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专八人文知识(练习题) 篇一:★英语专八人文知识题与答案 英语专业八级人文知识 试题(1) 美国概况练习题: 1. The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is_____. 2. The earliest part in America to be found and taken over by early settlers is ____. 3. The largest racial group in the whole population of U.S.A is____. 4. Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is____. has the world’s oldest written constitution and political party. 6. The economic problem caused by the depression in 1929 was eventually solved by____. years. institutions. 9. The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are____________. 10. _____ (which state ) is not governed by the common law. 练习题答案及题解:


驾照考试科目一-考试知识点总结 归纳及技巧 驾照考试科目一 理论考试的一些记忆技巧 以下七种情形可以扣留驾驶证: 1、累计积分达十二分的;(道路交通安全法第24条) 2、饮酒或者醉酒驾驶机动车的;(道路交通安全法第91条) 3、将机动车交由未取得机动车驾驶证或者机动车驾驶证被吊销、暂扣的人驾驶的;(道路交通安 4、驾驶机动车行驶超过规定时速50%的;(道路交通安全法第99条) 5、驾驶拼装的机动车或者已达到报废标准的机动车上道路行驶的; (道路交通安全法第100条) 6、造成交通事故需依法追究刑事责任的;(道路交通安全法第101条) 7、造成交通事故后逃逸的。(道路交通安全法第101条) 行车制动、发动机制动、驻车制动分别是什么?有什么区别? 1、行车制动与驻车制动器都是汽车的制动,他们的功能不一样。 2、行车制动是用于行车过程中,使汽车停止和减

速。指脚刹(脚制动)。 3、驻车制动,一般叫做手刹,(个别也有用脚操作,如别克GL8),他的作用就是在停车时,给汽车一个阻力,使汽车不溜车。驻车制动,也就是手刹或者自动档中的停车档,锁住传动轴或者后轮。 4、驻车制动比行车制动的力小很多很多,仅仅是在坡路停车不溜车,就可以了。而行车制动则必须让汽车在高速运动中停下来 5、发动机制动,是指通过发动机进行牵制车辆 的速度,这点在下长坡时最有效。 记忆技巧: 1、机动车在道路上发生故障,需要停车排除时,驾驶人应当立即开启危险报警 闪光灯并在来车方向设置警告标志(如果是高速路上警告要在车后面的150米 之外)。 2、上高速路的车最低时速是要求60公里,最高不得超过120公里,如果高速路同方向有2条车道,右侧车的速度范围为60公里到100公里,左侧车的速度范围为100公里到120公里。如果有同方向有3条的车道,最右侧的速度范围为60公里到90公里,中间的为90公里到110公里,最左侧的为110公里到120 公里。所以超车当然是要从左侧超车。 3、只要涉及到罚款的题目不是选罚20到200就是选罚200到2000。20 到200 的罚款可以和警告同时处罚,200到2000的罚款可以和扣留机动车同时处罚。 4、扣车与吊销驾照题目选题方法,只要是车有问题就扣车,如果是人有问题就吊销驾照。 5、我现在没有驾照,却驾驶我表哥的车,又被交警抓了,我要处200到2000 元的罚款,15日以下的拘留。我表哥也要处200到2000的罚款,并被吊销驾驶证。 6、没有限速标志、标线的城市道路的最高速度为30公里,公路的最高速度为40公里,只有一条机动车道的城市道路最高50公里,只有一条机动车道的公路最咼为70公里。


英语专八人文知识考试总结 1 专八考试人文知识考试内容总结 其中英美文学包括英国文学和美国文学。英国文学主要分为六个时期: 1. Old and Medieval English Literature(中古英国文学)。 2. The Renaissance Period(文艺复兴时期)。 3. The Neoclassical Period(新古典主义时期)。 4. The Romantic Period(维多利亚时期)。 5. The Victorian Period(维多利亚时期)。 6. The Modern Period(现代时期)。 美国文学主要分为四个时期: 1. The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence(独立革命前后的文学)。 2. American Romanticism(美国浪漫主义文学)。 3. American Realism(美国现实主义文学)。 4. American Modernism(美国现代主义文学)。 语言学,考生不光要知道语言的本质还要掌握语音学,音位学,形态学,句法学,语义学和语言学的知识。 关于英语国家概况,英语专业的学生都会开设英美概况这门课程,但是专八考试的中需要考生了解的是英语国家概况,不光包括英国和美国,还有其他一些说英语的地区,包括爱尔兰概况,加拿大概况,澳大利亚概况和新西兰概况。 3专八人文知识:英国地理概况 the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france

