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Part ⅠListening Comprehension (15 points)


Part ⅡVocabulary and Structure (10 points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ with a single line through the center.

21.The feeling of ______ that followed her victory was cut short hy her father's sudden death.

A.initiation B.intricacy C.interrogation D.intoxication 22.An independent adviser has been brought in to ______ between the two sides involved in the conflict.

A.conciliate B.waver C.vacillate D.linger

23.Robert's enthusiasm for the program of social reform seems to have ______, for he seldom mentions it any more.

A.broke through B.come up C.worn off D.fallen out

24.Talented ______ he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional.

A.since B.as C.until D.while

25.It is very ______ of Miss Bingley to refuse to give any money to the church appeal when she could so easily afford it.

A.considerate B.miserly C.belligerent D.touchy

26.Obviously what she did was wrong, but I don't think it ______ quite such severe punishment.

A.slashed B.surmised C.warranted D.evaluated

27.______ the time available to us, we will have to submit the report in draft form.

A.Giving B.To give C.Having given D.Given

28.On a warm sunny day the river seems ______ and benign, and it's hard to believe it can be dangerous.

A.treacherous B.perilous C.placid D.turbulent

29.The woman ______ the washing machine to see what the problem was, but couldn't put it back together again.

A.dismantled B.dispensed C.dissolved D.dissipated

30.Local residents claimed that the noise from the concert was causing a public ______.

A.nuisance B.nuance C.novelty D.notification

31.The candidate knew he could win the election when he saw the ______ with which his supporters worked.

A.zeal B.innocence C.magnetism D.indifference

32.______ your help, I might have failed in getting this high-paid job.

A.Thanks to B.But for C.Owing to D.Apart from

33.Police believe that many burglars are amateurs who would flee if an alarm sounded or lights ______.

A.came out B.came to C.came on D.came in

34.Even though strong evidence has proved the nicotine to be ______, the tobacco company still insists that its products are harmless.

A.minute B.soluble C.communicable D.addictive

35.He ______ the men’s faces closely, trying to work out who was lying.

A.slashed B.smacked C.slammed D.scrutinized

36.She was portrayed in the press as a ______ sort of character who was only interested in men for their money.

A.lofty B.deliberate C.courteous D.grasping

37.The table has a plastic coating which prevents liquids from ______ into the wood beneath.

A.rambling B.permeating C.eroding D.chasing

38.Going out for a walk when it's pouring with rain is a ______ idea.

A.conducive B.ludicrous C.flashy D.transient

39.The lorry was lodged in a very ______ way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.

A.precarious B.repulsive C.fastidious D.oblivious

40.Her mother taught her never to ______ if someone insulted her, as it would only make the situation worse.

A.retaliate B.deport C.outdo D.foil

Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Always at the beginning of any particular hunt there was one solemn ceremony to perform: an earnest consultation between all the hunters as to which spoor was most worthwhile following. The Bushmen would sit on their heels like elder statesmen discussing the size, mood, sex, and direction of the animals, study the wind, the sun, the hour and the weather generally. When they had picked out one particular spoor they revealed their decision by flicking their hands over it loosely from their wrists and making a sound like the wind between their teeth. They would do that, too, whenever spoor was fresh and promising and the gesture came so clearly from a background of meaning that we never saw it without an mediate quickening of our own pulses.

The decision made, they would set out at a steady trot, until there was evidence that their quarry was near. Sometimes they would stalk it, first on their knees and finally full on the stomach, until the animal came within range of their bows. Frequently, if seen, they would make no effort to hide themselves but go slowly, hands behind their backs, imitating the movements of ostriches pecking casually at the food in the veld. When hunting in a group they seemed to prefer shooting in pairs, coming up together on their knees like shadows within a bush. Without a word being spoken but by some process of wordless intercommunication of purpose, simultaneously they would let fly their arrow at the animal, the bowstrings resounding with a wild harp-like twang. That done they would stand up at leisure. They never expected the animal to drop dead at once, knowing they would have to wait until the poison began to do its deadly work.

But the first thing to establish was that the arrows had found their mark. The arrows were made in three sections for this very reason. First, the poisoned head was made in one short hollowed piece which fitted into another slightly larger one which was joined to the main shaft, notched at the far end to take the bow-string without slipping or fumbling. This made certain that the wounded animal would be unable to rid itself of the arrow by rubbing its wounded place

against a tree, for in this way the arrow-shaft either parted from the arrow-head on impact, or else when the animal started rubbing itself against trunks and thorn bushes. If the hunters recovered the arrows intact, of course, they made no attempt to follow the alerted quarry. But if they found only the shaft they would take up the spoor at once and the real business of the hunt began. How long it took before they closed in for the kill with their spears on an animal already half paralyzed by poison, depended on the sort of poison used, the size of the animal, and the nature and place of the wound. Sometimes the chase would last only an hour or two, but with the greatest of all quarries, the eland, it sometimes took a whole day.

I have never seen a killing which seemed more innocent. It was killing in order to live. On their faces there was always an expression of profound relief and gratitude when the hunter's quest had been fulfilled. There was also a desire to complete the killing as quickly as possible. I have watched their faces many times while performing this deed and I could see only the strain of the hunt, the signs of fatigue from running all day under a cloudless sky in a high temperature, together with a kind of dedicated expression, but no gloating, or killing for the sake of killing.

41.According to the passage the hunters kill their prey by ______.

A.following their spoor B.shooting them with spears

C.trapping them D.shooting them with poisoned arrows

42.What did the writer find exciting to see?

A.Animals being chased and killed.

B.The hunter's hand gestures signaling a target.

C.The way the arrows are made.

D.The way hunters find their quarry.

43.The writer considers the hunters as ______.

A.sportsmen B.humane killers

C.childlike savages D.cunning ostrich impersonators

44.According to the passage, the hunters imitate ostriches because ______.

A.they want to gain the trust of their intended prey

B.they would like to entertain each other after a hard day's work

C.ostriches are easier to imitate than elands

D.if seen they could hide their heads in the ground

45.If the hunters found only the shaft of an arrow, it meant most importantly ______.

A.there was an animal dying somewhere

B.the arrow was well made

C.the arrow was badly made

D.they would never find arrow-head

Passage Two

As they turned into Upshot Rise where his parents lived, Jack let go of Ruth's hand. Upshot Rise was not a hand-holding street. When you turned into it, you wiped your feet and minded your manners. Each house was decently detached, each privet hedge crew cut and correct. Each drive sported a car or two, and the portals of most of the houses were framed by white pillars that had probably been delivered in polythene bags. Behind each set of white curtains lived people who touched each other seldom. Some had retired and moved into the suburb for the landscape and the silences. Whilst others had begun there, sprouting from the white sheets in the white beds behind the white curtains, who knew nothing of dirt except that of conception and delivery.

