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1. 我有一定的词汇量,也掌握基本的语言技巧,为什么考试成绩依然平平?

2. 同样的知识点,为什么变换情境后我就茫然了呢?

3. 都是语言,什么样的语言表达才算好?为什么我用心写出的句子却得不到阅卷老师的青睐?






英语的句子表达一般是由“主干+ 修饰”两部分组成。分隔现象即为了避免主语、宾语等主要句子成分过长,在英语表达中往往将这些成分与其修饰语分隔开来。如:I will,if I have time,take you to my school. 有时间的话,我带你去我们学校。


1.(2014湖南卷)All we need a small piece of land where we can plant various kinds of fruit trees throughout the growing seasons of the year.

A. are

B. was

C. is

D. were

【解析】此题考查主谓一致。句子的主语为all,其后的we need为省略掉的引导词that的定语从句。we need将主语all与系动词分隔开来,考生可根据“减一减”的原则将其删掉。主语all指事物,故用单数,再根据where后面的定语从句提供的语境can可以看出,应为一般现在时,故选择C。

2.(2013重庆卷)It's not easy to change habits,

with awareness and self-control,it is possible.

A. for

B. or

C. but

D. so

【解析】用“分隔法”去掉with awareness and self-control,显而易见,前后是转折关系,故选C。




3. What he said sounds .

A. nicely

B. pleasantly

C. friendly

D. wonderfully



4. (2014江苏卷)She that Dale join the debating team,believing that practice in speaking could give him the confidence and recognition that he needed.

A. suggested

B. demanded

C. required

D. insisted



5.(2014北京卷)I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw well?”

A. very

B. that

C. quite

D. too




6.(2014全国大纲卷)As they went down,the weather got worse. Then another ____ occurred. They couldn’t see or hear each other and,by mistake,Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁).

A. damage

B. storm

C. change

D. trouble

【解析】根据They couldn’t see or hear each other可知,他们相互之间看不见对方,对他们来说这又是一件麻烦的事情。设题处为含义概括的上义词,故D项正确。


――一站式破解英语难题 1.

Berlin-The German government have summoned the US ambassador in Berlin after a man was arrested on suspicion of spying. The US diplomat “was asked to help in the immediate interpretation”of the case,the foreign ministry said. German officials confirmed the arrest but released no other details.

US-German ties were tight after accusations last year that the US National Security Agency bugged Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone as part of a huge surveillance programme. The

scale of the agency’s global spy programme was uncovered in documents leaked by a former intelligence contractor,Edward Snowden. The disclosure also raised feeling in Germany against American surveillance.

The BBC’s Steve Evans in Berlin says the new charge for American spying on an ally may make it harder for the US to get German help in its efforts to oppose Russian activity in Ukraine,and also to control Iranian nuclear ambitions.

German media say the man arrested this week is a

31-year-old employee of the federal intelligence service,the BND or Bundesnachrichtendienst.

A spokesman for Ms Merkel said she had been informed of the arrest,as had the members of the nine-strong parliamentary committee investigating the activities of foreign intelligence agencies in Germany. “The matter is serious,it is clear,”spokesman Steffen Seibert told the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper.

Der Spiegel news magazine said the man was believed to have passed secret documents to a US contact in exchange for money. However,one unnamed politician told Reuters news agency the suspect had offered his services to the US voluntarily. “This was a man who had no direct contact with the

investigative committee. He was not a top agent.”the source said.

The committee co-chair,Social Democrat MP Christian Flisek,said if the suspicion of a targeted attack on a German constitutional body was confirmed “that would set the level of trust back to zero and result in political consequences,”the Wall Street Journal reported.

1. Why did the German government summon the US ambassador?()

A. US National Security Agency bugged Ms Merkel’s phone.

B. The US global spy programme was leaked by Edward Snowden.

C. An employee of the federal intelligence service was arrested.

D. The US wanted German help to oppose Russian activity in Ukraine.

2. What will be the effect of the new accusation of American spying on Germany?() A. Germany will refuse to help the US to control Iranian nuclear ambitions.

B. There will be a trust crisis between Germany and the US.

C. The foreign intelligence agencies in Germany will be investigated.

D. More German people become aware of American surveillance.

3. What can be inferred from the passage?()

A. The US needs Germany’s support in international affairs.

B. Germany will no longer believe in the US because of its surveillance.

C. The US government pays a lot of money for the secret documents.

D. Iran is believed to have made nuclear weapons.

4. How many press agencies were mentioned in the passage?()

A. Four

B. Three

C. Two

D. Five

5. What’s the author’s attitude toward the spying incident according to the passage?()

A. Curious

B. Angry

C. Worried

D. Doubtful


1. C

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. C


1. bug [b?g] vt. 给……装窃听器

例句:If you bug the phone of your commercial partners,you are actually committing crime.


