当前位置:文档之家› 2023年安徽省合肥市庐阳中学中考三模英语试题




1.—What is your ________ of doing exercise very often?

—To be fit.

A.purpose B.influence C.choice D.secret

2.I enjoy reading because I think books provide me a lot of ________ information.

A.tiring B.valuable C.simple D.difficult 3.There are a lot of ways to protect the environment. ________, we can take our own bags instead of asking for plastic bags when shopping.

A.By the way B.In general C.For example D.To our surprise 4.—Why do you look unhappy?

—It’s the speech. I tried my best to speak ________ but I still failed to make everyone understand me.

A.quickly B.nervously C.clearly D.happily 5.—Could you tell me ________ you will go in the summer holiday?

—I’m going to Hefei with my parents.

A.how B.why C.when D.where

6.________ is better worth my respect than our national hero Yuan Longping who helped Chinese and even the people all over the world.

A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody 7.Students have had a lot more free time to do what they like ________ the Double Reduction Policy (双减政策) came out.

A.if B.though C.since D.before 8.The girl believes she can improve a lot if she ________ a better training program next year.

A.offers B.is offered C.will offer D.will be offered 9.—Lily, can you ________ my sister on your way back home?

—OK. I’ll meet her at her school gate.

A.see off B.pick up C.look after D.come across 10.—What a fine day! Would you like to go hiking?

—________. It will be great to breathe some fresh air.

A.Yes. I’d love to B.Of course not C.I don’t agree D.Forget it


My father gave me two cups, filled with sand and asked me to put them by the window and watered them every day. Two weeks later, three young leaves appeared in one of the cups.

of them and spent the same time on them. Why do new leaves grow in one cup but nothing in

bean in one cup but nothing in the other. This bean means the dream in life. Without dreams, you’ll have no 14 . No matter how much pain you pay, there’ll be no 15 .

Five days later, my father gave me two pots, which were also filled with 16 . This time, I was asked to water only one of the pots. Ten days later, new leaves appeared 17 in the watered pot, while nothing grew in the other. My father asked me 18 it happened like this. I seemed to know the reason. We’re supposed to have dreams, but it’s not enough if there are only dreams in life. We must know how to work for it and be responsible (负责的)for it. There is no doubt that a 19 dream is the first step to success. Without time and effort, dreams will never 20 . Remember success needs time and hard work.

11.A.wait B.afford C.agree D.hope 12.A.all B.both C.none D.either 13.A.checked B.found C.shouted D.explained 14.A.hope B.method C.direction D.instruction 15.A.duty B.fruit C.promise D.progress 16.A.sand B.water C.leaves D.trees 17.A.badly B.exactly C.mainly D.smoothly 18.A.how B.why C.what D.when 19.A.big B.nice C.glad D.clear 20.A.come out B.come over C.come true D.come up

“If you agree with me, please Dianzan.” Do you know Dianzan is one of the most popular 21 on the Internet? When you think someone’s ideas are right, when you think someone’s articles are 22 , or when you are moved by what someone writes,

you can click the praise sign. Anyway, clicking the praise sign 23 that you agree with someone or praise someone.

Dianzan is a kind of Chinese Internet language. People 24 use it when they surf the Internet. There is a function (功能) of Dianzan in the QQ space. The QQ space has had the function for over 10 years. It didn’t become very popular until Sina blog (新浪博客) 25 the function of Dianzan. In recent years, it has become more and more popular. When the 2015 New Year came, Chinese leader Xi Jinping used the word Dianzan to praise and 26 his thanks to the great Chinese people.

Websites can know how many people support some ideas 27 counting how many people click the praise sign. Also, 28 teenagers are caring about through what they click the sign for can be known. That can help solve teenagers’ 29 .

Clicking the praise sign is really a(n) 30 thing. Have you ever clicked the sign for anybody on the Internet?

21.A.signs B.words C.letters D.record 22.A.awful B.terrible C.boring D.wonderful 23.A.finds B.guesses C.means D.believes 24.A.usually B.sometimes C.seldom D.never 25.A.broke B.checked C.refused D.started 26.A.accept B.express C.create D.receive 27.A.by B.on C.at D.under 28.A.why B.when C.what D.whether 29.A.plans B.questions C.problems D.ideas 30.A.easy B.hard C.boring D.slow


选择正确选项,并将其字母序号写在对话后面的横线上。有一个选项与对话内容无关。Kate: You’re late today! You made me stand here for forty minutes.

