欧洲文化入门 ppt课件

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c. Florence (prosperous seaport in the late 15th cent.) →flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture→ rise of humanist ideas
d. Venice : Venetian art 威尼斯画派
New literature a. Giovanni Boccaccio薄伽丘: b. Decameron《十日谈》:a prose
b. Francesco Petrarch彼德拉克(One of the poets who invented Sonnet十四行诗,商籁体)
•The rise of Capitalism
The background of
Renaissance (around1300-1650)
• Renaissance in Italy Background: a. geographical position →foreign trade →urban
•我是人,人所具有的我无不具有。 —— 拉丁诗人 特伦斯(2 B.C.)
•Renaissance(humanism) & CounterReformation 宗教改革→against the Middle Ages
•The second half of the 15th century: modern time of the West(1492 for America)
It was the morning那天早晨
It was the morning of that blessed day, 那一天,太阳也为哀悼上帝变得阴晦 Whereon the Sun in pity veiled his glare 我不曾抵抗就做了俘虏, For the Lord's agony, that, unaware, 因为,夫人,您那美丽的眼睛射出的无形视线 I fell a captive, Lady, to the sway 将我捆缚起来,如同囚犯一般。 Of your swift eyes; that seemed no time to stay 当时我没有意识到预防爱神的纠缠, The strokes of love: I stepped into the snare 依然若无其事、自信地迈步向前…… Secure, with no suspicion: then and there 殊不知就在此刻,我的感情之苦 I found my cue in man's most tragic play. 已经伴随着人间之痛一起涌起波涟。 Love caught me naked in his shaft, his sheaf, 在爱神面前我毫无防范, The entrance for his ambush and surprise 从眼睛到心灵全都门扉大开, Against the heart wide open through the eyes, 双眼变成热泪流淌的通道和源泉。 The constant gate and fountain of my grief 但我以为,此情此景之下 How craven so to strike me so, 用箭射中我并不是什么荣耀, Yet from you fully armed conceal his bow!因为对您,一个有防范的人,它从不会放箭。
beauty of God
beauty of the human body
clergy牧师, 教士
death and the other word living for the present
Renaissance (around1300-1650)
• Conservatism of the feudalism and the Roman church vs humanism of the rising bourgeoisie
Renaissance (around1300-1650)
• Humanism
relБайду номын сангаасgion
economy→ accumulation of wealth→ flowing of art and literature b. divided country → city-states (the Duchy大公国 of Milan;
the Republics of Florence and Venice; the Papal states教皇国;the kingdom of Naples那布勒斯王国)
Renaissance (around1300-1650)
• General introduction • Background • Medieval architecture
• The famous people and their works
General Introduction
• The word “renaissance” means revival, specifically in this period of history,revival of interest In ancient
Medieval architecture
• Between the time of Roman Architecture (30BC300 AD) and the rebirth of Rome as the center of architecture during the Renaissance( 14001600), there were 4 overlapping, but distinctive periods of architecture: Early Christian, Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic .The common belief in Christianity created an architectural and social unifying force. The great monuments of this period were all designed for the greater glorification of the Christian God.