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The Secret Soldier

A young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, lay dying in a hospital bed. He was too 1 to speak or move. Two men stood over him.

"I think this young man has 2 ," one man said.

"I'll take his jacket and boots," said the other.

Robert gathered all of his strength to 3 , "I…I'm alive. "

The doctor came running over as Robert fell into a coma(昏迷). "We can 4 him," he said as he examined the young soldier, "Oh, my! He's a 5 ! "

It was true. The young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, was really Deborah Sampson. 6 who was she?

Deborah Sampson had grown up in Massachusetts, living as a servant. She 7 of having great adventures (冒险). 8 the Revolutionary War broke out in 1775, women were not allowed to serve in the army. But Deborah 9 herself as a man and became a solider. She called herself Robert Shurtliff.

One day, during an attack, Deborah was shot in the neck and 10 . Another soldier lifted Deborah into his horse and rode her to the 11 . A doctor treated the wound on her back and asked if 12 had any other injuries. Deborah lied and said no. She was afraid that if the doctor examined her leg, he would discover her 13 . Using a pocket knife, Deborah got the bullet(子弹)out of her own leg. She 14 to fight as a soldier.

After the war ended, Deborah got married and had children. But she still longed for 15 . So she put on her soldier's uniform and travelled around the country telling of her life as young, brave soldier, Robert Shurtliff.

1. A. busy B. weak C. surprised D. strong

2. A. got up B. lost heart C. passed away D. got lost

3. A. whisper B. cry C. shout D. laugh

4. A. accept B. kill C. support D. save

5. A. soldier B. mother C. woman D. father

6. A. Though B. But C. Or D. However

7. A. died B. talked C. heard D. dreamed

8. A. When B. While C. Until D. Since

9. A. worked B. dressed C. acted D. lived

10. A. arm B. hand C. leg D. stomach

11. A. hospital B. library C. studio D. bedroom

12. A. she B. he C. it D. they

13. A. appearance B. ability C. beauty D. secret

14. A. failed B. continued C. agreed D. planned

15. A. home B. fashion C. peace D. adventure


【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文主要记叙了一个叫Deborah Sampson的妇人很喜欢冒险,在战争爆发时她女扮男装到战场上作战,后来被子弹射击后才被医生发现她是个妇人,而不是男人。

(1)考查形容词辨析。句意:他太虚弱以至于不能讲话或移动。A忙碌的,B虚弱的,C 惊讶的,D强壮的. 根据下文I think this young man has …以及I'll take his jacket and boots,可知其他士兵是以为他过世了,准备把他的夹克和靴子拿走,可知是因为他太虚弱了以至于让别人误会他过世了,故选B。

(2)考查动词辨析。句意:我觉得这位年轻的男人应该已经过世了。A起床,B没爱心,C过世,D迷失。根据"I'll take his jacket and boots"有其他士兵会拿走的靴子,可知是以为他过世了才带走他的东西,故选C。

(3)考查动词辨析。句意:Robert用尽他全身的力气小声地说。A悄悄说,B哭喊,C大喊,D嘲笑。根据上文可知他身体很虚弱,且下文I…I'm alive可知他几乎讲不出声音来了,所以是很小声,悄悄地说的,故选A。

(4)考查动词辨析。句意:我们可以救他。A接受,B杀害,C支持,D救。根据下文as he examined the young soldier医生给这位士兵检查身体,且此空中的can可知是可以去救这个士兵,故选D。

(5)考查名词辨析。句意:他是一个妇女。A士兵,B妈妈,C妇人,D爸爸。根据下文It was true. The young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, was really Deborah Sampson. …who was she 中的she可知这个士兵是个女的,故选C。

(6)考查连词辨析。句意:但她是谁呢?A尽管,B但是,C或者,D然而。根据下文…who was she?中的反问号可知是大家都很好奇她到底是谁,所以此处是转折关系,转折连词,结合选项,故选B。

(7)考查动词辨析。句意:她梦想着去冒险。A死了,B谈话,C听见,D梦想。根据下午…of having great adventures (冒险)中dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事,这个妇人是一直梦想冒险,所以男扮女装去当士兵,故选D。

(8)考查副词辨析。句意:1775年,当革命战争爆发时,妇女都不允许参军的。A在..的时候,B当..时,C知道,D自从。根据下文women were not allowed to serve in the army可知这两句话中缺少连词,when当……的时候,且下半句是非进行时态,故用when而不用while,故选A。

(9)考查动词辨析。句意:但Deborah把自己打扮成男装,然后成为了一名士兵。A工作,B穿着,C表演,D居住。根据上文战争爆发时女生是不允许上战场的,下文herself as a man中的herself和man,可知是把她自己打扮成一个男人,故选B。

(10)考查名词辨析。句意:在一次射击中,Deborah的腿和脖子被射中了。A手臂,B 手,C腿,D胃。根据下文She was afraid that if the doctor examined her leg可知她的腿也是受伤的,故选C。


医院,B图书馆,C录音室,D卧室。根据下文A doctor treated the wound 有医生给她治疗,可知是把她载到了医院,故选A。


伤口。 A她,B他,C它,D他们,根据上文treated the wound on her back and asked if 中


(13)考查名词辨析。句意:她担心如果医生处理她腿上的伤口,那他会发现她的秘密的。A外貌,B能力,C美,D秘密。根据上文She was afraid 中她很担心,是因为她担心



枪了,抢救过来后,A失败,B继续,C同意,D计划。下文提到fight as a soldier又像个



到她很喜欢冒险,根据此处still longed for 中的still依然可知她是依然想冒险,long for sth.

期待某事,long for adventure,期待冒险,故选D。









Grass is, of course a plant which grows in the field; a plant which some kinds of animals like to eat. When there has been plenty of 1 , the grass is green.

When the weather has been dry, the grass is brown. Animals like to eat grass when it is 2 and fresh. And if the grass in one place is greener than the rest, animals 3 to eat that grass. An animal in a field may look over the fence(篱笆)into the next field, where perhaps there are no animals and grass in the field 4 greener. But if the animal could get into the field, it would find that the grass is really the same. It just seems better from a distance (远处). So that's the 5 of the expression "The grass is greener on the other side of the fence."

We sometimes only say "The grass is 6 greener on the other side."

We use the expression to describe the situation — someone looks at distant things and feels they are better than the things around him. But 7 he could go to the distant place, he would find that life there is just as difficult. So don't always think that other people have a better situation. Just be 8 with what you have had. Enjoy and value it!