Jack' parents fitted neither of these categories. They were refugees from Nazi Germany. Not the mattress-on-the-the-donkey-cart type of refugee, winding in tracking-shot down the interminable highway, but respectable well-heeled emigrants.The flight of the Mullers had been in the early days, without panic and with all their possessions. Jack's father's business had been an export affair to England so that there was little upheaval in their change of address. Both his father and his mother spoke English fluently, and through the business were already well connected with the upper strata of English social life. They travelled first class from Ostend to Dover, and early in the morning when only the white cliffs were looking, they made a deft spelling change to their name, and landing as the Millar family, they spoke to the customs officer in faultless English, declaring their monogrammed silver. Upshot Rise was a natural home for them. It was almost a duplicate of the Beethovenstrasse where they had lived in Hamburg, quiet, silent, and reliable. Like Upshot Rise, it lay in a dream suburb, a suburb of dream houses, a spotlessly clean nightmare.

Jack and Ruth walked enjoined up the hill. They turned into the house that took in the bend of the road. Jack tried to silence the click of the gate as he opened it to let Ruth through. He knew that his mother would be waiting for the noise behind the bedroom window. It was the first time

she would see Ruth and Jack wanted to give her no time advantage. He wanted them to meet at the door and see each other at the same time.

46.It can be concluded from the passage that Upshot Rise has ______.

A.a strong community spirit

B.a problem with nosey neighbors

C.a sterile feel and appearance

D.residents with a flair for self-expression

47.The word “well-heeled” in paragraph 2 can be replaced by ______.

A.stingy B.rich C.conceited D.well-intentioned

48.Jack and Ruth did not hold hands as they turned into Upshot Rise because ______.

A.Jack had sweaty hands

B.holding hands was considered immoral behavior

C.holding hands was not correct behavior for Upshot Rise

D.they were too shy

49.How did Jack's parents adjust themselves to their new home?

A.They began to study English.

B.They invented new names for themselves.

C.They rarely went out.

D.They made an alteration to their name.

50.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.Jack's parents suffered much discomfort in the course of their moving to England.

B.Jack's parents were persecuted for being German.

C.Jack's parents hated Upshot Rise as much as their old home.

D.Jack's parents fitted naturally into Upshot Rise.

Passage Three

Medicine achieved its splendid eminence by applying the principle of fragmentation to the human condition. Our bodily ills have been split up and relegated to different experts: an itch to the dermatologist, a twitch to the neurologist and if all else fails, a visit to the psychiatrist. For this last, intangible function the family doctor has been taken over by the specialist confessional.

Abroad, the family doctor is almost extinct. In Germany, every doctor “specializes.” In Israel,

you queue at one desk for a cut finger, at another for a sprain, and a third for shock—even if all three symptoms resulted from one accident. In Britain, both the growing importance of hospital facilities and the reluctance of G. P. s to unit their resources has gone far towards making the surgery an overloaded sorting depot for hospital clinics. There is no room for the amateur—be it in delivering a baby or calming a neurotic.

Consultants and G. P. s begin the same way, as medical students obliged to cultivate detachment. But whereas a family doctor gets involved in the intimate details of his “parish”, the consultant need only meet aspects of the patient relevant to his specialty. The more he endeavours to specialize,the more extraneous phenomena must be shut out. Beyond the token bedside exchanges he need not go. Consequently, in a surgical ward, there are no people at all:only an appendectomy, a tumor, two hernias, and a “terminal case” (hospitals avoid the word “dying”). To make impersonality easier, beds are numbered and patients are known by numbers. Remoteness provides the hospital with a practical working code.

Nurses too have evolved their own defense system. Since they care for individuals, they could with dangerous case become too involved. The nursing profession has therefore perfected its own technique of fragmentation, “task assignment.” This enables one patient's needs to be split up among many nurses. One junior will go down a row of beds inserting a thermometer into a row of mouths. Whether the owners are asleep or drinking tea is irrelevant, the job comes first.In her final year, a student will undertake the premedication of patients on theatre-list. She has by that time learnt to see them as objects for injection, not frightened people.

Nursing leaders realize the drawbacks in this system. There has been talk of group assignment to link nurses with particular patients and give some continuity. But the actual number of experiments can be counted on one hand. Nurses, as they often plead, touchingly, “are only human.” They shun responsibility for life and death. If responsibil ity is split into a kaleidoscope of routines, it weighs less on any one person.

51.In this passage, the writer is ultimately suggesting that ______.

A.healthcare has become more efficient

B.healthcare has become less caring

C.hospitals have too many specialists

D.there should be more opportunities for amateurs in hospitals

52.According to the passage nurses are ______.

A.overpaid and uncaring B.overworked and unfairly criticized

C.overwhelmed and undervalued D.uncaring but efficient

53.The writer holds that hospitals abroad are ______.

A.more efficient than those in Britain

B.much cleaner than those in Britain

C.ultimately no better than those in Britain

D.ideal examples of an ideal healthcare system

54.According to the writers the attempts by nursing leaders to improve the system are ______.

A.a step in the fight direction B.impressive

C.few D.flawed

55.The word “shun” in the last paragraph means ______.

A.dodge B.claim C.appreciate D.undertake

Passage Four

In the 1350s poor countrymen began to have cottages and gardens which they could call their own. Were these fourteenth-century peasants, then, the originators of the cottage garden? Not really: the making and planting of small mixed gardens had been pioneered by others, and the cottager had at least two good examples which he could follow. His garden plants might and to some extent did come from the surrounding countryside, but a great many came from the monastery gardens. As to the general plan of the small garden, in so far as it had one at all, that had its origin not in the country, but in the town.

The first gardens to be developed and planted by the owners or tenants of small houses town cottages as it were, were almost certainly those of the suburbs of the free cities of Italy and Germany in the early Middle Ages. Thus the suburban garden, far from being a descendant of the country cottage garden, is its ancestor, and older, in all probability, by about two centuries. On the face of it a paradox, in fact this is really logical enough: it was in such towns that there first emerged a class of man who was free and who, without being rich, owned his own small house: a craftsman or tradesman protected by his guild from the great barons, and from the petty ones too. Moreover, it was in the towns, rather than in the country, where the countryside provided herbs

and even wild vegetables, that men needed to cultivate pot-herbs and salads. It was also in the towns that there existed a demand for market-garden produce.

London lagged well behind the Italian, Flemish, German and French free cities in this bourgeois progress towards the freedom of having a garden; yet, as early as the thirteenth century, well before the Black Death, Fitz Steven, biographer of Thomas a Becket, was writing that, in London: “On all sides outside the house of the citizens who dwell in the suburbs there are adjoining gardens planted with trees, both spacious and pleasing to the sight.”