Paul: I’m really sorry. 31

Kate: Why didn’t you drive your car? It’s faster than taking a bus.

Paul: 32

Kate: Really? Are you going to get a new one?

Paul: 33 I just want to live without a car.

Kate: 34

Paul: I think our city is badly polluted because of the heavy traffic and I hate to spend lots of time sitting in the car.

Kate: 35

Paul: I am going to buy a bike and then ride to work.

Kate: Good idea. You’re living a low-carbon life and it’s also a good way to take exercise. A.What made you do that?

B.But how are you going to work?

C.No, I’m not.

D.When do you want to buy a new one?

E.I’ve sold my car.

F.I had to wait for a bus for along time.


36.Which museum can’t you visit in the summer holiday of 2023?

A.European Bread Museum.B.Academy Museum of Motion Pictures.

C.Hair Museum of Avanos.D.Cancun Underwater Museum. 37.Why are the sculptures of the Cancun Underwater Museum made of a special material?

A.Because it can be kept for a long time.B.Because the material is very cheap.

C.Because it can help protect the ocean.D.Because fish can feed on the material. 38.Where can we probably find the passage?

A.In a guidebook.B.In a novel.C.In a diary.D.In a storybook.

People often think of the North Pole(北极)and the South Pole as similar frozen(冰冻的)wastelands. They are both places with very cold temperatures and few people live there. However, the North and South Poles are not much alike as people may imagine.

The North Pole has no land, only thick ice. Most of the time, it stays below zero. In winter temperatures are as low as -30℃.

Although conditions were very poor, people tried for many centuries to reach the North Pole. About 100 years ago, two men, Robert Peary and Mathew Henson, were able to get to this environment full of troubles and difficulties. They reached the North Pole on March 8th, 1919. It was really a hard trip for them.

There are few things more dangerous than crossing the Arctic(北极圈)on foot. They may face cold temperatures, sudden storms, and even hunger. Most of the area is uninhabited. Few people can live in such a difficult place.

People might think that with such low temperatures for most of the year, the ice would be thick and hard. However, this is not true in the Arctic. The movement of the ocean water under the ice may often cause many different changes on the surface(表面). Sometimes the ice breaks into two opening lanes of water(水道)called “leads”. Anyone who falls into a lead can be frozen to death in a few minutes.

39.Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Two men succeeded in getting to the South Pole in 1919.

B.The people who cross the Arctic may suffer from hunger.

C.Temperatures in the North Pole stayed above zero in winter.

D.It is the most difficult thing to walk through the North Pole.

40.What does the underlined word “uninhabited” probably mean in Chinese?

A.气候恶劣的B.充满危险的C.困难重重的D.无人居住的41.The reason for the ice to break into two opening lanes of water is that ________.

A.the ocean water under the ice moves B.the water under the ice is frozen

C.the temperature suddenly drops D.the surface is covered with lots of ice 42.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A.The thick ice in the North Pole.B.A difficult trip to the North Pole.

C.The bad situation in the North Pole.D.The low temperatures in the North Pole.

I lived at home while I went to college, and I enjoyed that time with my family. I respected my mom and I actually took her advice! Even a simple piece of advice became my lifelong lesson.

I was talking on the phone to a classmate, and we couldn’t agree on something. Mom was busy as usual with the housework but for some reason, she knew that I was angry. Suddenly she stood before me with a piece of paper. On it were two words and a drawing. She handed it to me with a smile and then left the room to get back to her projects.

I looked at the tiny paper in my hand. It read “Be Nice” and had a smiling face. I took her advice. From that point on the conversation became friendlier. When I hung up, all was at peace in my world.

There is more to the story. When I finished college and moved out to a new city, I put it on my fridge. For many years, that piece of paper moved with me and served as a reminder (提醒). Whenever I met a difficult person or situation, I could always look at that paper and find a key to my problems.

43.How did the writer feel about living with her family?

A.Free.B.Afraid.C.Bored.D.Happy. 44.Why did Mom give the writer a piece of paper?

A.To tell her the time.B.To make her cool down.

C.To ask her to hang up.D.To let her write something.

45.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to(指的是)?

