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高中英语 定语从句教学设计优质课

T e a c h i n g D e s i g n Grammar — The Attributive Clause (I) (who, whom, which, that, whose) 淅川二高贾丽君 I. Teaching aims: 1. Help students understand what the Attributive Clause is and its function. 2. Enable students to use relative pronouns (who, whom, which, that, whose) in the Attributive Clause properly. 3. Encourage students to express their love to fathers using the Attributive Clause. II. Teaching important and difficult points: Enhance students’ proficiency and accuracy in using the relative pronouns to write the Attributive Clauses. III. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching method; Audio-lingual method; Cooperative learning; Group discussion IV. Teaching steps: Step I:Lead in 1. Guess a riddle. This is a man who loves us very much. This is a man whose love is as great as a mother’s.


定语从句优秀教案设计 所谓定语从句,就是在复合句中起定语作用以修饰主句中的名词或代词的从句。分享了定语从句的教案设计给大家参考! 1.初步掌握及运用定语从句,如让学生用定语从句来完成对人物喜欢的人物进行描述,如I like music that I can dance to. She is the only one who’s studying French.等。 2.本课的学习任务就是能初步掌握及运用定语从句,为了使学生顺利地完成教学任务,教师以学生为主体,为学生设计了几个以他们的认知水平出发的符合生活实际的他们感兴趣的一环扣一环的子任务,每个子任务紧紧围绕总任务展开,再深入,在一个一个完成任务的活动中培养学生的能力。 语言目标:能用定语从句较自如地描述及谈论人和物。在活动中训练学生的听力,口头表达能力,培养学生的观察,想象和创造力。 情感目标:促进同学间积极合作交流,发展同学间的友谊。 2.教学方法:多媒体的运用能创设真实的语言情景,学生也很感兴趣,极大地鼓动了学生学习英语的积极性,而且呈现在课堂上能使教学更生活化,也更直观和具体。

以学生为主体,用多媒体辅助教学,通过帮助学生理解、归纳、总结、讨论等方式学习定语从句,由于本节课是学生第一次系统学习定语从句,要达到让学生初步掌握定语从句这一目的。 优点:本节课教学目标明确,条理清楚,板书设计合理,教学内容紧扣学生生活实际,学生在教师的引导下自主学习、合作学习,较好地归纳了定语从句的特殊用法,并能用定语从句写文章,完成了学习任务。 不足: 1、在引入部分没有充分引导学生把他们描述图片的简单句用关系词合并为定语从句。 2、最后一个环节用定语从句翻译文章时间安排不足,应多用二至三分钟的时间对学生的翻译进行进一步分析总结,让学生提出更多的修改意见。教学机智:本节课学生在归纳特殊用法时,提出了设计内容之外的规律,教师能给予肯定,并提出在下一教学环节进一步讨论。能够放手让学生发表不同的意见,并适时进行点播。 再教设计:第一环节讨论图片,把学生说出的简单句写在黑板上让学生改为复合句,使引入部分目标更明确。最后翻译文章留出十分钟时间让更多学生展示范文,师生共同提出修改意见。


Teaching Design Grammar — The Attributive Clause (I) (who, whom, which, that, whose) I. Teaching aims: 1. Help students understand what the Attributive Clause is and its function. 2. Enable students to use relative pronouns (who, whom, which, that, whose) in the Attributive Clause properly. 3. Encourage students to express their love to fathers using the Attributive Clause. II. Teaching important and difficult points: Enhance students’proficiency and accuracy in using the relative pronouns to write the Attributive Clauses. III. Teaching methods: Task-based t eaching method; Audio-lingual method; Cooperative learning; Group discussion IV. Teaching steps: Step I:Lead in 1. Guess a riddle. This is a man who loves us very much. . This is a man whose love is as great as a mother’s Purpose: Help students get a general understanding about what the