Then there is the monastery garden, quoted often as a “source” of the cottage garden in innumerable histories of gardening. The gardens of the great religious establishments of the eighth and ninth centuries had two origins:St. Augustine, copying the Greek academe did his teaching in a small garden presented to him for that purpose by a rich friend. Thus the idea of a garden-school, which began among the Greek philosopher-teachers, was carried on by the Christian church. In the second place, since one of the charities undertaken by most religious orders was that of healing, monasteries and nunneries needed a garden of medicinal herbs. Such physic gardens were soon supplemented by vegetable, salad and fruit gardens in those monasteries which enjoined upon their members the duty of raising their own food, or at least a part of it. They tended next to develop, willy-nilly into flower gardens simply because many of the herbaceous plants grown for medicinal purposes, or for their fragrance as strewing herbs, had pretty flowers—for example, violets, marjoram, pinks, primroses, madonna lilies and roses.In due course these flowers came to be grown for their own sakes, especially since some of them, lilies and roses notably, had a ritual or religious significance of their own. The madonna lily had been Aphrodite's symbolic flower, it became Mary's; yet its first association with horticulture was economic: a salve or ointment was made from the bulb.

Much earlier than is commonly realized, certain monastic gardeners were making remarkable progress in scientific horticulture—for example, in forcing flowers and fruit out of season in cloister and courtyard gardens used as conservatories—which had lessons to teach cottagers as well as castle-dwellers.

56.Small city gardens were first established in certain Italian and German cities ______.

A.in the central areas, unlike the earlier English gardens

B.by citizens whose forebears had obtained permission from the monks

C.by citizens who had surplus land by their cottages

D.on lines that anticipated cottage gardens

57.What reason is given for the development of gardens in towns?

A.There were special market areas in the large towns.

B.The medieval citizen could cultivate the plants he wanted.

C.The town dwellers longed for the edible wild plants they knew in their youth.

D.The market sellers had not enough of their own cultivated herbs for sale.

58.The religious orders had gardens because they ______.

A.did their healing in the gardens

B.liked their food strongly spiced with herbs

C.required them for their healing work

D.conducted their teaching mainly out of doors

59.Special interest was taken in some plants, because of their ______.

A.ancient origin

B.fragrance when crashed

C.association with special seasons

D.beauty and their spiritual associations

60.What cottage gardeners could learn from the monasteries was ______.

A.how to control growth by special conditions

B.the need for earlier planting

C.how to choose the best plants for that climate

D.the need for sheltered conditions

Part ⅣCloze (10 points)

Directions:Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE word to complete the meaning of the passage. Write your answer on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.

Even before he is 80, the aging person may undergo another identity crisis like that of adolescence. Perhaps there had also been a middle-aged crisis, but for the rest of adult life he had taken himself for 61 , with his capabilities and failings. Now, when he looks in the mirror, he asks himself, “Is this really me?” —or he avoids the mirror out of distress at 62 it reveals, those bags and wrinkles. In his new makeup he is 63 upon to play a new role in a play that

must be improvised. Andre Gide, that longlived man of letters, wrote in his journal, “My heart has remained so young that I have the continual feeling of playing a part, the part of the 70-year-old that I certainly am; and the infirmities and weaknesses that remind me of my age act like a prompter reminding me of my lines when I tend to stray. Then, like the good actor I want to 64 , I go back into my role, and I pride 65 on p laying it well.”

In his new role the old person will find that he is tempted by new vices, that he receives new compensations (not so widely known), and that he may possibly achieve new virtues. Chief among these is the heroic or merely obstinate refusal to surrender in the 66 of time. One admires the ships that go down with all flags 67 and the captain on the bridge.

Among the vices of age are avarice, untidiness, and vanity, which last takes the form of a craving to be loved or simply admired. Avarice is the worst of those three. Why do so many old persons, men and women 68 , insist on hoarding money when they have no prospect of using it and even when they have no heirs? They eat the cheapest food, buy no clothes, and live in a single room when they could afford better lodging. It may be that they regard money as a form of power: there is a comfort in watching it accumulate while other powers are dwindling 69 . How often we read of an old person found dead in a hovel, on a mattress partly stuffed 70 bankbooks and stock certificates? The bankbook syndrome, we call it in our family, which has never succumbed.

Part ⅤTranslation(10 points)

Directions:Put the following passage into English.Write your English version on ANSWER SHEETⅡ.


Part Writing (15points)

Directions: Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic. Remember to

write your composition on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ .

My Opinion about Traditional Holidays in Modern China


因缺乏严谨治学态度违反一般学术规范,虽不属于造假、篡改、抄袭、剽窃等学术不端行为,但在学术活动中损害他人合法利益或造成一定不良后果的行为属于(学术不当行为 )。 入学资格初步审查时发现身心状况暂时不适宜在校学习,经学校指定的医院诊断,认为经过休养和治疗,可以到校学习的,可申请保留入学资格(一学年 )。 研究生在参加课程学习过程中缺席课时数或者缺交作业次数超过教学规定总数(三分之一 )的,不得参加该门课程的考核,课程成绩按(F )记载。 在学位申请有效期内,可以提出学位申请的次数是(两次 )。 研究生以作弊、剽窃、抄袭等学术不端行为或其他不正当手段取得学历、学位证书的,学校是否有权撤销已颁发的学历、学位证书?(是 ) 对于因违纪受到处分的研究生,(尚未解除),不得给予表彰和奖励。 关于科研不端/不当行为的危害,以下表述错误的是(但不会导致严重的社会危害 )。 研究生在学期间个人信息发生变化的,由本人提出学籍信息修改申请,附相关证明材料,经所在院系审核后,报研究生院核准修改。研究生学籍信息修改申请至迟应于拟毕业学期的第(4周 )前提交。研究生的培养方式、培养类别,以招生录取信息为准,入学后(不可以 )更改。 研究生的学位论文应在导师指导下由本人独立完成,论文工作时间不得少于(博士两年、硕士一

年 )。 复旦大学校训是(你猜 ),出自《论语?子张》。 研究生有特殊情况需要延期注册的,应当在注册日期前向所在院系提交延期注册申请和相关证明材料。获得批准后,研究生可在当学期注册日期起(2周 )内到校注册。逾期不注册的,予以(退学 )处理,但因不可抗力等正当事由导致无法及时提交延期注册申请的除外。在不可抗力等事由消失后(1 )周内,研究生应补妥注册手续。 我校对研究生申请学位所需发表学术论文篇数的要求是(由各学科制定具体标准 )。 研究生在学期间因国家或学校公派任务需要,预计一学期内出国出境时间超过(6周 )的,应当持境外高校或科研机构的正式邀请函与确定的研修计划,申请(保留学籍(联合培养) )的学籍变动手续。 学校经过多年的建设和发展,形成了“一体两翼”的校园格局,即以(邯郸校区、江湾校区 )为一体,以(枫林校区、张江校区 )为两翼。 研究生在学校规定的年限内完成培养方案规定的所有课程和必修环节,(成绩合格 ),德、智、体考核合格,学位论文答辩通过,准予毕业,学校发给毕业证书。 复旦大学上海医学院(原上海医科大学)创建于(1927 )年,是中国创办的第一所国立大学医学院,严福庆出任首任院长。(2000 )年,上海医科大学和复旦大学合并,组建成为新的复旦大学。


2017复旦大学考研复试:英语口语面试常见问题汇总 考研复试中的英语面试是很多小伙伴都感到“无力”的一个环节。其实,英语口语并没有大家想象的那么可怕。下面是一些面试官最爱问的问题,大家可以在复试之前认真准备一下,增加获胜的筹码。 ?No.1 传统面试问题 1. "What can you tell me about yourself?" 2. "What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?" 3. "What is your greatest strength"?" 4. "What is your greatest weakness?" 5. "How do you feel about your progress to date?" 6. Why did you choose Peking University? 7. Why did you choose MBA? 8. What would you like to be doing three years after graduation? 9. What has been your greatest accomplishment? 10. Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses. 11. What have you learned from the jobs you have held? ?No.2 行为面试问题 12. Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member. 13. T ell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done? 14. Give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept. 15. T ell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem. 16. Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together. 17. T ell me about a time when you made a bad decision. ?No.3 压力面试问题 18. What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with? 19. What are some of the things you find difficult to do?