大学英语专业八级之人文知识: 英国地理3

大学英语专业八级之人文知识:英国地理3 1.1 2. What is the directive function? The “directive function” means that language may be used to get the hearer to do something. Most imperative sentences perform this function, e. g., “Tell me the result when you finish.” Other syntactic structures or sentences of other sorts can, according to J.Austin and J.Searle’s “indrect speech act theory”(see Hu Zhuanglin et al.,pp271-278) at least, serve the purpose of direction too, e.g., “If I were you, I would have blushed to the bottom of my ears!” 1.13.What is the informative function? Language serves an “informational function” when used to tell something, characterized by the use of declarative sentences. Informative statements are often labelled as true(truth) or false(falsehood). According to P.Grice’s “Cooperative Principle”(see Hu Zhuanglin et al., pp282-283), one ought not to violate the “Maxim of Quality”, when he is informing at all. 1.14.What is the interrogative function? When language is used to obtain information, it serves an “interrogative function”. This includes all questions that expect replies, statements, imperatives etc., according to the “indirect speech act theory”, may have this function as well, e.g., “I’d like to know you better.” This may bring forth a lot of personal information. Note that rhetorical questions make an exception, since they demand no answer, at least not the reader’s/listener’s answer. 1.15.What is the expressive function? The “expressive function”is the use of language to reveal something about the feelings or attitudes of the speaker. Subconscious emotional ejaculations are good examples, like “Good heavens!”“My God!” Sentences like “I’m sorry about the delay” can serve as good examples too, though in a subtle way. While language is used for the informative function to pass judgement on the truth or falsehood of statements, language used for the expressive function evaluates, appraises or asserts the speaker’s own attitudes. 1.16.What is the evocative function? The “evocative function” is the use of language to create certain feelings in the hearer. Its aim is , for example, to amuse, startle, antagonize, soothe, worry or please. Jokes(not practical jokes, though) are supposed to amuse or entertain the listener; advertising to urge customers to purchase certain commodities; propaganda to influence public opinion. Obviously, the expressive and the evocative functions often go together, i.e., you may express, for example, your personal feelings about a political issue but end up by evoking the same feeling in, or imposing it on, your listener. That’s also the case with the other way round. 1.17.What is the performative function? This means people speak to “do things” or perform actions. On certain occasions the utterance itself as an action is more important than what words or sounds constitute the uttered sentence. When asked if a third Yangtze bridge ought to be built in Wuhan, the mayor may say “OK”, which means more than speech, and more than



?第一部分,道路交通安全法律、法规和规章 ?第二部分,地方性法规 ?第三部分,交通信号 ?第四部分,安全行车、文明驾驶基础知识 ?第五部分,机动车驾驶操作相关基础知识 在进行交规理轮考试中,3步轻松到位。 ?1、读懂题目,填好答案,无论题目对错,对于答案详解都要进行了解。 ?2、驾考宝典软件包含我的错题选集、易错题选集。新手学车进行理论考试复习时,结合第一步,对我的错题、易错题集中再次进行复习。 ?3、为了能让考生适应考试,驾考宝典全真模拟考试让学车新手直接领略考场感受,更容易进入情境。 多做练习,多进行几次模拟考试,成绩稳定时上考场,更容易轻松拿满分。 此外,多记住一些常用的口诀,既有利于考试,有利于日后驾车: ?1:二吊三撤五醉逃终身; ?2:转弯过桥上窄道泥路30km/h; ?3:左右观察左超车; ?4:交叉转弯窄路隧道桥梁坡道铁路口50米不内不停车;


?15:发生重大事故,致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;交通运输肇事后逃逸或者有其他特别恶劣情节的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑;因逃逸致人死亡的,处七年以上有期徒刑。 ?16:小型汽车(C1)准驾车型:小型、微型载客汽车以及轻型、微型载货汽车;轻型、微型专项作业车,小型、微型自动挡载客汽车以及轻型、微型自动挡载货汽车,低速载货汽车,三轮汽车。 ?17:交通信号包括交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线和交通警察的指挥。 ?18:在狭窄的坡路,上坡的一方先行;但下坡的一方已行至中途而上坡的一方未上坡时,下坡的一方先行。 ?19:用伪造、变造机动车号牌、行驶证、驾驶证或者使用其他机动车号牌、行驶证的,一次扣12分。 ?20:在行驶中被查获有吸毒注射毒品,在戒毒还没有成功的,注销驾驶证。 ?21:被查三年内又重新吸毒,注射毒品者或戒毒未满三年,又吸毒成瘾者,不得申请驾驶证。22:未随车携带机动车行驶证的,交通警察可依法扣留机动车。 ?23:只有在没有路灯或者没有照明的情况下才能用远光灯。 ?24:200米能见度,最高速60,车距100;100米能见度,最高车速40,车距50,能见度50米,车速20,尽快离开高速路。