1. A. rain B. snow C. sunlight

2. A. green B. brown C. yellow

3. A. refuse B. prefer C. agree

4. A. smells B. tastes C. looks

5. A. form B. meaning C. advice

6. A. seldom B. sometimes C. always

7. A. when B. because C. unless

8. A. angry B. strict C. happy




(1)句意:如果一个地方雨水充足,草会更绿。rain 雨水,snow 雪,sunlight 阳光。根据

the grass is green.可知雨水充沛,故答案是A。

(2)句意:动物们喜欢吃绿色新鲜的草。green 绿色的,brown 棕色的,yellow黄色的。

根据Animals like to eat grass,可知草是新鲜的是绿的。故答案是A。

(3)句意:如果一个地方的草更绿,动物会更喜欢吃那里的草。refuse拒绝,prefer更喜欢,agree 同意。根据可知,动物们会更喜欢,故答案是B。


看起来更绿。smells 闻起来,tastes 尝起来,looks 看起来。根据green是一种颜色,应该是


(5)句意:所以这就是那句俗语的意思。form 形式,meaning 意思,advice 建议。根据前


(6)句意:别的地方的草总是看起来更绿。seldom 很少,sometimes 有时,always 总是。



(7)句意:但当他能走到远处的草地时,他会发现,那边的生活也不好过。When当...时,because 因为,unless 除非。根据两句话的意思可知,这是一个时间状语从句,应使用when连接,故答案是A。

(8)句意:满足你所拥有的。angry 生气的,strict 严厉的,happy 开心的。be happy with,固定搭配,对……满意,故答案是C。





I have a very useful dictionary. There are a lot of words in it. It gives many meanings for

1 word. But I always read the first meaning of a word in the dictionary. I never read the other meanings, because I wanted to read my book

2 . This morning,

3 I was reading a book, I met a strange sentence. It looked

4 first. The sentence had six words: "Draw a picture of your house." I knew five words in this sentence, but I didn't understand one word. I didn't

5 "draw". I opened my dictionary and

6 the first meaning of "draw". It was "pull". I said to myself, "Now I know all the words, and I think I can understand the sentence." So I

wrote the meaning of the sentence, "Pull a picture of your house." I read it, and what was the meaning of it? I didn't understand it.

My friend Dick read my new sentence. He laughed. He picked 7 my dictionary, and said to me, "Look, Jack. The second 8 of 'draw' is 'make a picture with a pen, a pencil and a brush'. 9 the sentence means: Make a picture of your house. I 10 ! I thought Dick was great. And at last I knew how to use my dictionary.

1. A. some B. another C. each D. other

2. A. quickly B. quietly C. carefully D. slowly

3. A. how B. who C. what D. when

4. A. difficult B. funny C. easy D. nice

5. A. have B. know C. use D. like

6. A. explained B. discovered C. found D. invented

7. A. by B. out C. up D. with

8. A. way B. meaning C. plan D. idea

9. A. Or B. If C. So D. But

10. A. understood B. got C. wanted D. gave


【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文作者介绍了自己在朋友的帮助下,学会怎样使用字典。(1)句意:它给每个单词赋予了许多含义。 A.some一些,修饰可数名词的复数;


C.each 每一,后跟可数名词的单数;

D.other别的,后跟可数名词的复数。根据I never read the other meanings .读到单词的第一个意思。可知字典里每个单词有很多意思,应该是每一,故选C。

(2)句意:我从来不读其他的意思,因为我想快点读我的书。 A. quickly 快地; B. quietly 轻轻地; C. carefully 细心地; D. slowly 慢地。根据 I never read the other meanings, 我从来不读其他的意思,可知想读书读得快些,故选A。

(3)句意:今天早上,我在看书的时候,遇到了一个奇怪的句子。A. how 怎样;B. who 谁; C. what什么; D. when 当...时候。根据 I was reading a book .我在看书。可知表示的时间,应该是当...时候,故选D。

(4)句意:一开始看起来很简单。这个句子有六个字。A. difficult 难的;B. funny 有趣的; C. easy 容易的; D. nice 好的。根据 but I didn't understand one word. 但是我不理解。可知应该是先看起来容易,故选C。

(5)句意:我不知道"draw"。 A. have 有; B. know 知道; C. use 用; D. like 喜欢。根据 I opened my dictionary .我打开字典。可知当遇到不认识的单词才查字典,应该是认识,知道,故选B。

(6)句意:我打开字典,找到"draw"的第一个意思。 A. explained 解释; B. discovered 发现; C. found 找到; D. invented 发明。根据 I opened my dictionary. 我打开字典。可知应该是找到词的意思,故选C。

(7)句意:他拿起我的字典,对我说:“看,杰克。”pick up捡起,拿起,固定搭配,故


(8)句意:“draw”的第二个意思是“用钢笔、铅笔和画笔做一幅画”。 A. way 方法; B. meaning 意思; C. plan 计划; D. idea 主意。根据 make a picture with a pen, a pencil and a brush'. 用钢笔、铅笔和画笔做一幅画”。可知是 'draw' 的意思,故选B。

(9)句意:画一张你房子的画。A.or或者;B. If 如果;C. So 所以;D. But 但是。根据draw' is 'make a picture with a pen, a pencil and a brush'. draw”的第二个意思是“用钢笔、铅笔

和画笔做一幅画。可知所以作者明白了 Draw a picture of your house. 的意思,故选C。

(10)句意:我明白了。 A. understood 明白; B. got 得到; C. wanted 想要; D. gave 给。

根据 at last I knew how to use my dictionary. 我知道怎样使用字典了。可知作者明白,故选A。




Do you know that the "Happy birthday to you" song is the first song sung in outer space? Apollo IX astronauts 1 it on March 8, 1969. It is one of the most popular English songs of

all time. Here is the story behind it.

The song was written by two sisters from Kentury, Mildred and patty Smith Hill. It was first published under the 2 of "Good morning to All" in 1893. It was used as a classroom 3 . Teachers sang it each day to welcome theirs students to the classroom.

The composer, Mildred Hill, was a concert pianist. Her sister, Patty Smith Hill wrote the original (最初的)lyrics (歌词)for the song while she was a teacher in a kindgarten in Louiville, Kentury, where Mildred also 4 .

The Hill sisters copyrighted (取得版权)their song on October 16, 1893. However, it appeared 5 their agreement in Robert H. Coleman's songbook on March 4, 1924. Coleman changed part of the lyrics to say, "Happy Birthday to you", 6 the song still had it's original title. The song was then published several times over the next ten years, often with small 7 in the lyrics. In 1934, when the song was sung every night in a Broadway Musical, another Hill sister, Jessica, went to court(法院) over the copyright problem of the song. She was 8

about the theft of the song and the failure to pay to her sister. She 9 her case. The Hill family owned the rights to the melody and had to be 10 every time the song was part of a commercial(商业的) production.

The Hill sisters, who devoted their lives to educating children, could never imagine that the simple little song would continue to earn about $ 2 million every year.

1. A. saved B. wrote C. invented D. sang

2. A. notice B. order C. title D. law

3. A. party B. greeting C. discussion D. test

4. A. taught B. searched C. sold D. prepared

5. A. as B. under C. for D. without

6. A. although B. until C. because D. after

7. A. chances B. tasks C. changes D. signs

8. A. satisfied B. glad C. curious D. angry

9. A. lost B. won C. heard D. dropped

10. A. paid B. praised C. invited D. warned



(1)句意:1969年3月8日,阿波罗九号宇航员演唱了这首歌。A:saved救,保存;B:wrote 写;C:invented发明;D:sang唱。根据上文Do you know that the "Happy birthday to you" song is the first song sung in outer space? 可知阿波罗九号宇航员唱了这首歌,故选D。

(2)句意:这首歌于1893年按“大家早上好”的顺序首次出版。A:notice注意,通知;B:order 顺序;C:title标题; D:law法律。根据 It was first published ...中的first,可知是按顺序出版的。故选C。

(3)句意:它被用作课堂问候语。A:party聚会;B:greeting 问候;C:discussion讨论; D:test测试。根据... "Good morning to All" ...可知一定是问候语,故选B。

(4)句意:米尔德里德也在那里教书。A:taught教;B:searched 搜寻;C:sold卖;D:prepared准备。根据... while she was a teacher in a kindgarten in Louiville, ...可知一定是在那里教学。故选A。

(5)句意:然而,在1924年3月4日罗伯特·H·科尔曼的歌曲集中,这首歌没有得到他们的同意。A:as作为;B:under 在......之下;C:for 为了;D:without没有。根据下文Coleman changed part of the lyrics to say, "Happy Birthday to you", 可知歌词被修改,是没有经过两姐妹的同意,故选D。

