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备考CFA 一级必入手的复习资料如何备考CFA,相信是现在CFA 考生最关注的事了,我们都知道

备考CFA 的复习资料很多,那么历年CFA 考生究竟都入手了哪些标配考试资料?让yjbys 小编来给大家公布一下~

1.CFA 官方教材

CFA Institute curriculum 是CFA 协会官方教材。每级都有6 本而且相当有分量。内容发散,并且几乎每章的编者都不同,所以精华和垃圾同样存在。

从2008 年起,CFA 协会指定教材已经包括在考试费用中,分别有电子版教材、纸质版教材、电子+纸质版教材三种类型选择。


Reading 中间或最后会穿插一些题目在蓝色文本框中(bluebox),紧跟题目就有答案,这些题目的形式即是考试题目的形式,需要引起特别重视。


Curriculum 中出现黑体字的词为重要概念,并在最后面的词汇表中都有解释,并按照字母顺序排列。在CFAInstitute 网页上还有Los 的索引。

2.notes 系列

notes 是kaplan 经由多年CFA 考试经验和精炼重点着成,是一本集CFA 知识精粹的辅导教材。CFA 大部分考试都是用这套教材来备考的,大家可以根据自己的实际备考情况选择。



3.MOCK 系列


高顿CFA一级考试复习备考技巧分享 CFA一级考试复习备考技巧简述 1.所有知识点和公式要做到烂熟于胸。 2.制定合理的学习时间进度表并严格按照计划进行学习复习,CFA考试的准备过程是对考生耐力和意志力的考验,建议考生严格按照制定的学习计划进行学习复习。 给予考生的建议: 考生应根据自身专业背景和金融基础详细制定学习计划 每周约10至15小时,共约18周进行CFA的学习 每个session至少需一周时间学习 临考前预留四到六周时间反复操练习题并进行模拟考试 考试前两个学习日强化公式记忆 3. 在认真学习完一遍Study Notes后,学员应根据自身情况及LOS的要求,找出考试要点、难点,逐个攻破。 每个Study session的学习内容都是自成体系,考生可分科目进行复习,总结各科目的理论、公式,经典题及难题。在深入理解各科知识点的基础上,再将整个知识体系融会贯通,全面性、条理性、逻辑性地把握知识要点。 4. 抓住三个重点 从考试内容比重来看,FSA, Equity,Corporate Finance以及Fixed Income占分较多,考生应侧重学习。 FSA部分在实际考试中很强调对不同accounting method的理解,其中LIFO,FIFO的对比,Revenue recognition方式的使用范围,及对Financial ratio的影响,Operating/Capital lease财务比率对比等内容每年必考。FSA部分是CFA 考试通过的关键。如果时间和精力有限,建议从这部分先开始看,Corporate Finance在学习过程中由于知识点较为连贯,是CFA一级考试比较容易拿分的部分,建议考生牢固掌握WACC,DDM,CAPM等知识重点,保证考试时的答题正确率。 5.熟练掌握公式和概念间的互动关系 CFA一级考试题量大,时间短,因为建议考生在理解性记忆的基础上强制性记忆。例如:LIFO和FIFO对Net Income,cash flow的影响,在考场上没有时间去一步步推导它们之间的关系,而是一下就能想到在物价水平不变和上升的市场环境中,使用LIFO的现金流相对于FIFO方法要偏大,真正做到将公式和互动关系烂熟于胸。 6. 模拟做题至关重要 答题速度是通过CFA一级考试的关键。CFA考试是对考生能力和体力的双重考核,试想一个从没跑过一万米的人去参加一万米比较,成绩可想而知。模拟做题的目的在于巩固学习成果,提高做题速度,找出薄弱环节并弥补学习的不足之处。 7.建议考生参加专业课程培训 CFA是一张综合能力证书,其备考过程就是知识积累,能力培养的过程,变专业知识为个人实际能力才是投资CFA考试的最大收益。CFA一级考试的所有知识点在随后的二级三级考试中都会被要求综合应用。CFA一级学习如果