The Ren aissa nee is actually a moveme nt stimulated by a series of historical eve nts. which one of the followi ng is not such an eve nt Which of the following is regarded as the most successful religious allegory in the En glish Ian guage. A.The Pilgrim's Progress B. Grace Abo unding to the Chief of Sinners C. The Life and Death of Mr. Badma n D. The Holy War It is alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. A.Geoffrey Chaucer B. Martin Luther C. William Langland D. John Gower All of the following four except are the most eminent dramatists in the Ren aissa nee En gla nd. A.Francis Baco n B. Christopher Marlowe C. William Shakespeare D. Ben Jonson It is gen erally regarded that Keats's most importa nt and mature poems are in the form of . A.elegy B. ode C. epic D. sonnet Daniel Defoe's no vels mainly focus on A.the struggle of the un fortun ate for mere existe nd B.the struggle of the shipwrecked pers ons for security C.the struggle of the pirates for wealth D.the desire of the crimi nals for property In Beowulf, fought aga inst the mon ster Gren del and a five breath ing drag on. A. the An glo-Sax ons B. Beowulf C. the Scandin avia n D. the Win ter Drago n Fran cis Bac on is best known for his which greatly in flue need the developme nt of this literary form. A. essays B. poems C. works D plays Most of Thomas Hardy's no vels are set in Wessex . A. a crude region in England B. a fictional primitive region C. a remote rural area D. Hardy's hometow n We can perhaps describe the west wind in Shelley's poem "Ode to the West Wind" with all the followi ng terms except . A. swift B. proud C. tamed D. wild "Blindness", "partiality", "prejudice", and "absurdity" in the novel "Pride and Prejudice" are most likely the characteristics of . A. Elizabeth B. Darcy C. Mr. Be nnet D. Mrs. Bennet The moder n En glish no vel came into being |n A. the middle of the 17th cen tury B. the 17th ce ntury


美国概况 练习题: 1 The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is_____. 2 The earliest part in America to be found and taken over by early settlers is ____. 3 The largest racial group in the whole population of U.S.A is____. 4 Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is____. 5 ____has the world’s oldest written constitution and political party. 6 The economic problem caused by the depression in 1929 was eventually solved by____. 7 In the United States, primary education requires____years. 8 Most college students in the United States are in____institutions. 9 The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are____________. 10 _____(which state )is not governed by the common law. 练习题答案及题解: 1. The Mississippi River, 密西西比河是美国传统的东方和西方的分界线。 2 .The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain,最早被早期定居者发现和占领的地方是大西洋及其沿岸平原。 3 .Non-hispanics white,非西班牙裔的白人是美国最大的种族群体。 4 .African Americans,2000年以前非裔美国人是美国最大的少数民族群体。2000年以后,拉丁裔美国人的人数超过了非裔美国人的人数,成为美国第一大少数民族群体。 5 .America,美国拥有世界上最古老的宪法和政党。 6. World War II,第二次世界大战的爆发帮助美国走出了经济困境。 7. Six years,美国的小学要花费大约六年的时间。 8. Public,大部分美国大学生都在公立学校就读。 9 .美国的联邦法院系统包括:the United States District Courts; the United States Courts of Appeal ; the United States Supreme Court. 10 .Louisana,路易斯安娜州不受共同法的约束。 美国概况 练习题: 1 Of the fifty states of America, _____states now have the death penalty as punishment. 2 The four major regions of the United Sates are________________________________. 3 ______ region’s culture character was shaped largely by Puritan spirit. 4 ______is the largest state in terms of size and population in America. 5"Hollywood"is often used as a synonym for_____ 6 The most important and largest river in the United States of America is_____. 7 The north-eastern part of the United States ――New England enjoys a _____climate. 8 To the west of mainland American lies the _____ Ocean. 9 Detroit, a U.S. city bordering Lake Erie, is famous for its_____. 10 The natives of the continent of the America are the_____. 练习题答案及题解: 1.38, 美国现有38个州惩罚罪犯采用死刑。 2 .Northeast, South, Midwest and West, 美国的主要四大部分不包括北部。 3.The New England Region, 美国的新英格兰地区,也就是东北部地区深受清教思想的影响。


