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必修4 Moudle3单元检测题 综合检测(三)

  必修4 Moudle3单元检测题 综合检测(三)
  必修4 Moudle3单元检测题 综合检测(三)


Module 3Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication



1.Will you ________me ________favour to carry the box upstairs,boy?

A.give;the B.do;the

C.offer;a D.do;a

2.The pupil's nervous expression __________ himself ________ when he told a lie that he was ill.

A.gave;off B. gave;out

C.gave;away D.gave;up

3.(2013·太原高一检测)Lucy was so thirsty that she made a ________for some water.

A.decision B.face

C.living D.request

4.With the development of the company,it has made another ________ with Japan and made lots of money.

A.progress B.deal

C.effort D.concept

5.________difficult the problem is,you have to try your best to solve it.

A.Although B.Whatever

C.However D.No matter

6.—Who was ________ when the thief broke in?

—Sorry,but I don't know.

A.on show B.on business

C.on a visit D.on guard

7.The prices of meat ________ greatly with seasons.

A.varies B.various

C.vary D.variety

8.When I was doing some cooking,I cut my finger______.

A.by the way B.by accident

C.by chances D.in the way

9.Most people prefer a ________ show to a recorded one.

A.living B.alive

C.lively D.live

10.If you have any questions to ask,please ________ your hands.

A.hold out B.hold up

C.put on D.put out

11.—I think being ________of one's shortcomings helps one to make more progress.

—I can't agree more.

A.conscious B.unconscious

C.informal D.formal

12.If you are good at English,you will find it easy to________people in a foreign country.

A communicate to B.communicate with

C.agree to D.agree with

13.When the earthquake happened,the young man ______and went under the bed.

A.panicked B.paniced

C.threatened D.amazed

14.Whenever I see my neighbours,I always ________ them.

A.say hello for B.say goodbye to

C.say hello to D.say goodbye for

15.—How about going climbing this weekend?

—Well,there are too many dangers________.

A.involving B.having involved

C.to involve D.involved


More than a hundred years ago,a college student was travelling by train.He

found himself __16__ by the side of an old man who seemed to be a __17__ peasant,well dressed.He was holding a rosary(念珠)to __18__ and moving the beads(珠子)with his fingers.“Sir.do you still __19__such outdated things?”asked the student,“Yes,I do.Don't you?”asked the man.The student burst into __20__ and said,“I do not believe in such __21__ things.Take my advice,__22__ the rosary out of this window,__23__ learn what science has to say about it.”

“Science?I do not understand this science.Perhaps you can __24__ it to me.”The man spoke humbly(谦恭地)with __25__ in his eyes.

The student saw that the man was__26__ moved.So to avoid further hurting the__27__of the man,he said,“Please give me your__28__ and I will send you some books to __29__ you learn about this.”The man__30__ the inside pocket of his coat for a moment and gave the boy his visiting card.__31__ glancing at the card,the student__32__his head in shame and became__33__.On the card he read,“Louis Pasteur,Director of the Institute of Scientific Research,Paris”.

__34__,Louis Pasteur was a great French scientist.His __35__ that most diseases are caused by germs(细菌),known as the“germ theory of disease”,was one of the most important advances in medical history.

16.A.stood B.attracted

C.laughed D.seated

17.A.poor B.rich

C.professional D.disabled

18.https://www.doczj.com/doc/4a13037397.html,anise B.act

C.pray D.speak

19.A.believe in B.care about

C.think of D.play with

20.A.song B.joy

C.laughter D.excitement

21.A.silly B.harmful

C.common D.serious

22.A.take B.leave

C.throw D.put

23.A.but B.or

C.and D.so

24.A.give B.explain

C.lend D.bring

25.A.doubts B.difficulties

C.tears D.troubles

26.A.deeply B.highly

C.closely D.sincerely

27.A.thought B.feelings

C.ideas D.mind

28.A.hand B.book

C.place D.address

29.A.make B.lead

C.impress D.help

30.A.touched B.looked

C.searched D.examined

31.A.On B.In

C.During D.About

32.A.nodded B.raised

C.lowered D.moved

33.A.negative B.silent

C.peaceful D.naughty

34.A.Finally B.Actually

C.Really D.Obviously

35.A.wonder B.behavior

C.fact D.discovery



Even a child knows that nodding(点头)the head means“Yes”.But some people

will probably be puzzled when they first come to India.When they talk to an Indian,he often shakes his head.They might think that the Indian does not like what he said,but on_the_contrary he is expressing agreement.

The Indians have a habit of shaking their heads slightly when they talk to somebody.It doesn't mean“No”,but“Yes”.

If a person doesn't know this,it might cause misunderstanding.

At one time a foreigner in India told his driver who was an Indian to take him to his office.The driver shook his head.The foreigner repeated his request and the driver shook his head again.At last,the foreigner shouted angrily,“Drive me to my office at once!”The driver said in a low voice,“Yes,sir,”smiling and shaking his head again at the same time.

36.Generally speaking,nodding the head means ________,and shaking the head means ________.

A.Yes;No B.No;Yes

C.Yes;Yes D.No;No

37.According to the habit of India,if someone agrees with you,he will ________.

A.nod his head

B.shake his head

C.neither nod his head nor shake his head

D.either nod his head or shake his head

38.Why did the foreigner become angry?Because________.

A.the Indian driver didn't want to send him to his office

B.he misunderstood the meaning of shaking the head in India

C.he asked the driver to send him to his office,but the India driver didn't say any words

D.the Indian driver asked him for a lot of money

39.The underlined phrase“on the contrary”means ________.

A.just the opposite

B.clear difference between two things

C.doing what you want to do

D.on the other hand


Visitors to Britain may find the best place to sample local culture is in a traditional pub.But these friendly pubs can be dangerous places of potential gaffes(失礼)for the newcomers.

A team of researchers have discovered some of the unknown customs of British pubs—starting with the difficulty of getting a drink.Most pubs have no waiters—you have to go to the bar to buy drinks.A group of Italian youths were waiting 45 minutes before they realized they would have to fetch their own.This may sound inconvenient,but there is a hidden purpose.

Pub culture is designed to promote sociability(社交)in a society known for its reserve.Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others waiting to be served.The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered entirely suitable and really quite normal behavior.“If you haven't been to a pub,you haven't been to Britain.”This tip can be found in a booklet,Passport to the Pub:The Tourists'Guide to Pub Etiquette,a customers'rule of conduct for those wanting to sample“a central part of British life and culture”.

The trouble is that if you do not follow the local rules,the experience may fall flat.For example,if you are in a big group,it is best if only one or two people go to buy the drinks.Nothing annoys the regular customers and bar staff more than a group of strangers blocking all access to the bar while they chat and hesitate about what to order.

40.The underlined word“sample”in the first paragraph probably means“________”.

