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英语教学法试题 (含答案)

英语教学法试题 (含答案)
英语教学法试题 (含答案)

Section I. Basic Theories and Principles (30 points)

Directions: Choose the best answer from A.B. or C for each question. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

1.What kind of cohesive devices is used to link sentences through signaling relationships between sentences by means of anaphora or back reference?

A. Cohesive devices that indicate meaning relationships between or within sentences, such as apart from, in order to, since, however, not only, and but also.

B. Grammatical devices that establish links to from the cohesion of a text, such as it, this, the, here, that, and so on.

C. Lexical devices that use the repetition of key words or synonymous words to link sentences together.

2. What will a good writer usually do in the pre-writing stage of the writing process?

A. Make decisions on the purpose, the audience, the contents, and the outline of the writing.

B. Concentrate on getting the content right first and leave the details like correcting spelling, punctuation, and grammar until later.

C. Develop a revising checklist to pinpoint the weaknesses of his/her writing and focus on the flaws likely to appear in their drafts.

3. Writing exercises like completion, reproduction, compression, and transformation are mainly the type of exercises used in which writing tasks?

A. Controlled writing.

B. Guided writing.

C. Free writing.

4.Which type of grammar tends to teach you how the grammar is used by the people rather than how it should be used?

A. Descriptive grammar.

B. Prescriptive grammar.

C. Traditional grammar.

5. When the students are given the structure in an authentic or near authentic context and are asked to work out the rule for themselves, what kind of method their teacher is using?

A. Deductive grammar teaching.

B. Inductive grammar teaching.

C. Traditional grammar teaching.

6. In which stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach will students have the chance to use the language freely and incorporate it into their existing language?

A. Presentation Stage.

B. Practice Stage.

C. Production Stage.

7. How can we help students to memorize a new word more effectively?

A. Put the new word in a context, relate it to known words, and use illustrations.

B. Pre-teach the new word of a text, pronounce it correctly, and group it.

C. Put the new word in a list of unconnected words with illustrations.

8. Which of the following techniques can best present the word “pollution”?

A. Show or draw a picture.

B. Give a definition or an example.

C. Demonstrate the meaning by acting or miming.

9. Whether two words go together with each other or not is an issue of what?

A. Connotation.

B. Register.

C. Collocation.

10. Among the following factors that may affect a lesson plan, which one includes classroom size?

A. Human factors.

B. Physical conditions.

C. Syllabus and testing.

11. What are the most important parts of a lesson plan?

A. Textbooks and classroom aids.

B. Anticipation of problems and flexibility in dealing with them.

C. Objectives of the lesson and procedure to achieve them.

12. Why do we need to design tasks to supplement the textbook?

A. Textbooks usually are not well written.

B. Textbooks need adaptations to fit the needs of their target students.

C. Textbooks only cover a limited amount of language skills.

13. Among the five subcategories of classroom management, that is people, language, environment, organization and tools, which of the following elements can be classified under environment?

A. Textbook, exercise book, teacher’s book, and blackboard.

B. Interaction between teacher and students.

C. Arrangement of desks and chairs.

14. What role does a teacher take to create an environment in which learning can take place?

A. Instructor.

B. Manager.

C. Assessor.

15. Whole class teaching, pair work, group work, and games are activities under which subcategory of classroom management?

A. People.

B. Environment.

C. Organization.

Section II: Problem Solving (30 points)

First, identify the problem.


Second, provide your solution according to the communicative language teaching principles.第二,提供你的解决方案根据交际语言教学的原则。

You should elaborate on the problem(s) and solution(s) properly.


17. In a grammar class, the teacher teaches the use of “some”and “any”in the following way:

A. Explains the rules of their usage.

B. Provides some examples to illustrate the usage of the two words.

C. Ask the students to do pattern dills.

D. Ask the students to apply the rules to given situations.

18. When teaching a new reading passage, the teacher writes all the new words on the blackboard and asks the students to look them in dictionaries. Then the teacher explains the meaning of these new words in simple English, usually by providing some examples of their usage. Sometimes, the teacher may provide the Chinese versions for these words. After dealing with the vocabulary, the teacher will then shift their focus to the reading passage.

