it 2He hasn’t slept at all for three days. ________ he is tired out. A.There is no point B.There is no need C.It is no wonder D.It is no way 3、—Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find a supermarket? —I happen to know nearby. Come on, I’ll show you the way. A. one B. it C. that D. some 4、The chairman thought ______necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting. A.that B. it C. this D. him 5、He didn’t make____clear when and where the meeting would be held. A.this B.that C.it D.these

6、The two cars are racing close together —it’s unclear ___________ will be the champion. 7、It remains unknown to the public ______________ ready the newly-elected president is to solve problems such as acid rain. 8、I'd appreciate ____ if you could spread the news at once. 9、I would appreciate _____________ if you can pay in cash. 10、My wife is a shopaholic(购物狂). She is addicted to shopping on the Internet. ____________ seems that she can’t control herself well, just clicking constantly with the mouse. 11、An intelligent mind needs a strong body to make more useful. 12、Our company makes a rule not to smoke in the office. 13、I consider a great honor to be invited to this party. 14、I found that hard to break the bad habit. 15、I find them impossible to master a foreign language without much memory work. 二、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 It is important for you to be a good listener in class. ①_____ Listening is a cognitive (认知的) act that requires you to pay attention to and think about


t=0:0.0001:0.1; %时间间隔为0.0001,说明采样频率为10000Hz x=square(2*pi*1000*t); %产生基频为1000Hz的方波信号 n=randn(size(t)); %白噪声 f=x+n; %在信号中加入白噪声 figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); plot(f); %画出原始信号的波形图 ylabel('幅值(V)'); xlabel('时间(s)'); title('原始信号'); y=fft(f,1000); %对原始信号进行离散傅里叶变换,参加DFT采样点的个数为1000 subplot(2,1,2); m=abs(y); f1=(0:length(y)/2-1)'*10000/length(y);%计算变换后不同点对应的幅值plot(f1,m(1:length(y)/2)); ylabel('幅值的模'); xlabel('时间(s)'); title('原始信号傅里叶变换'); %用周期图法估计功率谱密度 p=y.*conj(y)/1000; %计算功率谱密度 ff=10000*(0:499)/1000; %计算变换后不同点对应的频率值 figure(2); plot(ff,p(1:500)); ylabel('幅值'); xlabel('频率(Hz)'); title('功率谱密度(周期图法)'); 功率谱估计在现代信号处理中是一个很重要的课题,涉及的问题很多。在这里,结合matlab,我做一个粗略介绍。功率谱估计可以分为经典谱估计方法与现代谱估计方法。经典谱估计中最简单的就是周期图法,又分为直接法与间接法。直接法先取N点数据的傅里叶变换(即频谱),然后取频谱与其共轭的乘积,就得到功率谱的估计;间接法先计


高二英语假期检测题四 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A I placed the spaghetti(意大利面)in front of everyone and sank into my chair with a big sigh. It was Thursday, and like every Thursday, I was exhausted end just sick of everyone and everything. “Mommy?" asked my older daughter. " What?” I practically shouted. Could' t they just eat without demanding anything? " It seems that the spaghetti is overcooked," she said. I glanced at my husband, and he just gave a slight nod in agreement with ray daughter. Why could’ t I even cook something simple as spaghetti? Then I remembered why. Because every time I was trying to gel dinner cooked, I could be distracted (分心)by so many other things. I hung my head in defeat once again. Sometimes, I just wanted to cry. Throughout my journey in motherhood, 1 have concluded that my abilities are an absolute failure at times. This spaghetti dinner was just another example. I don' t even know how to balance the “wife” with the “mother” anymore. Romance is a distant memory. My only goal as a mother is to survive, because not burning down ray house or losing a kid would be an accomplishment.. “ It's s okay, honey, ” my husband said as He patted me on the back, “I" see if we have a frozen pizza or something. " I nodded. I knew we would laugh at this later, but it was just another moment of failure.