A.The college.B.The story.C.The paper.D.The city.

46.What is the best title for the text?

A.Be Nice.B.Be Brave.C.Keep Smiling.D.Keep Trying.

What do you usually do on your phone? Useful apps add more fun. Let’s find out about them.


Sometimes you may feel that none of the emojis in your phone can truly show your mood, but now you can make your own emojis through Moji Maker. There are thousands of emoji designs in this app, such as the yellow round faces and animals. You can put any of them together. Your designs look just like the emojis on mobile phones, but they are just for you.

Coach. me

It’s usually not easy to develop a new habit. Luckily, Coach. me can help you. You can set all kinds of goals in the app. It tells you to practice daily. It also follows your improvements. You can find other users working toward similar goals in Coach. me.

80 Days

The book Around the World in Eight Days tells a story about a rich British gentleman’s trip around the world. Now, the book has become a game called 80 Days. In the game, you are the gentleman and plan your own trip. You are supposed to choose what to do next with limited(有限的)time, money and health. So you have to use them wisely, and also check to see where other players are on the game’s map.

47.How many apps are mentioned in the passage?

A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Two. 48.What can we infer from the passage?

A.We can make some special emojis by ourselves through Moji Maker.

B.The game 80 Days is from the book Around the World in Eighty Days.

C.Coach me is a new app which can help improve our basketball skills.

D.In the game 80 Days,we needn’t worry about time, money or health.

49.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?


Leeks(大葱)are so common that you’ve probably never thought much about them. They

grow easily in our gardens and don’t look very special, but that doesn’t mean they’re not interesting! Leeks belong to the Allium Family of vegetables, which also includes onions. Leeks are usually about 30 cm long, but they can grow much bigger. Did you know growing leeks can win you a prize? Some gardeners grow big leeks and hold competitions to find the biggest type of leek. The heaviest leek ever weighed more than 8kg.

People have been eating leeks for thousands of years. The ancient Roman king Nero ordered his cooks to serve him leeks every day, as he believed they would improve his singing voice! People in Wales love the leek so much that they made it their national symbol. As the story goes, about 400 years ago, Welsh soldiers were fighting in a war. They put leeks in their hats so that they could tell their friends from their enemies.

Leeks are especially loved by cooks all over the world, as they give flavor(味道)to lots of dishes, but are they good for you? Yes! Leeks are full of iron(铁). Scientists now believe that eating leeks and other members of the Allium family can also help people keep their blood pressure under control and their hearts healthy.

50.What can we know about growing leeks according to the passage?

A.It is not common.B.It is not interesting.

C.It takes lots of time.D.It requires few skills.

51.Why did Nero have leeks every day?

A.To join a competition.B.To stay healthy.

C.To have a beautiful voice.D.To enjoy the delicious flavor. 52.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.The good of leeks.B.The importance of health.

C.The flavor of leeks.D.The members of the Allium family.



One day long ago, a pet monkey set out to sea with his owner in their ship.

When they were far out at sea, a terrible storm broke their ship. The monkey fell into the sea. Luckily, a dolphin appeared in time and saved him.

They soon reached an island and the monkey came down from the dolphin’s back. The dolphin asked the monkey, “Do you know this place?” The monkey replied, “Yes, I do. The

king on the island is my father, so you must treat me very well.” “That’s a lie,” the dolphin thought, “I know no one lives on the island.” He said, “Well, well, so you are a prince (王子)! Now you can be a king!” The monkey asked, “How can I be a king?”

As the dolphin started swimming away, he answered, “That is easy. As you are the only animal on this island, you will certainly be the king!” In the end, the monkey died on the island alone. Remember that we should be honest in our life.

