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Ⅰ.Vocabulary (15 points)

Part A (5 points)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET.

Example: She prefer foreign win to that produced______.

A. previously

B. virtually

C. primarily

D. domestically

1. He was _____ when he heard the unexpected news, but I finally convinced him.

A. incredible

B. inevitable

C. incredulous

D. indifferent

2. We had a marvelous holiday; only the last two days was slightly ____ by weather.

A. damaged

B. enhanced

C. spoiled

D. diminished

3. NASA is casting a wider net in the space shuttle investigation as to what caused the spacecraft

to swing out of control and _____ moments before it was to land.

A. disassemble

B. disembark

C. disintegrate

D. disinherit

4. The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that ____ we had to stop for refereshments.

A. at large

B. at ease

C. at randoms

D. at intervals

5. A luxury express train jumped the tracks on a bridge in eastern India, killing at least 50 on the spot. According to the Northen Railway spokesman, the death ______ is expected to rise.

A. figure

B. toll

C. Span

D. yield

6. Particpants in the Shanghai Co-operation Forum____ regional teamwork to promote investment and economic development.

A. cursed

B. echoed

C. bounced

D. haileld

7. Turning cultivitaed land back into forests or pasture is a fundamental way to stem oil _____ and desertification in the long run.

A. erosion

B. depletion

C. violation

D. delusion

8. The discrepanct in the company accounts is so____ that no auditor could have failed to notice it.

A. spontaneous

B. conspicuous

C. notorious

D. superfluous

9. Russian women had to wear protective masks as they walked in Moscow, which was _____ by

a heavy smog yesterday.

A. shrouded

B. unveiled

C. decayed

D. deprived

10. In that country, a person who marries before legal age mast have a parent’s _____ to obtain a license.

A. sanction

B. warrant

C. malgnace

D. affirmation

11. He seemed reluctant to send his troops in an effort to discourage the ______ peasants.

A. animated

B. rebellious

C. creased

D. impassive

12. The company will ______ to its agreement , no matter how costly the process may be.

A. retain

B. alter

C. abandon

D. adhere

13. The drug store at the corner of our street sells aspirins and _____ penicillin prescriptions.

A. dispenses

B. disposes

C. disperses

D. dispatches

14. AIDS is causing great public concern because the _____ fatal disease hits primarily young


A. invariably

B. imperatively

C. transiently

D. deceptively

15. The houses in this area were all rected in ____ of ousing regulations.

A. compliance

B. defiance

C. alliance

D. obedience

16. He had wanted a 25% raise in pay, but after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5%raise wouldhave to _____

A. suffice

B. satisfy


D. delight

17.The two delegates had an in-depth exchange of views on how to enhance their _____ cooperation.

A. ethical

B. bilateral

C. mandatory

D. subisdiary

18.It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terorism on the b asis of the UN____ and other international laws.

A. Charter


C. Concordance

D. Custody

19.When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical strength or good luck, we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall ____ in all three.

A. rare

B. lacking

C. short


20. Three weeks after the suicide bombing,the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were_______.

A. on the verge of

B. on the sly

C. on the spot

D. on the loss

21. International sport should create goodwill between the nations, but in the present organization of the Olympics somehow encourages__patriotism.

A. obsolete

B. aggressive

C. harmonious

D. amiable

22. One call understand others much better by noting the immediate and fleeting reactions of their eyes and __ to expressed thoughts.

A. dilemmas

B. countenances

C. concessions

D. junctions

23. People innately _____ for superiority over their peers although it sometimes takes the form

of an exaggerated lust for power.

A. strive

B. ascertain

C. justify

D. adhere

24. Some scientists have suggested that Earth is a kind of, zoo or wildlife ______for intelligent space beings, like the wilderness areas we have set up on earth to allow animals to develop naturally while we observe them.

A. conservation

B. maintenance

C. storage

D. reserve

25. According to the latest report, consumer confidence_______ a breathtaking 15 points .last month, to its lowest level in 9 years.

A. soared

B. mutated

C. plummeted

D. fluctuated

26. Melissa is a computer___ that destroyed files in computers and frustrated thousands of users around the world.

A. genius

B. virus

C. disease

D. bacteria

27. The_______ emphasis:on examinations is iby far the. worst form of competition in schools.

A. negligent

B. edible

C. fabulous

D. disproportionate

28. The boy seemed more _____ to their poverty, after seeing how his grandparents lived.

A. reconciled

B. consolidated

C. deteriorated

D. attributed

29. During his two-month stay, in China, Tom never____ a chance to practice his Chinese.

A. passed on

B. passed up

C. passed by

D. passed out

30. When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his ____ can be distributed.

A. paradoxes

B. legacies

C. platitudes

D. analogies

ⅡDirections(10 points): Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on ANWER SHEET.

Many people invest in the stock market hoping to find the next Microsoft and Dell. However, I know 21 personal exzperience how difficult this really is. For more tha a year, I was 22 hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars a day investing the market. It seemed so easy. I dreamed of 23 my job at the end of the year, of buying a small apartment in Paris, of traveling around the world. But these dreams 24 to a sudden and dramatic end when a stock I 25, Texas cellular phone wholesaler, fell by more than 75 percent 26 a one year period. On the 27 day, it plunged by more than $15 a share. There was rumor the company was 28 sales figures. That was when I learned how quickly Wall street 29 companies that misrepresent the 30.In a 31, I sold all my stock in the company, paying 32 margin debt with case advances from my 33 card. Because I owned so may shares, I 34 a small fortune, half of it from money I borrowed from the brokerage company. One month, I am a 35, the next a loser. This one big loss was my first lessonin the market.

My father was stockborker, as was my grandfather 36 him. ( In fact, he founded one of

Chicago’s earliest brokerage firms.) But like so many thing in life, we don’t learn anything until we 37 it for ourselves. The only way to really understand the inner 38 of the stock market is to invest your own hard-earned money. When all your stocks are doing 39 and you feel like a winner, you learn very little. It’s when all your stocks are losing and everyone is questioning your

stock-picking 40 that you find out if you have what it takes to invest in the market.