2013年复旦大学本科外国留学生入学考试大纲 语文(汉语) 一、考试性质 复旦大学留学生(本科)汉语入学考试,是以报考我校的具有高中毕业学历并达到中等 汉语水平的外国学生为对象,考查其汉语运用能力的入学资格考试。 二、考试范围 以《中国汉语水平考试大纲(6级)》和中华人民共和国教育部2002年修订的《全日 制普通高中语文教学大纲》为基本依据,同时参照《全日制九年制义务教育语文学科课程标准(修订本)》,主要以中国现代、当代作品为阅读材料,考查学生的汉语阅读能力和写作能力。 三、考试内容 第一部分基础知识及其运用 (一)掌握《现代汉语常用字表》中的2500个常用字。 汉字是表意文字,每个字都包括音、形、义三要素。掌握这些字,就是要完整地掌握字 的音、形、义,即要求读准、记准字音(正确拼音),认清字形,理解字义,做到能写会用。 (二)掌握《HSK(6级)》词汇的5000个词语,能达到以下几点要求: 1、正确理解词性。按照词的不同意义和在句中所起的不同作用,词可以分为名词、动词、形容词、数量词、代词、副词、介词、连词、助词、叹词等。 2、正确把握词义(能在具体的语言环境中理解词语的意义),理解词的感情色彩(主要指褒义词、贬义词、中性词)并熟悉某些固定用法。 3、辨析近义词、找出反义词。 4、正确运用关联词语及其固定搭配。 (三)了解句子成分(主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语等六种),了解复句关系(并列、递进、选择、转折、因果、假设、条件和目的等八种),了解句式的变换(主要指陈述句与疑问句的互相变换、肯定句与否定句的互相变换、主动句与被动句的互相变换、常式句与变式句的互相变换等四种),能根据语言环境和表达的需要选择和变换句式。 (四)识别修辞方法(比喻、拟人、夸张、排比、设问、反问、引用、对比、反复、反语、对偶等十一种)。 (五)正确使用标点符号(句号、问号、感叹号、逗号、顿号、分号、冒号、引号、破折号、省略号、书名号等十一种)。 (六)基本了解重要作家的有关情况(包括姓名、年代、主要作品等)。 中国现代作家:鲁迅、茅盾、老舍、朱自清、冰心等。 中国古代作家:孔子、孟子、屈原、司马迁、陶渊明、李白、杜甫、范仲淹、苏轼、施耐庵、曹雪芹、吴承恩、罗贯中等。


复旦大学审核新增博士生指导教师岗位任职资格的暂行补充规定 为适应我校创建世界一流大学之人才发展战略、适应新形势下的人才交流状况,建设一支高素质的教学、科研队伍,特对我校提出的《复旦大学审核新增博士生导师岗位任职资格的暂行规定》作如下补充规定: 一、引进人才的博士生指导教师岗位任职资格认定程序 1、特别岗位和关键岗位引进人才的博士生指导教师岗位任职资格认定程序根据《复旦大学高层次人才引进实施办法(修订稿)》(校通字〔2003〕90号),对我校按"特别岗位"(对象为:两院院士、人文和社会学科领域的知名学者,特聘教授、特聘讲座教授、特聘研究员)和"关键岗位" (对象为:某一学科方向的学术带头人,或在教学、科研和技术等某一方面特别优秀者)引进的人才,不论其在原单位是否已取得博士生指导教师岗位任职资格,均可直接申请认定我校博士生指导教师岗位任职资格。认定程序:由所在院系提出报告(附人事处证明),经所属学位评定分委员会批准后,报研究生院院长审批,通过后报校学位评定委员会备案。校学位评定委员会每年1月和7月通过简报公布备案名单。备案名单不张榜、不设争议期。凡在每年4月底前完成备案手续者,可列入当年研究生招生简章。 2、其他岗位引进人才的博士生指导教师岗位任职资格认定程序 (1)在原单位已取得博士生指导教师岗位任职资格,且属985工程首期重点建设的9所高校(清华大学、北京大学、中国科技大学、南京大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、西安交通大学、浙江大学、哈尔滨工业大学)范围者,其博士生指导教师岗位任职资格在提供原单位证明后,按上述(一、1)的认定程序予以认定; (2)在原单位已取得博士生指导教师岗位任职资格,但属985工程首期重点建设的9所高校范围以外者,由所在院系提出报告(附人事处证明),经所属学位评定分委员会批准后,报研究生院院长审核,通过后报校学位评定委员会审议并表决。校学位评定委员会表决通过后,每年1月和7月张榜公布。 二、引进人才的博士生指导教师岗位任职资格审核程序对其他岗位引进人才,在原单位未取得博士生指导教师岗位任职资格者,其博士生指导教师岗位任职资格的审核,按照《复旦大学审核新增博士生导师岗位任职资格的暂行规定》进行。 三、我校兼职博士生指导教师的认定与审核程序 1、申请我校兼职博士生指导教师的人员应先取得我校兼职教授资格,对于已获得我校名誉教授资格的人员,如本人有意愿和精力在我校指导博士研究生,学校应予支持并无须办理兼职教授手续。 2、我校兼职博士生指导教师申请人(院士及特聘教授除外),应取得我校相关学科的学科带头人的推荐。 3、符合上述条件的人员,其兼职博士生指导教师的认定工作按上述(一、)规定的认 定程序进行;其兼职博士生指导教师的审核工作按上述(二、)规定的审核程序进行。 四、审核跨专业博士生指导教师岗位任职资格的暂行规定 为鼓励具有科研基础和培养条件的博士生导师拓宽研究领域,增进学科交叉、融合及边缘学科领域的研究工作,适应新形势下学科建设和博士生教育发展的需要,促进和加强复合型人才的培养,就我校审核跨专业博士生指导教师岗位任职资格作如下暂行规定:


复旦大学教授开学典礼老师演讲词 亲爱的同学们,大家上午好。 今天起,你们成为了一个复旦人,我首先代表的全校师生员工,对你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎!你们在国内外如此众多的一流大学里选择了复旦,我要对各位表示感谢! 从今天起,复旦将成为你们学习、生活和成长的地方。但是,我相信有一个问题你们还来不及思考,那就是你们到复旦来到底学什么,或者说到底怎么学?我们从刚才学长们和导师们的视频当中,听到了、看到了一些他们的感悟。所以,今天我并不想发表一个热情洋溢的讲话,而是要跟大家来分享一下我们对你们到复旦来到底学什么的思考。 韩愈说过“古之学者必有师”。一般来讲,自学成才,几乎不可能存在。任何一个人的成长过程中,必定会有一个导师。他还说,师者,传道授业解惑也,所以,哪怕你不是复旦大学的教师,但如果你在发挥传道授业解惑的作用,那你就是一个老师。对于学生来讲,来到复旦自然就是为了悟道、受业以及释惑。虽然你们最终会被归到某一个专业,或学科,会学习很多相应的专业知识,这或许就是我刚才提到的受业。然而英国的哲学家、数学家和教育家怀特海德曾经批评上世纪30年代的美国教育,他说大学教育的目的已经卑微到只教学生某些学科的一部分的专业知识,因为你不可能把专业也教完;而不是像古代书院里那样,哲学家们传递给弟子的是一种智慧。其实,当时伟大的物理学家爱因斯坦也以他的切身体验发出呼吁,他说仅仅靠知识和技能并不能使得人类获得快乐而又有尊严地生活。虽然通过专业教育可以使他成为一部有用的机器,但不能造就和谐的人格。他同时也指出,学生必须对美和良好的道德有深切的感受,否则仅有专业知识的学生,不过更像是一条经过良好训练的狗。此话有点粗,但是爱因斯坦不是一个讲粗话的人。


研究生英语 研究生高级英语 教师用书 主编 曾建彬黄莺 编委(以汉语拼音为序) 范若恩谷红欣顾乡何静 黄莺刘雯卢玉玲夏威 雍毅曾建彬张宁宁赵蓉

前言 《研究生英语》和《研究生高级英语》是复旦大学研究生课程及教材建设重点资助项目,受到了复旦大学研究生院和上海市重点学科建设项目“英语语言文学”项目的资助。该教材根据中国学生的英语学习需求,采用“博采众长,学以致用”的编写原则,在教材编写中汲取各种有效的英语教学理论和实践方法,为了适应研究生英语课程改革和创新的需要编写而成。《研究生英语》供非英语专业硕士研究生第一外国语(英语)课程使用,《研究生高级英语》供非英语专业博士硕士研究生第一外国语(英语)课程使用。 本书为《研究生英语》和《研究生高级英语》教学参考书的合订本,提供课后练习的参考答案、课文参考译文,以及翻译练习的参考答案,供教师备课参考之用。 本书由《研究生英语》和《研究生高级英语》编委负责编写(以汉语拼音为序):范若恩、谷红欣、顾乡、何静、黄莺、刘雯、卢玉玲、夏威、雍毅、曾建彬、张宁宁、赵蓉,均为复旦大学外文学院研究生英语教学部教师。 本书在编写的过程中得到了复旦大学研究生院和复旦大学出版社的大力支持,在此表示衷心的感谢。 由于编写人员教学任务重、时间紧、水平有限,教材中的错误及不妥之处在所难免,敬请读者提出宝贵的意见。 编者 2011年12月

使用说明 本书为《研究生英语》和《研究生高级英语》教学参考书的合订本,供非英语专业硕士研究生和博士研究生教学的英语教师参考使用,内容包括《研究生英语》和《研究生综合英语》课文的背景材料、练习答案以及参考译文等。还包括各单元的补充阅读和翻译练习的参考答案。 关于课文(Text)有以下内容: 1.背景材料(Background Information),包括作者介绍、与课文内容相关的英语国家文化、社会生活和风土人情等背景知识。 2.课文练习答案(Key to Exercises),包括课后练习V ocabulary Study和Cloze的参考答案。 3.课文译文(Translation of the Text),为了帮助学生更好地理解课文内容,主要采取直译的办法,对个别无法直译的句子则采取意译。 此外,每一单元还提供了一篇补充阅读(Supplementary Reading)和针对研究生论文写作和科研活动的翻译和写作教程与练习。其中《研究生英语》包括了Translating Skills和Writing Skills,《研究生高级英语》包括了Translation Appreciation and Practice和Academic Writing。对于补充阅读后的练习Cloze和翻译部分的练习,本书也提供了参考答案,供使用本教材的教师和自学者使用。 在具体安排教学活动时,教师可根据教学实际情况有选择地使用上述内容。 本书的练习答案和参考译文由《研究生英语》和《研究生高级英语》的编写人员提供。在本书的编写过程中,我们得到复旦大学出版社施胜今同志的热情关怀和大力支持,我们在此表示衷心的感谢。 由于编写人员教学任务重、时间紧,加之水平有限,仓促成书,错误和疏漏之处在所难免,敬请使用本书的教师或其他读者提出宝贵的意见。 编者 2011年12月


2013级复旦大学研究生入学教育考核试卷(开卷) 院系:学号:姓名:____ 第一部分 1、1905年,震旦学院学生为反抗外籍传教士阴谋夺取校权而集体离校,拥戴老校长马相伯创立了复旦公学。校名取自《尚书大传·虞夏传》中《卿云歌》的“日月光华,旦复旦兮”。1917年改名复旦大学,系私立性质。1941年底改为国立。 2、1914年,复旦师生共同设计校徽图案,商定校训,校训出自《论语·子张》,为“博学而笃志,切问而近思”。1925年制定校歌,由刘大白作词,丰子恺作曲。 3、1919年5月6日,复旦教员、《民国日报》主编邵力子到校敲响校钟,报告北京学生运动情况,复旦学生成为上海五四运动的先锋,何葆仁被选为上海学生联合会会长。 4、1937年8月13日,侵华日军进攻上海,我校多处校舍被炸毁,校园随后被占。我校师生一部分西迁内地,几经周折后在重庆北碚立校。部分滞留上海的师生在老校长李登辉先生的主持下坚持办学,以“复旦大学补习部”名义在重庆国民政府教育部备案,实行不向敌伪注册、不受敌伪津贴、不受敌伪干涉的“三不”方针,维护了民族气节和复旦声誉;他致力复旦大学的建设凡四十年,曾提出“服务、牺牲、团结”的复旦精神。学校的大礼堂——“相辉堂”就是为了纪念马相伯和他而命名的。 5、1949年 5月 27日,上海全部解放。次年,学校决定该日为复旦校庆节。 6、1952年至1977年,著名修辞学家陈望道教授任复旦校长,他是中国共产党上海发起组成员,曾翻译出版马克思主义经典著作《共产党宣言》第一个中文全译本。继他之后先后担任复旦校长的是著名数学家苏步青和物理学家谢希德。 7、2000年4月,经国务院决定,复旦大学与上海医科大学合并组建新的复旦大学。上海医科大学创始于 1927年,首任院长为医学界前辈颜福庆先生。 第二部分 8、根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》:1)新生入学后,学校在3个月内按照国家招生规定对其进行复查。复查合格者予以注册,取得学籍。复查不合格者,由学校区别情况,予以处理,直至取消入学资格。2)任何组织和个人不得在学校进行宗教活动。3)学生成立团体,应当按学校有关规定提出书面申请,报学校批准。我校鼓励研究生社团开展活动,研究生成立社团须向校研究生团工委申请注册。 9、根据《复旦大学研究生学籍管理规定》:1)每学期开学时,研究生应到所在院系办理注册手续。2)研究生休学时间一般以学期为单位;休学研究生应在休学前一周内办理手续离校,可保留学籍一年,休学期间不享受在校学习研究生待遇;休学期满开学前一周内