CFA一级一共涵盖十个科目,5本书,各部分的分数权重: Topic Weight Financial Reporting & Analysis 24 Equity Investments 12 Portfolio Management 6 Corporate Finance 10 Fixed Income 14 Derivatives 6 Alternatives Investments 4 Ethical & Professional Standards 18 Quantitative Methods 14 Economics 12 Total 120 根据上面的各部分的权重,将一级划分为三个着重点,和一个关键点。各位看官注意了啊,下面要讲的就是精髓部分了,考试中绝对会出现的考点。 第一个着重点很明显,就是Financial Reporting and Analysis, 简称FSA,报表分析在CFA 考试占得比重最大,占20%。也就是说,你考试能不能过,这一部分起着决定性作用。我最先看的就是FSA这一部分,是所有书里面最厚的一本,我记得花的时间是别的科目的两倍。 之前学校的研究生foundation course中的AFM(Accounting for Managers)对这个科目里的一些知识略有介绍。这一科目一共有4个Session(7,8,9,10)。 Session 7 主要讲的IFRS 和U.S. GAAP在不同情况下的区别,还有各种statements的元素构成。 Session 8 就是集中在Income statement, Balance Sheet, Cash flow statement 和各种Ratio analysis。这一章节需要注意知识点是Revenue & Expense recognition, Basic and Dilute EPS, Goodwill;Trading, Holding to maturity and Available for sale securities, 然后cash flow statement中重点要会Direct & Indirect method, 以及两者之间的相互转化。Ratio analysis中需要注意ROE中Basic & Extended DuPont equation以及四大Ratio: Activity, Liquidity, Solvency and Profitability ratios。


CFA一级知识点总结 Ethics 部分 Objective of codes and standard:永远是为了maintain public trust in 1.Financial market 2.Investment profession 6个code of ethics 1.Code 1—ethics and pertinent d persons a. 2.Code 2---primacy of client’s interest a.Integrity with investment profession b.客户利益高于自身利益 3.Code 3---reasonable and independent a.必须注意reasonable care b.必须exercise independent professional judgment---必须独立判断! 4.Code 4---ethical culture in the profession a.不但自己要practice,而且要鼓励别人practice—不仅仅是自己一个人去做, 要所有人共同去做 5.Code 5---ethnical culture in the capital market! a.促进整个capital market的integrity,推广其相关法规---增强公众对资本市 场的trust! b.Capital market是基于 i.Fairly pricing of risky assets; ii.Investors‘ confidence 6.有关competence—能力---competence 7个standard of professional conduct 1.Standard 1---professionalism---knowledge of law a.不需要成为法律专家,但是必须understand和comply with applicable law; b.当两个law发生conflict,则要遵守更加严格的法律! c.Knowingly---know or should know d.必须attempt to stop the violation,如果不能stop,then must dissociate from the violation!必须从其中分离出去! i.Remove name from the written report; ii.Ask for a different assignment e.并不要求向有关部门report!(do not require) f.向CFA 进行书面报告report--encouraged to so


全球最大的CFA(特许金融分析师)培训中心 总部地址:上海市虹口区花园路171号A3幢高顿教育 电话:400-600-8011网址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/452902882.html, 微信公众号: gaoduncfa 1 CFA 一级考生必备资料 应对CFA 考试,“Study Notes ”与CFA 的指定教材是必看的。 Study Notes 就像是快餐,帮助考生总结复习要点,节约时间,但原来知识点中内在的逻辑关系可能被省略,有些notes 甚至没有覆盖到考试要点。 相比之下,CFA 指定的原版教材,虽然复习量较大,但保证了内容的原汁原味。因此,建议考生看原版教材,这样学到的知识才扎实。对于选择notes 的考生,应尽量选那些内容相对全面的版本,结合指定教材进行复习。 建 议:CFA LEVEL 1 考试可以只学习Study Notes ,CFA INSTITUTE 官方指定教材可以不学 习,原因CFA LEVEL 1 考试相对简单,Study Notes 足以应付考试,当然如果时间足够,建议阅读CFA INSTITUTE 官方指定教材,一般CFA LEVEL 1 考试准备300-400小时即可。 CFA 一级考生必备资料: 1、Study Notes 2、CFA 道德手册 V10版本,考试专用handbook 3、CFA 考试专用计算器,参考: CFA 主要的参考教材为官方指定教材(约3500页)及study notes. 各位考生,CFA 备考已经开始,为了方便各位考生能更加系统地掌握考试大纲的重点知识,帮助大家充分备考,体验实战,高顿网校开通了全免费的CFA 题库(包括精题真题和全真模考系统),题库里附有详细的答案解析,学员可以通过多种题型加强练习,通过针对性地训练与模考,对学习过程进行全面总结。