A.taste B.experience

C.test D.record

41.The culture of pub in Britain is developed to________.

A.encourage people to communicate with each other

B.encourage more people to consume drinks

C.attract more tourists to the pubs

D.form its own character of culture

42.If you don't follow the local rules in a pub,________.

A.you won't buy good local drinks

B.you may annoy the regular customers and bar staff

C.you may fail to feel the local culture

D.you might get into a dangerous place

43.What may be the BEST title for the passage?

A.Self-service Pubs in Britain

B.British Local Pubs:Special Chat Places

C.Local Pub Culture in Britain

D.Manners in British Local Pubs


We can make all the jokes we want about taking baths ourselves,but if we are ill in bed and can't get up,we'll be thankful to the nurses who help us get clean.While I am not a nurse,and have never given anyone a bath,I would imagine that it would take a lot of sympathy(同情)and patience to do so.

Yet those who attended the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems last month were introduced to Cody,a robot that can bathe human beings.

The robot has a base that can be turned to all directions,two human-like arms,and movable wrists(腕).It uses a camera to locate parts of the human body.It then uses bath gloves to clean with a little pressure.

The robot was designed at the Georgia Institute of Technology.Charles Kemp of the Healthcare Robotics Lab is the senior researcher for the project.In a test run,Cody was able to remove 96% of a test subject's dirt—not bad—for a robot.

But don't go asking for Cody yet—he's still a model.Yet researchers believe that one day Cody may take the place of nurses for this task.Researchers say that Cody will give patients dignity and protect their personal information.I suppose that would depend on the patient.I'm not sure whether a robot using a camera would make me feel very dignified.

Even so,I can appreciate the need.We don't have enough nurses to go around,and those places that are the most short-handed,for example,nursing homes,are

those that have the most patients who are unable to bathe themselves.Still,before I get there,I hope they think of a better way to solve the problem.

44.The writer thinks bathing others must________.

A.be a lot of fun

B.make you feel thankful

C.take a lot of patience

D.make you feel dignified

45.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.Why and where Cody was designed.

B.What Cody looks like and who designed it.

C.What Cody can do and where it will work soon.

D.How Cody works and what has made that possible.

46.We know from the fourth and fifth paragraphs that________.

A.Cody can bathe patients better than a real nurse can

B.robots like Cody are being produced in large numbers right now

C.Cody can take the place of nurses completely in hospitals

D.researchers think Cody can protect patients' personal information


The human nose has given to the language of the world many interesting expressions.Of course,this is not surprising.Without the nose,we could not breathe or smell.It is the part of the face that gives a person special character.Cyrano de Bergerac said that a large nose showed a great man—courageous,manly,and wise.

A famous woman poet wished that she had two noses to smell a rose!Blaise Pascal made an interesting remark about Cleopatra's(埃及艳后)nose.If it had been shorter,he said,it would have changed the whole face of the world!

Man's nose has had an important role in his imagination.Man has referred to the nose in many ways to express his emotions.Expressions dealing with the nose refer to human's weakness,anger,pride,jealousy and revenge(报复).

In English there are a number of phrases about the nose.For example,to hold up one's nose expresses a basic human feeling—pride.People can hold up their noses at

people,things,and places.

The phrase,to be led around by the nose,shows man's weakness.A person who is led around by the nose lets other people control him.On the other hand,a person who follows his nose lets his instinct(本能)guide him.

There are a number of others.However,it should be as plain as the nose on your face that the nose is more than an organ for breathing and smelling.

47.The passage is about________.

A.an organ,with which people can breathe and smell

B.the nose,which gives different and useful expressions

C.the nose giving a person special character

D.the interesting remarks about the nose made by some people

48.From the passage we know________.

A.Cleopatra's nose changed the whole face of the world indeed

B.Cleopatra had a strong will to change the whole look of the world

C.Cleopatra's nose was not short

D.Cleopatra hoped that people would change the whole face of the world

49.A person who follows his nose________.

A.won't take others' advice

B.is easily controlled by others

C.is weak-minded

D.will let his will guide him

50.How many emotions can be shown by expressions about the nose in the passage?

A.Two. B.Three.

C.Four. D.Five.



The Winner's Guide to Success

How do successful people think?What helps them to make success?To find

out the answers,an American scholar recently visited some of the most successful people in America.51.________

Be responsible for yourself

Sometimes you may want to blame others for your failure to get ahead.52.________ You're saying,“You have more control over my life than I do.”

Live life“on purpose”

Almost all successful people live life“on purpose”—they are doing what they believe they should and want to do.When you live your life on purpose,you'll try your best to do your job or study as well as you can.You love what you do and you can find pleasure in what you do.

Write a plan

It is very difficult trying to get what you want without a good plan.53.________ A good plan is like a map to you.Without this“map”,you may waste your time,money and also your energy,while with the“map”you'll enjoy the“trip”and get what you want in the shortest possible time.

Be willing to pay the price

Nothing great is easy to get.So you must be ready to work hard—even harder than you have ever done.If you are not willing to pay the price,you won't get anything valuable.

Never give up

54.________ When you are doing something,you must tell yourself again and again:Giving up is worse than failure because failure can be the mother of success,but giving up means the death of hope.


Once an American writer was writing a novel.He could not have a good ending for his book until one night when he had a very good idea.He was so excited that he made a phone call to one of his best friends.“I've got a perfect idea,”he said,“I'll put it down later and show it to you.”But he never did,because he died that night.His book was left without a perfect ending.So remember,do what you can right away.Never delay at all.

A.It is just like trying to drive through strange roads to a city far away.

B.It seems to us that everyone knows this.But it is easier said than done.

C.Some people achieve success much later in life because they fail to realize earlier the importance of hard work.

D.In fact,when you say someone or something outside of yourself is stopping you from making success,you're giving away your own power.

E.Someone else's opinion of you doesn't have to become your reality.

F.Don't delay.

G.Here are some keys to success that they give.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking for a passenger,Mr.White,he is from America.And he is now leaving Beijing to America by Flight 2748.But we were told that Mr.White forgot his passport as well his wallet in Friendship Hotel where he had stayed.The manager of the hotel has just telephoned to tell him about it.The manager has been sent his secretary to bring the passport and the wallet here,and she will come sooner.Will Mr.White go to gate of our airport and wait for your passport and wallet?She will arrive at about ten minutes.













___________________________________________________________ A

group of scientists were planning to go to countryside to do a scientific research in order to find out that whether the environment of the country had polluted.On arrival,they started to check the air or water.To our surprise,they found how terribly the situation was.They could see the serious pollution.Look into the cause, they persuade the government to pass the law to protect environment and kept the balance of nature.Now everything has changed.Birds are singing while tree and grass are waving.