Section III: Mini-lesson Plan

Directions: Read the two text below and complete the teaching plans. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

22. You are going to teach some vocabulary about temperature. Please design a vocabulary activity based on the following instruction:

Look at the box below and try to find out the meaning of each word in a dictionary. Then arrange the words to show their differences in the degree of temperature. Finally, try to make a sentence using each of the words

Freezing cold chilly cool mild warm hot

Type of the activity (e.g. using word field, answer questions, information-gap, role-play, etc.)

Objective(s) of the activity

Classroom organization of the activity

Teacher’s role(s)


Teacher working time

Student working time

Teaching aid(s)

Predicated problem(s)


Procedures 1)





Section I. Basic Theories and Principles (30 points)

1. B



4. A

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. C 10. B

11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. C

Section II: Problem Solving (30 points)

17. Problem: The teacher teaches grammar in a deductive way.


This approach is usually mechanical and dull.


The students learn the rules passively with little involvement in the process of working them out.


Since rules are sometimes too restrictive, there are lots of exceptions that may confuse the students.


This method is usually more concerned with form than use.


If students meet the new structure in isolated sentences, they may not get a feel for when and how to use the structure.


They are very likely to go on using in incorrectly.


Solution: Bring in the inductive grammar teaching approach.


By combining the two ways of teaching grammar together, the teacher can achieve a much better result than using either way exclusively.


The teacher could first give the students a context and ask them to work out the rules


After collecting the students’ suggestions, the teacher could then tell them the existing rules and explain exceptions to the rules.


This way, the students will be actively involved in the thinking process and may understand

the rules better.


They will also be aware of the fact that grammar rules are worked out by people observing the use of language, so they may change as people’s use of language may change.


18. Problem: The students taught in this way are mainly receiving passive knowledge from the teacher. They merely learn to understand these vocabularies, rather than how to use them. The new words are not taught from a context, and there is no practice of using them in an authentic or a near authentic situation. This students will not learn these new words in an efficient way.

Solution: The students need to learn passive knowledge and active knowledge at the same time. The teacher could use various means to help the students to understand the vocabulary. For some, they can use illustrations, for some, they can use definitions, and for others, they can guess from the context. The teacher could also use different ways to help the students to use the new words. Exercises like information gap, crosswords, quiz, or recording new words all can help the students to learn vocabulary in a more efficient way.

22. (供参考)

You are going to teach some vocabulary about temperature.


Please design a vocabulary activity based on the following instruction:


Look at the box below and try to find out the meaning of each word in a dictionary.


Then arrange the words to show their differences in the degree of temperature.


Finally, try to make a sentence using each of the words


Type of the activity类型的活动

(e.g. using word field, answer questions, information-gap, role-play, etc.)


Using word fields, sentence-making


Objective(s) of the activity


1.Understand the meaning of temperature-related words


2.Distinguish the differences in degree of these temperature-related words


https://www.doczj.com/doc/538368909.html,e these words competently


Classroom organization of the activity对课堂活动的组织

Pair work or group work


Teacher’s role(s)教师的角色(s)

Instructor, organizer, facilitator


Students’ role(s)学生的角色(s)

Active participant


Helping each other


Teacher working time 5-10 mins

5 - 10分钟。老师工作时间

Student working time 20-25 mins

20 - 25分钟。学生工作时间

Teaching aid(s) 教学辅助工具(s)

Blackboard illustration of vocabulary steps and cardboards with one word on each of the 黑板说明词汇步骤和硬纸板用一个词在他们每一个人的

Predicated problem(s)问题(s)

Students may tend to use Chinese in vocabulary exercise.


Solution(s) 解决方案(s)

Tell the students try to avoid using Chinese as much as possible while doing vocabulary exercise.



1) Ask the students to work out the meaning of these words by looking them up in a dictionary.


2) Draw a series of steps on the blackboard.


Write “cool” on a middle step.


Ask the students to work in groups to decide words on the other steps that are colder or warmer than the word “cool”.


3) Invite 7 students to pick up a word each.


Then instruct them to line up according the degree of temperature of the words they are holding.


The teacher may invite several groups of students to do so or may shift order from left or right to from right to left.


The teacher should give the correct order in the end.