高二英语寒假作业二 一.单项选择 1.She_____ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right. A. looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up 2.He was so foolish____ his car____in the street. A. to leave, unlocked B. that leave, unlocked C. as to leave, unlocked D. for him to leave, unlocked 3.The doctor warned the patient ____. Which of the following answer is wrong? A. against smoking B. not to smoke C. of the harmness by smoking D. smoking 4.She cleans her room once a week, and the job____ her two hours. A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays 5.That doesn’t sound very frightening, Paul. I’ve seen ____ . What did you like most about the film? A. better B. worse C. best D. worst 6.My ____ in teaching is different from your. A. appearance B. approach C. approval D. access 7. The flowers ____ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt 8.They all looked____ at the master and felt quite ____. A. sad; sad B. sadly; sad C. sad; sadly D. sadly; sad 9.While the little hero was looking straight at the top of the tree, the enemy____ and the third bullet hit him. A. shoot to him B. shot him C. shot at him D. shot to him 10.Tom had been ____ head with a balll. A. hit on his B. hitted on he C. hit on the D.hitting on his 11.I could hardly recognize her when I ____ her in the street yesterday. A. ran in B.ran into C. ran out D. ran through 12.As soon as she entered the room, the girl cought sight of the flowers_____ by her mother. A. buying B being bought C. were bought D. bought 13.Most of the artists________ to the party were from South Africa. A. inveited B. invited C. being invited D. had been invited 14.The computer center, _______ last year, is very popular among the students in this school. A. open B. opening C. have opened D. opened 15.I slept on the bed_____ I put my shoes. A. Where B. on wich C. under which D. in which 16.Follow your doctor’s advice, ______ your cough will get worse. A. or B. and C. then D. so 17.Catching sight of development means ______ the major trends in the future. A. to understand B. understand C. understanding D. understood 18.More than a dozen students in that school_____ abroad to study medicine last year. A. sent B. were sent C. had sent D.had been sent https://www.doczj.com/doc/6512684881.html,lions of pounds’worth of damage ______ by a storm which swept across the north of English last night. A. has been caused B had been caused C. will be caused D. will have been caused 20.Rather than______ on a crowded bus, he always prefers_______ a bicycle. A. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding


matlab实现功率谱密度分析psd及详细解说 功率谱密度幅值的具体含义?? 求信号功率谱时候用下面的不同方法,功率谱密度的幅值大小相差很大! 我的问题是,计算具体信号时,到底应该以什么准则决定该选用什么方法啊? 功率谱密度的幅植的具体意义是什么??下面是一些不同方法计算同一信号的matlab 程序!欢迎大家给点建议! 直接法: 直接法又称周期图法,它是把随机序列x(n)的N个观测数据视为一能量有限的序列,直接计算x(n)的离散傅立叶变换,得X(k),然后再取其幅值的平方,并除以N,作为序列x(n)真实功率谱的估计。 Matlab代码示例: clear; Fs=1000; %采样频率 n=0:1/Fs:1; %产生含有噪声的序列 xn=cos(2*pi*40*n)+3*cos(2*pi*100*n)+randn(size(n)); window=boxcar(length(xn)); %矩形窗 nfft=1024; [Pxx,f]=periodogram(xn,window,nfft,Fs); %直接法 plot(f,10*log10(Pxx)); 间接法: 间接法先由序列x(n)估计出自相关函数R(n),然后对R(n)进行傅立叶变换,便得到x(n)的功率谱估计。 Matlab代码示例: clear; Fs=1000; %采样频率 n=0:1/Fs:1; %产生含有噪声的序列 xn=cos(2*pi*40*n)+3*cos(2*pi*100*n)+randn(size(n)); nfft=1024; cxn=xcorr(xn,'unbiased'); %计算序列的自相关函数 CXk=fft(cxn,nfft); Pxx=abs(CXk);


黑龙江哈尔滨市第六中学校2020-2021学年高二第一学期英语假期知 识总结训练试题(含答案) 第一部分单项选择(共20题,每题1分,满分20分) 1. The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas ________. A. passengers B. partners C. teenagers D. settlers 2. With all the difficult problems ________, the boss went abroad for a trip. A. settled B. having settled C. to settle D. settling 3. The question which ______ at the meeting was whether we had enough money. A. turned up B. gave up C. came up D. picked up 4. Native language speakers can understand each other _____ they don’t speak the same kind of language. A. even B. when C. as though D. even if 5. __________ in the ruins, the girl still wore a smile, waiting to be recued. A. Trapped B. Having trapped C. To trap D. Trapping 6. Is there anyone in your class _____ family is in the country? A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 7. We have reached a stage ______ we must start taking effective measures to protect the environment. A. while B. where C. when D. which 8. ---What do your think of the book? ---- Oh, excellent. It is worth ________ a second time. A. to read B. reading C. to be read D. being read 9. He loved his parents deeply, both of _______ are very kind to him. A. whom B. them C. who D. which 10. If there is something wrong with the machine, it should be reported at once to the engineer ____. A. in return B. in trouble C. in charge D. in turn 11. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _____ yet. A. aren’t decided B. doesn’t decide C. haven’t been decided D.