初中定语从句公开课导学案 定语概念: _________________________________________________________ ____________划出下列定语 a tall building the book on the desk anything important the girl in red 如果定语 _______________,便称为定语从句。I know the girl、 The girl is in red、 (两个简单句) →I know the gir l who is in red、(定语从句)被修饰的词是_______________。这个词就称为先行词。 其中连接两个句子的是______________,称为关系词。关系词在从句中指代先行词,并在从句中充当一定的成分,观察上句,关系词在从句中充当________________。 附:关系词与先行词的关系: 关系词和先行词密切相关,因为关系词用来指代先行词,并且在从句中充当一定的成分。 定语从句中常用的关系词有: 关系代词 _________________________________________________________ _______ 关系代词在从句中可充当___________,_____________或_____________;关系副词 _________ (表示时间) _________ (表示地点)

_________ (表示原因) 关系副词在从句中充当状语。 结论:关系词常有三个作用: 1、_________ 2、_________ 3、_________ 一、将下列句子译成汉语。、 1、Who that knows him wants to make friends with him? 2、 What else was there in my brother that you didn't like? 3、 He lives in the room whose window faces to the south、 4、 He lives in the room, the window of which faces to the south、 5、 This is Mr、 John for whose son I brought a book yesterday、 6、 This is Mr、 John for whom I bought a book yesterday、 7、 This is the hour when the place is always full of women and children、 8、 And there is one point that I'd like your advice、 9、 Winter is the time of year that the days are short and nights are long、 10、 I hope you will find this valley,a beautiful place where you may spend your weekend、1 1、This is the doctor who saved the boy’s life、


The Attributive Clause 自主预习目标:通过预习,发现问题,并尝试自主解决 Part I请找出下列句子中的先行词,关系词以及(定语从句) 1. who的用法 The boys who are playing football are from Class One. The man who you want to see is here. 总结:who指____________, 在定语从句中作________________. 2. whom的用法 Li Ming is just the boy whom I want to see. The professor whom you are waiting for has come. 总结:whom指____________, 在定语从句中作________________. 3. which的用法 Football is a game which is liked by most boys. This is the pen which he bought yesterday. 总结:which指____________, 在定语从句中作________________. 4. that的用法 The boys that are playing football are from Class One. This is the pen that he bought yesterday. 总结:that指____________, 在定语从句中作________________. 5. whose的用法 I visited a scientist whose name is known all over the country.


Unit4 Earthquakes-Grammar Attributive Clause ( 定语从句 ) 第一课时 Teaching Aims: (教学目的) 1、初步了解定语从句的概念、结构。 2、初步学习并掌握定语从句的规则,尤其是关系代词『 who,which ,that 以及whose』的用法。 Teaching Points: (教学重点) 1.定语从句三要素及关系词的选用 2.只能 that 或 which 的情况; Teaching Methods: (教学方法) 1、举例讲解,说明定语从句的用法。 2、以讲练结合的方法加深学生印象。 Teaching Steps:(教学步骤) Step1.导入 一、定语及定语从句的概念: a beautiful girl a handsome boy a clever child 1、定语是用来修饰名次或代词的。 This is the boy who is clever. 2、定语从句( Attributive Clauses )定义:在主从复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句 定语从句的特点: 1.位置: 2.先行词: 3.关系词(引导词): 定指人who( 主语、宾语 ),whom( 宾语 ),关系that( 主语、宾语 ), whose(定语 ) 语 代词 从that( 主语、宾语 ),which( 主语、宾语 ) 指物 句whose(定语 ) 的 where (地点状语 ) 引 导关系 when (时间状语 ) 词副词 why ( 原因状语 ) Step2:详细讲解定语从句语法知识 1、 who 和 whom 指人,在从句中分别做主语和宾语,做宾语时可被省略。 the handsome the tall