4) Ask the students to work in pairs to practice use of these words.


One may produce a cardboard, and the other try to make a sentence using this word.


Then the two shift turns until they finish practicing all the words.



小学英语教学法期末复习题库 一、填空 1、小学生具有无意注意占主导,有意注意有一定发展、注意不够稳定,常常带有情结色彩、注意的品质较差等特点和优越条件。 2、小学英语课堂教学的特点是重视培养和激发学生学习英语的深厚兴趣,在教学活动中要有和谐的语言教学氛围,要重视学生基本技能和学习习惯的培养。 3、基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 4、《英语新课程标准》提出学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。 5、语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素,学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。 6、教学是教师的教和学生的学的统一活动。就英语教学而言,教学的实质就是一种特殊的认识过程。英语教学过程就是生生之间和师生之间的共同参与、合作、交流的活动过程。 7、学生认识的客体是英语,教师认识的客体是教学规律。教学双方都为对方提供信息,英语就是为了促进交流。 8、教学的最终任务是培养学习者的交际能力。 9、交际性原则提出的主要依据有三点:第一,语言是表达意义的体系;第二,语言的主要功能是交际功能;第三,语言的主要单位不仅是语法、结构特征,还包括功能范畴。 10、情景教学的原则提出的主要依据有三点:第一小学生的心理和年龄特点;第二,语言的习得规律;第三,小学生的学习规律。 11、语言教学的内容包括语言知识和语言技能两个方面 12、体态语是指说话时的表情、手势、动作等。 13、在教学中写有两方面的含义:一是书写,二是写作。 14、良好的课堂气氛是搞好课堂教学,保证教学质量的关键。 15、备课的主要任务是熟悉教材、写出具体教案、确定课时教学目标、教学方法、板书计划、课内练习题等。 16、教学效果不取决于教师,也不取决于学生,而是双方共同活动的结果. 17、小学英语教学的原则包括:交际性原则、听说领先的原则、情境教学原则和趣味性原则。 18、英语课堂教学的实质是交际。 19、遵循视听说与读写结合的原则,教学要采用听说领先、读写跟上的方法。 20. 小学阶段的英语小学目标(教学目标)是:通过听、说、玩、看等教学活动,激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,使其养成良好的学习习惯;通过学习使学生获取对英语的一些感性认识,掌握一定的语言基本技能,培养初步运用英语进行听、说的交际能力;开发智力,发展包括观察、记忆、思维和想象等内容的思维能力,培养学生建立科学的世界观、人生观、价值观、对通过英语传递的思想、文化、情感等有初步的跨文化认知的意识;培养学生的爱国主义精神以及世界公民的意识。 21、小学英语教学法是研究小学英语教学的理论和实践,是研究小学英语教学的全部过程及其规律的一个科学体系。 22、教师在教学活动之前主要应编写好三种计划:学期教学进度计划,单元教学计划,课时计划。 23、备好课,必须做好如下三方面的工作:了解学生,钻研教材,制定教学计划。 24、新课程设置是按九年一贯制设置义务教育阶段课程的方式,小学阶段以综合课程为主,


《英语教学法》模拟试题1及答案 1. Which of the following is true of second language learning A. Natural language exposure. B. Informal learning context. C. Structured input. D. Little error correction. 2. What type of learners can benefit most from real object instruction A. Individual learners. { [5. Tactile learners. C. Auditory learners. D. Visual learners. 3. What type of intelligence is cooperative learning best suited for A. Interpersonal intelligence. B. Intrapersonal intelligence. C. Logical intelligence. D. Linguistic intelligence. ? 4. What does the following practise * Peer and I v. vent to the cinema yesterday. Peter and * I went to the cinema yesterday. Peer and I zoent to the * cinema yesterday. Peer and I zoent to the cinema * yesterday. A. Stress. B. Articulation. C. Liaison. 》 D. Intonation. 5. What learning strategy can the following help to train Match the adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right. H cavy Day Nice Baby Close Building Light Rain Tall Friend $ Cute Smoker