(6)句意:科尔曼把歌词的一部分改成了“祝你生日快乐”,尽管这首歌仍然保留着原版的标题。A:although尽管;B:until直到...... C:because因为;D:after在......之后。根据前后句意思可知两句是让步(转折)关系,故选A。

(7)句意:这首歌被出版了好几次,歌词中经常有小的变化。A:chances机会;B:tasks任务; C:changes 改变,变化;D:signs标记。根据下文 In 1934, when the song was sung every night in a Broadway Musical, another Hill sister, Jessica, went to court(法院) over the copyright problem of the song. 可知这首歌一定歌词中有效的变化,涉及版权的问题,才


(8)句意:她对那首歌的失窃和她没有付给妹妹钱感到愤怒。A:satisfied 满意的;B:glad高兴的; C:curious 好奇的;D:angry生气的。根据句末...the theft of the song and the failure to pay to her sister. 可知她一定会生气,故选D。

(9)句意:她赢了。A:lost B:won C:heard D:dropped。根据下文The Hill family owned the rights to the melody and had to be...every time the song was part of a commercial (商业的) production. 可知她赢了这场案件,故选B

(10)句意:每当这首歌成为商业制作的一部分时,他们都必须得到报酬。A:paid付给;B:praised 表扬;C:invited邀请;D:warned警告。根据下文The Hill sisters, who devoted their lives to educating children, could never imagine that the simple little song would continue to earn about $ 2 million every year. 可知要付给两姐妹的钱,故选A。




When I was a twelve-year-old newspaper boy, an old lady who was my customer lived near my house. I 1 her name. On a winter afternoon, I was playing with my friend near the old lady's backyard. I found a 2 smooth rock and threw it out, but the stone 3 a small window of her house. Unluckily, I saw the old lady standing behind the window. We knew we were 4 , and ran away quickly. We were scared about that we would 5 and didn't worry about the old lady with the broken window in winter. The next morning, she was 6 greeting me with a smile when I gave her the newspaper. I made up my mind 7 my money to correct my mistake. After three weeks, I had seven dollars. I put the money in an envelope with a note explaining everything and/ hoped that the seven dollars would cover the 8 for repairing the window. I waited until it was dark, and put the letter in her door. The next

day, I 9 the old lady her newspaper and she thanked me for it as usual and gave me a bag of cookies. After eating several cookies, I found an envelope and pulled it out. When I opened it, I was surprised. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said, "I'm proud of you." I smiled in relief. However, I 10 the lesson about forgiveness she taught me.

1. A. will forget B. forgets C. have even forgotten D. would forget

2. A. recently B. perfectly C. easily D. lonely

3. A. hit B. hitting C. hurt D. hurting

4. A. in silence B. in peace C. in need D. in trouble

5. A. help B. catch C. be caught D. be helped

6. A. always B. already C. never D. still

7. A. to save B. saving C. save D. saved

8. A. prize B. price C. pay D. cost

9. A. bought B. handed C. posted D. accepted

10. A. never remember B. shall never remember C. shall never forget D. could forget








(5)句意:我们害怕我们将被抓住。A.帮助;B.抓住;C.被抓住;D.被帮助。害怕被抓住,主语we是动作catch的承受者,所以用被动语态,结构是be+动词过去分词,catch 的过去分词是caught,would后面用动词原形be,故选C。




(7)句意:我下定决心节省钱纠正我的错误。make up one's mind to do sth.下定决心做某事,故选A。









Katy Sullivan is an actress, an athlete (运动员), and a person who also refuses to accept the words no or I can't.

She was born without the lower half of her 1 and has worn prosthetic (假体) ones

all her life. She grew up in Alabama, US and had a(n) 2 childhood. She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and the swimming pool. She feels lucky 3 her family treated her in just the same way as the other members.

When a person is born without legs, there are plenty of things that are 4 to do. But Katy believed she could 5 anything. So she chose two jobs that are difficult, 6 with both legs. As a teenager, she once saw a good movie. Before it was 7 , Katy had made her mind up to be a(n) 8 .

She did a degree in theater and then moved to Los Angeles, where she has played 9 in theater, television and movies. She has a positive (积极的) view of life. She thinks that if you believe 10 can do something, you should 11 it. So when Katy's friend asked her

12 she'd like to try running, she said "yes". She was given a pair of running legs and she

13 her new life.

Katy was the first person in the world with two prosthetic legs to 14 running as a competitive sport. She entered the final of the 100 meters in the 2012 London Paralympics.

Katy's family, friends, and fans look up to her as an 15 of someone who has overcome her difficulty and achieved her dreams.

1. A. arms B. legs C. feet D. hands

2. A. embarrassing B. lonely C. active D. strange

3. A. though B. unless C. before D. because

4. A. difficult B. important C. possible D. easy

5. A. achieve B. accept C. examine D. prevent

6. A. just B. also C. even D. ever

7. A. up B. over C. on D. out

8. A. athlete B. writer C. actress D. coach

9. A. games B. music C. sports D. roles

10. A. you B. we C. she D. they

11. A. depend on B. go for C. get used to D. look after

12. A. whether B. how C. when D. why

13. A. shared B. started C. changed D. prepared

14. A. fix up B. show up C. take up D. set up

15. A. ancestor B. enemy C. influence D. example


【解析】【分析】文章大意:Katy Sullivan是一名演员,运动员,和一名拒绝接受不,我不能的一个人。她没有腿的下半截,一生戴着假肢,但是她不怕困难,成为一名演员,和运动员,参加了2012年伦敦残奥会的100米决赛。

(1)考查名词。句意:她天生没有腿的下半截,她的一生中都戴着假肢。根据下文When a person is born without legs, there are plenty of things that are 4 to do.可知讲的是她没有左腿,故选B。

(2)考查形容词辨析。句意:她出生在美国的阿拉巴马州,有一个积极的童年。根据 She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and the swimming pool. 她与她的兄弟姐妹们在体育馆和游泳池里保持着同样的速度,可知她非常积极,故选C。

(3)考查连词辨析。句意:她感觉幸运因为她的家人用其他成员的同样的方式对她。A. 尽管;B. 除非;C. 以前;D. 因为,可知她因为家人对她同样的对待感到幸运,故选D。(4)考查形容词。句意:当一个天生没有腿时,有很多事情很难去做。A. 困难的;B. 重要的;C. 可能的;D. 容易的,根据常理推测,没有腿做很多事是困难的,故选A。

(5)考查动词辨析。句意:但是Katy相信她能做成任何事情。A. 实现,完成;B. 接受;

C. 检查;

D. 阻止;根据上下文可知她相信他能做任何事情,故选A。

(6)考查副词。句意:因此她选择了两份困难的工作,即使有两条腿。A. 刚刚;仅仅;B. 也;C. 即使;D. 曾经,这里指的是她选择的两份工作即使对于有两条腿的健康人来说也很困难的工作,故选C。

(7)考查副词。句意:在电影结束之前。A. 向上;B. 结束;越过;C. 继续;D. 出局,在外;根据语境可知她看了一部好电影,在看完电影之前,她就下定决心当一名演员,故选B。

(8)考查名词。句意:她就下定决心成为一名演员。根据Katy Sullivan is an actress, an athlete (运动员), and a person who also refuses to accept the words no or I can't. 和 She did a degree in theater and then moved to Los Angeles, where she has played 9 in theater, television and movies. 她获得了戏剧学位,可知她要当一名演员,故选C。