81.countryside 前加the 82.去掉that 83.polluted前加been 84.our改their 85.terribly改terrible 86.look改looking 87.persuade 改persuaded 88.kept改keep 89.正确90.tree改trees




1.B do sb.a favour中的do为固定搭配,而当favour后面接不定式的时候,其前面要用定冠词the。

2.C句意:当这个小学生撒谎说他生病了时,他紧张的表情使他露了马脚。give away“泄露(秘密),暴露”。give off“发出(蒸汽、光等)”;give out“分发;发出”;give up“放弃”。

3.D句意:露西渴极了,她请求给点水。make a request for“要求得到……”,符合题意。make a decision“做决定”;make a face“做鬼脸”;make a living“谋生”。

4.B句意:随着这家公司的发展,它与日本又做成了一笔生意,赚了很多钱。make a deal with“与……做生意”,符合题意。progress“进步”为不可数名词;effort“努力”;concept“观念”。

5.C句意:不管问题有多难,你必须尽最大努力解决它。however引导让步状语从句,后跟形容词或副词;whatever不能修饰形容词;no matter后接形容词的正确形式是no matter how。

6.D句意:“小偷进来时谁执勤?”“很抱歉,我不知道。”on guard“值班”,符合题意。on show“被展出”;on business“为了生意,为了公事”;on a visit“在访问,在参观”。


8.B句意:我在做饭时不小心切了手。by accident=by chance“偶然,无意中;不小心”,符合题意。by the way“顺便说说,顺便提起”;in the way“挡道,妨碍”。


10.B句意:如果你们有问题要问,请举手。hold up“举起”,符合题意。

hold out“伸出”;put on“穿上;上演”;put out“熄灭;扑灭”。


12.B句意:如果你擅长英语,你就会发现在国外与人们交流起来非常容易。communicate with sb.“与……沟通”,符合题意。communicate sth.to sb.“把……传达给某人”;agree to sth.“同意某事”;agree with“同意……的意见;与……一致;对……适合”。


14.C句意:无论何时见到我的邻居,我都向他们问好。say hello to“向……问好”,符合题意。say goodbye to“向……说再见”。

15.D句意:“这周末去爬山怎么样?”“爬山有太多的危险。”involve 为及物动词,意为“包括”,dangers和involve构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以要用过去分词来做后置定语。


17.B由下文well dressed可知,大学生认为老人是一位“富有的”农民。


19.A句意:你仍然“信奉”这些过时的东西吗?believe in“信奉,信仰”。后文也提到了believe in。









28.D根据下文“I will send you some books”可知,大学生在问老人的“地址”。


30.C根据上文这位大学生要老人的地址,以及下文“gave the boy his visiting card”,可知老人把手伸进口袋“找”他的visiting card。





35.D“most diseases are caused by germs”是巴斯德在医学上的伟大“发现”。



38.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的if a person doesn't know this,it might cause misunderstanding可知答案为B。

39.A词义猜测题。由on the contrary之前的but可知,后面的内容与前面的内容相反,故选A。



42.C细节理解题。根据第四段的第一句话“The trouble is that if you do not follow the local rules,the experience may fall flat”可知,如果你不入乡随俗的话,你将无法感受独特的异域文化。


44.C细节理解题。从第一段的I would imagine that it would take a lot of...patience to do so可知C项正确。



46.D细节理解题。从第五段的Researchers say that Cody will...protect their personal information可知D项正确。



49.D由文章倒数第二段中“ON the other hand,a person who follows his nose lets his instinct guide him.”可知。






As is known to all,some customs are similar between countries,and while some are different from area to area.Each time we travel to another country,we should pay attention to the differences,or we'll,sometimes,get into trouble.

In China,when one thanks another for something,the answer is usually the same as in the western countries.But when one is praised for doing something well,he often says“Just so so”instead of“Thank you”.You often greet people with“Hello”or“Hi”while the words used by Chinese are various,for example,“Have you had your dinner?”

Well,so much for this.We've arrived at the place of interest.Enjoy yourselves.I'll tell you something more later.


第一单元练习题 Ⅰ 单项填空 1. I would appreciate ________ much if you could write to me as soon as possible. A. that B. it C. this D. what 2. — Jane Goodall is a great woman. — ________. She has done so much to protect chimps everywhere. A. Good idea B. Congratulations C. I think so D. The same to you 3. The determined mother has devoted all she has to ________ her son out of trouble. A. helping B. help C. have helped D. having helped 4. China sent up two manned spaceships and they were also great scientific ________ in the world. A. campaigns B. surprises C. achievements D. discoveries 5. Considering carefully, the family ________ different choices on the question so far. A. had made B. has made C. made D. have made 6. We ________ the problem for a long time, but we didn’t reach any


高二语文必修三第三单元同步练习及答案 高二学生想要学好语文必修三第三单元的知识,加强练习很关键,下面是我给大家带来的高二语文必修三第三单元同步练习,希望对你有帮助。高二语文必修三第三单元同步练习 一、基础巩固(21分,选择题每小题3分) 1.选出下列加点的字的注音有误的一项是() A. 行伍(hng) 跬步(kuǐ) 锋镝(d) 锲而不舍(qi) B. 逡巡(qūn) 鞭笞(chī) 句读(du) 经传(zhun) C. 氓隶(mng) 劲驽(jn) 瓮牖(yǒu) 参省(xǐng) D. 中规(zhng) 槁暴(p) 遗镞(z) 老聃(dān) 解析:C项,"劲"应读jng。 答案:C 2.下列加点的词语,完全与现代汉语相同的一项是() ①然而不王者,未之有也 ②不爱珍器重宝肥饶之地 ③以致天下之士 ④九国之师,逡巡而不敢进

⑤南取百越之地,以为桂林、象郡⑥上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也 ⑦其闻道也固先乎吾,吾从而师之 ⑧闻道有先后,术业有专攻 A.①③⑤ B.②⑥⑦ C.③④⑤ D.②④⑧ 解析:①"然而"意为"这样,那么"; ②"肥饶"与现代汉语相同;③"以致"意为"用来招纳"。④"逡巡" 与现代汉语相同;⑤"以为"意为"把......设为";⑥"用心"意为"使用心力";⑦"从而"意为"跟随并且";⑧"先后"与现代汉语相同。 答案:D 3.下列语句中加点的虚词用法相同的一项是() A.①君子博学而日参省乎己 ②狗彘食人食而不知检B.①故不积跬步,无以至千里②惠文、武、昭襄蒙故业,因遗策 C.①鸡豚狗彘之畜,无失其时 ②愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎 D.①深谋远虑,行军用兵之道 ②古之圣人,其出人也远矣 解析:A项,①连词,表递进,并且;②连词,表转折,却。B项,①连词,表因果,所以;②形容词,原来的。C项,①代词,它的;②副词,大概。D项,①②都是助词,的。 答案:D