英语教学法教程试题库 辅修

英语教学法教程试题库 Unit 1 Part I Read the following statements or questions and choose the best answer for each statement or question. 1. Much of human behavior is influenced by their_____ _____ A. experiences B. wisdom C. knowledge D. parents 2. What is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom? A. teaching attitude B. definitions of language C. structural view of language D. functional view 3. What does the structural view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 4. What does the functional view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 5. What does the interactional view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 6. Which of the following teaching method is based on the behaviorist theory? B A. Grammar translation B. Audio-lingual C. Task-based teaching and learning D. Communicative teaching 7.What are the characteristics of audio-lingual method? https://www.doczj.com/doc/538368909.html,nguage is learned by constant repetition and the the reinforcement of the teacher B.Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised. C.Students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules. D.Both A and B. 8.Which three groups can summarize all the elements of the qualities of a good teacher? A.Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal styles B. Ethic devotion, professional qualities and individual freedom C. Individual freedom, professional qualities and personal styles D. Ethic devotion, personal styles and individual freedom 9.What are the purposeful preparation that a language teacher normally receives before he starts the practice of teaching? A.Learning from other’s experiences B.Learning the received knowledge C.Learning from one’s own experiences as a teacher

英语专业 英语教学法 试题

广西师范学院师园学院 《英语教学法》试卷 注 意 事 项: 一、请将你的学号、场。 二、仔细读懂题目的要求,并按题目要求答题。 I 、Define the following terms.(25%) Direction :Explain the following terms. 1、Discourse competence 2、Closed question 3、Connotative meaning 4、Classroom instructions 5、Task-based Language Teaching II 、Terms comparison (10%). 班级: 座位号: 装订线(答题不得超过此线) 学号: 姓名: 课程编号 考试日期 20 年 日 考试时间 120分钟 考试形式 题 号 一 Ⅰ 二 Ⅱ 三 Ⅲ 四 Ⅳ 五 Ⅴ 总分 100 分值 实得分 评分 评卷人 签名

Direction:Compare the following terms. Errors Mistakes III、Direction:Judge whether each of following statements is true or false.Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement.(20%) ( )1、The communicative approach treat language as a means of communication. ( )2、Grammar Translation Method emphasizes dialogue memorization. ( )3、In a communicative activity,the teacher play as a controller. ( )4、Perception practice is aimed at developing the students' ability to identify and distinguish between different sounds. ( )5、The location of a hospital belongs to functions. ( )6、Production stage of the speaking lesson is least teacher-controlled. ( )7、Formative assessment is mainly based on testing. ( )8、Testing is only one of the different ways of collecting information about students' leaning. ( )9、Evaluation involves making an overall judgement about one's work or a whole school's work. ( )10、Micro planning is planning for a specific unit or a lesson,which usually lasts from one or two weeks or forty to fifty minutes respectively. IⅤ. Activity designing (25%) Directions: In this part, you are to design a 10-minute speaking activity according to the material given. The activity should be based on the following dialogue. Make sure yon include all the items of an activity described in the textbook objective, organization, assumed time, procedure, predicted problems and solutions. You can 'rife your design of the activity according to the table given. Make sure you give the assumed me for each step.


《英语教学法》模拟试题1及答案 Achievement Test for "Teaching English in the Primary School"3 I. Choose the best answer (30 %) Directions: In this part, you are given fifteen queslions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answer the question. (30 points, 2 points each) 1. Which of the following is true of second language learning? A. Natural language exposure. B. Informal learning context. C. Structured input. D. Little error correction. 2. What type of learners can benefit most from real object instruction? A. Individual learners. [5. Tactile learners. C. Auditory learners. D. Visual learners. 3. What type of intelligence is cooperative learning best suited for? A. Interpersonal intelligence. B. Intrapersonal intelligence. C. Logical intelligence. D. Linguistic intelligence. 4. What does the following practise? * Peer and I v. vent to the cinema yesterday. Peter and * I went to the cinema yesterday. Peer and I zoent to the * cinema yesterday. Peer and I zoent to the cinema * yesterday. A. Stress. B. Articulation. C. Liaison. D. Intonation. 5. What learning strategy can the following help to train? Match the adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right. H cavy Day Nice Baby Close Building Light Rain Tall Friend Cute Smoker A. Grouping. B. Collocation. C. Imitation.