高中英语 定语从句教学设计 新人教版必修1

云南德宏州芒市第一中学高中英语定语从句教学设计新人教版必修1 A. Teaching content and analysis Content:1.To review Get the students to master the Attributive Clause introduced by the Relative Adverb 2.Enable the students learn how to choose relative adverbs Analysis: By reviewing relative pronoun, Ss are expected choose relative pronoun properly. B. Teaching goals and analysis Goals: 1. Enable the Ss to grasp the definition, kinds and use of Attributive Clause through revision. 2. Enable the Ss to know how to choose correct relative for Attributive Clauses in grammatical filling. 3. Enable the Ss to know how to use Attributive Clauses in writing. Analysis:Ss are expected to apply what they have learnt to practice by fulfilling some written tasks. C. Teaching important points and difficult points 1. To know about function of each relative. 2. Enable the students to know how to choose proper relative adverbs for attributive clauses. D. Predicting problems and analysis 1. The teacher should make a good preparation for the pre-class to help our students understand the concept and category better. Because of their poor basis, they may not be familiar with some words, phrases, sentences. 2. The teacher should introduce some skills properly so that it enables students work out many questions of this grammar learning. 3. The teacher must pay more attention to students’ feedback in the class and timely adjust.. E. Teaching Methods 1. Review, explanation, and consolidation. 2. Make every student work in class. F. Teaching Aids The multimedia; The blackboard; The courseware G. Teaching procedures Pre-class -----lead-in -----exercise -----presentation -----Summary -----consolidation -----homework Step1. Pre-class Ask Ss write down four sentences which we left yesterday. Ask some volunteers to read out some sentenced in the text which learnt last class related to the attributive clause when, where and why. These sentences are, for example “The school where I studied for only two year was three kilometers away.”“The time when I first met Mandela was a very difficult time of my life.”…. Designing purpose:It’ s easy and useful for the Ss to understand the grammar points by the


定语从句 教学目标 知识目标:To learn the definition and structure of attributive clause 能力目标:To master the usage of relative pronouns 情感目标:To discover that learning grammar can be a fun and English is around us 教学重点/难点: Use proper relative pronouns in different situations 教学过程 Step 1 Leading-in 用下划线标出下文中定语或定语从句。 He is a clever student. He is a student who is good at English. He lives in a small village. His grandfather lived there before. I know a girl who lives in th e village too. Her name is Wang Fang. Wang Fang’s father is a farmer. He is a hard-working farmer. Step 2 语法讲解 1:有关定语从句的几个概念 1)功能:相当于形容词,修饰名词或代词,在句中作定语 2)位置:定语从句置于被修饰词之后: Those who are willing to attend the party sign here please. 3)先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词或代词称为先行词 4)关系词:引导定语从句的都称关系 2:关系词的双重身份及其选用原则 1)先找关系词,看先行词指的是什么。 2)看关系词在从句中所充当的成分 实战演练:观察下列几组简单句,并试着写出定语从句。 I know the woman. The woman is come from France. ______________________________________________________________ He loves the dog. His mother bought the dog for him. ______________________________________________________________ This is the soldier. The soldier saved the boy’s life. ______________________________________________________________ He was friendly to the stranger. He met the stranger in the street. ______________________________________________________________ Lilly bought the book. The book’s cover is pink. ______________________________________________________________ The boy studies hard. The boy’s father is a doctor. ______________________________________________________________ This is the school. My mother works in the school. ______________________________________________________________ I still remember that day. You left for Beijing on that day.