第二十天 单项选择 1、He gave himself a new name to hide his _____ when he went to carry out the secret task. A.emotion B.talent C.identity D.treasure 2、Chatting online can be ________ fun, but kids must be sure they stay safe on ________ web. A.不填; a B.a; the C.不填; the D.a; a 3、My brother would like to buy a good watch but was available from that shop. A.nothing B.none C.no one D.neither 4、— Why does Lucy look worried? —She may have failed the interview, and _____, she won’t be able to pay f or the electric bill. A.in her case B.in any case C.in which case D.in that case 5、As Daisy walked in she could feel the tension in the room, with her mother ______ herself straight in her chair. A.seating B.seated C.to seat D.to have seated 阅读理解 6、Welcome to the North Pole Adventure


2020高一英语寒假作业答案 本文是关于2020高一英语寒假作业答案,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 寒假作业一参考答案 一、单选 1-5 ABCAD 6-10 ADAAC 11-15 BDBBA 16-20 BBDCB 21-25 CCADB 26-30 DBACC 二、选择适当的单词和短语填空 1.sounded like/ looked like 2. was used to/used to 3. because of /because 4. funny /fun 5. took /spent 6. prepared for /prepare 三填空 1. challenging 2 preparing 3. relax 4. delaying 5. watching 6. play, taking 7. have made 8. to be informed 四翻译 1.Send the short message to 1659,and you will get a wonderful gift for free 2. Can you tell me the way you study English ? 3. To surf the Internet at home at the weekends sounds like a good idea . 4. In the past four years , My English had improved a lot . 5. On hearing the news , he cried 6. As English teachers , we should do all we can to develop the students’interest in learning English 7. Don’t miss the chance to go abroad ,or you will regret . 16-20CADDB


高二国庆节英语假期作业 (一至十题拍照上传,十一题直接在系统中输入答案) 基础训练必修五Unit 1 一.细读下面句子,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,满分10分) 1.A ______ is a person who studies __________.They use ________method to solve problems.(science) 2.All of us want to know if the _____________(conclude)is true. 3.It takes a lot of courage ___________(defeat)yourself. 4.Skin can be damaged by ___________to strong sunlight.(expose) 5.No one can match Yuan Long ping’s ___________(contribute)to agriculture. 6.Li Hua’s father is a ____________teacher and his mother is a __________(physics) 7.The police __________that the man had told a lie.(suspect) 8.Our defence___________ is purely for our self-defence(construct) 9.The city was ___________damaged in the war.(severe) 10.Serious air ____________ _is very harmful to people’s health.(pollute) 二.根据首字母或汉语提示,用本单元所学的单词完成下列句子(每题1分,满分10分) 1.The following _________ (图表) shows the links among these age groups. 2.These rules will have ________ (积极的) influence on the development of the local market. 3.Actually they are watching the ________ (移动) of the fish going up the river. 4.I was looking ________ (向后地) over my shoulder when I recognized one of my old friends. 5.My sister can ________ (旋转) on her toes like a dancer. 6.He doesn’t know much about this subject, but he’s very e________. 7.The scientists are c_________ about using the new medical treatment on humans. 8.Surprisingly, one of my best students was r__________ by his dream university. 9.The earth is only one of the planets in the u__________. 10.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make s________. 三.根据语境,用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。(每个短语仅使用一次)(每题1分,满分10分)1.____________ stopping water pollution by law, it is everyone’s responsibility to make good use of water. 2.I like watching English programmes so I ____________ English. 3.We consider it quite necessary to __________ the failure before doing anything else. 4.The train _________ suddenly, the lights went off, and then there was fire and smoke. 5.My mother ____________ cancer when I was 10 years old, so I have to learn to live alone. 6.Potatoes turn green when they ______________ the light. 7.. With the development of economy, our countryside is increasingly __________ the large cities. 8.The naughty boy was ____________ having damaged the computer. 9.Many people are likely to accept any idea __________ by experts on TV. 10.A new eight-kilometer road is ____________ that links the airport with the city. 四.根据语境用所给动词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,满分10分) 1.One of the passengers _________ (injure) in the accident was my friend. 2.When we came in, we saw the glasses were _________ (break). 3.Can you tell me what the language _________ (speak) in Germany is? 4.The club, _________ (found) 25 years ago, is holding a party for past and present members. 5.They were _________ (determine) to finish the work as soon as possible. 6.The first textbook __________ (write) for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. 7.They are _________ (satisfy) with the girl, who has finished her work ahead of time. 8.So far nobody has come to take away the books ___________ (discover) in the library. 9.Don’t drink ________ (pollute) water, because it carries the virus. 10.After completi ng and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope ________ (provide). 五. 根据所给汉语及括号内的短语,完成句子。(每题1分,满分10分) 1.会议上有人提出了新的和平建议。(put forward) New peace proposals _________________________at the meeting. 2.所有人,无论男女老少,都应严格要求自己。(be strict with) All of us,, men or women, young or old, should _____________________. 3.经过大量的走访、调查,我们终于得出了结论。(draw a conclusion) After a lot of interviews and investigations, we finally ________________________. 4.这个女孩真厉害,除了会说英语外,还会说几种外语。(apart from)

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