2. surveillance [s?'ve?l?ns] n. 监听

例句:We now know what happened because of the surve-illance investigation.


3. leak [li?k] vt. 泄露

例句:Other oddities about the great mind leak out from the books and the memoirs.



4. BND 即Bundesnachrichtendienst (西德)联邦情报局


1. The BBC’s Steve Evans in Berlin says the new charge for American spying on an ally may make it harder for the US to get German help in its efforts to oppose Russian activity in Ukraine,and also to control Iranian nuclear ambitions.



it 为形式宾语,不定式to get German help后面的内容才是真正的宾语。

2. A spokesman for Ms Merkel said she had been informed of the arrest,as had the members of the nine-strong parliamentary committee investigating the activities of foreign intelligence agencies in Germany.


she had been后面的句子为名词性从句,做宾语,省略了连接词that;investigating 为分词短语,做宾语补足语;as 连接的从句为非限制性定语从句。


Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini says the four-month ban given to Luis Suarez for biting him is excessive.

Suarez,27,bit the Juventus player during Uruguay’s 1-0 win over Italy and has been banned from all football-related activity until the end of October by world governing body FIFA. Suarez,who flew back to the Uruguayan capital Montevideo in early hours of Friday morning,denied the biting accusation following his clash with Chiellini,claiming the centre-half had

knocked into him.

But FIFA decided he was guilty and handed him the longest ban in World Cup history. He was also banned from taking part in international matches and given a fine of 100,000 Swiss francs (?65,680).

Writing on his personal website,Chiellini,29,said:“I have always considered the competent bodies make judgments of justice,but at the same time I believe that the punishment is excessive. Now inside me there’s no feelings of joy,revenge or anger against Suarez for such an incident that happened during the match. My only thought is for Luis and his family,because th ey will face a very difficult period.”

Former Argentina captain and manager Maradona declared his support for the Liverpool striker on his television show De Zurda on Thursday night. Maradona wore a T-shirt on his TV show bearing the words ‘Luisito Esta mos Con V os’ ?C ‘Luis we are with you’.

“The FIFA decision is shameful,they don’t consider the feelings of the fans,they might as well handcuff him and throw him into prison,”said Maradona,who was wearing a T-shirt bearing the message ‘Luis,we are with you’. “It hurts that they have cut short the career of a lad who is a winner. It’s an

excessive ban,FIFA cannot talk about morals to anyone.”

Maradona interviewed Uruguay’s president Jose Mujica during the programme,broadcast on Telesur TV.

“We Uruguayans are full of anger,those coming from below do not understand anything,”said Mujica,who claimed FIFA used “a different standard”to judge certain countries.

“That’s what hurts and angers us the most,”he added.

1. Why was Suarez banned from all football-related activity until the end of October?()

A. Because he knocked into Chiellini during a match.

B. Because he bit Chiellini during a match.

C. Because FIFA used a different standard to him.

D. Because he didn’t understand t he fans’ feelings.

2. What was the attitude of Chiellini towards Suarez?()

A. Enthusiastic.

B. Amazed.

C. Shameful.

D. Sympathetic.

3. What is implied in what former football star Maradona does?()

A. He was once captain of the Argentine Team.

B. He thinks FIFA’s decision upon Suarez is unfair.

C. He will play matches with Suarez in World Cup.

D. He thinks that Suarez’s football career is short.

4. Why does the writer introduce the Uruguayan president’s words in the last part of the passage?()

A. To put stress on people’s disagreement with FIFA’s decision.

B. To show that FIFA officials come below and know nothing.

C. To tell that FIFA has different standards with some countries.

D. To show that the Uruguayan president is a TV star.

5. What can be the best title of the passage?()

A. Luis Suarez Banned from Matches.

B. Different Standards of FIFA.

C. Excessive Punishment for a “Bite”.

D. Maradona Supports Louis Suarez.


1. B

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. C


1. revenge [r?'ven(d)?] n. 报仇;报复

例句:Jack was hurt deeply,and he waited for his time for revenge.


2. striker ['stra?k?] n. 前锋

例句:And when the club feel they need a striker,they will go out and buy the best.