复旦大学硕士研究生英语unit 1

Unit 1 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c14745375.html,/programs/view/xXC3Y2_r66w https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c14745375.html,/v_show/id_XNzU3MjI3OTI4.html notion an idea, belief or understanding of sth ~ (of sth) She had only a vague ~ of what might happen. She had no notion of the difficulty of the problem. ~ (that…) I have to reject the notion that greed can be a good thing. make do with/without sth to manage with sth that not really good enough I have to make do with biscuits for lunch. I have to make do without bed this evening. She made do with an air mattress for a week. secure to obtain or achieve sth, especially when this means using a lot of effort ~ sth The team managed to secure a place in the finals. ~ sth for sb/sth/yourself He secured a place for himself at the law school. ~ sb/sth/yourself sth He secured himself a place at the law school. I went to sleep secure in the knowledge that I was not alone in the house. established respected or given official status because it has existed or been used for a long time They are an established company with a good reputation. This unit is now an established part of the course. control ~ (of/over sb/sth)the ability to make sb/sth do what you want; power, hold, influence The teacher has no control over the children. She lost control of her car on the ice. exercise ~ sth to use your power, rights or personal qualities to achieve sth When she appeared in court she exercised her right to remain silent. He was a man who exercised considerable influence over people. champion (of sth) a person, who fights for, or speaks in support of, a group of people or a belief She was a champion of the poor all her life. sphere 1 A solid figure that is completely round, with every point on its surface at an equal distance from the center.


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 2.0/ 2.0 得分题目1 of 45 复旦大学的校名出自()中的“卿云烂兮,纠缦缦兮;日月光华,旦复旦兮”,本义是追求光明,含有自主办学、复兴中华的意味。 A. 《春秋》 B. 《诗经》 C. 《尚书大传》 D. 《尚书》 题目2 of 45 2.0/ 2.0 得分复旦大学校训是(),出自《论语?子张》。 A. 自强不息,厚德载物 B. 博学而笃志,切问而近思 C. 励学敦行,诚朴雄伟 D. 求是,创新 题目3 of 45 2.0/ 2.0 得分1949年之前和之后的两个阶段中,复旦大学任职时间最长的两位校长分别是()和()。 A. 李登辉,陈望道

B. 李登辉,苏步青 C. 马相伯,陈望道 D. 马相伯,谢希德 题目4 of 45 2.0/ 2.0 得分复旦大学上海医学院(原上海医科大学)创建于()年,是中国创办的第一所国立大学医学院,严福庆出任首任院长。()年,上海医科大学和复旦大学合并,组建成为新的复旦大学。 A. 1927,2000 B. 1905,2000 C. 1905,1999 D. 1927,1999 题目5 of 45 2.0/ 2.0 得分我校经过多年的建设和发展,形成了“一体两翼”的校园格局,即以()为一体,以()为两翼。 A. 邯郸校区、江湾校区,枫林校区、张江校区 B. 枫林校区、张江校区,邯郸校区、江湾校区 C. 邯郸校区、枫林校区,江湾校区、张江校区 D. 邯郸校区、张江校区,江湾校区、枫林校区 题目6 of 45 2.0/ 2.0 得分研究生新生入学()内,经全面复查合格者,在学校规定时间内统一正式注册,取得研究生学籍。 A. 两周


复旦大学考研复试英语口语范文推荐 Good afternoon, my dear professors. I am glad to be here for this interview. It is my great pleasue to introduce my self to all of you. my name is***, 27years old, born in ganzhou, jiangxi province. I gratuated from jiangxi medical college, my major is clinical medicine. Because of my deligence in study, I gained the schoalarships each year, and in 2000, I gloriously took part in the Chinese Communist Party. After gratuation, I went to work in TaiZhou hospital. It lies in LuQiao, Zhejiang probvince. it is a general hospital and the center of medicine for taizhou people. In the first two years, as a house suegeon, I accepted the normal and strict training. In 2003, I acquired the licence for practitions, at the same year, I am cheerful to be distributed to the deparment of cancer surgery. During the clinical practice, I have more and more interst in oncology, but, I knew deeply that I haye no adequate knowlege to be competent to the clinical practice. Furthermore, I believe that a qualified cancer surgeon should have abandful, systimatic and full——scale medical knowlege and must experience more normal and strict training. So, I determined to pursue the master's degree in fudan university. In order to prepare well to the tests for entrance for postgratuation, I Quit my job in July, 2005 and try my best to be ready for the tests. Now all my hard work has got a good result since, I have got a chance to be interviewed by all of you. I always believe that a docter will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learing. I am a deligent, studious, and creative person. Of course, if I am given a chance to study in fudan university, I will study harder, and, with your guidance and help, I wish I can, someday, like you, devote myself to the great cause of conquering the tumor. That's all, Thank you for your attention.


复旦大学2018级外国留学生本科生新生 入学须知 The Registration Guide for 2018 New International Undergraduate Students Fudan University

复旦大学2018级外国留学生本科生新生入学须知 一、入学准备 1. 入境签证 关于签证和居留许可,新生请务必申请学习签证(X1或X2签证)入境,具体信息请认真阅读一同寄送的《2018年复旦大学留学生新生签证&住宿指南》。 2. 查询学号 8月1日起,新生可访问复旦大学外国留学生工作处网站查询学号(https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c14745375.html,/QueryStuNo/),以便预订留学生公寓和访问迎新系统。 3. 支付学费 新生请于8月20日至9月28日登录https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c14745375.html,/wszf.htm,并按照指示网上支付学费。学费按学年支付,学费标准请浏览我校财务处网站收费公示https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c14745375.html,/。 办理缴费过程中,若有疑问,请与复旦大学财务处联系。 联系电话:+86-21-65648170 邮箱:hyj@https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c14745375.html, 4.住宿安排 新生可选择入住留学生公寓,也可以选择校外住宿。 留学生公寓需网上预订(https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c14745375.html,/house.htm)。预定时间为8月6日上午9:00至8月8日上午9:00(北京时间)。因房