CFA一级模考题 1 . If the standard deviation of stock A is 13. 2 percent, the standard deviation of stock B is 17.6 percent, and the covariance between the two is 0, what is the correlation coefficient? A) +1. B) 0.31. C) 0. The correct answer was C Since covariance is zero, the correlation coefficient must be zero. 2 . A mutual fund that invests in short-term debt securities and maintains a net asset value of $1.00 per share is best described as a: A) money market fund. B) balanced fund. C) bond mutual fund. The correct answer was A Money market funds invest primarily in short-term debt securities and are managed to maintain a constant net asset value, typically one unit of currency per share. A bond mutual fund typically invests in longer-maturity securities than a money market fund. A balanced fund invests in both debt and equity securities. 3 . When the market is in equilibrium: A) all assets plot on the CML. B) investors own 100% of the market portfolio. C) all assets plot on the SML. The correct answer was C When the market is in equilibrium, expected returns equal required returns. Since this means that all assets are correctly priced, all assets plot on the SML. By definition, all stocks and portfolios other than the market portfolio fall below the CML. (Only the market portfolio is efficient. 4 . Which of the following statements regarding the covariance of rates of return is least accurate? A) It is a measure of the degree to which two variables move together over time. B) If the covariance is negative, the rates of return on two investments will always move in different directions relative to their means. C) It is not a very useful measure of the strength of the relationship, there is absent information about the volatility of the two variables. The correct answer was B Negative covariance means rates of return will tend to move in opposite directions on average. For the returns to always move in opposite directions, they would have to be perfectly negatively correlated. Negative covariance by itself does not imply anything about the strength of the negative correlation. 5 . Which of the following statements about a stock's beta is CORRECT? A beta greater than one is: A) risky, while a beta less than one is risk-free. B) riskier than the market, while a beta less than one is less risky than the market. C) undervalued, while a beta less than one is overvalued. The correct answer was B Beta is a measure of the volatility of a stock. The overall market's beta is one. A stock with higher


CFA一级:NOTES教材上的重点 在备考CFA一级时,高顿小编想说说关于CFA考试教材Notes和CFA考试重点问题 1.cfa考试的notes用背下来吗?不用的话需要看到什么程度才能通过考试? 观点:不用背下来。CFA考察的是考生是否已经掌握了知识点,不是考政治经济学。五本NOTES一般整套看下来需要多遍,因人而异,看到打开目录中的LOS,每看一个LOS都能简单说出LOS中的精华即可,对于一些模棱两可的知识点,务必回到书本上仔细再看。 通常第一遍看完还不是特别懂。往往按顺序读完了最后的Alternatives,你就把前面的economics, quantitative通通忘掉了,有点像“转碟子”的杂技,不断的让碟子重新转动起来才是最后的成功。这种情况不妨可以开始做题。NOTES中的题目有点偏难,主要是“偏”,不过知识点差不多一样,可以对着书本,开卷考试做一套,没压力,还知道了知识点是如何变成考题的。 等你题目从头到尾做了120道题,彻底觉得再一打开目录中的LOS就知道每个LOS要点。就算程度达到了。剩下的就是不断的模考再模考。CFA考试资料 2.考试重点在哪能找到,什么时候能出考试重点? 观点:其实没什么考试重点。 考试是以一个一个部分出现的,你看看下面这同学的成绩单: Multiple Choice --fail Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Assets 12 - - * - Derivatives 12 * - - - Economics 24 * - - - Equity Analysis 24 * - - - Ethical 36 - * - - Financial Statemen 68 - * - - Fixed Income 24 - * - - Portfolio 12 - - *