31. A. atB. inC. fromD. by

32. A. making B. spendingC. sellingD. buying

33. A. losingB. retiringC. gettingD. quitting

34. A. turnedB. cameC. wentD. seemed

35. A. owned B. owedC. rentedD. sold

36. A. overB. byC. fromD. with

37. A. busyB. slowC. worstD. fast

38. A. cheatingB. exaggeratingC. announcing D. beating

39. A. punishesB.defeatsC. tellsD. shows

40. A. tradeB. truthC. lieD.lies

41. A. despair B. worryC. panicD. moment

42.A. allB. offC. overD. up

43.A creditB. idnetityC. identification D. loan

44.A. wonB.lostC. gainedD.found

45.A. winnerB. champagne C. geniusD. mentor

46.A. afterB beforeC. forD. and

47. A.remember B. liveC. imagineD. experience

48. A. workingsB. inningsC. priceD. shares

49. A. moreB. greatC. muchD. up

50.A. facility B. facultyC. abilityD. power

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension (20 points)

Directions: Read the following passage, decide on the best one of the choices marked A, B, C and D for each question or unfinished statement and then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the squre bracket on ANSWER SHEET.

Passage one

The Commerical Revolution was not confined, of course, to the growth of trade and banking. Included in it also were fundamental changes in methods of production. The system of manufacture developed by the craft guilds in the later Middle Ages was rapidly becoming defunct. The guilds themselves, dominated by the master craf\smen, had grown selfish and exclusive. Memberhip in them was commonly resticted to a few privileged families. Besides, they were so completely choked by tradition that they were unable to make adjustments to changing conditions. Moreover, new industries had sprung up entirely outside the guild systme. Characteristic examples were mining and smelting and the woolen industry. The rapid development of these enterprises was stimulated bny technical advances, such as the invent5ion of the spinning wheel and the discovery of a wne metod of making brass, wich asved about half of the fuel previously used. In the mining and smelting industries a form of organization was adopted similar to that which has prevailed ever since.

But the most typical form of indutrial production in the Commerical Revolution was the domestic system, developed first of all in the woolen industry. The demestic system derives its name from the fact that the work was done in the homes of industrial artisans instead of in the shop of a master craftsman. Since the various jobs in the manufacture of a product were given out on contract, the system is also known as the putting out system. Notwithstanding the petty scale of production, the organization was basically capitalistic. The raw material was purchased by an entrepreneur and assigned to individual worker, each of whom would complete his allotted task

for a stipulated payment. In the case of the woolen industry the yam would be given out first of all to the spinners, then to the weavrs, fullers, and dyer in succession. When the cloth was finally finished, it would be taken by the clothier and sold in the open market for the highest price it would bring.

51. According to the ariticle, what changes did the Commerical Revolution bring about?

A. Methods of production.

B. Appearance of craft guilds

C. Increased trade volume

D. Growth of trade, banking and methods of production

52. The word “defunct” in the first paragraph most probably means______.

A. popular

B. obsolete

C. potential

D. extensive

53. According to the article, in which area was it more energy-effective?

A. Smelting industry

B. Mining industry

C. Banking

D. Weaving

54. The author implies that ______ .

A. The guild system was more efficient

B. The domestic system was capitalistic

C. The technical advance stimulated the guild system

D. The domestic system was not as efficient as the guild system.

55. According to the article, which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Technical advances stimulated the development of enterprises

B. In the woolen industry, weavers would pass on their products to spinners.

C. The domestic system is also known as the putting out system

D. The word “ clothier” is synonymous ot “entrepreneur” in this context.

Passage Two

And researchs say that like those literary romantics Romeo and Juliet, they may be blind to the consequences of their quests for an idealized mate who serves their every physical and emotional need. Nearly 19 in 20 never-married respondents to a national survey agree that “when you marry you want spouse to be your soul mate, first and foremost,” according to the State of our Unions: 2001 study released Wednesday bu Rutgers University.

David Popenoe, a Rutgers sociologist and one of the study’s authors, said that view might spell doom for marriages.“ It really provides a very unrealistic view of what marriage really is, “ Popenoe said. “The standard becomes so high, it’s not easy to bail out if you didn’t find a sould mate.”

The survey points to a fundamental dilemma in which younger people want more from the institution of marriage while they seemingly are unwilling to make the necessary commitments.

The survey also suggests that some respondents expect too much from a spouse, including the kind of emotional support rendered by samesex friends. The authors of the study suggest that the generation that was polled may more quickly leave a marriage because of infidelity than past generations.

Popenoe said the poll, conducted by the Gallup Organization, is the first of its kind to concentrate on people in their 20s. A total of 1,003 married and single young adults nationwide were interviewed by telephone between January and March. The margin of error was plus or minus four percentage points.

Respondents said they eventually want to get married, realize it’s a lot of work and think there are too many divorces. They believe there is one right person for them out there somewhere and think their own marriages won’t end in divorce.

Since the poll is the first of its kind, researchers say it is impossible to say if expectations about marriage are changing or static.

But scholars say the search for sould mates has increased over the last generation ---- and the last century ---- as mariage has become an institution centering on romance rather than utility. “ One hundred years ago, people married for financial reasons, for tying families together, they married for political reasons,” Said John DeLamater, a sociologist at the University of Wisconsin. “ And most people had children.”

Those conditions are no longer the case for young adults like David Asher, a 24-year waiter in a Trenton café who has been in a relationship for about two years. He wants to wait to make sure he’s ready to change vows “ I know a lot of it has to do with financial reasons,” he said. “ Maybe

if you’re going to have children, marriage is the best bet.” But the main reason for matrimony: “ If you’re in love with someone, it’s sort of like promising to them you are in love.”