英语教学法复习题: 一、Multiple-choice questions 1. ( ) is planning for a whole programme or a whole-year course. A. Micro planning B. Macron planning C. Teaching D. Language learning 2. The 3-stage model is pre-reading, ( ) and post-reading. A. practice B. writing C. while-reading D. preparation 3. By language skills, we mean communicative skills involved in listening, speaking, reading and ( ). A. drawing B. describing C. practicing D. writing 4. When did Harmer suggest the following measures for undisciplined acts and badly behaving students ( ) A 1984 B 1985 C 1983 D 1986 5. What should the teaching of pronunciation focus on A. reading phonetic transcripts of words B. writing phonetic transcripts of words C. students’ ability to identify and produce English sounds themselves D. acquire native-like pronunciation 6. Which is not our realistic goal of teaching pronunciation listed below A. creativity B. consistency C. intelligibility D communicative efficiency 7. Proper lesson planning is essential for both novice and ( ) teacher. A. experienced B. young C. old D. new 8. The principles for good lesson planning are in terms of aim, variety, flexibility, ( ) , and linkage. A. type B. learnability C. attitude D. language 9. ( ) means the realistic goals for the lesson. A. Variety B. Linkage C. Aim D. Lesson planning 10. Linkage means the stages and the ( ) within each stage are planned in such a way that they are someway linked with one another. A. directions B. steps C. goals D. types 11. Ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: macro planning and ( ). A. teaching planning B. language teaching C. assessment D. micro planning 12. Which is not the kind of stress that is important to achieving good pronunciation listed below A. word-level stress B. paragraph-level stress C. phrase-level stress D. sentence-level stress 13. Pronunciation is difficult to teach without some drills on ( ) A. gestures B .action C. sounds D. correction 14. Grammar practice is usually divided into two categories, they are ( ) A. mechanical practice and effective practice B. meaningful practice and effective practice C. communicative practice and mechanical practice https://www.doczj.com/doc/538368909.html,municative practice and effective practice


外语系教学法考试要点及样题 一、教学内容 1.教学法流派 (1)语法翻译法 (2)直接法 (3)听说法 (4)认知法 (5)自然途径(重点) (6)交际法(重点) (7)任务型教学法 2.课堂教学 (1)课堂教学的三个层次的练习活动 (2)课堂教学设计(重点) (3)怎样教听、说、读、写(读的教学是重点) (4)怎样教语音、语法、词汇、课文 (5)信息加工理论:Bottom-up Model, Top-down model, the Interactive model (6)输入、输出理论 (7)语言学习、习得理论 3.教材、大纲和课标 (1)现行教材的编写体例 (2)现行的教学大纲 (3)英语课程标准(了解其理念、外语教学的目标、新的学习方式)√ 4.情感因素和智力因素 (1)动机、态度、焦虑、自尊、兴趣 (2)学能理论 5.评价和测试 (1)了解评价的趋势:综合性评价和形成性评价 (2)水平测试(proficiency test)、成绩测试(achievement test)、诊断测试(diagnostic test) (3)好的测试的特点和要求:信度(reliability)、效度(validity)、可操作性(practicality)、区分度(discrimination) 信度(reliability)---信度指考试的可靠性,也即考试结果的稳定性。针对同一个考生,考同样一份试卷,如果几次(不同时间)考试得到的分数相差很远,那么这 个考试是不可靠的。在客观性试题占主导的考试中,信度要达到0。90 以上。“托福”的信度大致为0。95。 效度(validity)---效度指的是一个考试测量了它所要测量的东西的程度。 可操作性(practicality)---指考试要方便于实施。 区分度(discrimination)---指某一试题对于不同水平考生区分的能力。 二、教材 1.王蔷,《英语教学法教程》