高中化学学习材料 金戈铁骑整理制作 2010高一化学必修1第三单元练习题 一、选择题(1-12每小题只有一个选项符合题意,1-12每小题2分,13-22每小题有1~2个选项符合题意,每题3分,共54分) 1.钠跟水反应时的现象,与钠的下列性质无关的是() A.钠的熔点低B.钠的密度小C.钠的硬度小D.有强还原性 2.某无色溶液中放人铝片后有氢气产生,则下列离子在该溶液中肯定可以大量存在的是() A.Na+ B.Mg2+C.OH- D.HCO3- 3.用光洁的铂丝蘸取某无色溶液,在无色灯焰中灼烧时,观察到黄色火焰,下列有关叙述中正确的是() A.只有Na+B.一定含Na+,也可能含K + C.既有Na+ 又有K+D.可能含Na+,也可能含K + 4.在空气中能生成致密氧化膜的金属是() A.Al B.Cu C.Fe D.Na 5.区别固体Na2CO3和NaHCO3最好的方法是() A.加热B.两者分别与同浓度的稀盐酸反应 C,溶于水,比较其溶解性D.两者分别加入NaOH溶液或石灰水 6.下列钠的化合物在自然界中不存在的是() A.氧化物B.硫酸盐C.氯化物D.碳酸盐 7.等质量的钠进行下列实验,其中生成氢气最多的是() A.将钠投入到足量水中B.将钠用铝箔包好并刺一些小孔,再放入足量水中 C.将钠放入足量稀硫酸中D.将钠放入足量稀盐酸中

8.决定金属性强弱的是() A.1个金属原子失去电子的多少B.1 mol金属与酸反应放出氢气的多少 C.1 mol金属失去电子的多少D.金属原子失去电子的难易程度 9.下列物质中不属于合金的是() A.硬铝B.钢铁C.青铜D.金箔 10.把一小块钠投入盛有煤油和水的烧杯中,可以观察到的现象是() A.钠浮在烧杯中的液面上B.钠沉在烧杯的底部 C.钠会在水和煤油的交界面上下浮动,直到反应结束 D.煤油会燃烧起来,产生很浓的黑烟 11.下列各组物质的稀溶液相互反应,把前者逐滴滴入后者与把后者逐滴滴入前者,所产生的现象不相同的是() A.AlCl3和NaOH B.Na2CO3和HCl C.NaHCO3和HCl D.NaCl和AgNO3 12.世界组织把铝确定为食品污染源之一,应加以控制使用。铝在下列应用时应加以控制的是() ①制铝合金②制电线③制炊具④明矾净水⑤明矾与苏打制食品膨松剂⑥用氢氧化铝凝胶制胃舒平药片⑦银色漆颜料⑧易拉罐⑨包装糖果和小食品A.③⑤⑧⑨B.①②⑥⑧⑨ C.③⑤⑨D.③④⑤⑥⑧⑨ 13.将适量铁粉放入FeCl3溶液中,完全反应后,溶液中的Fe2+和Fe3+溶度相等,则已反应的Fe3+和未反应的Fe3+的物质的量之比是() A.2 :3 B.3 :2 C.1 :2 D.1 :1 14.下列关于金属的叙述中正确的是() A.常温下所有的金属都是固态 B.金属具有导电、导热和延展性 C.金属元素的原子只有还原性,离子只有氧化性 D.金属元素大多数以化合态存在于自然界 15.下列变化不可能通过一步实验直接完成的是() A.Al(OH)3 →Al2O3B.Al2O3 →Al(OH)3 C.Al →AlO2-D.Al3+ →Al(OH)3


高中语文必修三第三单元理解性默写训练 一、《寡人之于国也》: 1.在《寡人之于国也》中孟子与梁惠王的对话围绕什么问题展开讨论的?梁惠王的疑问是:,?孟子则强调:。 孟子告诉梁惠王当君王实行王道仁政的保民教民之后必然会出现:。 2.在《寡人之于国也》中找出孟子实行“王道”或者说“仁政”的七种措施的句子:初步措施:①,。(农业不违农时方 面的);②,。(渔业方面的);③,。(林业方面的);根本措施: ④ , ,。(纺织方面的);⑤,,。(牧业方面的); ⑥, , ,。(农业生产粮食方面的);⑦, , 。(兴办教育)。 前面的1——6是属于从保民角度提出了六条措施,7是属于从教民角度提出了一条措施。 3.在《寡人之于国也》说明君王的态度用了对比的说理方法的语句:“”与“”的对比强调要施仁政。 4.在《寡人之于国也》中孟子说明梁惠王与邻国执政者没有本质区别,也就是数量不同,实质相同的流传至今的成语为:。 二、《劝学》: 1、孔子曰:“学而时习之”,又说:“生而知之者上也,学而知之者次也。”荀子在《劝学》中提出“”的观点,继承并发展了孔子对学习的认识。 2、《荀子·劝学》强调人要广泛学习而且经常反省自己才会智慧明达的名句是:“,。” 3、在荀子的《劝学》中用“朽木”“金石”为喻体阐明学习贵在坚持的句子是:“,;,。” 4、在《荀子?劝学》中以蚯蚓为例,论证了为学必须锲而不舍,坚持不懈;同篇中与之相反的例证是:“,,。” 5、《荀子·劝学》中与王之涣《登鹳雀楼》里“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”表达意思相近的句子是:“,。” 6、《荀子·劝学》中“,。”,表明人与人的天资差异本不大,关键在于后天的学习,君子要善于利用学习来弥补自己的不足。 7、《荀子·劝学》中指出人要积累善行养成好的品德,就会达到“,,。”的境界。 8、《荀子?劝学》中,荀子以亲身的体验,强调空想不如学习的两句是,。 9、《荀子?劝学》中“,。”两句是说水的不断积聚就会变成潭,之后龙就会在这里出现。 10、在文中用比喻的手法,借助木头经过烘烤后发生变化,即使再烘烤也不能复原了,说明事物经过一定的变化,还可以改变原来的状态的语句是:,,。 11、有时作者又采用对比的方法,将两种相反的情况组织在一起,形成鲜明对照,以增强文字的说服力。例如,在强调学习必须持之以恒,用劣马与好马进行对比以说理的句子是:,;,。 12、《劝学》中从反面设喻,强调学习重在积累,如果不注重积累,便无法达到远大目标的句子 是:,;,。 13、《劝学》中作者连用“登高而招”、“顺风而呼”、“假舆马”、“假舟揖”四个比喻,从见、闻、陆、水等方面阐明了在实际生活中由于利用和借助外界条件所起的重要作用,从而说明人借助学习,就能弥补自己的不足,取得更显著的成效。最后由此得出结论:,。 第 1 页(共 4 页)