教学课题 课程类型 教 学 内 容 分 析 学 情 分 析 定语从句示范课教学设计 Grammar: Attributive Clauses 语法课授课地点多媒体报告厅本节课围绕限制性定语从句展开,取材于北师大版高中英语必修2的第 6单元《 Design》。鉴于学生在初中就接触过简单的定语从句,但是老师没有深 入讲解其内在规律和用法,所以我深入浅出,层层推进的方式,精心设计经典例句和语境,让学生在语境当中掌握语法规律,并辅之以恰当的课堂活动和任务,让学生在实践中理解并掌握语法的使用。 在初中阶段,学生已经对定语从句有了初步的了解,但大部分学生的定语从句基础知识仍然较为薄弱,不能准确地理解其概念,内涵以及用法,运用定 语从句进行口语交际和写作的能力较差。然而他们学习比较认真,求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃,他们有着高中生独立、爱表现自我的特点。因此,只有设置与 他们的生活息息相关的具体语境和使他们感兴趣的活动,因材施教,才能让他们完全投入到课堂活动中来,进而掌握知识,提高能力。 教学重点教学难点 1.引导学生清晰地掌握定语从句的概念和内涵。 2.设计典型的语境,引导学生在语境中理解并掌握语法。 3.设计课堂活动和任务,激发学生学以致用的激情。 如何设计学生喜闻乐见的语境,并通过该语境实现对学生文化品格,思维品质,语言能力和学习能力等方面的培养。

教学1.语言能力目标:(1)通过学习本课,学生能够清晰理解并掌握定语从 句的概念及内涵。 (2)学生能够有意识地将定语从句用于日常交际和写作中。 2.学习能力目标:通过学习本课,学生能够掌握定语从句的用法,并学会 在具体的语境中恰当地使用定语从句,从而在整体上提高学生学习英语的能力和信心。 3.文化品格目标 : 目 通过本课的学习,学生能够对中国文化更加自信,树立学生用英语尤标其是定语从句来向世界介绍中国文化的志向和信心。 4.思维品质目标 : 本课侧重于语法的语用作用,在运用定语从句的过程中培养学生的观察力、认知力、分析力、想象力、交流合作和自学能力,帮助学生加强记忆 力,提高思维能力和运用英语语法的综合能力,激发创造能力。 1.使用任务型教学,让学生明确学习目标。 2.使用情景教学法,为学生设计具体的,令他们感兴趣的和激发爱国情感教学 的语境来激发他们学习定语从句的热情。 方法 3.使用合作学习法,让学生在合作中实现对知识的理解,掌握和运用。 1.用英文歌曲导入英语语法教学,提高学生的兴趣。 教学 2. 结合 2018 年全国一卷高考作文,将定语从句的学习与中国传统文化结 策略 合起来,激励学生定语从句介绍中国传统文化,提高学生的文化品格。 教学媒介 多媒体辅助:将本课所需要的图片、文字、图表和音乐制成PPT 软件使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用定语从句提供生动的语言环境。


定语从句教学设计 教学目标: 1.学生能掌握关系代词和关系副词的正确使用。 2.学生能正确理解整个句子的意思 教学重难点:定语从句中引导词(who, whom, whose,that , which,when,where, why)的正确使用教学过程: 例子导入: The girl is my sister. is my sister. 先行词定语从句 一.定义:在复合句中,用来修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词、代词叫先 行词。定语从句放在先行词之后。 先行词(物)↘引导词(that指代the music) She is a 先行词(人)↘引导词(who指代a girl) 二.引导词who, whom, whose,that , which(表人、表物,作主语,宾语) 关系副词:when,where, why, (表时间、地点、原因,作状语) (1)先行词表人时可用who,that或whom 分点练习:① He is a boy(______ is confident.) 主语 ② (介词提前) ③ He is the teacher ( ______ you are waiting for.) 宾语 归纳总结:当先行词是人:①引导词在句中作主语,引导词用who,that ③引导词在从句中作宾语,引导词用who/whom 小试牛刀:1.Is this the man with ______ you went to the zoo yesterday? A. who B. whom C. which 2.He is a man ( _______ we can learn). A. whom B. from which C. from whom learn from