间数量有限,先到先得。网上预订住房时需输入学号。 关于校内、校外住宿其他信息,请认真阅读《复旦大学留学生新生签证&住宿指南》。 5.来校交通 学校不提供接机或接站服务,请同学们自行到校。 (1)前往复旦大学正门(上海市杨浦区邯郸路220号) 浦东机场:机场四线到五角场站,换乘出租车,约35元;乘坐出租车,约200元。 虹桥机场/虹桥火车站:轨道交通10号线到国权路站或江湾体育场站,换乘出租车,约20元;乘坐出租车,约100元。 上海火车站:轨道交通3号线到大柏树站,换乘出租车,约20元;乘坐出租车,约50元。 (2)前往复旦大学留学生公寓(上海市杨浦区武东路57号)浦东机场:机场四线到五角场站,换乘出租车,约35元;乘坐出租车,约200元。 虹桥机场/虹桥火车站:轨道交通10号线到国权路站或江湾体育场站,换乘出租车,约20元;直接乘坐出租车,约100元。 上海火车站:轨道交通3号线到江湾镇站,换乘出租车,约20元;直接乘坐出租车,约50元。 ★搭乘出租车时,请选择具有合法营运标识的车辆,按照计价器显示的金额付费,并且保留好发票。以上费用是在路况正常的情况下产生的费用,如果遇到道路阻塞和夜晚,费用会有所增加。


Mustache Giggle boulevard大街,林荫道blurt 脱口而出paradox自相矛盾inarticulate不善言辞的kneecap膝盖骨bestow赠与给予 blink眨眼 furrow皱眉 quip俏皮话 ethereal神灵般、精妙comeback恢复反驳sonnet十四行诗 jim-dandy一流的极好的人/事 cadence韵律节奏sestet六行诗execrable可恶的petticoat衬裙 adroit熟练的机敏的poise姿态自信使平衡etiquette礼节comport表现(n:-ment) bestow sth on/upon sb carry sb away(贬义)使激动得失控 stitch sth up缝 well off幸运的 get possession of得到put one’s mind to sth决心做 come up with想到提出brush sth off刷掉 on the right track正确轨道上 be inept at doing不善fall flat失败未达到预期效果伏倒 fall apart分裂垮掉work like a dog the chances are (that)有可能…… cognac鸡尾酒perspicacious有洞察力 betoken象征 nicety微妙 ritualistic仪式的 explicitly明确的 one-up胜人一筹的胜 过 canoe独木舟 reciprocity相互作用互 惠 rhetoric雄辩言辞修辞 学 benefactor捐助者恩人 hooker妓女 proclivity倾向癖好 frill装饰衣褶 puritan清教徒 frivolous不重要的轻浮 的 wont习惯(v\adj\v) swell肿胀增强 allergy过敏症 prone易于…… cliché陈词滥调 fabulous极好的 tacky寒酸俗气廉价破 旧低级趣味 ego pamper纵容宠 altruism利他主义无私 altruist dispense分发配药 largess慷慨赠与的钱 物 philanthropic慈善的 donee受赠者 callow幼小的乳臭未 干的 fast紧紧的牢固的 austere朴素的严格的 严峻的一丝不苟的 charisma魅力 dime10美分 donor捐赠者 chisel凿 cynic愤世嫉俗者 ironist讽刺者 neurosis神经病 conduit管道渠道 out of proportion不相 称不成比例 get down to sth开始着 手 paper sth over掩饰 do sb a good turn帮忙 做对…有利的事 wind up上发条中止 measure up达标达到 virility男子气生殖能 力 nonchalant漠不关心无 动于衷的(with) correlative相关的 maxim格言 tautology赘述 august威严的 sanction批准,制裁 caste等级 legislature立法机关 tycoon大亨 rabid狂暴的狂犬病的 teetotaler禁酒主义者 prudery过分守礼假正 经 bridle马缰控制生气 avarice贪婪 sentry哨兵 condone宽恕原谅 nectarine油桃 legitimacy合法性 sanctity圣洁神圣 preposterous反常的荒 谬的 towering极高强烈杰出 confer商议授予 ecstasy狂喜入迷 fathomless深奥无穷 at the outset一开始 on the ground that因为 bring sth into play发挥 disapprove of at stake危险 in vain白费 euthanasia安乐死 cessation停止中断 humanitarian人道主义 的博爱的慈善的 syndrome综合症 pediatric小儿科 congenital先天的 intestinal肠的 obstruction阻塞障碍 scalpel外科手术刀 dehydration脱水 patently明显地 prohibitively禁止地 thrash鞭打战胜乱窜辗 转反侧 deranged使精神错乱 打乱 grotesque荒诞奇异丑 陋外貌怪异 perversion歪曲变坏变 态 conflate合并混合 appraisal估计估量 sadistic残暴的 make a case against坚 称某事是错的 set out动身开始阐明 set foot in进入 account for解释 in a …light以某种方 式(view sth in a new light) be subject to应当…容 易…附属于…在…控 制下 have a bearing on对… 有影响与…有关 go along with赞同支持 去x的(go along with


2013级复旦大学研究生入学教育考核试卷(开卷)院系:学号:姓名:____ 第一部分 1、1905年,震旦学院学生为反抗外籍传教士阴谋夺取校权而集体离校,拥戴老校长马相伯创立了复旦公学。校名取自《尚书大传·虞夏传》中《卿云歌》的“日月光华,旦复旦兮”。1917年改名复旦大学,系私立性质。1941年底改为国立。 2、1914年,复旦师生共同设计校徽图案,商定校训,校训出自《论语·子张》,为“博学而笃志,切问而近思”。1925年制定校歌,由刘大白作词,丰子恺作曲。 3、1919年5月6日,复旦教员、《民国日报》主编邵力子到校敲响校钟,报告北京学生运动情况,复旦学生成为上海五四运动的先锋,何葆仁被选为上海学生联合会会长。 4、1937年8月13日,侵华日军进攻上海,我校多处校舍被炸毁,校园随后被占。我校师生一部分西迁内地,几经周折后在重庆北碚立校。部分滞留上海的师生在老校长李登辉先生的主持下坚持办学,以“复旦大学补习部”名义在重庆国民政府教育部备案,实行不向敌伪注册、不受敌伪津贴、不受敌伪干涉的“三不”方针,维护了民族气节和复旦声誉;他致力复旦大学的建设凡四十年,曾提出“服务、牺牲、团结”的复旦精神。学校的大礼堂——“相辉堂”就是为了纪念马相伯和他而命名的。 5、1949年 5月 27日,上海全部解放。次年,学校决定该日为复旦校庆节。 6、1952年至1977年,著名修辞学家陈望道教授任复旦校长,他是中国共产党上海发起组成员,曾翻译出版马克思主义经典著作《共产党宣言》第一个中文全译本。继他之后先后担任复旦校长的是著名数学家苏步青和物理学家谢希德。 7、2000年4月,经国务院决定,复旦大学与上海医科大学合并组建新的复旦大学。上海医科大学创始于 1927年,首任院长为医学界前辈颜福庆先生。 第二部分 8、根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》:1)新生入学后,学校在 3 个月内按照国家招生规定对其进行复查。复查合格者予以注册,取得学籍。复查不合格者,由学校区别情况,予以处理,直至取消入学资格。2)任何组织和个人不得在学校进行宗教活动。3)学生成立团体,应当按学校有关规定提出书面申请,报学校批准。我校鼓励研究生社团开展活动,研究生成立社团须向校研究生团工委申请注册。 9、根据《复旦大学研究生学籍管理规定》:1)每学期开学时,研究生应到所在院系办理注册手续。2)研究生休学时间一般以学期为单位;休学研究生应在休学前一周内办理