53.What happened to the monkey when he fell into the sea?(不超过10个词)54.Why did the dolphin think that the monkey was lying to him?(不超过10个词)55.What does the story tell us?(不超过10个词)




1. 表示歉意;

2. 解释原因;

3. 另约时间。

注意:1. 文章紧扣主题,语言通顺,条理清晰,可适当发挥;

2. 词数80-100,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Tom,

I am very sorry that I can’t go to Beijing with you next week. ___________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________


Li Hua


2023年安徽省合肥市庐江县中考三模英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单项选择 1.—This skirt is beautiful. Oh, my God! It’s too expensive. —Never mind the ________. If you like, just buy it. A.color B.size C.price D.style 二、阅读单选 Geography:New Zealand is a country in the South Pacific. It has a total area of 270,000 square kilometers and has two large islands (the North Island and the South Island) as well as other smaller islands. Almost every geographical feature in the world can be found in New Zealand—forests, mountains, deserts, beaches and volcanoes. A mountain range runs down the middle of the South Island, and includes the country’s highest mountain: Mount Cook (3,724 meters). New Zealand has a different climate that changes a lot from place to place. In fact, it’s a common saying that in New Zealand, you can get four seasons in one day! Usually the further south you go, the colder it will be. Wildlife: New Zealand has a lot of special native animals, including fish, insects, birds and frogs. The country is famous for its birds. The most famous is the kiwi (the symbol of New Zealand), which is a large bird that cannot fly. New Zealand is also home to the world’s largest insect—the giant weta (世沙螽). It looks like a big, scary grasshopper, but it is harmless in fact. Places to Visit and Things to Do: New Zealand’s forests are great for hiking and camping. In fact, one third of the country


2023年合肥市包河区中考三模 英语试卷 (满分120分考试时间120分钟) 第一部分听力(共四大题,满分20分) I.短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1. How will be the weather tomorrow? 2. What does Amy want to buy for her brother? 3. Who was planting trees in the park? A. Sally. B. Sally's sister. C. Mike's cousin. 4. Why did the boy stay up late last night? A. To watch a cartoon. B. To finish his homework. C. To make a postcard. 5. What is the man doing? A. Expressing wishes. B. Giving suggestions. C. Asking for help. II.长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至7小题。 6. When does the season for sports usually begin? A. In March. B. In April. C. In May.


2023学年中考英语模拟试卷 考前须知: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号填写在试题卷和答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(B)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码粘贴在答题卡右上角〃条形码粘贴处〃。 2.作答选择题时,选出每题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试题卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。 4.考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 I.单项选择1、Palace Museum is one of most famous places in Beijing. A. /; an B. A; / C. The; a D. The; the2、The silk very soft. A. feels B. is felt C. feel3、一The 24th Winter Olympics will be held in China in 2022. _exciting news it is! A. How B. What an C. What D. How an4、Little Tony is always looking forward to visiting some famous places in China, the Great wall or somewhere else. A. between B. among C. like D. across、She is talking about the school and teachers we visited last month. A. who B. which C. where D. that6^ Pick up your pen and draw your own invention. Maybe it will be a real product one day! A. turned on B. turned down C. turned into D. turned off7、一Jim, what is your father? 一He is a manager and is responsible for the whole company. A. looks after B. is in charge of C. is on duty for8、- Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can find an ATM (自动取款机)? -Sorry, I myself is a stranger here. A. No problem B. You*re right C. It is my pleasure D. Thank you all the same 9、These problems are too hard to・ Will you give me some advice? A. look out B. work out C. hand out D. And out10、-does your brother go to work?- By bike. A. Where B. Why C. How D. WhichII.完形填空 A.find a way to dreamdream and hold fast to them B.get the meaning of lifehave very good school results 2.Young people should be encouraged to dream because・their dreams are natural A.they are greater than everyone elsethey have much knowledge B.their dreams might change the worldWhat does the example of Colonel Saunders show us? A.Setting up a big company is a wonderful ability. B.Developing technology can bring great progress.


2023安徽省中考英语模拟试卷(含答案) 英语试题 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考场号、座位号、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。回答非选择题时,务必将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力 I短对话理解(本大题共5小题,共5分) 1.What TV programme does Bob like? A.B.C. 2.What did Miss Li ask her students to do? A.B.C. 3.What does the man want to have? A.Cakes. B.Noodles. C.Dumplings. 4.What sport does George like? A.Basketball. B.Football. C.V olleyball. 5.Who drew the cat? A.Sally. B.John. C.Kate. II长对话理解(本大题共5小题,共5分) 6.How long has Mike waited for Lucy? A.For 10 minutes. B.For 20 minutes. C.For 30 minutes. 7.How did Lucy come to Mike’s home? A.By bus. B.By taxi. C.By subway.