英语定语从句 一.定语从句的理解: 定语概念:_____________________________________________________________________ 划出下列定语 a tall building the book on the desk anything important the girl in red 如果定语_______________,便称为定语从句。 I know the girl. The girl is in red. (两个简单句) →I know the girl who is in red. (定语从句)被修饰的词是_______________。这个词就称为先行词。 其中连接两个句子的是______________,称为关系词。关系词在从句中指代先行词,并在从句中充当一定的成分,观察上句,关系词在从句中充当________________。 附:关系词与先行词的关系: 关系词和先行词密切相关,因为关系词用来指代先行词,并且在从句中充当一定的成分。定语从句中常用的关系词有: 关系代词________________________________________________________________ 关系代词在从句中可充当___________,_____________或_____________; 关系副词_________(表示时间) _________ (表示地点) _________ (表示原因) 关系副词在从句中充当状语。 结论:关系词常有三个作用: 1、_________ 2、_________ 3、_________ 二.按关系词种类学习 (一)关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词一览表 练习一



Unit4 Grammar-----The Attributive Clause教案 郭维 Title(课题): 语法:定语从句 The analysis of students(学情分析): 高一学生通过初中三年和高一前三个单元的学习,已经对英语有了一定的感性认识,积累了一定的语言知识,他们对语法知识的系统学习有比较强烈的要求,但对教师无味的讲解不感兴趣,他们喜欢探究型、合作型的学习。本课时前,学生已经接触过定语从句,部分学生已能辨认定语从句,但缺乏对其结构、关系词的选用的系统学习。目前,学生已具有一定的自主学习能力,能积极参与课堂活动。但学生在语法课堂上用英语与同学进行交流有困难。Teaching aims(教学目标): 1. 知识与技能:了解定语从句的结构,掌握关系代词who ,whom. ,which, that ,whose的用法,学会运用定语从句描述人和物。 2. 过程与方法:让学生通过自主学习与小组合作、探究、归纳等教学活动学会总结所接触语言材料中的语言规律并加以运用。 3. 情感与态度: ①通过课前自主学习和课堂小组讨论培养学生自主学习和合作探究的能力。 ②学习包含定语从句的名言,培养学生积极的人生态度和正确的人生观。Important and difficult points(重点和难点): 掌握关系代词who ,whom. ,which, that ,whose的用法,正确运用定语从句描述人和物 Teaching strategies(教学策略): Demonstration(展示),Group discussion(小组讨论),game(游戏) Teaching aids(教学辅助工具): Multi-media and blackboard (多媒体、黑板) Teaching procedures(教学过程): Step1. Lead-in and demonstration(图片导入和例句展示) Step2. Comments(学生点评例句) Step3. Group discussion(小组讨论归纳定语从句的定义、相关概念以及关系词的作用) Step4. Finding the attributive clauses in the reading passage(找出课本阅读文章中的定语从句)


Revision : The Attributive Clause Teacher: Cindy Teaching aims: 1. to review the attributive clause 2. to be able to describe something or someone with the arrtibutive clause. 3. to work hard Importance and difficulty: 1. the use of attributive clause. 2. some exercises about the attributive clause Type of lesson: Reinforcement Teaching approach: functional approach Teadhing tool: Slides Teaching steps: 1. What is the attributive clause 2. kinds of the attrbutive clause 3. summary of the use of that ,which, who, whom, whose when, where, why 4. some exercises about the attributive clause 5. games: describe somebody or some daily items 定语从句(The Attributive Clause) 一、定语从句的概念 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,定语从句一般放在先行词的后面。 二、定语从句的分类 根据定语从句与先行词的关系,定语从句可分为限制性定语从句及非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句紧跟先行词,主句与从句不用逗号分开,从句不可省去,非限制性定语从句主句与从句之间有逗号分开,起补充说明作用,如省去,意思仍完整。 三、定语从句的关系词 引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词和关系副词,常见的关系代词包括that,which,who(宾格whom,所有格whose)等,关系副词包括where,when,why等。关系代词和关系副词放在先行词及定语从句之间起连接作用,同时又作定语从句的重要成分。 四、关系词的用法