(9)考查名词。句意:她取得戏剧学位,然后搬到了洛杉矶,在那她在剧场,电视和电影中扮演角色。A. 游戏;B. 音乐;C. 运动;D. 角色,故选D。

(10)考查代词。句意:她认为如果你相信你能做些事情。根据语境中you believe you should 可知can do something的主语是you,故选A。

(11)考查动词短语。句意:你就应该去争取它。A. 依赖,依靠;B. 追求;争取,C. 习惯于;D. 照顾,根据上下文可知是争取,故选B。


(13)考查动词辨析。句意:她被给了一双跑鞋,她就开始了她的新人生。A. 分享;B. 开

始;C. 改变;D. 准备,根据上下文可知她尝试跑,是开始了一种新生活,故选B。

(14)考查动词短语。句意:Katy是世界上第一个有两条假肢把跑步当作一份竞技体育的人。A. 修理;安装;B. 炫耀;C. 从事;承担;D. 建立,根据语境可知她把跑步当作竞技体



的榜样。A. 祖先;B. 敌人;C. 影响;D. 榜样;例子,根据语境可知大家把她作为一个榜样




A Chinese student went to England to study by 1 . His name was Sun. It is spelt S-U-N just as the word "sun" is spelt.

England is a country with 2 weather. It is often cloudy and rainy, so the people there don't get 3 sunlight in the year. When the Chinese student arrived at 4 Airport, a

tall policeman opened his passport (护照) to 5 the visa (签证). The policeman was

6 to find the Chinese name "Sun" in the passport. He thought it was pronounced just

7 the English word "sun". So he said to the student, "I see your name is Sun. You are wanted here!"

The Chinese student felt surprised. So he 8 the policeman, "Is there anything wrong with my passport 9 visa? Do I have to 10 to my country?" "What?" shouted the policeman, "No, we'll 11 let you go away."

The Chinese student was worried by now. He thought he was going to be arrested (逮捕).

He was sure that he had been 12 . But he wondered 13 he had broken the British law. So he asked the policeman again, "What happened? What have I done?"

Then the policeman began to answer his question with a 14 on his face. He said, "Welcome to England! You don't know what you have done, Mr. Sun? You 15 sunlight to England already! So we don't want you to go away."

1. A. bus B. plane C. subway D. car

2. A. bad B. nice C. hot D. dry

3. A. a lot B. many C. much D. lots

4. A. London B. Beijing C. Tokyo D. New York

5. A. buy B. write C. check D. draw

6. A. excited B. worried C. scared D. bored

7. A. by B. with C. like D. on

8. A. trained B. asked C. agreed D. refused

9. A. or B. for C. so D. but

10. A. go over B. go on C. go back D. go out

11. A. always B. sometimes C. never D. usually

12. A. in silence B. in trouble C. in surprise D. in excitement

13. A. where B. whether C. what D. who

14. A. smile B. shout C. sadness D. shyness

15. A. would bring B. were bringing C. have brought D. were brought





(3)句意:天气经常多云和有雨,所以那里的人们在一年中得不到许多阳光。A.许多,修饰实义动词;B.许多,修饰可数名词复数;C.许多,修饰不可数名词;D.应该是lots of。sunlight阳光,不可数名词,所以用much修饰,故选C。




(7)句意:他认为它仅仅像英语单词“sun”一样被发音。A.通过;B.和;C.像;D.在......上面。英语单词“sun”就像汉字“sun”,just like就像,故选C。

(8)句意:所以他问警察,“我的护照还是签证有问题吗?”A.训练;B.问;C.同意;D.拒绝。根据后句"Is there anything wrong with my passport 9 visa?可知是问问题,故选B。





(13)句意:但是他想知道他是否破坏了英国的法律。A.哪里;B.是否;C.什么;D.谁。根据后句So he asked the policeman again, "What happened? What have I done?" 于是他又问警察:“发生了什么事?我做了什么?”可知中国学生想知道自己是否触犯了英国法律,故选B。


据后句He said, "Welcome to England!可知警察欢迎中国学生来英格兰,所以是带着微笑,



行时;C.已经带来,现在完成时;D.被带来,一般过去时的被动语态。根据前文You don't know what you have done,可知是已经做的事情,所以用现在完成时,故选C。





It's fun to receive presents. It also feels good to give to others. So what's the best way to budget (预算) your money and shop 1 ? Susan Beacham of Money Savvy Generation,

a US company that teaches money management skills to kids, 2 some advice." My first tip

is to make a list," says Beacham. She suggests that kids talk with their families about to 3 they should give gifts and how much they should spend. Take the 4 with you to the store. "Make sure that you do the maths," says Beacham. "If you've just spent $30 (184 yuan)

5 someone you were going to spend $25 on, you're going to have to spend $5 less on somebody else." The

6 to budgeting is staying within the boundaries (范围) you've

set for yourself. What to do if you just can't 7 buying things once you're in a mall? The answer is pretty easy – bring only a small amount of money with you. 8 you see an expensive item that you really want to buy, wait a few days and see if you're still 9 it. Chances are, you won't even remember it. Do you have enough money? If not, make 10 . And don't forget – not everyone needs a store-bought gift. Some of the best presents are free.

1. A. badly B. easily C. hardly D. wisely

2. A. takes B. follows C. learns D. has

3. A. whom B. when C. what D. which

4. A. book B. map C. list D. wallet

5. A. to B. on C. with D. at

6. A. key B. way C. answer D. solution

7. A. stop B. wait C. remember D. stand

8. A. As B. If C. So D. But

9. A. thinking over B. thinking about C. thinking up D. thinking for

10. A. mistakes B. decisions C. changes D. suggestions



(1)考查副词及语境理解。句意:那么,怎样才能合理预算开支,明智购物呢?A. badly 严重地、恶劣地;B. easily容易地;C. hardly几乎不;D. wisely明智地、聪明地。根据So what's the best way to budget (预算) your money怎样才能合理预算开支,可知是明智购物呢?故选D。

(2)考查动词及语境理解。句意:Susan Beacham是一家美国公司,专门为孩子们教授理财技巧,她对此有一些建议。A. takes拿、取;B. follows跟随;C. learns学习;D. has有。根据下文My first tip is to make a list, says Beacham.可知此处句意为她对此有一些建议,这里的主语是Susan Beacham,第三人称单数,所以有,用has,故选D。

(3)考查关系代词及语境理解。句意:她建议孩子们和他们的家人谈谈他们应该给谁送礼物,以及他们应该花多少钱。A. whom谁;B. when什么时候;C. what什么;D. which哪一个。根据they should give gifts可知此处缺少间接宾语sb,give sb. sth.给某人某物,双宾语结构,指的是给谁送礼物,故选A。

(4)考查名词及语境理解。句意:带着购物清单去商店。A. book书;B. map地图;C. list 清单;D. wallet钱包。根据上文My first tip is to make a list,可知此处为带着购物清单去商店。故选C。

(5)考查介词及语境理解。句意:如果你刚刚花了30美元(184元)给某人。A. to到;

B. on在……上面;

C. with和……一起;

D. at在。spend some time/money on sth/sb.在……上花费时间(金钱)。故选B。

(6)考查名词及语境理解。句意:预算的关键是保持在你为自己设定的范围之内。A. key 关键、密钥;B. way方式、方法;C. answer回答、答复;D. solution解答。根据后面的to budgeting is staying within the boundaries you've set for yourself.可知预算的关键是保持在你为自己设定的范围之内。故选A。

(7)考查动词及语境理解。句意:如果你在商场买东西停不下来怎么办?A. stop停止;B. wait等待;C. remember记得;D. stand站立。根据下文The answer is pretty easy –bring only a small amount of money with you.可知如果你在商场买东西停不下来怎么办?stop doing sth.停止做某事,故选A。

