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(1)所谓近指的是指横线部分与重要信息属于同一句句中,而(1)题中,破折号起解释说明的作用,是解题的关键,"the year of the sheep, the year of the monkey, the year of the tiger, etc."这部分明显是对a+名词,其中名词的解释,根据这点,判断应填name

(2)还是用"近"的方法,关键在于此句中cleaning,are ____ doing,这个词组我们就立刻可以想到be busy doing的结构


(4)、(5)在这句话中同时出现了两个空格,这时就需要纵观全句进行首字母填空,从最完整的先看and go visit their relatives and friends去拜访他们的亲戚和朋友,and与前半部分有着承接的关系,put on这个词组表示穿上,穿上的必然是衣服,所以填clothes(注意不能填cloth,要用复数)再通过已填的空与the我们可以得出应该是在新年的第一天,所以应用first (6)"Happy New Year"与greetings属于同类,都是表示问好,所以用and 连接


Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words:(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

A:Hi,how are you?

B:Fine,thanks. Yesterday morning I saw your father in the street, I went up to takl to him, but he said he didn't know me. I was confused.

A: It c__(1)__ be him! My father was at home studying English at that time.

B: Oh, sorry! I must have made a mistake. But why is your father studying English now?

A: He wants to i__(2)__ his English. Last month he went to New York, U.S.A. He couldn't go anywhere alone because he didn't understand people there. Once he was almost l__(3)__. And when he felt h__(4)__, he even didn't know i__(5)__ there's a good place to eat.

B: What a pity! He should have studied English really hard if he often goes to English-speaking countries.

A: You're right. Now he is studying English b__(6)__ listening to tapes. B: Good. By the way, are you free tonight? How about having dinner and then see the latest 3D m__(7)__?

A: OK, that's great! See you later.

1. ____

2. ______

3. _____

4. ____

5. ____


7. ____

Key:1. can't(couldn't)2. improve3. lost 4. hungry 5. if 6. by 7. movie 首字母填空小技巧:揣测句意(结合语境)

(1)It c__(1)__ be him! My father was at home studying English at that time.在上篇完型中我们讲到了符号的重要性,此处各位注意找一下,关键符号"!",我们知道感叹号可以表示惊讶、非常肯定等,我们在把视线移到后半句,我的爸爸那个时候正在家里学习英语,结合两者,我们可以确定"那不可能是他",应该用can't来表示不可能

(2)He wants to i__(2)__ his English. Last month he went to New York, U.S.A. He couldn't go anywhere alone because he didn't understand people there. 所谓有因必有果,如果读完以上三句句子,我们不难发现后面两句是第一句的因,从后两句来看,上个月他去了美国纽约(去干吗呢?)。他不能单独地去任何地方因为他不能理解那里的人。(其实就是语言不通)由此可见,他想要的是提升自己的英语水平,want to后要跟动词原形,故用improve (3)、(4)、(5)需要结合起来来看,Once he was almost l__(3)__. And when he felt h__(4)__, he even didn't know i__(5)__ there's a good place to eat.首先我们要知道Once是什么意思,这里的once解释为曾经,然后我们又可以发现在后半句开头有个And,前后句子之间存在着并列关系,他曾经几乎______。并且当他感到_______,他甚至不知道_______有好的吃饭的地方。关键的地方在于"eat"这个动词,关于吃,那肯定是感到饿了,(3)应该填hungry,(5)