That’s all well and good, said Heather Helms-Erikson, an assistant professor of human development and family studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, but passion partly in endorpin- caused physiological phenomenon—has been known to diminish in time.

56. What’s the best title of this passage?

A. Marriage Scholars Worry Search for “Soul Mates” is Uneralistic

B. People Should Seek for Romantic Love like Romeo and Juliet

C. Marriage Should Hppen between Soul Mates

D. Search for “Soul Mates” Should be Superseded by Reality.

57. The new study in this passage shows that______.

A. many American are very practical when they search for a spouse

B. American 2-somethings have a largely romantic view of marriage

C. Romantic view of marriage might lead marriage to a happy ending

D. Americans are fond of marriage life so they will not care cohabitation

58. It can be inferred that the author would most likely agree with which of the following statements regarding marriage?

A. It usually involves idealized mates who can serve their every physical and emotional need.

B. It may not be realized unles the couple consider carefully about therir responsibility and commitment.

C. It becomes more unrealistic nowadays than in the past because most people center on romance instead of utility.

D. It results from many reasons such as financial reasons, family reunion, an political reasons.

59. Which of the following is not one of the differences between this generation and the past generations as far as marriage is concerned?

A. The young people nowadays require more from marriage but they seem not to be willing to

make necessary commitments.

B. This generation expects too much from their spouse and they can not keep to be faithful to their husbands or wives.

C. The young people at present pay more attention to look for soul mates than the past generations when they search ofr partners.

D. Now some young people usually marry for the same reasons as the older generations such as financial ones and children.

60. Which of the following sentences will Heather Hems-Erikson use to illustrate her own argument?

A. Ten years into a marriage, you will still have great passion and you notice sometone else and say, “Only my wife or husband is my soul mate.”

B. “ The romantic part of marriage -= while it can be there – should not be substituted by other things such as shared values and social status.”

C. “The couple should focus on the ‘three Cs’ – communication, copnflict resolution and commitment to make marriage the first priority.”

D. “Ten years into a marriage, you don’t have that any more and you notice someone else and think, ’ maybe this person is my soul mate.”

Passage Three

Visiting a National Park can be realxing, inspiring and rejuvenating, but it can also be disturbing. As you drive into Rocky Mountain National Park, and you will see starving el, damaged meadows and ying forests. Our parks are growing old because we have mistakenly protected them from national Parks, the National Park Service must change its management priorities to prevent over population of animals and to restore natural process in the forest in orer to prevent their stagnation and “death” by old age. We must act soon: our parkes are dying of old

age because we have altered the forces in nature that keep them young and strong.

By tracing the history of our National Parks, we can understand the problem and see why we need active management. In the early part of the 20th century, settlers exploited wildlife heavily, resulting in near-extinction of many species. Therefore, several National Parks were established

by Congress primarily to save endangered animals. However, stricter wildlife protection laws and improved wildlife management technique resulted in greater populations of animals overcrowding in areas of high concentration, such as the yellowstone elk herds. Complicating the problem, the National Park

Service in the early part of the 20th century adopted a policy of aggressive predator elimation, thus reducing natural wildlife population control. Subsequently, elk and deer population exploded in many National Parks, resulting in severe damage to native vegetation. Vigorous forest fire and insect suppression in the National Parks throughout the 20th century further altered the natural environment by allowing forests to over-mature, without natural thinning processes. Park managers thought that they were protecting the land, but actually they were removing important controls from the forest ecosystem.

Clearly, we must immediately if we want to pass down to our children and grandchildren the green legacy of our National Parks; we must step in and restore the natural processes wich we have altered through our well-intentioned, but misguided, policies in the past.

61. According to the aritcle, strict wildlife protection laws and improved wildlife management techinques_____.

A. caused the near extinction of the endangered animals.

B. intervened the natural process.

C. made the visit of National Parks relaxing, and inspiring and rejuvenating.

D. saved the elks in the Rocky Mountain Park form starvation.

62. According to the author, there would not be starving elks, damaged meadows or dying forests in Natioanl Parks if ______.

A. the government introduced stricter wildlife laws.

B. the National Park Service employed more wildlife management technique.

C. the natural processes were restored

D. if we continued to improve our natural environment.

63. According to the ariticle, the population explosion of elk and deer was caused also by _____.

A. the adoption of a policy of aggressive predator elimination.

B. the increased number of National Parks.

C. the deceasing number of visitors to National Parks.

D. the heavy exploitation of endangered animals in the 20 century.

64. From the article, we can deduce that the author ______.

A. is in support of the resent policies.

B. Appreciates the present management techniques

C. Thinks that the forces in nature should be altered

D. Is strongly in favor of the natural processes.

65. Which one of ther following statements is NOT true according to the article?

A. Park managers interrupted the forest ecosystems through out the 20th century.

B. Flesh-eating animals should not be elimated.

C. Insect suppression may cause the forests to over-mature.

D. Severe damage to native vegetation in the forest is caused by fire.

Passage Four

At the fall 2001 Social Science History Association convention in Chicago, the Crime and Justice network sponsored a forum on the history of gun ownership, gun use, and gun violence in the United States. Our prupose was to consider ow social science historians might contribute tro the public debate over gun control and gun rights. To date, we have had little impact on that debagte. It has been dominated by mainstream social scientists and historians, especially cholars such as Gary Klck, John Lott, and Michael Bellesiles, whose work, despite prodound flaws, is politically congenial to either opponents or proponents of gun control. Kleck and Mark Gertz, for instance, argue on the basis of their widely cited survey that gun owners prevent numerous crimes each year in the United States by using firearms to defend themselves and their property. It their

survey respondents are to be believed, American gun owners shot 100,000 criminals in 1994 in self-defense- a preposterous number. Lott claims on the basis of his statistical analysis of recent crime rates that laws allowing private individuals to carry concealed firearms deter murders, rapes, and robberies, because criminals are afraind to attack potentially rmed victims. However, he biases his results by confining his analysis to the year between 1977 and 1992,when violent crime rates had peaked and varied little from year to year. He reports only regression models that support his thesis and neglects to mention that eacho of those models find a positive relationship between violent crime and real income, and an inverse relationsip between violent crime and unemployment.