3. handcuff['h?n(d)k?f] vt. 给……带上镣铐

例句:The soldiers handcuffed the ring leader and covered his head.



Suarez,who flew back to the Uruguayan capital Montevideo in early hours of Friday morning,denied the biting accusation following his clash with Chiellini,claiming the centre-half had knocked into him.





中考英语专题 作文解题技巧点拨 中考试题中的书面表达形式相对比较固定,主要有三种: ①看图作文; ②命题作文,即提示作文; ③小的应用文(包括书信、日记、贺卡、留言、通知等)写作。 无论哪一种书面表达形式,都要求:①紧扣题目,准确、全面地表达出要点中规定的全部信息和内容,不得遗漏;②表达正确,意思连贯,过渡自然;③格式正确,书写规范,标点准确,字数符合要求。 记叙文写作的基本要求是什么呢? ①要有明确的中心思想。 ②记叙要清楚明白。 ③线索要清晰。 ④要有恰当的叙事角度。 ⑤选材要详略得当。

记叙文写作要把握以下几点: 1.记叙文所记叙的事件必须相关连。要有开头(beginning)、中间(middle)和结尾(end)。在必要时加入冲突(conflict),以使情节曲折,跌宕起伏。一般说来,写记叙文应把握好六个要素:who(何人)、what(何事)when(何时)、、where(何地)、why(何因)、how(怎么)。初中阶段多为叙事短文,一般应包括where,who,what 这三个最基本的东西。 2.写作时观点的掌握非常重要。记叙文常用第一人称或第三人称两种人称记述。用第一人称的角度记叙,使人感到亲切,读者很容易产生身临其境之感,相信真有其事。这种形式常用在写自传、本人的经历或记叙耳闻目睹的事件;用第三人称的角度记叙,使人感到客观。这种形式常用在对重大事件的客观报导,以及记叙他人的经历或事迹。 3.常见的叙述方式有:①顺叙。按事情发展的顺序或时间顺序进行叙述。②倒叙。把事情的结局或某个突出的片段提到前面叙述,然后再按照事情的顺序叙述下去。③插叙。在叙述过程中,由于某种


New words and express ions: why 为什么because 因为 drop 落下poor 可怜的 Poor man Look at this man. What is he doing? He’s carrying a very big box. The box is full of big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don’t think so. Why not?Because the box is too full and too heavy(重). Look! What’s wrong?(错误)He drops the box. Poor man! Exercise: 看看这个人。他正在做什么?他带着一个非常大的盒子。盒子里充满了大苹果。他想把它放在他的自行车,把它带回家。他能这样做吗?不,我不这么认为。为什么不呢?因为这个箱子太满、太沉重。看!怎么了?他滴。可怜的男人! 1. Read carefully and write “T” for true and “F” for false beside the statements. 仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上(T)对或(F)不对。 ( F )1. The box is not very big. (T )2. The box is full of apples. ( F )3. He puts the apples in the bag. ( F )4. He can carry the box home. 2. Choose the best answer: ( B )1. What is the man doing? He is ______________ A. eating some apples B. carrying a box C. riding a bike D. making a box ( C )2. What’s in the box? A. some books B. some bikes C. some apples D. some boxes ( C )3. Can he carry the box? A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he can’t D. No, he isn’t ( D )4. Is the box full or empty? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s empty. D. It’s full. New words and expressions: parents 父母亲work 工作 study 学习 a little 一点儿 Kate Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends.