(8)考查连词辨析。句意:如果你看到一件你很想买的昂贵物品。A. As由于;B. If如果;C. So因此;D. But但是。根据 8 you see an expensive item that you really want to buy, wait a few days and see if you're still 9 it.可知意思是如果你看到你真的项目的东西等几天看你是否仍旧想起这件事。所以此处是if引导的条件状语从句,故选B。

(9)考查动词短语及语境理解。句意:等几天,看看你是否还在回想这件事。9. A. thinking over仔细考虑、重新考虑;B. thinking about考虑、回想起;C. thinking up想出、发明;D. thinking for认为。根据下文Chances are, you won't even remember it.可推知此处句意为等几天,看看你是否还在回想这件事。故选B。

(10)考查名词及语境理解。句意:你有足够的钱吗?如果没有,就做出改变。A. mistakes错误;B. decisions决定;C. changes改变;D. suggestions建议。根据上文Do you have enough money?以及下文And don't forget – not everyone needs a store-bought gift. Some

of the best presents are free.可推知句意如果没有,就做出改变。故选C。








I "ain't" doing that "coz" I don't want to! Do you understand this sentence? We use slang(俚语)words sometimes. They are informal(非正式的). To improve our speaking, it's 1 to learn formal words .This is why a school in Britain is trying to 2 informal languages by banning(禁止)all slang words.

The London all-girls high school says the ban will let students "express 3 confidently and properly". 4 that are banned include "arn't", which can mean "am not", "is not "or" have not". The word "coz" is used for "because".

But is slang bad? It's considered incorrect 5 very few people speak it. It's not normal speech. Yet language has always 6 over time. 7 Shakespeare(莎士比亚)made

up words.

Slang words are popular among young people. They love its 8 . The Internet has influenced slang words as they are much faster to write and 9 to say.

The school says they want to help students improve their 10 skills for finding jobs in the future. Do you think banning slang words is the best way?

1. A. difficult B. important C. impossible D. useless

2. A. stop B. learn C. speak D. keep

3. A. ourselves B. itself C. herself D. themselves

4. A. Phrases B. Sentences C. Words D. Articles

5. A. and B. but C. so D. because

6. A. changed B. used C. worked D. made

7. A. Yet B. Still C. Even D. However

8. A. challenge B. convenience C. spread D. development

9. A. simpler B. harder C. happier D. clearer

10. A. survival B. living C. language D. study




(1)句意:为了提高我们的口语,学习正式单词很重要。A.difficult难的,B.important重要的,C.impossible不可能,https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e14587481.html,eless无用的。结合后文提到.This is why a school in Britain is trying to stop informal languages by banning all slang words.可知空缺的意义为重要的,填入important,短语it's important to do sth,很重要做某事,故选B。






D.themselves他们自己。上文提到了 all-girls,可知是指女生们自己,填入themselves,故选D。




(7)句意:莎士比亚甚至创造词汇。A.Yet然而,B.Still仍然,C.Even甚至,D.However然而。根据上文提到language has always changed over time,可知空缺的意义为甚至,填入even,故选C。

(8)句意;他们喜欢它的方便。A.challenge挑战,B.convenience方便,C.spread蔓延,D.development发展。根据后文提到The Internet has influenced slang words as they are much faster to write可知,俚语很方便,填入convenience,故选B。

(9)句意:互联网影响到了俚语,因为她们很容易书写并且更容易说。A.simpler更简单的,B.harder更难的,C.happier更高兴的,D.clearer更加清晰的。根据上文提到they are much faster to write,可知空缺的意义为更容易地,填入simpler,故选A。





D.study学习。根据slang words是一种语言,空缺填入language,故选C。



One day I was watching a movie at home and tears dropped from my eyes as I saw a moving picture. My three﹣year﹣old son came to me and asked me why I was crying. I 1 silent

as I couldn't explain to him it was just an emotional(情感的)thing. To my surprise, he 2 my face with his little hand and said, "Dear Mom, stop crying! You see 3 will be fine. You're my good girl. So just get up and let's get ready for school." On hearing him saying this to me I could not help 4 . It was so funny for a child to say so. Later I 5 that he had repeated almost the 6 thing that I told him when he was crying.

The first time a child begins to speak, he tries to 7 what his parents have been telling him for a long time. Usually parents 8 with the words "Mama" "Papa" and so on. But as the child continues learning and possibly starts speaking on his own without being 9 we

as parents always 10 he's still being guided by us. The only 11 is that we're now doing that in a more passive (被动的)way than before. We always use words that we don't want our child to say, and when he says those words, we 12 where he has learned them. Even then, some of us don't realize that the child has learned the words only from 13 only. Instead, we start to put the blame (指责) on either his friends or somebody who has talked to him when we are not present.

So if you want your child to have perfect 14 , you'll have to set a good example to him. And if you can't do this, you have no right to expect your child to have such a thing. After all, the parents' words and behavior have a great 15 on their children.

1. A. took B. made C. set D. kept

2. A. touched B. hit C. smelled D. tasted

3. A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything

4. A. singing B. shouting C. laughing D. crying

5. A. suggested B. thought C. realized D. believed

6. A. strange B. bad C. same D. exciting

7. A. ask B. copy C. practice D. decide

8. A. start B. deal C. end D. live

9. A. taught B. watched C. given D. advised

10. A. consider B. knew C. remember D. forget

11. A. prize B. way C. activity D. difference

12. A. wonder B. say C. believe D. think

13. A. we B. our C. ours D. us

14. A. study B. life C. behavior D. health

15. A. influence B. use C. nature D. sight



(1)句意:我保持沉默因为我无法向他解释这只是一种情感上的事情。A. took的拿取;B. made 让,制作;C. set放;D. kept保持。根据后面一句I couldn't explain to him 可

知。我不能跟他解释这只是个情感东西,所以只能是保持沉默,keep silence 固定词组,保持沉默。故D答案是D。

(2)句意:令我吃惊的是,他用小手摸着我的脸说“亲爱的妈妈,不要哭了”。A. touched 触摸;B. hit拍打,打;C. smelled闻,嗅;D. tasted看,观看。根据后面下文意思,说道,“妈妈不要哭了”可知这里是安慰妈妈,所以用手抚摸妈妈的脸。故答案是A。

(3)句意:你看,一切事情都和变好的。A. something某些事;B. everything一切事情;C. nothing没有事情;D. anything任何事。根据上下文的意思可知,这里是所有一切都会好的,everything will be fine。故答案是B。

(4)句意:在听到了他和我说的话,我忍不住笑了。A. singing唱歌;B. shouting叫喊;

C. laughing笑;

D. crying大哭。根据下文“It was so funny for a child to say so ”可知,孩子能说出这样的话,妈妈忍不住笑。故答案是C。

(5)句意:后来,我意识到他是在重复我在他哭泣时说过的同样的话。A. suggested表明,建议;B. though t 想;C. realized意识到;D. believed相信。根据下文所述,孩子是在模仿父母所做的事,可以推知她是随后意识到这一点。故答案是C。

(6)句意:后来,我意识到他是在重复我在他哭泣时说过的同样的话。A. strange奇怪的,陌生的;B. bad坏的;C. same同样的;D. exciting激动的。根据下文”I told him when he was crying ”可知,当他哭时,我也是这样做的,所以我也哭了,他在重复一样的事,故答案是C。

