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语音:(1x5=5分)1-5 BCABD

单选:(1x15=15分)6-10 CBABD 11-15 BCAAD 16-20 CACBD

完形:(1.5x20=30分)21-25 BCDAB 26-30 CADBC 31-35 ACADB 36-40 DCBAD

阅读:(2x20=40分)41-44 BDAC 45-48 ADBC 49-52 CABD 53-56CDBA 57-60 DCAC 补全对话:(1x5=5分)61-65 CEAGF

单词拼写:(1x10=10分)66. entrance 67. mouse 68. attracted 69. breathing 70. translated

71. false 72. comfortably 73. correct 74. experiments 75. kitchen


76. hobby改为hobbies 77. piano前加the 78. 去掉most 79. 正确

80. But改为So 81. West改为Western 82. improving 改为improve

83. hoped改为hope 84. 去掉in 85. how 改为what


One possible version:

Dear Tom,

I am happy to share my opinion about my hometown, Shijiazhuang. Great changes have taken place here in recent years.

In the past, Shijiazhuang was not as beautiful as it is. The traffic was very heavy and roadswere narrow. There used to be few parks. The air was polluted seriously. But now, everything has changed! Shijiazhuang takes a new look. The old streets have been broadenedand more roads have been constructed. Many new parks have been built, where people can take exercise, sing songs and play games. The air is fresher than before. We can enjoy the blue sky andwhite clouds all the year round.

Shijiazhuang has become a modern city, whose tomorrow will be better!


Li Hua

(108 words)

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