单元分题型练习unit 3 一、根据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适当形式。 1.By the end of February schools are opened t________ the country. 2.He is a f________ as an artist, but a success as an art teacher. 3.If we work with a strong will, we can o________ any difficulty, no matter how great it is. 4.He had great d________ in getting the work done within a week. 5.They sent the enemy ship to the b________ of the sea. 6.I ’ m so full that I couldn’ t eat another m________. 7.Hundreds of people leave their villages hoping to gain their f________ in cities. 8. A m________ country is one in which there are many mountains . 9.I found it ________ (令人惊讶的) that the young player beat the chess master in the game. 10.I still remember her ________ (特别的 ) way of smiling. 11.My family ________ ( 款待 ) him as an honored guest. 12.Elizabeth Fry helped to improve prison conditions and gave the ________ (无 家可归的 ) work and education. 13.After graduating from Peking University, he was ________ (幸运的 ) in having a good job. 14.I lived in an area of ________ (显着的 ) natural beauty. 15.A million dollars is a v________ amount of money. 二、请从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空。 boil, chew, cruel, direct, sense, slide, star, swing, whisper, worn-out, badly off, content, cut off, knock, pick, star 1. She is ________ her job at the moment. 2. We shouldn ’ t be unhappy about being ________— many families are much worse off than we are. 3.It ’s easy to ________ my car from others in the parking place; it has an advertisement of Toshiba TV on the back of it. 4.Several months ago Harbin ________ its water supply for four days because of pollution fear in Songhua River, which is Harbin’ s main water source. 5.She has ________ some thirty films in all her life. 6.The boy rode very fast and ________ an old man. 7.She ________ into the room not wanting to wake the baby. 8.Anyone who likes watching people suffer is ________. 9.These cars are ________ and must be replaced. 10.When water ________, it changes into steam. 11.Do everything step by step, and don’t bite off more than you can ________. 12.His boss was out on business and couldn’ t come back in time, so ________ him to call off the meeting. 13.Daniel Radcliffe,who plays Harry Potter, attended the premiere Sunday Evening along with other cast members including Machael Gambon, who ________ as the kindly Albus Dumbledore.


高中历史(必修一)第三单元测试题 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分) 1.近代西方资产阶级民主政治的一般特点有 ( ) ①法律至上②议会主权③分权制衡④代议制民主 A.①②③④B.①②③C.②③④D.①③④ 2.1830年7月27~29日,法国议会将路易·菲利浦推上最高权力宝座,史称“光荣三日”。“光荣”的含义源自英国“光荣革命”,据此可以推断“光荣三日” ( ) A.推翻了拿破仑帝国B.在法国建立共和国 C.没有发生大规模流血冲突D.第一次建立了君主立宪制 3.英国人普遍认为沃波尔是一个大恶棍,但是,他却成了内阁大臣,还常常主持内阁会议,这一历史现象最能说明英国政治发展的哪一特点? ( ) A.英国君主立宪制下的政治十分腐败B.实际上是国王指定他做上了枢密大臣 C.国王不再参加内阁会议成为惯例D.多数党领袖担任首相并组建内阁 4.观察下面反映中西政治体制的图示,对其异同分析最为准确的是 ( ) A.相同的是都属于三权分立的民主政体,不同的是首脑称号 B.相同的是都体现了分权,不同的是主权的归属 C.相同的是都体现了专制集权,不同的是权力的分配 D.相同的是都体现了制衡,不同的是元首的权力 5.汉密尔顿针对美国建国初期的状况说:“现在几乎达到国家蒙受耻辱的最后阶段了……我们所经历的祸患并非来自局部的或细小的缺点,而是来自这个建筑物结构上的基本错误,除了改变建筑物的首要原则和更换栋梁以外,是无法修理的。”文中的“建筑物”是指 ( ) A.总统制B.联邦制C.共和制D.邦联制 6.以下是洪仁玕在《资政新篇》中对各国国情的描述,其中与史实有明显出入的是 ( ) A.“英吉利即俗称红毛邦……于今称为最强之邦,由法善也” B.“日耳曼邦内分十余邦,不相统属……信奉天父上帝、耶稣基督尤甚” C.“花旗邦即米利坚……邦长七年一任,限以俸禄,任满则养尊处优,各省再举” D.“佛兰西邦亦是信上帝、耶稣基督之邦,但其教多务异迹奇行,而少有别” 7.2010年5月18日《新京报》报道:“英国没有成文宪法。按传统,虽然议员任期 5年,但首相可以在任何他愿意的时候去女王那里提出解散议会申请。卡梅伦说:‘我是英国历史上第一名主动提出放弃这一权力的首相,这是对首相权力的妥协,但我觉得是件好事。’英国新任首相卡梅伦认为,这一传统过于随便,给下院带来诸多不稳定因素,‘现在是时候让我们寻求一个固定任期议会了’。”这段话的意图是()

必修4第三单元检测题单元分题型练习unit 3 新课标 人教版

单元分题型练习 unit 3 一、根据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适当形式。 1.By the end of February schools are opened t________ the country. 2.He is a f________ as an artist, but a success as an art teacher. 3.If we work with a strong will, we can o________ any difficulty, no matter how great it is. 4.He had great d________ in getting the work done within a week. 5.They sent the enemy ship to the b________ of the sea. 6.I’m so full that I couldn’t eat another m________. 7.Hundreds of people leave their villages hoping to gain their f________ in cities. 8.A m________ country is one in which there are many mountains . 9.I found it ________ (令人惊讶的) that the young player beat the chess master in the game. 10.I still remember her ________ (特别的) way of smiling. 11.My family ________ (款待) him as an honored guest. 12.Elizabeth Fry helped to improve prison conditions and gave the ________ (无家可归的) work and education. 13.After graduating from Peking University, he was ________ (幸运的) in having a good job. 14.I lived in an area of ________ (显著的) natural beauty. 15.A million dollars is a v________ amount of money. 二、请从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空。 worn-out, 1. She is ________ her job at the moment.