(7)句意:通常孩子第一次说话,是在模仿父母一直教他说的。A. ask问;B. copy复制;C. practice练习;D. decide决定。根据逻辑关系可知,小孩子第一次开始说话时,是在模仿复制父母所告诉他的话。所以选copy。故答案是B。

(8)句意:通常父母教孩子说话以爸爸妈妈开始。A. start开始;B. deal处理;C. end结束;D. live生活。根据逻辑关系,可知这里是说,通常父母先开始教孩子说爸爸妈妈,以及下文 starts speaking on……,所以选start。故答案是A。

(9)句意:但是当孩子继续学习,他有可能自己说话而不哟过大人教了。A. taught教;


C. given给;

D. advised建议。根据下文“teaching the child in a more passive way than before”可知。当孩子开始自己学习说话不需要大人教时,故答案是A。(10)句意:我们作为父母总是忘记他仍然需要我们的指导。A.consider考虑;B. knew 知道;C. remember记住;D. forget忘记。根据上下文的意思,这里是说当孩子自已会说话时,父母总是忘记孩子仍然在由我们指导。故答案是D。

(11)句意:唯一的不同之处是我们现在比以前处于更被动的地位。A. prize奖励;B. way方式;C. activity活动;D. difference不同。根据上下文的意思,父母知道孩子仍然被我们所指导。但唯一的不同就是比之前教孩子更被动。与之前做比较不一样,故答案是D。

(12)句意:我们总是使用我们不想让孩子说的话,当他们说了这些话时,我们会想知道他在哪学到了这些。A. wonder想知道;B. say说;C. believe相信;D. think认为。根据下文我疑惑他说出来的话,不只是从我们这里学到,所以会感到惊讶,想知道从哪学的,选wonder。故答案是A。


we主格;B. our形容词性物主代词;C. ours名词性物主代词;D. us宾格。由下文only


(14)句意:所以如果你想要你的孩子有完美的表现,你自己必须给孩子树立良好的榜样。A. study学习;B. life生活;C. behavior 表现;D. health健康。根据下面“behave properly and politely”可知,在这里是说想要孩子有个好的行为,给孩子树立榜样。故答案


(15)句意:毕竟父母的言行举止对孩子有很大的影响。A. influence影响;B. use用;C. nature自然;D. sight视力。根据此段的意思可知,父母的言行举止对孩子有巨大的影响。如果父母没有做好,就不要期待孩子表现良好。所以选择influence。故答案是A。






Cindy was just seven years old when she started going on walks. Since then, she has joined a sports club with her 1 , Kevin.

"We started walking around the countryside," 2 Cindy. "There are a lot of paths near our house, and now we go walking all year round, even 3 winter. My first 4 was 2 kilometers away. But we did it little by little over quite a long time. After I 5 the sports club, I became more and more energetic (精力充沛的). Walking has made me much 6 . I think it would be a really good idea to 7 other kids of my age to walk because many kids are getting fat nowadays."

Cindy's father, Kevin is really 8 of his daughter's opinion of walking. "I wish we could get more kids out walking. 9 now lots of children are busy with TV programs and computer games, so it's not 10 for them to go out. But I think I should try my best to help them."

1. A. father B. friend C. teacher

2. A. speaks B. says C. talks

3. A. in B. on C. at

4. A. run B. change C. walk

5. A. joined B. left C. attended

6. A. richer B. healthier C. shorter

7. A. need B. order C. encourage

8. A. kind B. afraid C. proud

9. A. Unluckily B. Happily C. Easily

10. A. difficult B. easy C. important




(2020最新模拟江苏省宿迁市 A) 根据句意及所给中文提 示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。每小题1分) 46. My neighbours are very ▲ (友好的) to us. 47. Do you ▲ (同意) with what I say? 48. We had a very cold ▲ (冬季) last year. 49. Are you ▲ (有空的) this evening? 50. I can’t ▲ (买得起) to go to the 2020最新 模拟 World Cup. 51. The tourists had no c ▲ but to wait for the next bus. 52. Tom is a ▲ (a good sense of humour) boy, so everyone likes him. 【答案】46.friendly 47.agree 48.winter 49.free 50.afford 51.choice 52.humo(u)rous (2020最新模拟.江苏省无锡市.B根据句意和汉语注释,在 答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式,每小题1 分) 6.Sometimes ______________(深厚的) feelings are hard to put into words. 7.Mr Wang was busy,but he_____________ (坚持) on seeing me off at the airport. 8.Will you join us in the _____________(讨论)about the teenage problems.


点评2010年北京英语高考完形填空(附详细解析) 杨瑶 [标签:完形填空教师点评高考 2010年高考刚刚落幕,杨瑶老师第一时间对北京高考完形进行了详尽地解析,并与过去三年完形考题进行了纵向对比研究,得出如下结论。 一、考点解析 2007-2010年高考英语完形填空词性考点分布图 从词性角度分析,完形填空的重点是实词,其中名词和动词所占比例又相对较高。虚词考察虽少,但大多较为灵活,比如通过与动词的搭配来考察考生对介词词义的理解程度,比如通过连词考察考生对句子衔接的把握。根据分布可以看出,2010年高考命题在词性考察的平衡性上有所调整,争取覆盖所有词性,以体现考生的综合素质。因此词汇量的扩充是攻克完形填空的第一关。 二、命题特点 2010年的完形的选材沿用了往年的风格,为叙述为主,夹叙夹议,涉及细致心理活动描写,往往是一个从消极到积极的转变过程。 附:07年第一人称叙述,08年第一人称叙述,09年第三人称叙述,10年第一人称叙述。 2007-2010年高考英语完形填空综合考察点分布图 1、

为突出完形填空这一题型的“选拔功能”需要,语篇层面的题目逐年递增,2010年的考察尤其突出这点。对于四个选项,如果孤立地看对应挖空的句子,或许都能满足句子的要求,即使个别小题中四个备选答案的词类有不相同者,其语法功能也往往是一样的。考生只有结合上下文语境才能选择出正确答案。 此外,每年的完形填空都会有一两道考察知识迁徙能力的题目,要么选项是考生不熟悉的单词,要么是考生没见过的搭配。比如07年的break the news,是由课本中的“breaki ng news”迁徙而来;比如10年的lively,是由课本中的“live shows”引申出来。另外,由于完形填空综合性较强,因此词组层面和句子层面的试题比例大致应该会固定在50%左右,不可掉以轻心。 从答案分布上看,仍然体现均等原则,今年的完形答案中ABCD选项各五个,这个技巧尤其适用于高分段考试在复查时提高正确率。 三、趋势预测 1、难度提高,干扰项迷惑性加大 2、语篇理解题目增多,逻辑要求提高。 3、单纯考察语法和单词的题目减少,知识拓展迁徙能力考察提高 2010年高考英语完形填空详细解析 I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-design team for a play and she was one of the directors. Almost instantly I loved her. She had an unpleasant voi ce and a direct way of speaking. 36 she was encouraging and inspiring. For some reason, she was impressed with my work and me. Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my 37 . She wanted to know how I thought we should 38 things. At first I had no idea how to answer because knew 39 about sta ge design! But I slowly began to respond to her 40. It was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to 41them. She trusted me to complete things, so I completed them perfectly. She loved how 42 I was, so I began to show up t o paint more and more. She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself. Mrs. Neidl’s 43 that year was, “Try it. We can always paint over it 44!” I bega n to take 45. I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no failing—onl