Grammar Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A) Since early times, people (25) ______ (fascinate) by the idea of life existing somewhere else besides earth. Until recently, scientists believe that life on other planets was just a hopeful dream. But now they are beginning to locate places where life could form. In 1997, they saw other evidence of planets near other stars like the sun. But scientists now think that life could be even (26) ______ (near) in our own solar system. One place scientists are studying closely is Europa, a moon of Jupiter. Space probe has provided evidence (27) ______ Europa has a large ocean under its surface. The probe has also made scientists think that under its surface is a rocky core (地核) (28) ______ (give) off volcanic heat. Water and heat from volcanic activity are two basic conditions (29) ______ (need) for life to form. A third is certain basic chemicals like carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. Scientists believe that there may be such lyi ng at the bottom of Europa’s ocean. They may already create life or may be about to. You may wonder (30) ______ light is also needed for life to form. Until recently, scientists thought that light was essential. But now places have been found on earth, (31) ______ are in total blackness such as caves several miles beneath the surface. And bacteria, primitive forms of life, have been seen there. So the lack of light in Europa’s sub-surface ocean doesn’t automatically rule out life forming. (B) Conversation is an important part of life to everyone. However, some people are afraid of starting a casual conversation with a stranger (32) ______ ______ a fear of not having anything interesting to say. Fear of rejection is also a reason for keeping silent. Small talk in a conversation can serve as a way of warming up and getting to know each other. Most people, (33) ______ ______ ______ successful they are at work, will find the process of making small talk uncomfortable, even pointless. However, you (34) ______ (have) a pretty small world if you refuse to let others in. Starting off with (35) ______ usual comment or question will make others comfortable, and even just greeting them with a simple “hello” will often be enough. (36) ______ you have made the first move, there is no turning back. You need to keep things going before you can gracefully say goodbye. Think about what you would like to share with a new friend and that is (37) ______ you can ask the other person about. Work, family, hobbies or interests are some general points of discussion. (38) ______ (keep) the ball rolling, you can show that you are really interested in what they are saying. Once you find common points of interest, things will definitely take off from there. Small talk (39) ______ turn out to be a pleasant experience. The conversation should be brief and casual without turning into a long and boring discussion. Do not let yourself control the conversation. Let (40) ______ talk too. Stop worrying about how big of a fool you may appear to be. You may even find out later on that you have the “talent” of getting people to open up to you by engaging them in small talk.



2017年高三英语一模汇编——语法新题型 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A My life on an Island we live on the island of Hale. it's about four kilometers long and two kilometers wide at its broadest point, and it is joined to the mainland by a causeway (21) _______(call) Stand---a narrow road built across the mouth of the river (22) ________ separates us from the rest of the country. Most of the time you wouldn’t know we are on an island because the river mouth between us and the mainland is just a vast stretch of tall grasses and brown mud. But when there is high tide and the water rises a half meter or so above the road and nothing can pass (23) _________the tide goes out again a few hours later, then you know it’s an island. We were on our way back (24) _________ the mainland. My older brother, Dominic, had just finished his first in university in a town 150km away. Dominic’s train was due in at five and he’d asked for a lift back from the station. Now,


首先、确定你自己的英语水平。中国大学毕业生的通病是,书面阅读还可以,口语不行,听力很差,书写凑合。但每个人具体情况又都不一样,有人阅读专业书一目十行,但读报纸很费劲。有人听新闻可以,听别的不行。你必须首先了解自己,然后针对你的情况对症下药。这种评估工作最好找英语好的人帮你做,如果不方便,只能自己评自己,就要尽量做到客观。 其次、确定自己的发音水平。我有个朋友对我说他的发音没问题,可实际上他说得很多词我都听不懂。你学的是英国音还是美国音都无所谓,反正最终从你嘴里出来的肯定是中国音。最重要的是发音要合理。英语每一个单词都有自己的念法,你不能凭空想象。比如,有人把RESUME读做RE-'SOOM,这样,别人说RE-SIU-'MAY,你不知道是什么。你念RE-'SOOM,别人也听不懂。再次、确定自己的英语学习目标。我这里仅把口语交流做为目标。最后、开始学习。 1、口语学习的关键是要模仿人家的说话。这包括语音和语调两部分。中国英语教学重视语调的很少,尽管很多时候语调可能比语音更重要。 2、买一台录音机,找一合磁带。根据你的水平,可以选择新概念第二或第三册,也可以到图书馆借一套有书和磁带的小故事集。注意:一定要有书,故事篇幅不能太长,生词量要小,过于简单没有关系。我倾向于使用故事,而不是对话或新闻听力材料。 3、进行跟读训练。放磁带,看着书,搞明白每一个单词的意思,理解整个故事情节。然后,放一句,暂停,学着人家读一句,然后,放下一句,暂停,再学一句,继续。 4、跟读过程中要注意的几点: (1)一定要尽力模仿发音和语调,越象越好。 (2)开始时速度可以比较慢,要逐步使自己跟上人家的速度。 (3)中间可以回倒重放,但我倾向于让大家完成一小段后再回去重来。 5、同步阅读。当你对文章发音、语调完全掌握之后,就要在放录音的同时同步跟读。争取让自己的声音与他完全重合。注意语调和语音。如果中间有结巴的地方也不要紧,继续读下去,然后再回来重读。 6、关掉录音机,朗诵课文。注意使用学到的语音语调。带滚瓜烂熟之后,可以进入下一篇课文。 这样,一两个月之后,当你“精读”过五到十篇约一千字篇幅的文章之后,你会发现你的英语发音和听力有了明显的进步。再配合其他学习,如与人聊天,看电视,听广播,等等,口语水平会得到显著提高。 口语完全攻略起步篇 听,说,读,写,是学习语言最自然的过程, 就象我们从小学母语一样. 所以学英语 也该先从听,说入手. 关于听力, ”听力完全攻略”已说得很好了, 这里不再赘述, 单谈”说”. 首先, 需要选一本好的口语教材. 大家不要小看教材的作用. 我所居住的大学已为该校教师开办多期口语班, 均由外教授课, 但几乎没有一期是成功的. 原因就在于高估了该校教师的口语水平, 从来没有采用基础的口语教材系统教授. 可怜这些硕士博士, 包括GRE高分者, 到现在还不会开口说英语. 外教就更不幸, 每