Teaching grammar Grammar teaching depends on certain variables(learner and instructional ) in the language teaching/learning context Grammar presentation methods -deductive method: relies on reasoning, analyzing and comparing teaching procedure:teacher’s example on the board,teacher’s explanation of the rules (in student’s native language),student’s practice application of the :good for selected and motivate students;save time to explain complex rules;increase students’ confidence in :grammar is taught iso latedly;little attention is paid to meaning;the practice is often mechanical -inductive method:teaching procedure;authentic language presentation(give grammar examples);let students observe,analyse,compare examples;help students induct grammar rules,Advant ages:inspire students’ thinking activities;motivate students’ learning interests;grammar is taught in :the presentation of grammar is more complex and time consumption;grammar is not taught directly;some rules can not be induced easily -guided discovery method: Similar to the inductive method:the students are induced to discover rules by themselves (similar);the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.(different) Implicit and explicit knowledge:Implicit knowledge refers to knowledge that unconsciously exists in our mind, which we can make use of automatically without making any effort;Explicit knowledge refers to our conscious knowledge about the language. We can talk about it, analyse it and apply it in conscious and acquiring (second language acquisition theory) The synthesis approaches to grammatical pedagogy: Collocational: grammar should be built on collocational relations between individual lexical items and their subcategories. Constructive: one’s knowledge of grammar is built bit by bit, which closely model the way language is learned and used. Contextual: Elements and structures are taught in relation to their context. Syntactic and lexical choices are explicitly related to pragmatic ones, and to social and cultural contexts. Contrastive: grammar involves drawing the learner’s attention to contrast the differences between the target language and other language. Grammar practice:Pre-learning;Volume and repetition: .Teacher practice:activities that are aimed at form doing mechanical practice,students pay repeated attention to a key element in a of practice:Substitution and transformation drills 2. Meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students “keep an eye on” the way newly learned structures are used in the process. prompts for practice:The prompts can be pictures, mimes, tables, charts or key words, etc. A good presentation should include both oral and written and form and meaning Visual materials can aid comprehension It’s the teacher’s involvement and his or her ability to personalise teaching and make activities engaging that often promotes successful learning. Teaching vocabulary The first question need to know is what does knowing a word involve. A word:knowing its pronunciation and stress; spelling and grammatical properties; meaning; how and when to use it to express the intended meaning (freestanding and bound morphine) Vocabulary learning involves ate least two aspects of meaning: the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning; and understanding the sense relations among words


最新英语教学法教程试题库 Unit 1 Part I Read the following statements or questions and choose the best answer for each statement or question. 1. Much of human behavior is influenced by their_____ _____ A. experiences B. wisdom C. knowledge D. parents 2. What is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom? A. teaching attitude B. definitions of language C. structural view of language D. functional view 3. What does the structural view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social

relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 4. What does the functional view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 5. What does the interactional view of language see language? A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner B. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people C. a linguistic system made up of various subsystems D. a linguistic system and a means for doing things 6. Which of the following teaching method is based on the behaviorist theory? B A. Grammar translation


英语教学法考试题目及答案 1.In the past century, language teaching and learning practice has been influenced by three different views on language. What are they? What is their main idea of language? 1)Structural view: Language is a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntacx. To learn a language is to learn its vocabulary and structural rules. 2)Functional view: Language is a linguistic system as well as a means for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it (use it). To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions 3) Interactional view: Language is a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people. Learners need to know the rules of a language and where, when and how it is appropriate to use them. 1.List different views on language learning. Behaviorist theory Cognitive theory Constructivist theory Socio-constructivist theory 2.What are the qualities of a good language teacher? ethic devotion, professional quality and personal styles. How can one become a good language teacher? Wallace?s Reflective model Stage 1: language development Stage 2: learning, practice, reflection goal:development of professional 1). learn from others' experience 2). learn received knowledge 3). learn from one's own experience pseudo practice and The real classroom teaching 3.What is communicative competence? Communicative competence include both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations .Five components of communicative competence:Linguistic competence, Pragmatic competence , Discourse competence, Strategic competence, Fluency 4.What is CLT? Comment on CLT. Communicative Language Teaching is an approach to teaching of foreign language that emphasize interaction as both the means and ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as "communicative approach to the teaching of foreign" or simply the "communicative approach". 5.What is TBLT? Comment on TBLT. Task-based Language Teaching,TBLT is a further development of CLT. It shares the same belief in the use of language in real life, but stresses the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching。 Task is meant the hundred and one things people do in everyday life,at work.at play and in between.4 component:a purpose,a context,a process,a product. 6.What are the limitations of CLT & TBLT under the Chinese foreign language setting? Problems with CLT :

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