【累计积分】:记分周期12个月,一年满12分的,扣留驾驶证,参加科目一学习并接受考试。 ※记12分:①驾驶车型不符、饮酒后驾驶、事故后逃逸。②未悬挂车牌,故意遮挡车牌,使用伪造的车牌、驾驶证和行驶证。③高速上倒车、逆行。④超速50%以上。⑤4h未休息,休息少于20min。⑥未取得校车驾驶资格驾驶校车的。 ※记6分:①违反交通信号灯。②违法占用应急车道。③驾驶证暂扣期间驾驶。④不按规定避让校车。 ⑤以欺骗手段补领驾驶证。 【普通公路的最高时速】:无道路中心线的城市道路30,公路40。同方向只有一条机动车道的城市道路50,公路70。 ※最高30公里/小时:①铁路道口、急弯路、窄路和窄桥。②掉头、转弯、下陡坡。③雾雨雪沙尘冰雹泥泞。④进出非机动车道、牵引故障机动车。 【高速公路的最低时速】:最低60,最高120。标牌红高蓝低黄建议,地面黄高白低。 ①同方向三车道:左110,中间90,右60。②同方向二车道:左100,右60 ③低能见度下:开启雾灯、近光灯、示廓灯、前后位灯、危险报警闪光灯 <200米:最高60公里每小时,与前车保持100米以上。 <100米:最高40公里每小时,与前车保持50米以上。 <50米:最高20公里每小时,从最近出口尽快驶离高速。 【安全距离】:①发生故障后普通公路放警告标志车后50-100米,高速公路车后150米以外。 ②交叉路口、铁道路口、急弯路、窄路窄桥、陡坡、隧道50米以内不得停车。 ③公共汽车站、急救站、加油站、消防站30米以内不得停车。 ④车速>100公里,跟车距离100米以上。车速<100公里,跟车距离>50米。 【交通处罚】:应自行撤离而未撤离造成交通阻塞的罚款200元。 ※扣留机动车:未悬挂车牌、未放置检验合格标志、保险标志、未携带行驶证和驾驶证。 使用其他车辆的号牌、行驶证、保险标志和检验合格标志的,予以收缴,扣留机动车,罚款2000-5000。 使用伪造变造的号牌、行驶证和驾驶证的,予以收缴,罚款2000-5000,处15日以下拘留。 补领驾驶证后,继续使用原驾驶证的,予以收缴,罚款20-200。 ※扣留驾驶证:一个记分周期内记分达到12分。初次酒驾。 ※吊销驾驶证:假一吊二撤三醉五逃终身。醉驾五年,醉驾出事故终生。 ①将机动车交给驾驶证被暂扣或被吊销的人驾驶,罚款200-2000,并吊销驾驶证。②驾驶拼装或达到报废标准的机动车上道行驶,予以收缴,强制报废,罚款200-2000元,并吊销驾驶证。③超过规定时速50%的罚款200-2000元,并吊销驾驶证。


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理- 专业英语八级模拟人文知识测试(二十二) ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

1.In 1620, 201 Pilgrims, to escape religous presecution, sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower.They arrived at ____. A New York B Georgia C Virginia D Plymouth 2.The earliest institution of higher learning set up in America was ___ A California University B Yale University C Harvard College D Chicago University 3.The Grand Canyon in south-western ____ is one of nature’s most impressive sights. A Utah B Arizona C Nevada D Idaho 4.American presidents are elected ____. A every two years B every four years C every five years D every six years 5.In America the judicial is headed by ____. A the President B Congress C the Supreme Court D the Secretary General 6.In the United States, the first larges immigration movement took plane ____ A right after the War of Independence B in the mid-1800 C at the turn of the 20th century