Contray to Klect and Lott, Bellesiles insists that guns and American’s “gun culture’ are responsible for American’s high rates of murder. In Bellesiles’s opinion, relatively few Americans owned guns before the 1850s or know how to use, maintain, or repair them. As a result, he says, guns contributed little to the homicide rate, expecially among white, which was low everywhere, even in the South and on the frontier, where historians once assume guns and murder went hand in hand. According to Bellesiles, these patterns changed dramatically after the Mexican War and especially after the Civil War, when gun ownership became widespread and cultural changes encouraged the use of handguns to command respect and resolve personal and political disputes. The result was an unprecedented wave of gun-related homicides that never truly abated. To this day, the United States has the highest homicide rate of any industrial democracy. Bellesiles’s low estimates of gun ownership in early America conflict, however, with thouse of every istorian who has previously studied the subject and have thus far proven irreproducible.

Every homicide statistic he presents is either misleading or wrong. Given the influene of Kjeck, Lott, Beliesiles, and other partisan scholars on the debate over gun control and gun rights, we felt a need to pull together what social science historians have learned to date about the hisrtory of gun ownership and gun violence in America, and to consider what research methods and projects might increase our knowledge in the near future.

66. Which of the following statement is true about the public debate over gun control?

A. It has little influence on the forum sponsored by the Crime and Justice network.

B. Neither supporters or opponents of gun control cite the works of scholars.

C. The works of mainstream social scientists have great impact on it.

D. Many social science historians have so far failed to take part in it.

67. The author mentions Kleck, Lott, and Bellesiles mainly to ______.

A. illustrate the influence they have on the issue of gun control

B. refute the claim that private ownership of firearms will deter violent crimes.

C. Support thethesis that gun ownership leads to more violence

D. Demonstrate why research methods should be improved in the study of the gun ownership history

68. The author’s main criticism of John Lott is that he ______.

A. advocates private ownership of firearms

B. is not objective in his analysis

C. has analyzed a wrong period

D. has cited dubious statistics

69. With which of the following will Bellesiles most probably agree?

A. Gun control should be tightened

B. Guns have little to do with murder

C. “Gun culture” was the result of high homicide rates in America

D. The statistics that earlier istorians produced of gun ownership is reliable

70. The passage is primarily concerned with_____.

A. resolving a public dispute over gun control

B. descvribing the effects of earlier studies on gun control

C. analyzing the flaws in the previous theories about gun control

D. summarizing the recent development in the studies of gun control

Ⅳ Writing (15 points)

Directions Write an essay in no less than 250 words




Ⅴ Translation (40 points)

Part A(20 points)

Direction: Translation the following Chinese paragraph into Englih on your ANSWER SHEET.


Part B(20 points)

Direction: Translate the following English passage into Chinese on youy ANSWER SHEET The Renaissance embraced, first of all, an impressive record of new acievements in art, literature, cience, philosophy, education and religion. Although the foundation of many of these was classical, they soon expanded beyond the measure of Greek and Roman influence. Indeed, many of the achievements in painting, science, politics and religion bore little relation to the classical heritage. Secondly, the Renaissance incorporated a number of dominant ideals and attitudes that gave it the impres of a unique society. Notable among these in general were optimism, and individualismp; but the most significant of them all was humanism. In its broadest meaning humanism may be defined as emphasis on the human values. It was a term derived rom Cicero, who used it in the sense of devotion to the liberal arts, or the subjects most compatible with the dignity of man.


上海财经大学博士生导师名录 2012年1月 序号 姓名 学院 专业 导师类别 1 陈晓和 财经研究所 国防经济 专职博导 2 曹建华 财经研究所 能源经济与环境政策 专职博导 3 吴方卫 财经研究所 农业经济管理 专职博导 4 许庆 财经研究所 农业经济管理 专职博导 5 张锦华 财经研究所 农业经济管理 专职博导 6 张祥建 财经研究所 区域经济学 专职博导 7 刘乃全 财经研究所 区域经济学 专职博导 8 豆建民 财经研究所 区域经济学 专职博导 9 张学良 财经研究所 区域经济学 专职博导 10 周仲飞 法学院 法律金融学 专职博导 11 郑少华 法学院 法律金融学 专职博导 12 张军旗 法学院 法律经济学 专职博导 13 马洪 法学院 法律经济学 专职博导 14 张圣翠 法学院 法律经济学 专职博导 15 刘水林 法学院 法律经济学 专职博导 16 单飞跃 法学院 法律经济学 专职博导 17 王全兴 法学院 法律经济学 专职博导 18 单海玲 法学院 法律经济学 专职博导 19 王士如 法学院 法律经济学 专职博导 20 廖益新 法学院 法律经济学 专职博导 21 张淑芳 法学院 法律经济学 专职博导 22 蒋洪 公共经济与管理学院财政学 专职博导 23 丛树海 公共经济与管理学院财政学 专职博导 24 刘小兵 公共经济与管理学院财政学 专职博导 25 刘小川 公共经济与管理学院财政学 专职博导 26 黄天华 公共经济与管理学院财政学 专职博导 27 姚玲珍 公共经济与管理学院房地产经济学 专职博导 28 王洪卫 公共经济与管理学院房地产经济学 专职博导 29 李华 公共经济与管理学院公共经济政策学 专职博导 30 杨翠迎 公共经济与管理学院公共经济政策学 专职博导 31 牛铭实 公共经济与管理学院公共经济政策学 专职博导 32 俞卫 公共经济与管理学院公共经济政策学 专职博导 33 王峰 公共经济与管理学院公共经济政策学 专职博导 34 杨宏星 公共经济与管理学院公共经济政策学 专职博导 35 耿曙 公共经济与管理学院公共经济政策学 专职博导 36 唐敏 公共经济与管理学院公共经济政策学 专职博导 37 王克强 公共经济与管理学院国民经济学 专职博导 38 陈云 公共经济与管理学院技术经济及管理 专职博导 39 胡怡建 公共经济与管理学院税收学 专职博导


2017年11月北京成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In 2014, older Americans fell 29 million times, leading to 7 million injuries, according to a report published last week. About million cases were treated in emergency department, and approximately 800,000 seniors went on to be hospitalized. More than 27,000 falls led to death. (76) And the problem is getting more and more serious. “Older adult falls are increas ing and, sadly, often indicate the end of independence,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. The fallsare preventable, Frieden stressed. He said individuals, families and health care providers can take steps to resist the trend.