高考英语作文解题技巧 考生拿到到作文题目后,不愁没内容可写,只愁没词可用,或是写了不知是否正确,因此在表达过程中,要么被迫放弃,要么按照汉语的结构硬译,以致造成短文词不达意,错误地传递信息,分数也受到影响。下面是我为你整理关于的内容,希望大家喜欢! 高考英语书面表达题解题应遵循五步骤的原则进行。2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲—英语中对写作这样要求:“要求考生根据提示进行书面表达,考生应能1准确使用语法和词汇。2使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。 如何写好一篇作文分5个步骤: 一仔细审题,确定要点。在开始写作这前一定要认真阅读题目中的所有信息中文提示、图示、注意事项等把需要表达的全部信息要点列成提纲,列要点时,如果提示是图表,要认真审图,从图中找出要表达的信息要点,如事件发生的背景,人物的衣着、表情、动作、位置、年龄、外貌、图中的英汉文字等,如果有参考词汇,一定要用上。

二根据要点,先词组句。近年来高考书面表达的要求不断提高,高分文章要有较多的词汇,较高级的词汇用法。比如表达丰富可以用rich,但如果你用abundant这个词就属于较高级的词汇。再比如“他强调小心驾驶的重要”这个句子 He emphasized the importance of careful driving.其中“强调”这个词如果你用 attach much importance to 效果更佳。 三确定时态及人称,内容连贯,结构紧凑。高考书面表达评分标准明确规定,如人称错误要扣分,不同的文体一般都有基本时态。日记通常记叙发生过的事情,多用一般过去时。议论文多用一般现在时,通知等文体通常用一般将来时。每个句子写好之后,句与句之间要选择恰当的连接词。比如:1表示承接、递进用语,besides并且、what's more并且,moreover而且,firstly,secondly,finally最后,from now on 从此,afterwards I after that后来,to make things worse/ what's worse 使事情更为糟糕的是,the worst thing of all最糟糕的是。2表示转折关系用语。but bowever,otherwise,though,despite,in spite of...尽管on the other hand另一方面,as尽管,all the same尽管如此。3表示因果关系用语。because/because of......for因为,owing to 由于,thanks to 由于,due to 由于,so that 结果。4归纳总结用语。to summarize总而言之,in short/in a word简而言之,on the whole从总体看,generally speaking一般说来,in my


小学英语阅读100篇 1,Poor Man ! Look at this man ,What is he doing ? He's carrying a very big box,The box is full of big apples ,He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home ,Can he do that ? No,I don't think so,Why not ? Because the box is too full and too heavy,Look ! What's wrong ? He drops the box,Poor man ! New Words and Expressions Why,Because,drop,poor 2,Kate Kate is a new student,She is twelve,She is from America,She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese ,She is in Nanjing,Her parents are doctors ,Kate is studying in a school near her home ,She has classes from Monday to Friday ,On Saturdays and Sundays , she often plays games with her Chinese friends ,She loves China and her Chinese friends , New Words and Expressions Parents,work,doctor,study,a little 3,Can You Find Bob ? Hello , Betty,Please meet Bob at the station at nine o'clock tomorrow morning ,Go to the big clock,Carry a green bag and wear a white hat ,He's not very tall but quite fat ,He has short black hair and brown eyes ,He also has glasses,He likes wearing blue trousers and a red