高二历史(必修3 )第三单元测试题 一、选择题(每小题2分,共50分) 1.(2015 ?昆明一中月考)某中学生参加电视节目的知识竞赛,有一道关于中国古代四大发明 的题,他很难确定其中表述正确的选项,向你电话求助。你应帮他选择() A. 火药在唐代开始应用于军事 B. “蔡侯纸”是中国古代最早的纸 C. “司南”最早出现于春秋时期 D. 活字印刷书籍的出现始于元朝 2?《九章算术》分为方田、粟米、均输、方程、勾股等九章。这反映出中国古代数学() ①注重解决实际问题②与农耕生产密切相关③注重理论研究④以科学实验见长 A. ①② B. ②③ C. ③④ D. ①④ 3.古代中国人通过观测天象,明方向、知季节、告农时,逐渐积累了天文学知识,萌生和发展 了古代的天文学。这说明古代中国人掌握天文知识的目的是() A.神话统治阶级 B.服务于小农经济 C.服务于祭祀活动 D.战胜自然灾害 4.1262年,著名天文学家郭守敬被推荐给元世祖忽必烈,主持编订了《授时历》,与今天世界 通用的公历基本相同,但早于现行公历300年。《授时历》其名取意于“敬授民时”。这主要 说明 ①中国古代科技具有农业科技特色古代很早就重视科学理论的研究 A.①②③④ B. ①③④②统治者重视天文立法是“重农”政策的体现 ④中国古代科技成就领先于世界 C. ①②④ D. ②③④ ③中国 5?“民以食为天”,古代农书对农业生产有巨大的指导作用。下列有关农书《齐民要术》的表述, 不正确的是 A?是我国现存最早、最完整、最系统的古代农业科学著作 B. 主要记载了长江流域的农业生产经验 C. 是北魏贾思勰所著 D. 强调因时制宜、因地制宜 6.下列对应关系错误的是() A.《黄帝内经》一一中医奠基之作 B. 《伤寒杂病论》一一“万盛宝典” C.张仲景一一“医圣” D. 《本草纲目》一一奠定中医临床学理论基础 姓名朝代著作 贾思勰北朝《齐民要术》 郭守敬元朝《授时历》 李时珍明朝《本草纲目》 ①中国传统科技进入总结阶段②古代科技与生产和生活密切相关 ③表中者作一脉相承 A.①② B. ③④④农耕经济史古代科技发展保障 C.②④ D.① () 7. (2013 ?西安高二检测)阅读古代中国著名科学家及其成就简表,以下叙述正确的是(


高中历史必修一单元测试题第三单元 一、选择题(本大题共25小题,每个小题2分,共50分) 1.美国耶鲁大学教授保罗·肯尼迪曾说:“有一群社会贵族精英,他们说,改变晚宴规则的时候到了,坐在桌前的人们该被换掉了,但不是通过流血的方式。”这里说的“不是通过流血的方式”而实现了“换掉了”目的的历史事件是() A.国王与议会之间爆发内战 B.处死国王成立共和国 C.“光荣革命” D.承认美利坚民族独立 2.下图是英国女王及丈夫菲利浦亲王在伦敦白金汉宫会见奥巴马夫妇的情景。当今, 英国女王已处于“统而不治”的地位,英国历史上“在选举政府方面,不管我们的宪法在理论上授予维多利亚女王多么大的自由,在实践中这种自由是不存在的”。 这表明 ( ) A.国王无权参与国家政治生活 B.英国国王可以任意组成内阁 C.英国历史上出现了责任内阁 D.国王在政治生活中没有实权 3.伏尔泰赞扬英国的政体:“一个受人尊敬二富裕的国王,有无限的权力做好事,却无 力为非作歹,……一边是贵族重臣,一边是城市代表,与国君共分立法之权。”这段材料反映的政治体制是()A.君主制 B.共和制 C.贵族制 D.君主立宪制 4.1762年,英国议员约翰·威尔克斯主持的《苏格兰人报》刊出谴责政府对外政策并 攻击国王乔治三世的文章,英王授意政府将其逮捕并指使下院通过决议剥夺其议员资格。英王的做法 A.受到社会各界的普遍支持B.违背了《权利法案》规定 C.正当行使了英王的权力D.维护了英国政府的权威 5.下图为英国政治制度机构示意图,关于该示意图的解读,不正确的是() A.首相是政府首脑 B.国王是国家“统而不治”的国家元首 C.国家的权力中心是首相 D.内阁全体成员对议会负责,与首相共进退 6.中国明朝的内阁与英国的责任制内阁在性质上的区别是 ( ) A.决策机构、咨询机构 B.咨询机构、决策机构 C.首辅有决策权、内阁大臣拥有建议权 D.皇帝的内侍机构、行政机构


高中语文必修三第三单元测试题及答案(人教版) 语文的能力是学习其他学科和科学的基础,查字典语文网为大家推荐了高中语文必修三第三单元测试题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。 一、语文基础知识运用(21分) 1、下列加点字的注音全正确的一项是( ) A、舟楫( yī) 曳兵( yè) 跬步(guǐ) 鸡豚狗彘(tún) B、强谏(qiáng ) 骐骥(jì) 逡巡(qūn ) 金石可镂( lòu) C、屏息(bǐng) 纤腰(xiān ) 爪牙( zhuǎ) 亡矢遗镞(cú) D、鞭笞(chī) 劲弩(nǔ) 藩篱(fān ) 万乘之势(chéng) 答案:1. B(A楫jí跬kuǐC爪zhǎo 镞zúD弩nú乘shèng) 2、下列各项中,书写全部正确的一项是( ) A.颓圮修葺脍灸人口青出于兰而胜于兰 B.寒喧饿俘铤而走险揭竿而起 C.孝悌犒赏计日成功不积跬步无以致千里 D .赝品挑衅捉襟见肘一夫作难而七庙隳 答案:2. D(A脍炙人口青出于蓝而胜于蓝B寒暄饿殍C计日程功不积跬步无以至千里) 3、下列句中不含通假字的一项是( ) A. 或师焉,或不焉 B. 师者,所以传道受业解惑也

C. 振之以威怒 D. 句读之不知 答案:3.。D(A.“不”通“否”B.“受”通“授”C. “振”通“震”) 4、选出加点词与现代汉语意义用法全不相同的一组( ) ①河内凶,则移其民于河东②上食埃土,下饮黄泉③用心一也 ④弃甲曳兵而走⑤古之学者必有师⑥非吾所谓传其 道解其惑者也 ⑦颁白者不负戴于道路⑧君子博学而日参省乎己 A.①③④ B.②⑤⑥ C.③⑥⑦ D.④⑤⑧ 答案:4 。D (④“走”古义为逃,今义为步行⑤学者古义为求学的人,今义为某一方面有专才的人⑧“博学”古义为广泛学习,今义为学识渊博) 5、下列句子与例句相同的一项( ) 例句:然而不王者,未之有也 A.蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强 B. 忌不自信 C.大王来何操? D.身死人手,为天下笑者,何也? 答案:5 。B(均为宾语前置) 6、下列句中加点词语用法不同的一项是:( ) A.子孙帝王万世之业也 B.然陈涉瓮牖绳枢之子 C.且庸人尚羞之 D.非能水也