2017 年4 月成人高等教育本科毕业生申请学士学位 外国语水平考试广东) A 英语试卷一 Part I Dialogue completion (15 points) Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points) Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points) Part IV Cloze (10 points) 考生须知 1.本试卷分试卷一和试卷二两部分,试卷一满分85分,试卷二满分15分,考试时间共 120分钟。 2. 本试卷一为A型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在A型试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷或其他类型答题卡上的无效。答题前请核对试卷一答题卡是否为A型卡,若不是,请要求监考人员予以更换。 3. 答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B] [C] [D] Part I Dialogue Completion (l5 points) Directions: There are I5 short in complete dialogues in this part, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER Sheet. 1.Speaker A: ______ I guess I’m addicted to the Internet. Speaker B: So you’d better quit surfing the Net deep into the night. A.I knew it. B. Why, it’s a pity! C. I can't help it. D. What seems to be the problem? 2. Speaker A: Don't be sad, I'm sure things will change for the better soon. Speaker B: ______. A. That sounds awful. B. Yes you're probably right. C. I hope not! D. You are welcome! 3. Speaker A: Can I get some information about the training program here? Speaker B: _______ A. Yes, you do B. Go ahead C. You certainly can D. That's fun 4. Speaker A: Tom, would you like to go to a party this Saturday? SpeakerB:______ What kind of party? Speaker A: It's a birthday party. A. Sounds good B. Looks nice C. Seems all right D. Feels OK 5. Waiter: ______? Customer: Yes, I'll have a steak, medium rare, with French fries. A. What do you want to eat B. Have you decided what to do yet C. Excuse me, are you ready to order now D. Sorry, but who'd like to order


2000年博士研究生入学考试试题 (第3、第6二题各为16分,其余各题均为17分) 1、假定陈某人一家住公房50平方米。房改后每月房租每平方米提高了4元,同时他家又从政府领到房改津贴共200元/月。 (1)请做图并分析住房制度改革对陈某人的各种影响。 (2)假定社会上很多人的情况与陈某人相似,还有一部分人所住的公房面积比陈某人更大或更小,请作图并分析住房改革制度改革的社会和经济意义。 2、(1)在制定市场的法规和制度时,是否应鼓励竞争?为什么? (2)用微观经济学理论和曲线图分析竞争与效率之间的关系。 3、(1)试分析为什么环境保护不能通过市场竞争来解决。 (2)试用微观经济学理论简要分析政府保护环境的几种政策措施。 4、作图并简要分析政府的扩张性财政政策(1)在短期中的各种效果(2)在长期中的各种效果

5、作图并简要分析在一资本高度流动、实行浮动汇率制的开放经济中,中央银行增加货币供应对宏观经济的各种影响。 6、试简要分析宏观经济学理论目前在中国是否有用?

2002年10月经济学试题 (博士研究生入学考试试题) 答案请用另纸,并请在各题的答案前标明相应的题号 注意:需要用公式和图形表示的,请注明所使用符号的意义 每题25分 1法国经济学家瓦尔拉(L.Walras)最早研究了竞争性市场体系的均衡问题并提出了瓦尔拉法则(Walras’Law)。试证明瓦尔拉法则,并说明瓦尔拉均衡的存在性。 2纳什均衡(NashEquilibrium)是现代经济学的一个重要概念。试说明在基本的策略式博弈(Strategicformgames)中纳什均衡的概念,以及它在纯策略博弈(purestrategicformgames)和混合策略博弈(mixedstrategicformgames)中存在的可能性。 3在凯恩斯经济理论中,总需求变化是宏观经济波动和失业的主要来源。但只有在总供给方面存在刚性或劳动市场、商品市场存在不完全竞争、使得总供给不能够灵活地相应变化的时候,总需求的变化才会造成失业。请从至少四个方面说明工资或价格刚性、劳动市场或商品市场的不完全竞争如何使得总需求的变化造成失业。


广东省学位英语历年真题及答案 - 百度文库 百度文库 搜索文档或关键词 普通分享 > 广东省学位英语历年真题及答案 VIP专享文档 2020-05-09 66页 用App免费查看 I. 会话技能15道15分15分钟 II. 阅读理解20道40分40分钟 III. 词汇和语法40道20分25分钟 IV. 完形填空10道10分10分钟 V . 短文写作100~120个词15分30分钟 考试总时间:120分钟 2011年广东学位英语考试试题及答案 PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure (25 points, 30 minutes) Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular ____ children as Coca Cola. A) for B) with C) to D) in 2. When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the ____ from the shop. A) receipt B) trust C) render D) tale 3. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your ____ in college. A) intelligence B) policy C) performance D) statement 4. Professor Smith is also the ____ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help. A) detective B) president C) manager D) director 5. We do not have a ____ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. .