CFA一级模考题 1 . The fee structure of a hedge fund may lead to biases in performance data because: A)fund managers have incentives to take big risks if past performance has been poor. B) hedge fund managers are not required to disclose information regarding fee structures. C) hedge fund managers charge higher fees than managers of traditional funds. A was correct! Hedge fund managers have the potential to earn more than managers of traditional funds, but this does not bias performance data. Hedge fund managers typically receive a modest base fee (1%) and then a large incentive fee based upon performance. If past performance has been poor, then fund managers feel they have “nothing to lose” and may invest more aggressively. 2.Which of the following statements regarding hedge fund performance is FALSE? A) Hedge funds have demonstrated a lower risk profile than traditional equity investments. B) The Sharpe ratio for hedge funds has been consistently higher than for most traditional equity investments. C)Hedge funds have historically underperformed the S& 500. C was correct! Hedge funds have demonstrated a lower risk profile than equities when measured by standard deviation. The Sharpe ratio, which is a reward-to-risk ratio, has been higher for hedge funds than for equities. Hedge funds have historically outperformed the S& 500. 3.Biases in hedge fund performance measurement are least likely to include: A) correlation bias. B) incomplete historical data. C) smoothed pricing. A was correct! The six most common biases present in hedge funds are: ●“Cherry Picking” by managers. ●Incomplete historical data. ●Survival of the fittest. ●Smoothed pricing. ●Asymmetrical returns. ●Fee structures and incentives. 4 .Which of the following statements regarding survivorship bias in hedge funds is most accurate? Survivorship bias tends to: A) overstate both the performance and volatility of hedge funds. B) understate the performance and overstate the volatility of hedge funds. C) overstate the performance and understate the volatility of hedge funds. C was correct! Survivorship bias exists because only the successful hedge funds submit performance data, thus overstating performance when the index is considered to be representative of the entire hedge fund population. Likewise, stable funds tend to succeed, while more volatile funds tend to go out of business, causing the database to tend to understate volatility for hedge funds as an asset class. 5 .Survivorship bias is acute with hedge fund databases because hedge: A) funds experience higher volatility of returns than traditional investments. B) funds are more highly leveraged than other asset classes. C)fund managers often do not have to comply with performance presentation standards. C was correct!


2020年CFA一级考试延期,考生的备考时间延长了半年,有了充足的时间去准备,那么都有哪些备考资料是要 学习的呢? 1、CFA官方教材 CFA官方教材在报名注册时购买的,针对CFA全三级考试每级都有6本,每本都不同,是由权威的教授编著的,针对整个CFA知识点的掌握,CFA官方教材是一套专业的书籍。CFA官方教材分为电子版与纸质版两种,纸质版要另外掏钱! 2、CFA道德手册 CFA考试道德部分很重要,考试只看study notes内的道德是不足的,一定还要看道德手册 3、CFAmock 官方免费提供一套Sample和一套Mock。虽然价格不菲,但这些样题的难度和实际考试相当,是notes模拟题所不能比拟的,因此一定要做,并且在做题过程中应多多揣测出题人的思路和意图。 4、CFAnotes study notes是以CFA协会每年公布的考纲为基础编写的,尤其是对于CFA一级考试来说。CFA notes绝对是效率最高的备考资料,其中涵盖了99%的知识点。总结复习要点,但缺陷就是忽略了内在逻辑,对于CFA一级考试来说,则完全够用。如果考生对于CFA notes中的知识点有理解不到位的地方,可以辅之以CFA官方教材详细查看。 5、CFA官方考纲 每年CFA协会都会更新CFA考纲,会对CFA考试科目的权重及知识点有所删减更改。例如2018年CFA考纲变动为25%,由此高顿CFA建议根据CFA协会公布的考纲选择最新的备考资料来学习。 6、CFA计算器使用教程 CFA协会只允许考生使用两种计算:德州仪器的BA II Plus(or Professional)以及惠普的12C(or Platinum)。这两种计算器一般平时很少接触,而且使用复杂,建议考生提前熟练,在考场上节省时间 7、CFA词汇表 CFA考试作为全英考试,对于中国考生来说是个不小的挑战,尤其是一些专业的金融单词。 8、CFA公式表QuickSheet CFA考试的时候,不会给出公式的,公式都是需要自己背诵下来,考试不允许带与教材相关的学习资料,CFA考 试常用公式表。 9、网课、历年真题 也可以参加CFA培训机构的课程,提供视频网课、直播课程、历年真题以及习题库练习。 第1页


