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中医英语介绍Revised on November 25, 2020

About Basic Theories of TCM(中医基础理论的主要内容)

1.The basic theories of TCM deal primarily with basic theoretical knowledge such as physiology, pathology, and the treatment and prevention of disease.中医基础理论主要阐述人体的生理、病理及疾病的防治等基本理论知识。

includes yin and yang, the five elements, visceral manifestations, qi, blood, body fluid, vitality, meridians, etiology, pathogenesis, and principles of disease prevention and treatment.内容包括阴阳、五行、藏象、气血津液精神、经络、病因与发病、病机、防治原则等。

Yin-Yang and Five Elements(阴阳五行)

fall in the category of ancient Chinese philosophy with concept of materialism and dialectics. 阴阳五行本属中国古代哲学范畴,具有唯物主义和辩证法思想。

and five elements were introduced in TCM to elucidate the structure, physiology and pathology of the body, and guide the clinical diagnosis and treatment.

中医运用阴阳学说来阐释人体的结构、生理和病理,并用以指导临床的诊断和治疗。Explanation Of Five Elements Doctrine in TCM(五行)

1. Five elements are indispensable material in human life inter-promotion and inter-restriction.五要素是人类生活中不可缺少的物质,相互促进、相互制约。

2. in TCM—they can explain physiological and pathological changes in human body.


Explanation Of Yin-Yang Theory in TCM(阴阳学说)

structure of the body (Zang-viscera and fu-viscera)体部结构(脏腑、腑)

of disease—a relative imbalance between Yin and Yang (Yin syndrome or Yang syndrome)treatment of Yin and Yang to restore its relative balance.阴阳相对失衡的疾病诊断(阴证、阳证)治疗疾病,调节阴阳恢复相对平衡

Visceral Manifestation Theory(藏象学说)

1. This theory deals with the physiological functions, and pathological changes of the viscera, tissues and organs as well as their interrelationship.研究人体各脏腑、组织器官的生理功能、病理变化及其相互关系。

2. It also deal with the mutual relations between the viscera, tissues, organs and the external environment. 以及脏腑、组织器官与外界环境相互关系的学说。

is an important part of TCM’s theoretical system and serves as the theoretical basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.是中医学理论体系的重要组成部分,也是指导临床各科进行辨证论治的理论基础。

Qi, Blood, Body Fluid and Vitality(气血津液精神)

deal primarily with the generation and actions of qi, blood, body fluid and vitality as well as their interrelationship. 主要阐述气、血、津液、精神的生成、作用及其相互关系

tells us that they are not only the products of zang-viscera and fu-viscera activity, but also the material basis on which both the zang-viscera and the fu-viscera function.


1. Qi—the most essential substance making up the world and that everything in the universe was generated by the motion and change of Qi; the essential substance constituting the body and maintaining the life activities of the body.