2013年 同济大学 考博英语翻译原文

同济大学2013年考博英语翻译 I am far from thinking, that all those, who have depreciated our species, have been enemies to virtue, and have exposed the frailties of their fellow creatures with any bad intention. On the contrary, I am sensible that a delicate sense of morals, especially when attended with a splenetic temper, is apt to give a man a disgust of the world, and to make him consider the common course of human affairs with too much indignation. I must, however, be of opinion, that the sentiments of those,who are inclined to think favourably of mankind, are more advantageous to virtue, than the contrary principles, which give us a mean opinion of our nature. When a man is prepossessed with a high notion of his rank and character in the creation, he will naturally endeavour to act up to it, and will scorn to do a base or vicious action, which might sink him below that figure which he makes in his own imagination. Accordingly we find, that all our polite and fashionable moralists insist upon this topic, and endeavour to represent vice as unworthy of man, as well as odious in itself. We find few disputes, that are not founded on some ambiguity in the expression; and I am persuaded, that the present dispute, concerning the dignity or meanness of human nature, is not more exempt from it than any other. It may, therefore, be worth while to consider, what is real, and what is only verbal, in this controversy.


考博详解与指导 上海财经大学博士研究生入学考试参考书目 2001马克思主义哲学原理与现时代:《马克思主义哲学原理》(上、下册)肖前等,中国人民大学出版社;《辩证唯物主义原理》肖前,人民出版社;《历史唯物主义原理》肖前,人民出版社。 2002经济学一:不列参考书目。试题侧重于基本概念、理论及其应用,可根据考试大纲进行复习。 2003经济学二:不列参考书目。试题侧重于基本概念、理论及其应用,可根据考试大纲进行复习。 2004马克思主义原理:《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》,《马克思恩格斯文集》第一卷;《共产党宣言》,《马克思恩格斯文集》第二卷;《<政治经济学批判>序言》,《马克思恩格斯文集》第二卷。 2005管理学:《管理学》(第9版)Stephen P.Robbins、Mary Coulter,清华大学出版社(2009年)(清华管理学系列英文版教材);《管理学》(第九版)斯蒂芬.P.罗宾斯,中国人民大学出版社(2009年);《系统工程》汪应络主编,机械工业出版社(2011年)。 2006高等概率论:《A Probability Path》S.I.Resnick,Birkh?user,Boston(2005年)。 2007法学与经济学综合(法理、民法和微观经济学,其中微观经济学占30%):《马克思主义法理学》张文显,高等教育出版社(2003年);《法理学》博登海默著,中国政法大学出版社(2004年);《民法总论》龙卫球,中国法制出版社(2002年);《微观经经济学》平狄克、鲁宾费尔德;中国人民大学出版社(2002年)。 2008管理经济学:《管理经济学(第4版修订版)》彼得森、刘易斯,中国人民大学出版社(2010年)。 3001近代西方哲学史:《欧洲哲学通史》冒从虎等编,南开大学出版社(2000年)。 3002经济思想史:《经济思想的成长》(上、下卷)[美]斯皮格尔,中国社会科学出版社(1999年)。 3003中国哲学史:《中国古代哲学的逻辑发展》冯契,华东师范大学出版社(1997年)。 3004逻辑学与方法论:《逻辑思维的辩证法》冯契,华东师范大学出版社(1996年)。 3005政治经济学:《资本论》(第一卷)马克思,人民出版社;《当代中国经济理论探索》程恩富,上海财经大学出版社(2000年)。

广东省学士学位英语历年真题 附答案

2009年广东学士学位英语历年真题考试附答案 Paper One 试卷一90 minutes Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Jenny: Shall I go and tell Mr. Fairbanks about our proposal? Jackie: ___________. A. Yes, you go B. Yes, go C. Yes, let’s D. Yes, please 2. Mori: It’s a plea sure to meet you here. Kaco: __________. A. Pleased to meet you, too B. Thank you so much C. I didn’t expect to see you here D. You’re too hospitable 3. Williams: Excuse me. I’m looking for a present for my son. I have no idea what to get him, Can you help me? Sales girl: ____________. A. Of course I can

学位英语考试真题答案 完整版

2015年11月1日学位英语考试真题答案(完整版)Part ⅠDialogue completion (10 points) Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college? Mike: Yes. __1__ Tom: What college do you go to? Mike: I go to Pasadena City College. Tom: Do you like it? Mike: Oh, yes. __2__ Tom: why do you like it? Mike: Because it has great teachers. Tom: __3__ Mike: I like all my classmates, too. Tom: Anything else? Mike: Yes. __4__ A. It’s not expensive! B. You bet.

C. I think I do. D. what else? Dialogue Two Speaker A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood. Speaker B: __5__ How recently? Speaker A: Just last week. Speaker B: What kinds of things have you been doing out there? Speaker A: __6__ Speaker B: why not? Speaker A: I don't know what to do. Speaker B: There're all sort of things to do. Speaker A: __7__ Speaker B: Shopping, or seeing a movie, or even going to the beach. Speaker A: That sounds great. A. I haven't been doing much. B. Really? C. How are you doing? D. Like what? Dialogue Three