1. (重庆A卷)I had egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. (重庆B卷)I believe that apple a day keeps the doctor away. A. a B. an C. the D. / 3. (四川成都)—Who is boy playing soccer over there? —He is my classmate, Li Ping. A. a B. 不填 C. the 4. (天津)There is old piano in corner of the living room. A. an; the B. an; 不填 C. a; the D. a; a 5. (上海)Hurry up! The concert will begin in minute. A. a B. an C. the D. / 6. (山东临沂)The bed piano allows a music lover to play piano while he is lying in bed. A. a B. an C. / D. the 7. (山东青岛)We should have breakfast every day to keep healthy. A. a B. an C. / D. the 8. (江苏连云港)Zanco, American tech company, made tiniest phone in the world —the Tiny 11. A. the; a B. an; / C. /; a D. an; the 9. (宜宾)Every morning he spends hour doing exercise, then he goes to work. A. an; / B. a; a C. a; / 10. (随州)May is fifth month of the year. It’s very pleasant month. A. the; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; / 11.(浙江温州)—Will you go to school-leavers’ party tomorrow? —Certainly. I’m going with my parents. A. a B. an C. the D. / 12. (甘肃白银)The man is driving at 40 kilometers hour. A. a B. an C. the D. / 13. (湖南郴州)—My daughter seldom has breakfast. —It’s unhealthy habit. Breakfast is very important to health. A. a B. an C. the 14. (山东东营)According to rule made in 2017, some kinds of dogs mustn’t be kept since May 1st, 2018 in Dongying. A. a B. an C. the D. / 15. (江苏宿迁)There will be talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon. A. the B. an C. a D. / 16. (四川内江)—What time is it now, Mike? —It’s quarter past five. Let’s go to play basketball. A. 不填;不填 B. a; a C. the; a D. a; 不填 17. (哈尔滨)—What are you going to do next month? —I am going to travel to Germany, which is European country. A. a B. an C. the 18. (黑龙江绥化)I spend hour playing drums every day. A. a; the B. an; / C. an; the 19. (海南)Ann is my best friend. She can play piano very well.


【英语】英语中考英语完形填空及答案经典 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 After school on Friday, I waited at the school gate lo walk home with Jemma, as usual. Then I saw 1 talking and laughing happily with some other girls. She glanced (瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there I knew fight then that I had 2 my best friend. At dinner, Mom asked. "Is Jemma coming by tomorrow?" I shrugged (耸肩) and said nothing. The next morning. Mom asked. "Today is 3 . What are you and Jemma going to do?" I shrugged again. " 4 is Jemma?" Mom took a look at me. Them she said, "Will you take these magazines to Grandma, please?" 5 I walked down the street, a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling. But I just went 6 her. Grandma welcomed me at the door with a warm hug. Sitting on the sofa, I noticed a(an) 7 of kids in old-fashioned clothes on the table . Grandma pointed at a girl with short fair hair. "That's Beth Lambert," she said. "My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo." I was 8 at that. "Beth and I were best friends in school. We did everything 9 . Then one day, she made new friends and said she didn't want to hang out with me anymore. Nothing hurt 10 that." I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I knew I'd start 11 if I opened my mouth. Grandma hugged me again. "Simone, sometimes friends grow 12 . It might happen to anyone," she continued. "Then, see him?" Grandma's finger 13 to a boy with glasses in the photo. "He lived near me. When I was walking home by myself 14 this boy was, too, I said 'hello'. And we became friends." "So, if we want to start a new friendship," she smiled. "One 15 is all it took." As I was heading home, that new girl appeared again. I went towards her and spoke, "Hello." 1. A. it B. them C. her D. him 2. A. lost B. hurt C. forgotten D. beaten 3. A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday 4. A. How B. Where C. Which D. Who 5. A. As B. Before C. After D. Until 6. A. to B. past C. with D. against 7. A. card B. photo C. poster D. advertisement 8. A. glad B. angry C. satisfied D. surprised 9. A. together B. outside C. differently D. quickly 10. A. less than B. because of C. more than D. instead of


名词 ( C )1. (2017江西) —Do you have any for tonight yet? —Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach? A. problems B. news C. plans D. rules ( A )2. (2017福建) —Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. —That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese . A. culture B. invention C. custom D. tradition ( A )3. (2017海南) It is very hot in Hainan this summer. On June 3rd, the in Lingao reached 41.9℃. A. temperature B. information C. development D. progress ( C )4. (2017上海) Did the policeman give much on how to protect personal information? A. note B. tip C. advice D. book ( C )5. (2017天津) Don’t stand too close to North Americans. You’d better give them more personal . A. time B. system c. space D. pity ( C )6. (2017重庆) —Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week. —Well, you’d better take a with you, or you may easily get lost. A. photo B. stamp C. map D. postcard ( A )7. (2017安徽) The New Silk Road will offer a good for more nations to communicate. A. chance B. habit C. question D. price ( B )8. (2017山西) You should look into his eyes when you talk to somebody. It shows your . A. shyness B. politeness C. quietness D. rudeness ( C )9. (2017南京) —I go swimming every day. —Wow! That’s a good . It keeps you healthy. A. match B. task C. habit D. dream ( C )10. (2017武汉) —I wonder if you’ve made a decision on the project, Eric. —Not yet. I can’t make it until I have first-hand on prices. A. news B. knowledge C. information D. education ( B )11. (2017哈尔滨) During the Spring Festival, people in Northern China usually eat as a traditional Chinese food. A. pizza B. dumplings C. hamburgers D. bread ( C )12. (2017苏州)—Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? —Either day is OK. It makes no to me. A. choice B. change C. difference D. decision ( B )(2017孝感)13. Computers are very useful. They can help us get much on the Internet. A. games B. information C. courage D. messages ( C )(2017青岛) 14. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one .


2014年高考英语(北京卷)完形填空真题含答案详解 The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often 1_ about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page. All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who 2 that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this 3_ girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her. But how could I help her 4 in with us? There had to be a 5_ . One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had 6 her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n) 7_ copy. I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming 8_ show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had 9_ . “why, it’s wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who the n showed us a poster she had painted 10_ the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don’t have enough11 . Could you help me, Suzy?” On the day of the talent show, Suzy’s 12 were everywhere ---- all over the hall and all over the school, each one different. “And finally,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (n)_13_award. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students 14 them.” I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw 15 well?” Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “ 16 this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a 17 ,too. Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new student ---- Suzy Khan!” Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist’s set. “Thank you,” she cried. I 18 , at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she’d probably never 19 anything in her whole life. Everyone started to 20 their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening. I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.


小卷速测(十二) 完形填空+阅读理解D+回答问题 (限时:20分钟) Ⅰ. 完形填空 When I started working, I couldn’t understand why some people seemed to succeed in everything they tried.However, others just couldn’t manage to achieve anything.After a while, I found the biggest 1 lied in setting and reviewing goals regularly.A study shows those who have written goals and review them regularly are among the highest achievers. What do you do with your desires(渴望) in life? You could pay no attention to them and leave them to 2 in your mind, or start taking action to get what you want.You need to set goals.A goal starts with a simple desire. Do you use any 3 for not setting goals? Whatever it is, I am sure your excuse is limiting you.If you’re 4 about what you want, you might end up at a certain age with things that you didn’t wan t. Setting goals and reviewing them regularly can increase your chances of succeeding.It can give you the right direction and 5 you moving closer to what you want.You will achieve more in months than many people do in years. If you have a strong desire for something, you will have two 6 :wishful thinking, or taking action.You can wish for a miracle(奇迹), but do nothing.Or, you can get clear on the steps and take them, 7 , one by one until you reach success. Setting goals is the most important and necessary step to achieve success in any area.It begins with a desire, and then a written goal, 8 by the right attitude and action.Keep reviewing your goals and watch how your wish miraculously turns into your reality. ( )1.A.difference B.surprise C.hope D.sale ( )2.A.sing B.dance C.light D.disappear ( )3.A.tools B.excuses C.stories D.examples ( )4.A.excited B.unclear C.sure D.unhappy ( )5.A.imagine B.feel C.stop D.keep ( )6.A.steps B.decisions C.choices D.wishes ( )7.A.slowly B.suddenly C.luckily D.sadly ( )8.A.decided B.corrected C.followed D.built