8.What did Lucy want to drink? A.Tea. B.Water. C.Coffee. 9.What size does the woman want? A.Ten or eleven. B.Eleven or twelve. C.Twelve or thirteen. 10.What colour does the woman choose? A.White. B.Blue. C.Black. III短文理解(本大题共5小题,共5分) 11.How much does the man charge(要价) at first? A.258 yuan. B.278 yuan. C.288 yuan. 12.How much does the woman pay at last? A.220 yuan. B.258 yuan. C.288 yuan. 13.Where did Mike go? A.To Tianzhu Mountain. B.To Yellow Mountain. C.To Dashu Mountain. 14.What did Mike see there? A.Monkeys. B.Hotels. C.Rocks. 15.What does Mike think of the price of the hotel? A.Very low. B.Very high. C.Just right. IV信息转换(本大题共5小题,共5分) 你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词,短文读两遍。 A Report on Safety Education Who Robert Wilson, an officer from the ___15___ police station. When At ____17__ o’clock on Thursday afternoon. Where In the school ___18___. Show some examples about safety problems. What ___19___ some advice on how we protect ourselves. Two activities: ____20____ playing, questions and answers.


2023年安徽名校大联考中考三模英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单项选择 1.— I’m going to open the window, if you don’t ________. — Not at all. Go ahead, please. A.stand B.agree C.mind D.accept 2.— Did you and Tom use to live in the same community? — Yes. I often went to his house and he came to ________, too A.my B.mine C.his D.our 3.This magazine reminds readers of how to face life bravely, ________ when things don’t seem to be going well. A.especially B.nearly C.completely D.recently 4.The passengers had to be ________ and wait when they learnt the train would be an hour late. A.serious B.honest C.brave D.patient 5.Parents should keep their promises to build ________ with their children. A.progress B.education C.trust D.care 6.Please try to finish your tasks on time, children. Don’t ________ today’s work till tomorrow. A.put off B.take off C.take away D.put away 7.—Guess what? Helen ________ a volunteer since last year. —It’s not surprising. She’s a kind-hearted girl who is always ready to help others. A.has been B.will be C.was becoming D.became 8.—Dave dreams of being a soccer player, but he’s kind of lazy. —I don’t think he can make his dream come true ________ he works hard. A.when B.unless C.after D.though 9.—Did you go to our school music festival last weekend? —Yes, I did. ________, it was successful and I enjoyed myself a lot. A.All in all B.After all C.To start with D.In the end 10.—Shall we go for a walk now? —________. It’s getting dark and it’s rainy outside. We’d better stay at home.


2023年安徽省中考 英语试题 注意事项: I.本试卷共四部分,十大题,满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。 2.全卷包括“试题卷" (8 页)和"答题卡”(2 页)两部分。 3.请务必在“答题卡"上答题,在“试题卷"上答题无效。 4.考试结束后,请将“试题卷"和“答题卡"一井交回。 第一部分听力(共四大题,满分20分) l. 短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,请在每小题所给的A、B、c三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1. What class is the man taking? 2. What did the man do last weekend? 3. What time is it now? A. 4:45. B. 5:00. C. 5:15. 4. How does the woman feel? A. Excited. B. Worried. C. Moved. 5. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a restaurant.

B. In a bookshop. C. In a hospital. II. 长对话理解(共5小题;每小题I分,满分5分) 你将听到两段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6、7题。 6. Where is the woman? A. In the zoo. B. In the park. C. In the study. 7. Why do the man and his classmates raise money? A. To help wild animals. B. To buy books. C, To learn cooking. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至10题。 8. What is the woman doing? A. Visiting a library. B. Doing a survey. C. Reading a newspaper. 9. What is the man going to make? A.A tie. B. A tree. C. A box. 10. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. School meals. B. A sports competition. C. An Earth Day activity. III. 短文理解(共5小题;每小题I分,满分5分) 你将听到一篇短文。短文后有五个小题,请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、"B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。

【中考冲刺】2023年安徽省合肥市中考模拟英语试卷 (附答案)