2014年英语专业八级人文知识试题及答案 1. The study of __ is Syntax. A textual organization B sentence structures C word formation D language functions 2. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language? A arbitrariness B productivity C cultural transmission D finiteness 3. The speech act theory was first put forward by__. A John Scarl B Johan Austin C Noarn Chomsky D M.A.K Halliday 4. The capital city of Canada is __. A Montreal B Ottawa C Vancouver D York 5. U.S. presidents normally serve a (an) __ term. A eight-year B four-year C six-year D two year 6. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S. A Huston B Baltimore C Philadelphia D Boston 7. The state church in England is __. A The Baptist B The Roman Catholic C The Protestant Church D The Church of England 8. The novel Emma is written by__. A Jane Austen B Elizabeth C Gaskell Charlotte Bronte D Mary Shelley 9. Which of the following is not a Romantic Poet? A William Wordsworth


2021年英语专业八级考试人文知识精选练习题 及答案2 1 _____is the largest city and the chief port of the United States. A Washington D.C. B Los Angeles C San Francisco D New York City 2 The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the union Jack, is made up of _____ crosses. A one B two C three D four 3 Washington D.C. is named after___________. A the U.S. President George Washington B Christopher Columbus C both George Washington and Christopher Columbus D none of them

4 _____ was the home of the Lake Poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor, Coleridge and Robert Southey of 19th century Britain. A Lough Neagh B Windermere C Lake District D Coniston Water 5 The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was______. A Thomas Jefferson B James Monroe C James Madison D Abraham Lincoln 6 Of the fifty states, the smallest state in area is_____. A Rhode Island B Virginia C Texas D Montana 7 The national flag of the United States is known as_____.


1)终生吊销, 2)驾驶拼装/已达到报废标准的车上路(吊销,罚款200~2000) 超过规定时速50%(吊销,罚款200~2000) 3)因欺骗/贿赂而撤销(暂扣三年) 酒后驾驶(暂扣6个月,罚款1000~2000) 4)only违法,no违规/违章 5)初次申领驾驶证后实习期为12个月 6)悬挂机动车号牌(车辆用光盘遮挡号牌,属于违法行为,直接扣12分),放置检验合格标志、保险标志,随车携带机动车行驶证 7)道路交通安全违法行为累积记分周期(即记分周期)为12个月,满分为12分,从机动车驾驶证初次领取之日起计算。 8)机动车驾驶人在机动车驾驶证丢失、损毁、超过有效期或者被依法扣留、暂扣期间以及记分达到12分的,不得驾驶机动车。 9)交通标志分为:指示标志、警告标志、禁令标志、指路标志、旅游区标志、道路施工安全标志和辅助标志。 道路交通标线分为:指示标线、警告标线、禁止标线。 10)在道路同方向划有2条以上机动车道的,左侧为快速车道,右侧为慢速车道。超车只能左侧超,不能右侧超车 11)红圈白底限制最高速度,蓝底限制最低速度。 12)向左转弯、向左变更车道、准备超车、驶离停车地点或者掉头时,应当提前开启左转向灯; 向右转弯、向右变更车道、超车完毕驶回原车道、靠路边停车时,应当提前开启右转向灯。13)(notice)机动车在夜间没有路灯、照明不良或者遇有雾、雨、雪、沙尘、冰雹等低能见度情况下行驶时,应当开启前照灯、示廓灯和后位灯,但同方向行驶的后车与前车近距离行驶时,不得使用远光灯。机动车雾天行驶应当开启雾灯和危险报警闪光灯。 机动车在夜间通过急弯、坡路、拱桥、人行横道或者没有交通信号灯控制的路口时,应当交替使用远近光灯示意。此处为没有交通信号灯控制的路口,所以需要交替使用远近光灯。机动车驶近急弯、坡道顶端等影响安全视距的路段以及超车或者遇有紧急情况时,应当减速慢行,并鸣喇叭示意。 14)无中线,城三公四,同向一道,城五公七 同向三车道,110-120,90-110,60-90 同向两车道,100-120,60-90 机动车在高速公路上行驶,车速超过每小时100公里时,应当与同车道前车保持100米以上的距离,车速低于每小时100公里时,与同车道前车距离可以适当缩短,但最小距离不得少于50米。 机动车在高速公路上行驶,遇有雾、雨、雪、沙尘、冰雹等低能见度气象条件时,应当遵守下列规定: (一)能见度小于200米时,开启雾灯、近光灯、示廓灯和前后位灯,车速不得超过每小时60公里,与同车道前车保持100米以上的距离; (二)能见度小于100米时,开启雾灯、近光灯、示廓灯、前后位灯和危险报警闪光灯,车速不得超过每小时40公里,与同车道前车保持50米以上的距离。 (三)能见度小于50米时,开启雾灯、近光灯、示廓灯、前后位灯和危险报警闪光灯,车速不得超过每小时20公里,并从最近的出口尽快驶离高速公路。 15)追尾都是后车的责任,因为没有保持足有的安全距离。