新生入学教育考试试题 系(室) 班级姓名成绩 一、填空题:(高技60分,中技50分,每空0.5分) 1、在校期间你能按时完成所学专业的学习成绩合格,获得规定的职业资格证,没有违纪处分或处分已取消而且操行成绩合格,学校将为你办理毕业证。职业资格证成绩不合格的,必须 在一年内次年7 月 1 日前)通过补考才能补办毕业证。 2、新生入校后,一个月内填写《广州市城镇居民医疗保险参保申报表》,同时提供身份证复印件、户口本的首页和本人页复印件,并缴交学生医疗保险及意外保费共150 元后由学校统一为学生办理;保险生效日期为每年的 9 月1日到次年8 月31日止。每年 6 月份为保险的续保时间,到时只需交150元保费就可以了。 3、按国家政策,对技工学校在校一、二年级学生,属农村或城市户口中的低保家庭(必须有民政局发的低保证)的学生可以享受国家助学金,每年1500 元。经省市审批后,由上级主管部门通过银行直接发放到学生,学校负责学生国家助学金的申报,收集上报相关证明材料,协助银行做好国家助学金卡的现场发放,协调处理发放过程中出现的各类问题。 4、为了方便同学们安全缴交学费,简化交费注册程序,学校将为每位同学开立银行储蓄卡。银行卡除了用于缴交学费外,还用于奖学金发放及毕业时教材费结算清退款,学生务必妥善至毕业为止。学生学费缴交,实行收费专管制度。未经财务部批准或授权,任何教职工不得私自代收学生学费。 5、学生某门课程(某项技能)缺课时数累计超过1/3 或缺交作业(包括实验报告、实习工件)次数超过总次数的三分之一者,不得参加该课程(或该项技能)的正常考核。考核成绩不及格或缓考的学生,均应在学校规定的日期补考或者缓考。 6、技工学校学生实行随班试读制度。有下列情况之一者,应实行随班试读:在本学期应学的 文化技术理论中,经补考后仍有二分之一以上(不含二分之一)的课程学期总评成绩不及格。 7、学生休学以一年为限,休学期内保留学籍。休学期满,学生要求复学,应于复学前一个月向学校提出申请,经学校审批后,原则上编入原专业的下一个年级学习。因病休学的学生要求复学时,须持县级以上医院的健康证明,并经学校复查能正常学习者,方可复学。 8、学生因故不能参加正常的学习活动要求请病假、事假的,均应办理请假手续;假期完毕应及时销假;需要延长假期的,应办理续假手续,如遇特殊情况来不及办理手续的也应通过通讯工具及时向校方报告。凡无办理请假、销假或续假手续,遇特殊情况又不及时报告者,均以旷课论处。 9、有下列情况之一的学生可给予开除学籍的处分:触犯国家刑律,被判刑罚或被送劳动教养者;违反国家法律法规或社会治安管理条例,被追究法律责任,在社会上造成极坏影响者;违反技工学校管理规章和校纪校规,情节严重,造成恶劣影响者。 10、学期操行成绩优秀作为学生参加评选各类先进个人的必备条件之一。学期操行成绩低于30分或二学期操行成绩均不及格者取消学籍降为试读生,试读期为一学期,超过一学期操行分仍不及格者予以劝退。 11、奖学金评定条件:学生学期操行总评成绩90分以上;学期学习成绩按各科目总分进行排序,按名次依比例选定;自觉遵守校纪校规,无违法乱纪行为。 12、学生违反校规校纪,根据情节轻重、认错态度、悔改表现等,给予下列处分:警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看、开除学籍。 13、受警告及以上处分者一年内取消评优和奖学金评定及出席团代会、学代会资格,不得担任班、团干部。受过处分且在毕业时未撤销处分者,不予毕业。 14、留校察看以一年为限,在处分期间有明显进步表现者,经本人申请,系审核,学生处审查,主管校长批准,可提前取消处分(察看期不能少于六个月); 15、受处分学生经教育转化合格后,由学生本人填写《撤销处分申请表》,辅导员(班主任)写出鉴定,经系主任(审批记过以下的处分)、学生处及分管校领导(审批留校察看及以上处分)批准后可取消处分,并下发《关于撤消××同学处分决定的通知》。 16、未经批准,擅自留宿非本宿舍成员,经批评教育不改者,给予警告处分。未经批准,擅自进入异性宿舍,给予严重警告处分。因留宿非本宿舍成员或让其进入宿舍而造成不良后果者,视其情节,给予记过及以上处分。留宿异性者,给予留校察看及以上处分,直至开除学籍。 17、扰乱宿舍管理秩序,敲铁桶、脸盆、饭盒、放鞭炮、烟花、燃烧物品、高声喧哗者,给予及以上处分;高空抛物、宿舍起哄者,给予留校察看处分。上述行为造成伤人、损坏公物或其他事故的,除赔偿损失外,加重一级处分。 18、凡在学生宿舍、教室私藏管制刀具、枪械、铁棒、铁水管等器械者,除没收其器械外,给予警告处分;私藏的器械被他人使用造成伤人后果者,要追究私藏者责任,给予记过及以上处分。 19、学生不得带酒入校,一经发现,没收并给予严重警告处分。 20、对考试时获取他人答题信息或为他人提供信息,闭卷考试翻看书籍、资料者,给予记过或留校察看处分。 21、累计旷课达20节,给予警告处分:累计旷课节120 节及以上,给予开除学籍处分。 22、不按规定佩戴胸卡或故意损坏胸卡者,给予批评教育,屡劝不改者给予警告及以上处分。 23、在校内(宿舍外)抽烟给予批评教育,屡劝不改者给予警告至警告处分。在宿舍内抽烟者给予警告处分。 24、学生对违纪行政处分有异议,可向学生管理副校长申诉,本人的申诉必须在接到处分决定后一周内提出,由学生管理分管校领导负责调查处理并将处理结论通知申诉人。 25、熄灯后大声讲话影响他人休息者及晚点名不归者给予批评教育,屡教不改者给予警告及以上处分;未经请假夜不归宿者给予警告及以上处分。 26、学校安排专人对水电进行管理,保证同学们日常的生活需要,学生用水、用电实行定额配置,按月结算。每人每月用水限额4吨,超过限额,每吨按当地居民用水价格收取超量水费。宿舍用电每人每月限额为8 度,超过限额,每度按当地居民电费物价标准收取超量电费。 27、具备放电脑的宿舍,学生可将电脑带入宿舍使用。学生须办理学生电脑登记证,再到宿舍值班室登记。一台电脑只能办一个证,遗失后可申请补办。但学生找借口为一台电脑办理两个及以上登记证视为违纪行为。搬机离开学生宿舍需出示学生电脑登记证,并接受校卫队员检查。 28、根据广州市有关规定,学校可为外省的新生办理户口迁移,学生毕业时为学生办理户口迁出手续。毕业后要马上迁走,学校对毕业生户口不做超期保管。

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