FSA and Corporate Finance 财报分析所占的比重约在23%,从单一科目来讲,这部分是最大科目,考生不仅不能忽略,更要精通。要想在财报分析中拿高分,就必须对考试的范围每一点都下工夫。了解每一项财务比率,了解每一个会计处理原则的改变对相关比率的影响,了解分析师重新调整会计科目以符合公司的真实价值或营运状况,对相关财务比率的影响。公司财务管理与大学修的差不多,要掌握三大决策: 投资、融资及股利。如何计算资金成本,并运用净现值、内部报酬率及回收期选择投资案为一大重点。融资对公司之利弊及最适资本结构的几派理论、股利政策与公司成长率之关系及股利变动对股价之影响等主题务必了解。 Asset Valuation 证券市场部份比较零碎,但不困难,常考的内容包括各种指数之计算及成份、三种效率市场假说的理论及代表的含意、信心指数及融资余额等技术指针。股票评价则以现金流量折现法去计算股票价值是必考的题型,其中又以固定成长率的Gordon成长模型及多阶段成长模型题目最为常见,考生只要多加练习,在这部份得分并不难。 Quantitative Methods 这部分考30题,是最好拿分的部分。CFA的数量分析考的比大学的统计学还简单,而且多了一些和统计学比较没有关系的观念,如连续复利的观念,随机变量分配的型态,有效年利率(Effective Annual Rate)的计算方式,夏普指数(Sharpe Ratio)、罗伊获利保本指数等(Roy’s Safety First Criterion)。当然大部分的考题还是会集中在机率概念、平均数及标准差,分配型态(二项式分配或常态分配等)、信赖区间、假设检定及回归分析等。其中常态分配的应用是数量分析的核心,而善用计算器的统计及时间价值的功能是统计拿高分的二大法门。 Ethical and Professional Standards 此科目的投资报酬率最低,但是这科不达到一定的成绩就不能通过一级考试。要拿高分的密诀只有一个,那就是去买AIMR所指定的教科书: Standards of Practice Handbook。将那本书的范例从头到尾全部看二遍,找出最有代表性的几个范例,特别是牵涉到多重违反及法条竞合的案例,自已一定要培养阅读题目时就能找出相关法条之违反的敏锐性。反之,如果你对这一科没有把握,则考试的时候留在最后再做,没有人规定你答题的时候一定要从第一题开始答。 职业准则考试的重点包括: 分析师的独立客观(Independence and Objectivity)、对客户的公平对待(Fair Dealing)、研究报告的完整性(Research Report)。当然,利益冲突的揭露(Disclosure of Conflicts to Employer and Clients)、对雇主的忠诚(Duty to Employer),和禁止内线交易(Prohibition against the U se of Nonpublic Material Information)也不会在未来几次的考试中缺席。同时,去年6月才列入CFA考试的全球投资绩效报告准则(Global Investment Performance Standards)规范了资产管理公司在做绩效报告时应该谨守的方法原则,也一定是考试的重点。 Ethical and Professional Standards 2003年12月考试中Ethics部分36题,占15%,主要有3大部分:code of ethics、professional st andards 、GIPS,估计今年考试可能主要集中在professional standards,还有一些就在GIPS。 professional standards在2003年12月考了下面一些内容: 1、laws and regulations 2、use of CFA charter/candidate titles 3、use of insider information(material,apporiate actions,etc.) 4、duties to employers (if you are leaving your employer ,what can/cannot be done) 5、duties to clients (IPO shares allocation,etc.) 6、duties of a supervisor (how to deal with incompliance,etc.) GIPS部分的问题问的很直接,一般比较容易。