最新-2018中考英语真题分类汇编 精品

2018中考英语真题分类汇编:单选非谓语动词 (2018山东省潍坊市19. 1)At least 300 million people are using QQ________by Ma Huateng to chat on line. A.create B.creates C.creating D.created 【答案】D (2018四川省成都市42. 1)-Where's your brother now,Bob? --I saw him _______in the street a moment ago and I told him_________. A.playing;don't do so B.playing;not to so C.play;to do so 【答案】B (2018·吉林省通化市,46,1)The woman made his son_____finally after she told him some jokes. https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e14587481.html,ughed B.to laugh https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e14587481.html,ugh https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e14587481.html,ughing 【答案】C (2018·河南省,24,1)( ) Father often tells me--too much time on computer games. A don't spend B not spend C not to spend D not spending 【答案】C (2018·湖北省黄冈市,43,1)-How would your family like to travel? --It's a problem in my family.Mother prefers to take a bus to travel,while father always sticks ______to travel. A.to drive B.to driving C.driving D.drive 【答案】B (2018·山东省聊城市,34,1)The teachers often tell their pubils ________aeross the road when the traffic light is red. A.not go B.not to go C.don't go D.didn't go 【答案】B (2018·陕西省,25,1)Don't forget _________an umbrella _______you.It's going to rain.


2018北京各城区高三二模英语分类汇编--完形填空 【西城二模】 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Be Cool...Stay in School! In the eighth grade, I was student-body president of Erwin Middle School in Asheville. I considered t h i s q ui t e an16s i nc e th e re we re ov e r 1,000 s t ud en t s i n t h e s ch o ol. A t t he e nd of the year, I was asked to make a speech at the ceremony where my class was 17 to high school. I knew this had to be more than just the brief comments a student might18 give.We’re the c l a s s o f M i l l e n n i u m(千禧年),19I w a n t e d m y s p e e c h t o b e a s s p e c i a l a s w e w e r e. I spent several nights lying in bed, 20 about what to say. Many things crossedmy mind, but none of them 21 all my classmates. Then one night, it 22 me. Erwin High School has the highest 23 rate of any high school in our county. What better goal could we have than for every single one of us to24 ? The speech I gave on graduation day was only 12 minutes long, but what it started was 25 .When I announced the challenge to my classmates, the entire audience, including the parentsand teachers, broke into applause. As I showed the personalized certificates and signs each student would get, I could 26they were really excited. I’d had no idea my challenge would bring this kind of27 . Throughout the summer, I worked on developing a program to carry our 28 into high school. I gave speeches to local clubs and groups. I also 29 a “Dropout Patrol”, made up of students who would be willing to help and support other students during bad times. Then word began to 30 about our challenge. I appeared on local television, and calls started coming in from everywhere. Businesses are throwing their 31 behind us. We have banks, furniture stores, restaurants and more where we can get discounts for our entire family when we show our “Dropout Patrol” ID cards. All this was32 , because we are just starting a difficult four-year journey, but we have already made a significant 33 . Last year,13 kids dropped out of the freshman class. So far this year, not a single person who signed the commitment has34 , and the “Dropout Patrol”has become the largest organized group in the school. The Erwin High “Committed Class of Millennium” would like to encourage your class to start a 35 like ours. Wouldn’t it be greatif the entire class of Millennium, nationwide, had a 100 percent graduation rate? 16. A.intension B. honor C. enjoyment D. advantage 17. A.invited B. transformed C. promoted D. introduced 18. A. normally B. constantly C. completely D. gradually 19. A. but B. for C. or D. so


(英语)中考英语试题真题分类汇编介词及解析 一、初中英语介词 1.I've ordered some flowers for grandma and they will arrive _____ two hours. A. in B. after C. over D. for 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:我已经给奶奶订了一些花儿,它们两个小时后就会到达。in+时间段,表示将来,意思是“……以后”;after+时间段,表示过去;over+时间段,表示“经过……时间”,通常用现在完成时;for+时间段,表示动作或状态的延续。根据句中的will arrive 可知此处表示一般将来时,故答案为A。 【点评】考查介词辨析。注意in、after和for后跟时间段时各自的常用时态。 2.I'll be at home __________ Sunday morning. You can phone me then. A. on B. in C. at D. to 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:在周日早上我将在家,那时你可以给我打电话。on+具体时间;in+the+morning/afternoon/evening,在早上/下午/晚上;at+时间点。Sunday morning指的是周日早上,指的是具体日期,所以用on,故选A。 【点评】考查介词辨析,注意平时识记on、in、at的区别。 3.I will go around the city of Dalian by light-rail vehicle(轻轨) subway because I haven't taken it before. A. instead of B. in the face of C. along with D. across from 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我打算不坐地铁,坐轻轨车参观大连,因为我以前从没有坐过。 A.而不是; B.面对; C.和……一起; D.在……对面。因为原来没有坐过轻轨,所以这里是坐轻轨而不是坐地铁,故答案是A。 【点评】考查短语辨析,注意识记短语instead of的意思。 4.My mother often says, "Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud who you are." A. of B. with C. at D. in 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我妈妈经常说,像向日葵一样挺起胸膛,为自己感到骄傲。be proud of,固定搭配,为……骄傲,故选A。 【点评】考查固定搭配,注意be proud of的用法。 5.The high-speed train Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A. from B. among C. in D. between 【答案】 D


完形填空 1. 2019海淀一模 My Perfect Imperfect Life A few years ago, I was standing at the barre (扶手杠) waiting for my adult ballet class when I heard a voice behind me. “So, do you have this perfect life?” My first reaction was to 11 who was being asked such an odd question. Then I remembered there were only two of us in the room. When I turned 12 , the other woman was looking straight at me. I had no idea how to answer it. Was she 13 ? Who has a perfect life? Sure, occasionally I did find the perfect dress or the perfect pair of shoes, 14 never would I use that word to describe anything about me or my life. I felt a twinge of guilt for somehow giving her that 15 . She watched me. I finally 16 to whisper a quick “No”. By then, the teacher had entered the room and turned on the music to start class. With a sigh of 17 , I moved my feet into the best position. But as soon as my knees bent for our first pose, I realized my 18 had been disturbed. This woman’s words wouldn’t 19 echoing in my thoughts. I wanted to know how she came up with her very mistaken 20 . If she knew anything about my life, she never would have had the 21 to ask me that question. I did my best to do our floor exercises in front of the mirror. For a few moments, I didn’t see the usual 22 of my older self attempting to use a beautiful art form to 23 my gracefulness. I only saw the little girl whose father died when she was two, the child who walked home from elementary school every day to an empty house, who learned to sew her own clothes to 24 money. Perfect. My life had been far from it. When those memories 25 , I was left with a vision of the woman I had become, the woman 26 by all those things I considered imperfect. I now saw the woman who had learned to be self-reliant, who 27 her family and her friends, who didn’t take life for granted. Was that the “perfect” this woman had detected? I still don’t know, but I no longer feel 28 or feel like I must keep track of all the difficult times to prove my life isn’t 29 . If ever again asked whether my

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