1、题目里有“口”的选50米,有“站”的选30米,叫“口五站三" 剩下的全选150米,没有150的选最大。判断题全对。 2、有关公里的题目:城市街道选50公里,其余有30的全选30。高速最高70,高速最低60。判断题全对。 3、吊销机动车证的为二年,撤消机动车证的为三年,以醉酒吊销五年,因逃跑而吊销是终身,叫“吊二撤三醉五逃终身”。 4、伤员急救知识:选择题:A、B、C、“选字最多的”。判断题:只有“远心端”和“软质担架”是错的,其余都是对的。 5、危险知识:题目里找“不需要”“不受”“可以”“三层”“坚固无损”是错的,其余都是对的。 6、扣分题:扣1分:“未带证件”判断题:有“灯光”和”倒车“是对的,其余全错。扣2分:匝道超车(高速),未达20%,打手机,违反标志,超4小时,没有划中心线,实习期,交叉路口。判断题:”未与前保持安全距离“是对的。其余全错。扣3分:灯光、信号灯、号牌、高速、挂车,判断题全错。扣6分:饮酒、超过50%、超过30%,学习驾车(高速),不按规定停车(高速)。判断题全对。扣12分:醉酒、扣证驾车、逃逸、借证驾车,超过三个月未缴罚款,驾不符合车型的,强行通过。判断题全对。 7、罚款题:有”2000“选”2000“,没”2000“选”500“,没有”2000以上”的和没有”1000“的罚款。其它全选最大题。考罚款金额的判断题全选正确。 8、有关天数的题目:只要记住一个调解的选10天,其余有15天选

15天,没有15天的选3或90。 9、有关高度的:出现”集装箱“选最大,其余选小。 10、关于作用的”变、离、柴、行“ 4个字后有作用全错,其余有作用全对。 学车顺口溜只要牢记考试准能过 上车喊报告! 拉门出左脚,坐好叫考官,面带梨涡笑。 关门深呼吸,坐姿要摆好。 查看空挡位,点火要轻柔。 方向别忘了,挂挡要干脆,手刹要放掉。 起步问考官,多看后视镜,喇叭来欢叫。 离合器放松,做好半连动,出发要稳当,别让考官晃! 换挡要及时,加挡要迅速,遇人要刹车,可别过了头。 转弯要减速,立即减下挡,多看多停顿,安全放心中。 肩膀要放松,双手放到位,神态要自然,莫因考官慌。 自己有信心,艰辛都不怕,胆大又心细,礼貌别忘了。 只要牢记着,考试准能过! 驾照考试秘笈小路考:驾校大路,小路考试(9九选六)考试技巧,注意事项和秘笈 步程序 1,调整座位 2,检视左右反光镜和倒车镜,检视手制动拉杆和排档杆位置


专八语言学练习 1. Which of the following feature is NOT one of the design features of language? a. Language is a system, b. Language is symboli c. c. Animal also have language, d. Language is arbitrary. 2. The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is good proof that human language is . a. arbitrary b. non-arbitrary c. logical d. non-productive 3. Which of the following terms best describes the "-ate" in the word "affectionate"? a. Derivational morpheme, b. Inflectional morpheme. c. Free morpheme, d. Prefix. 4. Which of the following teerms best describes the pair of words kill and dill? a. Minimal pair. b. A phonemic contrast. c. Closed class words, d. Bound morphemes. 5. What is the basic lexical relation between piece and peace? a. Synonymy. b. Antonymy. c. Homonymy. d. Polysemy. 6. /p/ is different from /b/ in . a. the manner of articulation b. the shape of the lips. c. the vibration of the vocal cords. d. the place of articulation. 7. Of all the speech organs, the is/are the most flexible. a. mouth b. lips c. tongue d. vocal cords 8. The phonological features, the consonant /t/ are . a. voiced stop b. voiceless stop c. voiced fricative d. voiceless fricative 9. The branch of linguistics that studies show context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called . a. semantics b. pragmatics c. sociolinguistics d. psycholinguistics 10. The utterance "We' ve abeady eaten ten tons. " Obviously violates the maxim of . a. quality b. quantity c. relation d. manner 11. All the back vowels in English are pronounced with rounded-lips, i. e. rounded,

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