CFA一级模考题 1 . The most appropriate measure of the increase in the purchasi ng power of a portfolio’s value over a given span of time is a(n): A) after-tax return. B) real return. C) holding period return. B was correct! A real return is adjusted for the effects of inflation and is used to measure the increase in purchasing power over time. 2 . Which of the following statements about the capital market line (CML) is least accurate? A) The market portfolio lies on the CML and has only unsystematic risk. B) Investors choose a portfolio on the CML by varying their weightings of the risk-free asset and the market portfolio. C) The CML will not be a linear relationship if investors' borrowing and lending rates are not equal. A was correct! The first part of this statement is true - the market portfolio does lie on the CML. However, the market portfolio is well diversified and thus has no unsystematic risk. The risk that remains is market risk, or nondiversifiable, or systematic risk. The CML measures standard deviation (or total risk) against returns. The CML will “kink” if the borrowing rate and lending rate are not equal. Investors choose a portfolio on the CML by lending or borrowing at the risk-free rate to vary the weighting of their investments in the risk-free asset and the market portfolio. 3 . Stock A has a standard deviation of 10%. Stock B has a standard deviation of 15%. The covariance between A and B is 0.0105. The correlation between A and B is: A) 0.55. B) 0.70. C) 0.25. B was correct! Cov A,B = (r A,B)(SD A)(SD B), where r = correlation coefficient and SD x = standard deviation of stock x Then, (r A,B) = Cov A,B / (SD A × SD B) = 0.0105 / (0.10 × 0.15) = 0.700 4 . A portfolio to the right of the market portfolio on the capital market line (CML) is created by: A) holding both the risk-free asset and the market portfolio. B) holding more than 100% of the risky asset. C) fully diversifying. B was correct! Portfolios that lie to the right of the market portfolio on the capital market line are created by borrowing funds to own more than 100% of the market portfolio (M). The statement, "holding both the risk-free asset and the market portfolio" refers to portfolios that lie to the left of the market portfolio. Portfolios that lie to the left of point M are created by lending funds (or buying the risk free-asset). These investors own less than 100% of both the market portfolio and more than 100% of the risk-free asset. The portfolio at point Rf (intersection of the CML and the y-axis) is created by holding 100% of the risk-free asset. The statement, "fully diversifying" is incorrect because the market portfolio is fully diversified. 5 . A return objective is said to be relative if the objective is: A) stated in terms of probability. B) compared to a specific numerical outcome.


Quantitative 101 0365/:D 360360:= =360 :1360 A :(1)1 Continuously compounded rate of re BD BD MM BD t P P CF Holding Period Yield HPY P FV P Bank Discount Yield r F t FV t r Money Market Yield r HPY t t r Effective nnual Yield EAY HPY -+ =- ?? =?= -? =+-() 12turn: r ln ln 1cc s HPR s ?? ==+ ??? 2365 365 1 1 11(1)(1)2 1 ;;);1t t Time weighted Money weighted n i n i Arithmetic Weighted i i Geometric Geometric Arithmetic Harmonic n i i i y BEY HPY EAY R R IRR X n X X W X X X X X n X L ?--===+=+=+=== ==<= =∑∑∑(1)100 y n +? 2 2 221 1 1 [()] 2Excess kurtosis = Sample kurtosis - 3() ();:;:;1 1 1n n n i i i i i i x X ks Range MaxValue MinValue X X X X MAD PopulationVariance SampleVariance s MAD n n n P k Coefficient of Variat μ μσσ ===-≤= - ---= = = <-≥- ∑∑∑切比雪夫不等式::;x p f p s ion CV X R R Sharp Ratio σ=- =越大越好 Excess Kurtosis=Sample Kurtosis 3 ()1() Odds of event= ;Odds against of event= 1()() ()(|)()(|)();()()()()()=0()()()()(|)()P E P E P E P E P AB P A B P B P B A P A P AorB P A P B P AB P AB P AorB P A P B P AB P B A P A ---=?=?=+-=+= 一般条件:互斥事件:;贝叶斯公式:(|) ()()(1)() x x n x n P A B P B P x C P P P A -?=??-=;贝努力实验:


