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1. up to the hammer

2. to break even

3. to put all one’s eggs in one basket

4.to a man

5. rain cats and dogs

6. to show one’s colors

7.a leap in the dark

8. to put one’s foot in one’s mouth

9. a bed of roses

10. to hold the purse string 1. 第一流的

2. 不赔不赚

3. 孤注一掷

4. 无一例外

5. 下倾盆大雨

6. 原形毕露

7. 轻举妄动

8. 说错话

9. 安乐窝

10. 掌管金钱

1.kick the bucket

2. once in a blue moon

3. much cry and little wool

4. to face the music

5. to flog a dead horse

6. share ups and downs

7. a wet blanket

8. to seek a hare in a hen’s nest

9. a bull in a china shop

10. to keep upright 1. 蹬腿;呜呼哀哉

2. 千载难逢

3. 雷声大,雨点小

4. 临危不惧

5. 徒劳无益

6. 同甘共苦;风雨同舟

7. 令人扫兴的人或事

8. 缘木求鱼

9. 鲁莽的人

10. 请勿倒置

1.to fly off the handle

2.agreeable sweetness

3.to bring down the house

4.a dog in the manger

5.to rain cats and dogs

6.to face the music

7.to hold the purse string

8.to cry up wine and sell vinegar

9.with tongue in cheek

10.in the pink 1.生气









1. to smell a rat

2.at the eleventh hour

3. a fly in the ointment

4. of an age

5. to hold the purse string

6. put one’s foot in one’s mouth

7. to look for a needle in a haystack

8.to break even

9. for a song

10. a flash in the pan 1. 觉得可疑

2. 在最后关头

3. 美中不足的事

4. 同岁

5. 掌管金钱

6. 说错话

7. 海底捞针

8. 不赔不赚

9. 便宜地

10. 昙花一现

1. to show one’s colors

2.to kiss the hare’s foot

3.to break even

4.a bed of roses

5. rush hours 1.原形毕露2迟到



5. 高峰时间

1)extremely urgent十万火急

2)underestimate one’s own capabilities妄自菲薄

3)commit the same error重蹈覆辙

4) full of conceit目空一切

5) miss a good chance错失良机

6) fellow sufferers难兄难弟

7)make a superficial change 换汤不换药

8) The dishes from Chinese cuisine are meant to be both visually appealing and flavorous.


9)The evil which they did lives after them.