高三英语定语从句公开课教学设计 语法专题十二定语从句 (一)ⅰ. 定义定语从句,起形 容词的作用,在句中常用来修饰名词或代词。被修饰的词称为先行词,引导定语 从句的词称为关系词, 关系词的作用一是放在先行词与定语从句中间起引导作 用;二是在意义上代替先行词,并在从句中充当一个成分。其中关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that, as;关系副词:when, where, why。eg. she is the girl who sings best of all.the pen which my uncle gave me is missing.he lives in a house whose windows face south.the factory where my father works is in the east of the city.perhaps the day will come when people will be able to breathe clean air in cities. ⅱ. 关系代词1. 先行词是人,作主语,关系代词用who, that eg. he is a man ()never leaves today’s work till tomorrow. the boy ( ) is standing there is my cousin.2. 先行词是人,作宾语,关系代词用 whom, who, that,eg. here is the man ( ) you’ve been expecting to meet.the man ( ) you met yesterday is mr. smith.3. 先行词是物, 作主语,关系代词用which, thateg . the train () has just left is for guangzhou.children like to read books ( ) have wonderful pictures.4. 先行词是物,作宾语,关系代词用which, that,或省略eg. the book ( ) you borrowed yesterday is really interesting.the pen ( ) my uncle gave me is missing.5. 先行词是人、物,作定语,关系 代词用whoseeg. he is the professor ( ) name was jackson.china, () population is the largest in the world, is developing very fast. ⅲ. 关系副词1. 先行词是表示时间的名词,在定从中作时间状语,关系代词用when eg. i can’t remember the date ( ) he went abroad.i’ll never forget the day ( ) i joined the army.2. 先行词是表示地点的名词, 在定从中作地点状语,关系代词用where; 其中注意表示抽象概念的地点名词,如,situation、stage、degree、point等表示方面或程度时,也需用whereeg. this is the village () uncle wang once lived.they have reached the


定语从句(教学设计) 石亚新class 15 Grade 1 教材分析: 定语从句是高考考察的语法重点之一,是学生理解长难句及各类文章的基础,因此本节课的内容十分重要。本人将以讲练结合的方式,通过本课的教学,加深学生对定语从句的了解, 最终达到运用定语从句的目的。 学生情况分析: 学生刚刚接触定语从句, 很需要对它进行更进一步的学习和了解,通过本课的对定语从句的学习,学生最终达到运用它的学习目标。 教学目标: 1.知识目标:初步掌握定语从句的用法。 2.能力目标:掌握定语从句的引导词who, whom,which,whose和that的基本用法。3.情感目标:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,建立学习英语的成就感和自信心,使学生学在其中,乐在其中。 教学重点、难点:定语从句中的关系代词的运用。 教学过程 Step 1: Greetings Step 2: 1) 通过几个例句引出定语从句及定语从句的位置 2给出定语从句的定义:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句 3) 定语从句引导词:关系代词:who﹑whom﹑that﹑which﹑whose as 关系副词:where﹑when﹑why 4)引导词的作用:1 连接先行词和从句. 2 代替先行词. 3 在从句中充当句子成分:主语,宾语,定语,状语 5)关系代词:who﹑whom﹑that﹑which﹑whose的用法 6)总结定语从句引导词的选择 定语从句四步: 第一步,找出先行词; 第二,找出定语从句 第三,看先行词在定语从句中的语法功能(主语、宾语…)

第四,选择合适的关系词。 7)Exercises 1)Ss do exercise and check the answers. 2)Get Ss to tell when we use who, that, whom, which, whose. Step 3: Homework 1. To review the contents of this period. 2. To finish the attributive clause exercises