人教版高一语文必修一第三单元测试题及答案解析【附范文】 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共36分)一、(15分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点字的注音全都正确的一项是() A.桀骜(jié)迷惘(wǎng)一曝十寒(pù)缄默不语(jiān)B.炽热(zhì)缱绻(quǎn)玲珑剔透(tī)迥(jiǒnɡ)乎不同 C.联袂(mèi)逮捕(dǎi)俊秀婀娜(ē)毁家纾难(shū) D.轻佻(tiāo)酣畅(hān)亘古不变(gèn)莘莘学子(xīn) 2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是() A.弹劾捉迷藏胆颤心惊讫今为止 B.暇想度假村趋之若骛海市蜃楼 C.淤积威摄力重峦迭嶂相形见绌 D.拷问元宵节残羹冷炙刚愎自用 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一项是()(1)饮食习惯多与气候有关。以湖南为例,那里气候潮湿,当地百姓就喜欢吃辣椒,以此来湿气,保证身体健康。(2)不要因为一时的挫折而怀疑自己的能力,我们已经取得了一定的成绩。(3)有的机构说,经过他们培训的求职者,平均月薪五千元,高的能达到七八千元。 A.驱除毕竟吹捧 B.驱除究竟吹嘘 C.祛除究竟吹捧 D.祛除毕竟吹嘘 4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用正确的一句是() A.司机张师傅冒着生命危险解救乘客的事迹,一经新闻媒体报道,就被传得满城风雨,感动了无数市民。 B.这部号称投资上亿的影片,尽管故事情节和演员的表演都很难让人满意,但瑕不掩瑜,它的布景和服装仍深受观众好评。 C.广交会为企业提供了内外贸对接的契机,但这种对接不可能一蹴而就,绝大多数出口企业由于不熟悉国内市场,即使有意内销也无从着手。 D.如果我们选择了力不胜任的职业而又不能把它做好,那么我们就是不能完成自己使命的社会成员,由此产生的必然结果就是妄自菲薄自己。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是() A.这个年轻人初涉文坛,第一部处女作就是这样一部意味深长的长篇巨著,不能不令人刮目相看。 B.为了您的人身安全,请勿用左手启动家电,以防万无一失。 C.这位院士表示,他要努力去做一个乐意给年轻人打开一切科学道路使他们夺得科学高峰的人。 D.有些作家背离了大众的欣赏习惯,弄些非驴非马的东西,却自诩是在搞探索和实验。二、(9分,每小题3分)阅读下面的文字,完成6~8题。大学生志愿精神的培育陈翔所谓志愿精神,是指一种自愿、无偿地参与推动人类发展、促进社会进步和完善社区工作的精神,是公众参与社会生活的一种非常重要的方式。志愿精神是当代全球社会推崇的重要价值理念,它是体现一个民族精神风貌、一个国家文明程度的重要指标。在一些国家,志愿精神是公民社会和公民社会组织的精髓,是个人对生命价值、人类社会积极态度的彰显。因此,以“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”为基本内容的志愿精神是全世界所追求的美好的、崇高的文化精神,是一种以无私助人为价值取向的生命价值观,它对社会进步、文明创造等方面都有重要作用。在封建时代,志愿精神有其时代的社会价值内容和价值特征,而在我国社会主义初级阶段,志愿精神演化成为一种高尚理念和价值奉献。志愿精神的培育过程必然是公民对志愿精神所体现的价值理念的认同过程,是对志愿精神内涵的认知、评价、选择、实践的动态开发和深化过程,进而落实、推进和成型,最终内化为社会成员的一种稳定的思想意识和价值标准。当代中国,大学生是青年群体中的精英,他们正处于人生价值观形成和塑造的关键年龄阶段,处于社会责任和完整人格形成的关键时期。他们是社会未来主流意识形态的承载者,是志愿精神传承及建设的主力军。大学生的志愿精神,自然要遵循价值观形成的固有规律,经由价值认同环节来完成培育重任。价值认同的过程,是大学生塑造自身志愿精神和价值观念的必由路径,也是改造思想、统一意识的重要途径。志愿精神的培育需要对志愿精神内涵的认知、态度和情感等进行不断内化,即从价值观层面去认知、评价、选择。探索大学生志愿精神的培育方法,不仅能引导大学生提高个人思想道德水平,形成稳定的道德品质,构建和谐校园,更是培育大学生社会主义核心价值观的重要抓手。培育大学生志愿精神,首先是对志愿精神的认知,其核心方法是对志愿精神的宣教,在大学生思想上渗透,使他们获得情感上的尊重、实践中的荣誉体验,进而形成稳定的德性需求和志愿伦理规范的思想品德。大学生


Unit 3 Travel Journal 一.词组翻译 1. 下定决心__ make up one’s mind to do ___ 2. 关心,在乎_____ care about ________________ 3. 为...某人所熟悉__ be familiar to sb._________________ 4. 梦想做某事__ dream about __________________ 5. 说服某人做某事_ persuade sb to do _____________________ 6. 很有乐趣__ great fun __________________ 7. 一则是...再则是.__ for one thing,…for another ________________ 8. 改变主意change one ‘s mind__ 9. 像平常一样_as usual______ 10.搭起, 建立set up__________________ 二.单词拼写 1. When I was a child, I d_reamed_________ of becoming a scientist. 2. Liu Xiang has set a world record_________ in the 28th Olympic Games. 3. He insisted________ that he should be sent to where he was most needed. 4. After a long time, they f_inally_______ found the lost child. 5.It’s b rave_______ of him to enter the burning building to save the


高中语文必修三第三单元复习质量检测(60分) 一、基础巩固(21分,选择题每小题3分) 1.选出下列加点的字的注音有误的一项是() A.行伍(háng)跬步(kuǐ) 锋镝(dí) 锲而不舍(qiè) B.逡巡(qūn) 鞭笞(chī) 句读(dòu) 经传(zhuàn) C.氓隶(méng) 劲驽(jìn) 瓮牖(yǒu) 参省(xǐng) D.中规(zhòng) 槁暴(pù) 遗镞(zú) 老聃(dān) 2.下列加点的词语,完全与现代汉语相同的一项是() ①然而不王者,未之有也②不爱珍器重宝肥饶之地③以致天下之士④九国之师,逡巡而不敢进⑤南取百越之地,以为桂林、象郡⑥上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也⑦其闻道也固先乎吾,吾从而师之⑧闻道有先后,术业有专攻 A.①③⑤B.②⑥⑦C.③④⑤D.②④⑧ 3.下列语句中加点的虚词用法相同的一项是() A.①君子博学而日参省乎己②狗彘食人食而不知检 B.①故不积跬步,无以至千里②惠文、武、昭襄蒙故业,因遗策 C.①鸡豚狗彘之畜,无失其时②愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎 D.①深谋远虑,行军用兵之道②古之圣人,其出人也远矣 4.下列加点的词语解释不正确的一项是() A.王无罪岁,斯天下之民至焉罪:归咎,归罪 B.师道之不传也久矣道:风尚 C.秦有余力而制其弊弊:弱点 D.假舟楫者,非能水也,而绝江河绝:断绝 5.下列语句句式归类正确的一项是() ①然而不王者,未之有也②蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强 ③身死人手,为天下笑者,何也④始皇既没,余威震于殊俗 ⑤句读之不知,惑之不解⑥六艺经传皆通习之,不拘于时 ⑦颁白者不负戴于道路矣⑧道之所存,师之所存也 A.①⑤⑧/②/③⑥/④⑦B.①⑤/②⑧/③⑥/④⑦ C.①⑤/②/③⑥/④⑦/⑧D.①⑤⑧/②/③/④⑥⑦