2019届上海市各高中名校高三英语题型分类专题汇编--语法 填空 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、用单词的适当形式完成短文 Chinese actress Fan Bingbing has been fined for tax evasion, state media reported. It is the first public pronouncement about the star 1.she mysteriously disappeared from public view in June. According to state-run news agency Xinhua, Fan has been ordered to pay almost $130 million, after she misreported how much money she2.(receive) for certain film projects, using so-called "yin-yang contracts" to conceal3.the authorities her true remuneration (薪酬) and avoid millions of dollars in taxes. Fan and companies related to her were ordered to pay around $42 million in late taxes and fees, along with a fine of $86 million. Because she was 4.first-time offender, the government said criminal charges would not be filed against her if she pays all the money by an undisclosed deadline, Xinhua reported. Fan's disappearance from public view sparked widespread speculation 5.she had been detained by the authorities. Xinhua said she had been under investigation by tax authorities in Jiangsu province, but 6.didn't provide any details on her current whereabouts. In a letter 7.(post) on social media, Fan, 37, apologized profusely and repeatedly to the public and government. "As a public figure, I should have abided by laws and regulations, and been a role model in the industry and society," she said. "I shouldn't have lost self-restraint or become lax in managing my companies, 8.led to the violation of laws, in the name of economic interests." "Without the favorable policies of the Communist Party and state, without the love of the people, there 9.have been no Fan Bingbing," she added. Her case was clearly designed as a warning to other high profile celebrities, with the State Administration of Taxation saying it had launched a campaign 10.(recover) all back taxes in the entertainment industry. Of the many factors that contribute to poor performance on standardized tests like the SAT, nerves and exhaustion, surprisingly, 11.not rank very high. In fact, according to a new


2017上海高考英语语法填空解题点拨 2017上海高考英语学科改革,推出语法填空新题型.这种题型能全面检测学生在英语词汇、语法,甚至是句法上的运用能力,能更科学地反映学生的英语综合水平。本题型分两种情况:一种为已给单词提示,一种为不给单词提示。试题结构由原来的A,B2篇16分改变成一篇10分。继续体现了“重词汇,轻语法”的思想,但语法还是在整个高中英语教学和测试中起着重要作用。 一、已给单词提示题型的技巧:此类题可以考查学生对动词、形容词副词等形式变化的掌握程度。 技巧一:动词形式变化。动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(时态、语态、语气、情态动词),有非谓语的变化(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)。学生复习时需要花一定的功夫对动词部分的语法知识进行一次全面复习。 例1: A talk (give)tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang.句中的is是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是“将来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式——to be given。 知识体系: 时态:考纲要求的11种时态 谓语动词语态:主动语态和被动语态be+过去分词 动词情态动词 动词不定式一般式、进行式、完成式主动与被动 非谓语动词动名词一般式、完成式主动与被动 现在分词一般式、完成式主动与被动 分词 过去分词 技巧二:形容词、副词比较级变化。英语中大部分形容词和副词都有原级、比较级和最高级的变化。形容词、分词在上海试卷中只改变比较级最高级。构成比较级和最高级的方式,或通过加后缀一er和.est,或在词加more/less和most/least,且形容词的绝对最高级还要冠以the。 例3:I am (tall)than Liu Wen.He is the tallest students in my class. 此题后句交代了Liu Wen是班上最高的学生,那“我”肯定比他矮,所以不能用taller,只能用表示程度不如的“less tall”。


如何提高英语水平的几个小方法 出国留学,语言是基本要求,但是对很多学生来说又是一大难关。那么想提高自己的英语水平有哪些方法呢? 1. 在最显眼的地方贴词汇标签 把经常忘记或者重点需要记忆的单词写在标签上,然后贴在冰箱、茶几、窗户、门、床头等这些显眼的地方,这样比一味抱着单词书记单词要有效的多。 2. 做一张单词海报 有的时候贴标签的方式过于零散,而且脱离了语境可能记起来也不是很扎实,这时候不妨在家里摆一张白板或者在墙上贴一张白纸,要大大的,这样把难记的单词结合词组或句子写在上面,抬眼便能看到,方便记。 3. 测试并确定自己学习的最佳时机 找出你一天中学习效率最高的时间,也许是早饭后,也许是睡觉前,确定之后坚持在这个时间学习。 4. 学唱英文歌 我们都知道听英文歌是学习英语的一个很好的途径,所以为什么不升级一下,直接唱出来呢,遇到喜欢的英文课,可以边听歌变边把歌词唱出来,这样不仅可以避免听歌时走神,而且也便于练习发音,更重要的是学会几首英文歌以后撩汉撩妹什么的看上去逼格也高高的啊! 5. 看英文笑话 休闲放松的时候看看英文笑话吧,可以学到不少地道的俚语和美国文化小知识! 6. 语言交换 其实练习口语最好的方式莫过于找一个语言搭档,你教ta中文,ta教你英文,互相提高,何乐而不为呢?在校生可以搭讪下学校的留学生,非在校生也可以在网络平台上试试哦。 7. 把手机、电脑等电子设备都设置成英文 也许现在你还做不到将自己完全置身于一个全英文的环境,但是把手机、电脑等电子设备都设置成英文也是一种提前的适应啊,试试吧,刚开始可能有点不习惯,时间长了你会有意外的收获的。 8. 用英文聊天 用英文聊天是提高你的词汇、语法和写作的很好的方法。当话到嘴边却表达不出来的时候你就知道自己的问题在哪里啦! 小编在这里介绍的只是提升英语的技巧,童鞋们在接受的同时不要忘记英语还是日积月累练出来的哦!