2014年同济大学考博面试过程与技巧 2014考博面试经验及技巧 一些同学在初试复试前见过导师,或者已经很熟悉他了,于是以下的文字,送给那些不熟悉相关情况,而显得更无助的人。 大部分的同学,在初试和复试之间的时间,或者面试中,才会第一次见到导师,眼见着数个渊博或者半渊博的教授们一排坐在面前,就象面前立着一排大书柜,而且他们还会随便从这个书柜上的任意一本书上的任意一页来问你一个任意的问题。 有一点紧张,对不对? 没关系,我会尽力告诉一点点我所知道的,或许能帮助你些什么。 1:面试之前的时间。 在之前的1到2个星期,最好在下了复试线之后,就立刻和导师电话联系。 电话号码在各个院系办公室都可以查到。 先说清楚你的名字,告诉他你已经通过分数线了,现在很多情况都不是很明白,问了相关复试程序问题以后,就谈谈你对该专业的爱好程度,与关注程度,你看了些什么书,现在为了复试还该多看些什么等等。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八如果他语气很友善与平和,那么最后询问,是否能上门拜访,希望仔细了解相关情况,他答应了是最好的。 上门拜访的时候,适当的送一些小的礼品,导师给你讲课也很辛苦,何况是未来的导师,一点小小的礼品是应该的,不要很贵重的东西(如果你和他都没有不良企图的话),一些水果等就好了。 所做的这一切,都是为了加深导师对你的了解与印象。 在这个过程中,如果你在学术上,专业上很牛,那你就多谈专业方面的事情,如果,你不是特别牛,你最好象他表示你对该专业极大的热情与希望今后跟随于他的愿望,毕竟面试的人很多,他往往能印象深刻的不多,这样能非常深刻的加重他对你的了解。 2:注意 服装要简单朴素干净,要象个实在的学生样子。 一定要表现的稳重大方,千万要谨慎,对自己不了解的事情,不要胡夸乱吹,也不要随便贬低谁,或者负面的评价谁。千万不要夸夸其谈。 我父亲曾有一个很年轻的学生,刚刚当副教授,那一年第一次招研究生,该男生面试前上门拜访他,第一句话就是:**老师啊,你们系那些老教授怎么不招生,你怎么年轻却招啊。或许他不过想表示对该老师年轻有为的赞扬,可是那个老师认为这是对他的不削,认为他没有带研究生的能力。刚好那个男生有是专科,而且排名中间,于是复试就没通过,而收了一个笔试分比他低的人。 还有一个真实的例子,导师问他:你最近看了什么书啊。他说我看了***。 导师再问:相关内容的书你还看过谁写的呢? 我看了****,不过那本太差劲了,比不上我看的前一本,于是数落一通,以表示他对学术问题如何如何深刻的评价。谁知道,那本书正是该教授去世了的导师写的,而且是他审的稿。 于是~~~~~。总之就是第一印象不好了。 一定要作到谦虚,再谦虚,多谈对导师学术声明的仰慕与崇拜。之前最好多找些导师写的文章来看,可以去中国期刊网上搜索,一旦你对他的学术


上海财经大学博士研究生学位论文工作的基本要求 2002年9月修订 博士研究生学位论文是表明研究生具有独立从事科学研究工作能力,在科学或专门技术上取得的创造性成果,是申请相应学位的前提和依据。 学位论文工作是培养研究生掌握科学研究方法,使其具有独立进行科学研究能力的重要环节。博士研究生在规定期限内修完符合本人培养计划的全部课程,修满规定学分,经导师同意,即可进入论文工作阶段。 一、学位论文的选题 1.博士研究生应参加具有较高水平的科学研究工作,参加本学科和相关学科的学术活动及国际、国内学术交流。博士研究生的科学研究工作应同国家经济建设和社会发展密切联系,尽可能与导师及其所在博士学科点所承担的国家重大科研项目相结合。 2.博士研究生在导师指导下,根据预定的研究方向查阅文献,做好选题准备,并在第三学期结束前写出开题报告,完成开题的论证。开题报告论证会应有包括导师在内的不少于3人的本学科和相关学科专家参加,对选题的科学依据、目的意义、研究内容、预期目标、研究方向、课题条件等作出论证。论证通过后须拟定正式论文工作计划,包括论文工作阶段的主要内容、进行方式、完成期限等。经导师审核同意后,院(系、所)盖章,报研究生部备案。 博士研究生从事科学研究和撰写学位论文时间应不少于二年。 二、学位论文的基本要求 1.博士学位论文是综合衡量博士研究生培养质量和学术水平的重要标志,应在导师指导下由研究生本人独立完成。博士学位论文必须是一篇系统的、完善的学术论文。论文字数一般为10万字左右。 2.论文应表明作者已广泛阅读国内外与其专业有关的大量文献,并具有坚实宽广的基础和系统深入的最新专门知识。 3.论文内容应坚持理论联系实际的原则,论文的基本论点、结论和建议应在学术上对学科发展或国民经济具有较大的理论意义或实际价值。 4.论文应当表明作者具有独立从事科学研究工作能力,并在科学或专门技术上做出创造性成果。 三、学位论文摘要与格式 论文摘要是校学位评定委员会审核讨论学位的材料之一,博士生必须单独写出较详细的论文摘要(约2000字左右),内容包括: 1.课题的来源、目的和意义;


2015年11月1日学位英语考试真题答案(完整版) Part ⅠDialogue completion (10 points) Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college? Mike: Yes. __1__ Tom: What college do you go to? Mike: I go to Pasadena City College. Tom: Do you like it? Mike: Oh, yes. __2__ Tom: why do you like it? Mike: Because it has great teachers. Tom: __3__ Mike: I like all my classmates, too. Tom: Anything else? Mike: Yes. __4__ A. It’s not expensive! B. You bet. C. I think I do. D. what else? Dialogue Two Speaker A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood. Speaker B: __5__ How recently? Speaker A: Just last week. Speaker B: What kinds of things have you been doing out there? Speaker A: __6__ Speaker B: why not? Speaker A: I don't know what to do. Speaker B: There're all sort of things to do. Speaker A: __7__ Speaker B: Shopping, or seeing a movie, or even going to the beach. Speaker A: That sounds great. A. I haven't been doing much. B. Really? C. How are you doing? D. Like what? Dialogue Three George: Did you hear about the robbery? Johnny: No, I didn't hear about it.