初中英语教学设计(人教版九年级) Unit9 I like music that I can dance to 九村中学刘晓霞 一、学情分析 从整体上说,学生的学习积极性比较强的,与上一学期比较,学风有了明显的好转,学习英语的主动性有所增强。虽然学生在以前所学的内容当中已经有所接触定语从句,但仅仅是了解而已,对于定语从句系统地掌握需要一定的强化,因此,本课地目标语言就变为本课的难点了。在解决这一问题上,让学生通过“看图说话、小组对话、听力训练以及情景教学”的方法、经过反复练习的方法,让其达到掌握并运用的目的。 二、教材分析 本课是九年级第六单元第一课时,本单元以music(音乐)为中心话题,让学生学会用定语从句谈论自己所喜爱或偏好的艺术,学习表达自己的爱好。从结构内容上说,定语从句是初中阶段必需了解的一种句法结构。本单元将通过一系列的练习(句型结构练习、听力练习、精读写作练习、自我检测、泛读练习)来达到学习目的,完成学习任务。本单元共需要七个课时。本课时所进行的是基本的句型结构和部分听力练习,是整个单元学习的双基——基本和基础。这一节课我分为两个部分:第一部分围绕I like music that I can dance to. 这一话题进行授课;第二部分引入定语从句的学习,最终完成本课时的教学任务。 三、教学目标 1、知识目标:学习本课时出现的新单词prefer, lyrics 要求学习并掌握的语言目标 I prefer music that has great lyrics. I love music that I can sing along with. I like music that isn’t too loud. I like music that I can dance to. 2、能力目标:能够对关系代词引导的定语从句的灵活运用,这也将是本节课的重点和难点学 习。 3、情感目标:让学生学会用定语从句谈论自己所喜爱或偏好的艺术,学习表达自己的爱好。 四、教学过程 Step1 导入 1、音乐导入。教师采用多媒体的形式播放一段音乐并向学生提出“What kind of music is it?”进行讨论。(一方面吸引学生的注意;另一方面引出本节课围绕“music”这话题。) 2、图片导入。问题讨论后,进而再向学生提出问题:What kind of music do you like?(学 生可以先思考如何用英文来表达自己所喜欢的音乐。)接着,教师给学生展示课文中1a 的图片,引出本节课的新内容。 Step2 新授 1、教师采用听说法让学生学习并掌握本节课的语言目标


定语从句教案设计英语 在实际教学活动中,教案起着十分重要的作用。编写教案有利于教师弄通教材内容,准确把握教材的重点与难点,进而选择科学、恰当的教学方法,有利于教师科学、合理地支配课堂时间,更好地组织教学活动,提高教学质量,收到预期的教学效果。下面小编为大家带来定语从句教案设计英语,仅供参考,希望能够帮到大家。 定语从句教案设计 定语从句,起形容词的作用,在句中常用来修饰名词或代词。被修饰的词称为先行词,引导定语从句的词称为关系词, 关系词的作用一是放在先行词与定语从句中间起引导作用;二是在意义上代替先行词,并在从句中充当一个成分。其中关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that, as;关系副词:when, where, why。 eg. She is the girl who sings best of all. The pen which my uncle gave me is missing. He lives in a house whose windows face south. The factory where my father works is in the east of the city. Perhaps the day will come when people will be able to breathe clean air in cities. 1. 先行词是人,作主语,关系代词用who, that

eg. He is a man( ) never leaves today’s work till tomorrow. The boy ( ) is standing there is my cousin. 2. 先行词是人,作宾语,关系代词用 whom, who, that, eg. Here is the man ( ) you’ve been expecting to meet. The man ( ) you met yesterday is Mr. Smith. 3. 先行词是物,作主语,关系代词用which, that eg . The train ( ) has just left is for Guangzhou. Children like to read books ( ) have wonderful pictures. 4. 先行词是物,作宾语,关系代词用which, that,或省略 eg. The book ( ) you borrowed yesterday is really interesting. The pen ( ) my uncle gave me is missing. 5. 先行词是人、物,作定语,关系代词用whose eg. He is the professor ( ) name was Jackson. China, ( ) population is the largest in the world, is developing very fast. 1. 先行词是表示时间的名词,在定从中作时间状语,关系代词用when

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