英语小短文带翻译100字20篇 1.A happy Day It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends. It was really cool to swim in such a hot day. I surfed the internet and read a storybook in the evening. I really had a busy and happy day. 今天天气晴朗比较热。我起得很早,帮父母做早饭。然后我洗碗打扫屋子。休息一会后我上午做作业。下午我和朋友去我家最近的游泳池游泳。在如此炎热的夏天游泳的确很棒。晚上我上网、看故事书。我今天很忙过得很快乐。 2.给笔友的一封信 Dear Lucy I am very glad to hear from you. Now let me introduce myself to you. My name is Li Lei. I am eleven years old. I am tall with a pair of glasses. Now I am studying at Yuying Primary School. I am in Class One,Grade 5. I like singing and playing the piano very much. I am good at English and Chinese. 很高兴收到你的来信。现在让我介绍我自己。我叫李雷。11岁。我高个子、带眼镜。我在育英小学。我在五年级一班。我非常喜欢唱歌和弹钢琴。我数学和语文学得都很好。 3。暑假打算 I will have a busy summer vacation. I am going to do my homework every day . I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books.I am going to do sports such as playing table tennis, swimming and so on. I am going to visit my grandparents and stay there for a week. I am going to help my parents do some housework. 我暑假会很忙。我每天要写作业。我打算去图书馆去借书、去商店买书。我要做运动,如:打乒乓球、游泳等。我要去看爷爷奶奶并在那住一周。我要帮父母做家务。 4.自我介绍 Hello, everyone. My name is Kelly. I am friendly and honest.I am good at English and maths. I like surfing the internet,playing computer games, watching TV and traveling. I also like playing table tennis and I am good at it ,too. I often play table tennis with my friends on weekends. And I want to be a famous table tennis player when I grow up. What I like most is to see the seagulls flying freely in the sky so I often go to the sea in summer. My favourite colour is white because I think white is symbolize purity. 大家好我的名字叫KELLY .我很友好、诚实。我擅长英语和数学。我爱上网、玩电脑网络游戏、看电视和旅游。我也喜欢打乒乓球。我经常和朋友们在周末打乒乓球,长大了我想当一个乒乓球运动员。最喜欢在海边看着海鸥自由自在的飞翔,因此在夏天我经常去海边。白色是我的最爱。因为我觉得白色是纯洁的象征。 5.A nice Sunday It is Sunday and it is a fine day today. We come to the People Park with our English teacher who came from Canada. Look ! Tom and other five boys are playing


上海高考英语语法填空解题技巧 上海高考英语学科改革,推出语法填空新题型.这种题型能全面检测学生在英语词汇、语法,甚2014至是句法上的运用能力,能更科学地反映学生的英语综合水平。本题型分两种情况:一种为已给单词提示,一种为不给单词提示。本人就这种题型进行了分析,总结出十条语法填空的解题技巧。 一、已给单词提示题型的技巧:此类题可以考查学生对代词、动词、形容词等形式变化的掌握程度。 技巧一:,时态、语态、语气、情态动词)动词形式变化。动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(。学生复习时需要花一定的功夫对动词部分的语法不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)有非谓语的变化( 知识进行一次全面复习。1:例是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动.句中的is (give)tomorrow is written by Professor ZhangA talk 动作的承受可以看出,报告是“将来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是give词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow to be given。者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式—— :考点聚焦知识体系 时态:考纲要求的11 种时态 谓语动词语态:主动语态和被动语态be+过去分词 动词情态动词 动词不定式一般式、进行式、完成式主动与被动 非谓语动词动名词一般式、完成式主动与被动 现在分词一般式、完成式主动与被动 分词 过去分词 技巧二:代词形式变化。代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如no one/none、other/another等。 例2:The king decided to see the painter by (he). 由介词by可以看出,横线处应填反身代词himself。 考点聚焦知识体系