考试须知 1、本次考试试卷有试题册(试卷一)和答题纸(Answer Sheet)两种,答题时间 为120分钟。 2、请考生用钢笔在Answer Sheet上写上、学号、专业班级。 3、请考生在Answer Sheet上答题,写在试题册上的答案一律作废。 4、选择题每题只能选一个答案,多选作废。选定答案后,在Answer Sheet中找到相应题号,将答案对应字母(A\B\C\D)填写在题号后的括号里。注意保持字迹清晰工整,容易识别。由于字迹潦草、答案模棱两可甚至无法识别者,一律判为0分,责任由考生本人负责。 5、简答题、翻译和作文等主观题部分的答题请考生用钢笔书写在Answer Sheet 指定位置上。 6、考试结束,考生不得将试题册和答题纸带出考场。请把试题册和答题纸分别 上交监考老师。 Test 15 Part I. Situational Conversations (10%) Directions:In this part, there are ten short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that most appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center of the corresponding letter. 1. Vivian: Christina! I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? Christina: Fine. And you? Vivian: Pretty good. How’s Christopher? Christina: Oh, don’t you know? We got divorced two years ago. Vivian: __________ A. Hope you’ll be better. B. It is really a problem. C. What a pity! D.Oh, I’m sorry. 2. Richard: How much is it to rent an economy car? Tina: $15.00 a day or $95.00 a week, unlimited mileage. Richard: Could I have one for tomorrow morning? Tina: ___________________________ Richard: Sure. Here it is.


同济大学考博英语模拟真题及其解析 Technically,any substance other than food that alters our bodily or mental functioning is a drug.Many people mistakenly believe the term drug refers only to some sort of medicine or an illegal chemical taken by drug addicts.They don't realize that familiar substances such as alcohol and tobacco are also drugs.This is why the more neutral term substance is now used by many physicians and Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi psychologists. The phrase substance abuse is often used instead of drug abuse to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine. We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances(drugs)is pervasive:an aspirin to quiet a headache,some wine to be sociable,coffee to get going in the morning,a cigarette for the nerves.When do these socially acceptable and apparently constructive uses of a substance become misuses?First of all,most substances taken in excess will produce negative effects such as poisoning or intense perceptual distortions.Repeated use of a substance can also lead to physical addiction or substance dependence. Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance,with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect,and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.


年上海财经大学经济学院博士研究生培养方案 一、培养目标 硕博连读项目将为国内外大学、研究机构、政府以及企业培养高水平的研究型人才。本项目将通过系统的课程体系给学生提供严格、系统的理论与科研训练,培养其独立学术创新能力,并具有国际交流与对话能力。 二、研究方向 政治经济学:方向:中外制度经济理论;方向:社会主义市场经济理论与政策 方向:马克思主义经济思想史;方向:经济法学 经济思想史:方向:中国经济思想史 经济史:方向:中国经济史 西方经济学:方向:当代西方经济学方向:行为经济学 劳动经济学:方向:劳动经济与社会保障;方向:卫生经济和公共政策 方向:实验经济学 人口、环境与资源经济学: 方向:人口经济学;方向:资源与环境经济学数量经济学:方向:计量经济学;方向:金融计量经济学 三、学习年限 博士研究生的学习年限一般为年,在规定时期完成课程学习,但未完成学位论文者,可申请延长学习年限,累计在校学习年限一般不得超过年。允许成绩优秀的博士研究生在完成所要求的学分、相应的科研任务和学位论文后,经导师和院(系、所)领导同意,提前进入论文答辩和提前毕业。 四、课程设置和学分要求 博士研究生在攻读博士学位期间应修满学分;跨一级学科招收的博士研究生应修满学分;以同等学力招收的博士研究生应修满学分。其中学位核心课学分,专业必修课学分,专业选修课学分,专题学术报告学分。具体课程设置见附表。 五、培养步骤 、第一年:学位核心课程学习:学分 学位公共课:英语,学分; 学位基础课:门,共学分,包括:资本论、高级微观、高级宏观、高级计量。 、资格考试(综合考试) 第一学年课程结束后学生参加资格考试(综合考试),通过资格考试学生才能转入博士阶段学习。具体规定见《上海财经大学经济学院资格考试管理规定》。 、第二年:专业课程学习:学分 ()专业必修课:个系列课程,四门课程,学分;专题文献研读课程(学分)。 ()专业选修课:学分。未选择的其他必修课方向及其课程也可以作为选修课进行学习。如果选修其他院系的课程,须先征得学院同意后再注册选修。 ()专业方向的两门必修课程每门分数不低于分。如果不能达到此分数要求,必须进行重修或者重新选择方向学习,但总共有两次机会。 ()对于数理基础欠缺的学生,或没有上过“经济数学”课程的学生,或上过但成绩低于分的本校学生,要求补修“经济数学”。特别优秀的学生,可以申请免修。


学位英语考试练习题(四) Part I Reading Comprehension A teddy bear is delivered to No. 10 Downing Street after the birth of Prime Minister Tony Blair and wife Cherie’s fourth child. Britain’s baby alert is over-Cherie Blair gave birth to a boy. Mrs. Blair, 45, wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair, had the baby this morning. The baby will be named Leo after the prime minister’s father, his office announced, the baby weighed in at 6 pounds, 12 ounces. Mother, father and the baby boy returned to 10 Downing Street-the prime minister’s official residence-after the birth, a spokesman said. The baby is the couples’ fourth child. “Cherie and the baby are absolutely fine,” Blair said today outside his Downing Street residence. “He is a gorgeous little boy. They are resting right now.” Blair, dressed casually in an open shirt, appeared emotional about the birth, the first of his four children whose birth he has been at from beginning to end. “this is the first time I’ve seen the whole thing though,” he said. “it was quite a struggl e, really, for Cherie.” The switchboard was reportedly lit up with calls from world leaders wishing them well, including a call from Hillary Colliery Clinton. Former prime minister John Major was the first public figure to get through on the phone at 7 a.m. on Saturday. The baby came after a 12-year gap from the Blairs other three children-Euan, 16, Nicky, 14, and Kathryn. He is the first to be born to a serving Buitish prime minister in over 150 years. News of the pregnancy took Cherie and the rest of the nation by surprise when it was announced last year. After decades of much older occupants at No.10 Downing Street, the Blairs’ arrival at the prime minister’s residence with their children and assorted toys in tow was hailed as a breath of fresh air.

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