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 岳麓版高中历史必修三第三单元练习题 一、单项选择题 1.(2009高考海南单科)对英王查理一世的审判与处死是英国革命中的重大事件。布拉德 肖法官曾在法庭上向查理一世宣示:“在国王和他的人民之间存在一个契约协定……这 就好像一条纽带,纽带的一头是君主对国民应尽的保护义务,另一头是国民对君主应尽 的义务。先生,一旦这条纽带被切断,那么只能说,别了,君主统治!”上述材料表明, 布拉德肖比法国启蒙思想家更早提出了 A.君主立宪的观点 B.革命权利的学说 C.社会契约的理念 D.天赋人权的 思想 2.(2009高考海南单科)19世纪的法国思想家托克维尔说:“世界上没有哪一个国家比美 国更多地运用18世纪哲学家在政治问题上的种种最大胆的学说。”托克维尔此处所说 的“最大胆学说”的提出者是 A.孟德斯鸠B.狄德罗C.洛克 D.伏尔泰 3.(2009高考四川文综)哥白尼日心说虽被后来的科学发展所扬弃,但人们仍然视其为一 场“革命”。这是因为它 A.撼动了中世纪神学基础,显示了挑战权威的态度 B.开创了近代实验科学,提出了研究自然的新方法

C.概括了宇宙运动规律,指引了人类认识自然的方向 D.开辟了天文学新领域,标志着近代自然科学的形成4.(2009高考广东单科)古希腊人将神塑造为生动逼真的人的形象,这在一定程度上体现 了古希腊的 A.民主思想B.无神论思想 C.科学思想D.人文主义思想5. (2009高考广东单科)18世纪北美殖民地的宗教大觉醒运动中有一种思想:上帝使人有 理性,并希望人在追求真理中运用这一理性。这种思想 A.促成欧洲宗教改革运动的兴起B.旨在消除教会在北美殖民地的影响 C.借上帝的神权压制人文主义思想D.有助于激发北美人民反抗殖民统治 6.(2009高考广东文科基础)对美国人设计政府结构影响最大的思想家是 A.康德B.伏尔泰C.卢梭D.孟德斯鸠 7.(2009高考江苏单科)文艺复兴、宗教改革和启蒙运动的相同点是 A.崇尚理性和科学的结合B.批判罗马天主教的愚昧统治 C.坚持国家权力高于教会D.设计了未来理想的社会制度 8.(2009福建文综高考)“我们全都是希腊人。我们的法律、我们的文学、我们的宗教, 根源皆在希腊。”英国浪漫主义诗人雪莱这句话强调的是

必修4 Unit3单元测试题及答案

必修4 Unit3单元测试题及答案 必修4 Unit3单元测试题及答案 Unit 3 A taste of English humour 单元测试第二部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21.The bell______ the end of the period rang, ______ our heated discussion. A. indicating, interrupting B. indicated, interrupting C. indicating; interrupted D. indicated; interrupted 22.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door ____’’Sorry to miss you; will call later.’’ A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading 23.It’s a waste of time him. He is no longer in charge now. A.asking B.to ask C.asked D.asks 24.---Why did you go back to the shop? ――I left my friend_____ there. A.. waiting B. to wait C. wait D.waits 25.This _____girl is Linda’s cousin. A. pretty little Spanish B. Spanish little pretty C. Spanish pretty little D. Little pretty Spanish 26.I was just talking to Margot when Jackson____. A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up 27.My boss hates interruptions, when he is trying to work. A.occasionally B.generally C.specially D.especially 28.With a stranger_____ of achievement, active language learners are able to put what they know .to better A. sense B. feeling C. thought D. idea 29. was most important to her, she told me, was her family. A.It B.This C.What D.As 30.―Do you know about the accid ent which happened in the center of the city? ―Yes. But it was some time we realized the truth. A.before B.when C.since D.until 31.―Have you handed in your school-work yet? ―Yes, I have. I guess it now. A.has graded B.is graded C.is being graded D.is grading 32.We can’t go abroad this year, so we will have to_____ ourselves with a holiday in Shanghai. A. treat B. present C. content D. conduct 33.It’s fun to see all the food I have made in such a short


阶段水平测试卷(十七) 考查范围:区域自然资源综合开发利用 一、单项选择题(每小题1.5分,共60分) 读山西省煤炭年产量增长图,回答1~3题。 1.山西省作为能源基地在全国具有举足轻重的地位,是因为 () A.能源资源丰富,采煤成本高于全国平均水平 B.全省产煤量的2/3供外调出口 C.山西省煤田地质条件良好,采煤成本低 D.已形成完整配套的采煤体系,综合利用水平全国第一 2.山西省煤炭产量增长快是因为 () A.全国能源利用效率降低,需求量大 B.重视采煤技术创新,开采速度快 C.交通运输发达,铁路网密布 D.人口多,劳动力多 3.山西省经济发展的正确战略抉择应是 () A.坚持以原煤生产和输出为主 B.以二次能源和高能耗原材料工业为主 C.改变原来以煤炭为主的生产模式,大力发展农业 D.调整经济结构,延长生产链 [解析]第1题,山西煤炭的开采成本低于全国平均水平,约58.4%供外调出口,综合利用水平有待提高。第2题,煤炭产量增长主要和市场需求、采煤技术有关。第3题,目前山西能源基地的突出问题是产业结构单一。 [答案] 1.C 2.B 3.D 读图,回答4~6题。 4.下列说法正确的是 () A.①能源是煤炭,分布最多的省是山西省 B.②能源在世界上分布最多的地区是东南亚 C.我国的西气东输工程输的是③能源 D.④能源在东北地区分布最多 5.①能源在我国分布最多的地区的资源特点是 () ①分布范围广②煤种单一③埋藏浅,易开采④具有低灰、低硫、低磷、发热量高的特点 A.①②B.①③④ C.①③D.③④ 6.德国鲁尔区工业的最初兴起靠的是 () A.②B.① C.④D.③ [解析]本题组综合考查图表阅读分析能力。读图知,①应为煤炭,②为石油,④为天然气,③为水电,故第4题A项正确。第5题,考查山西煤炭资源的优势条件。第6题,德国鲁尔区是以煤炭资源为基础发展起来的著名工业区。 [答案] 4.A 5.B 6.B

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