语法填空 2017上海英语高考改革,语法填空由2014年语法改革后的两篇16空改成一篇10个空,这对同学们把握语篇,在较短时间内完成填空,并有较高的正确率提出了新的要求。在语法填空中要搞清楚几点基本原则: 一、语法填空虽然是语段里填空而不是传统选择,但是考查的内容仍然是基本的语法内容,而不是对上下文语篇的理解,因此无需对文章做深层次的理解,只需从题目所在的单句进行入手。只有个别题目(尤其是状语从句的关联词填空)需要关注上下文的关系。切记,不要因为阅读文章而浪费了时间。一般10道题目需要在8分钟内完成。 二、注意:除了后面括号后给了词,所填的词可能不止一个,其他的一定是一个空一个词,特别要掌握两个或者三个空的介词、连词或者情态动词。如:in case of; in spite of; due to; as well as; so that; in addition to; as long as; even if; as if; have to; ought to等。 三、不少同学在做题时将所给词改变了词性,这是万万不可的【除了动词加ed/ing】,这也是上海卷的语法填空区别于外地语法填空的明显之处。 四、副词诸如even、almost、often等是不可能填的;同样的在没有给出否定词n ot或者never的情况下,自己是不能添加的。比如有的同学填can’t 是不可能的。 五、一定要学会句子成分的划分,不仅可以用于语法填空也可以用于小猫钓鱼的词汇填空。尤其是在需要填写动词形式的题目中。 六、动词单复数形式要利用好,很多时候可以判定所填的词是否正确。如:Even a small amount, he says, _______ make a person sick. 七、注意助动词,如2014年倒装句; 过渡词如however, instead, moreover等词也可能考查。 八、有些固定词组搭配中介词可要可不要,如果填写在空格中,介词一定不能带入。如: … (in) doing, be busy (in) doing, prevent …(from) doing.


小学英语阅读100篇中英文对照59-60 59.Tom Is Late 汤姆迟到了 It's7:30on Monday morning.It's time for Tom to go to school. 现在是星期一早晨7:30。是汤姆上学的时间。 Classes begin at7:40.Tom is still in his room. 课堂在7:40开始。汤姆仍然在他的房间。 His mother says,"Hurry,Tom.You must be quick or you'll be late." 他的妈妈说,“快点,汤姆。你必须快点,否则你就会迟到。” Mum,where's my pencil box?I can't find it. 妈妈,我的铅笔盒在哪里?我找不到了。 I can't go to school without my pencil box,"cries Tom. “我不能没有铅笔盒就去学校,”汤姆哭着说。 Look at Tom's room.What a mess!His books are lying all over the room. 看汤姆的房间。真乱啊!他的书扔的房间到处都是。 His football socks are on the desk. 他的足球在书桌上。 A kite and some clothes are on his bed. 床上有一只风筝和一些衣服。 Tom's mother comes to help him. 汤姆的妈妈过来帮他。 She asks Tom to put his book away and Tom's pencil box is under the books on the floor. 她让汤姆把书拿开,他的铅笔盒就在地板上书的下面。 "You must look after your things,Tom",says Mrs Read. “你必须照看好自己的东西,汤姆。”瑞德夫人说。 60.A Letter 一封信 Dear Cindy, 亲爱的辛迪: Thanks for your letter.It's always nice to hear from you. 谢谢你的来信。收到你的信总是很开心。 Today is the last day of my exams.The maths exam is very difficult,but the other exams are easy. 今天是我考试的最后一天。数学考试非常难,但其他的考试很简单。 I'm waiting for the holidays now,and I'm very anxious to see you and to be with you again.我现在在等假期,我非常渴望见到你,再和你在一起。 I'm going to go spend my Christmas and New Year holidays in New York with my sister. 我要到纽约和妹妹过圣诞节和新年。 Right now I'm going downtown.I'm going to shops for Christmas gifts. 现在我要去市区。我要去商店买圣诞礼物。 I'm excited about Christmas,and about seeing you again. 我对圣诞节很兴奋,对再次见到你也是。 Yours Jack. 你的杰克

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