CFA一级考试各科目介绍及重点解析 在CFA考试过程当中,许多考生都在自学的过程中走过些许弯路。对往年的重点着重观望,对教材中仅有十几页的科目内容可能只是扫视几遍便匆匆翻篇。为那些常年标着五角星的CFA重点刻苦钻研。这样的备考方法并没有错,然而随着这几年CFA考试协会的出题更新,越来越多的考生反映,在实际考试当中会出现作为边角边料的小细节知识点出现。 偶偶考生们会此类题目打住考试的节奏,满脑袋转悠也只有稍许浅薄的印象。针对历年变化的CFA考试,高顿财经CFA研究中心为考生们整理了在CFA一级考试中,经常会考到的一些重难点。希望考生可以通过此类难点的归纳,调整自己的备考计划。 CFA一级考试中十大科目考试重点介绍: 职业伦理: 提高从业人员的职业和道德素养,特别是国际上对受托人的责任的要求,降低了公司内部人员职业违规方面的风险,同时提升公司内部的整体职业素养,由此提高公司整体的管治。 数量分析: 定量分析就是以数量工具测算投资组合关联性,概率统计,为设定合理理性的投资规划提供技术支撑。在一级二级考试中是考试占比比较大的考试科目,考察金融分析中的一些常用的计算方法。 经济学: 经济学课程以经典宏观、微观经济学内容讲解弹性、价格曲线、生产者剩余、消费者剩余、垄断和市场形态,宏观金融政策和中央银行等知识,让考生了解经济运行的宏观和微观经济知识。 财务报表分析: 财务报表是一级二级的考试重点,内容涉及三大会计报表,现金流量测控,养老会计、管理会计、税收规避FACC 等会计术语,考试难度不大,并且现在的考核方式更加灵活。一级二级中财务报表是重点科目,占比考试20%左右的权重,权重较大。 公司理财: 公司理财详细的介绍了资本的成本,使公司规划出最合适的资本结构,来获得资本的最优收益。在制定资本预算时,可做出正确的现金流量估计和风险分析,从而作出正确的决定。在决定股利政策时,充分了解其中的资讯和意义。深入地了解如何实现公司融资结构与投资结构的最优化。 权益类投资分析: 权益证券分析详细介绍了上市、集资时的定价流程,在收购合并时该付出多少。也可在评估过程中了解行业的前景,从而作出正确的商业决定。以及并购行动中,如何合理评估企业的价值。


12月CFA一级经验分享 刚刚考完12月的CFA一级,趁热打铁,分享下考试经验吧! 关于一级的考试 真的没有想象中的那么难,甚至没有notes的课后题的难度。最大的感觉就是,在经历过众多国内考试的摧残之后,我们总是倾向于把试题往很复杂的方向想,各种绕,各种纠结!但是实际上,CFA考的的题目都非常简单,非常的directly!例如,它会直接问你某一项原则,是GAAP适用,还是IFRS试用,还是二者都试用。当然,这是较简单的出题方式。但是即使是较难的题目,只要概念搞清楚了,公式熟悉了,也很快能做出来。计算一类的,比较简单的,比如给你行权价格、股票当前的价格,当然有时候也会给你之前的股票价格,让你计算American call/put、European call/put的上下限。个人觉得真题的难度跟MOCK差不多甚至更简单(可能是因为做mock的时候知识点掌握的不全,觉得难,实际上在做第二遍的时候觉得难度不大),没有做practice exam所以不知道怎么比较。 关于复习要达到的效果。 大家都说,CFA一级,只要好好看书,都能过。确实是这样,确实是好好看书了,就能过,但是,大家要清楚,这个“好好看”是个什么含义!从我的经验上来看,这个“好好看”对不同的考试的含义是不一样的。针对CFA一级,我认为这个“好好看”,需要达到的是:①熟悉所有概念。经历过考试才知道,不要忽略掉NOTES上任何一个小概念,注意,是“任何一个”!这里之所以说熟悉,没有说理解,一是一级考的比较浅显,基本懂了概念就行了,二是考试是选择题,熟悉了各个概念,看到选项能帮助回忆知识点。②熟悉所有的公式及变形,并且会应用会计算,以及各个公式之间的联系、差别。为什么这种情况用这个,那种情况用那个。例如:quick ratio 和cash ratio,两个公式就是分子相差了一个receivable,有的题目就是给你cash、marketable security、receivable和total liability,让你算quick ratio或者cash ratio,这就考你公式了,哪个包含receivable?哪个不包含?有的会多给几个数据,故意绕你一下,但是也不算绕,因为你清楚了分子是由哪几项构成的,很快就能解答出来了!公式要了解的不仅仅是它表面一个简单公式,还要搞清楚各种变形。例如:leverage=assets/equity,它还可以变形为:leverage=ROE/ROA,但是后面这个公式在notes里边是没有给出的,它是在练习的答案中出现的,实际上他的推导也非常的简单。另外很重要的一点,不要只记那种直接给出的公式,还有notes中用文字描述的公式。 就我的考试过程来看,觉得难的,就是课本不熟悉的,公式不熟悉的!所以,不要忽略任何一个小知识点!如果上午考了的,不会的,中午最好是要看一看,哪怕就瞟一眼也好!我就是个例子,上午考到一个公式,没见过,不会,中午翻了翻公式表,没看到,想着算了,应该考过的不会考了吧!结果下午又考了!肠子都悔青了,怎么就没问问人~~~多翻翻书!!!

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