2023年安徽省合肥市中考模拟英语试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单项选择 1.Nowadays, many schools have started new courses to ________ the students’ social skills. A.present B.change C.develop D.receive 2.—The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics was a great ________. All Chinese people are proud of our country. —I can’t agree with you any more. A.chance B.support C.progress D.success 3.—Mum, can I take off my safety hat? I don’t want to wear it. —Oh, dear, you ________. We’re supposed to be careful all the time. It’s for our safety. A.must B.should C.can’t D.needn’t 4.—Have you heard the story about the deaf girl? —Of course. Many people are ________ moved by her deeds. A.hardly B.honestly C.seriously D.deeply 5.—The government is carrying out a new policy to reduce the students’ pressure. —It’s great. Homework ________ too much of the students’ spare time. A.takes up B.gives away C.depends on D.puts up 6.—It’s reported that a new underground line ________ in the coming three years. —What good news! Our home town is becoming better and better. A.builds B.was built C.is building D.will be built 7.—A strong man is a person who never loses heart ________ he achieves his goal in the end. —Exactly! A.although B.until C.because D.if 8.—I wondered ________ I could become a great scientist like Yuan Longping? —By sticking to your dream and working hard. A.where B.that C.how D.whether 9.—Is the environment around us becoming better in recent years? —Certainly. ________ of us are trying our best to make it cleaner. A.All B.None C.Either D.Neither


2023年安徽省合肥市庐阳区寿春中学中考三模英语试 题 一、单项选择 1. —Did you see the Table Tennis Championship in Tokyo? —Yes! Sun Yingsha ________ over a Japanese player by 4-0. A.looked B.turned C.swept D.came 2. —You ________ can swim, can’t you? —Yes, Bob and I are called fish when we are in the water. A.all B.either C.neither D.both 3. —Do you like your P.E.teacher? —Yes, he gives us instructions ________until we are perfect in every move. A.patiently B.quickly C.widely D.suddenly 4. The Olympics are big parties for people around the world. Young players come out and make a ________ for themselves. A.name B.wish C.living D.noise 5. Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth, because they aren’t covered by skin and ________ the virus more easily. A.take up B.pick up C.make up D.set up 6. —Less than 60 points? Oh Pat, be _____, the poor girl’s trying her hardest! —Do you mean I’m not a good judge? A.fair B.patient C.strict D.calm 7. I still remember I met her in the library for the first time, she ______ a book by the window. A.read B.is reading C.was reading D.reads.


2022年安徽省合肥市瑶海区部分学校中考三模英语试题温馨提示∶ 1.本试卷共四部分,十大题,满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。 2.全卷共有试题卷8页,答题卷2页。请将答案填写在答题卷上。 3.答题前请认真审题。考试结束后自行保留试题卷,答题卡交回。 第一部分听力(共四大题,满分20分) 1.短对话理解(共5 小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出-个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1.What did Jack's father grow in the yard? 2. What did Bob's aunt buy for him last month? 3.How many students are there in Tina's school at present? A.3599. B. 4500. C.5400 4. What is the man looking for? A. A book about health. B.A book about wealth. C. A book about happiness. 5. What does Kelly mean? A. She likes playing the piano. B. She doesn't like going camping. C. She has no time to go camping. ⅡI.长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至7小题。 6.What did Jack use to be like? A. Fat. B.Thin. C.Strong. 7. What does Jack keep doing every evening? A. Swimming. B. Running. C.Jumping. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。 8.What does the woman ask Jack to do? A. To go to Canada. B. To care for her grandma. C. To look after her house. 9. How often should Jack feed the fish? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Twice a month. 10.Why will Sally leave for Canada? A. To take a trip. B. To meet her parents. C. To have a meeting. Ⅲ短文理解(共5 小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据所听内容在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。


2023年安徽省合肥市庐阳中学中考三模英语试题 一、单项选择 1. —What is your ________ of doing exercise very often? —To be fit. A.purpose B.influence C.choice D.secret 2. I enjoy reading because I think books provide me a lot of ________ information. A.tiring B.valuable C.simple D.difficult 3. There are a lot of ways to protect the environment. ________, we can take our own bags instead of asking for plastic bags when shopping. A.By the way B.In general C.For example D.To our surprise 4. —Why do you look unhappy? —It’s the speech. I tried my best to speak ________ but I still failed to make everyone understand me. A.quickly B.nervously C.clearly D.happily 5. —Could you tell me ________ you will go in the summer holiday? —I’m going to Hefei with my parents. A.how B.why C.when D.where 6. ________ is better worth my respect than our national hero Yuan Longping who helped Chinese and even the people all over the world. A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody 7. Students have had a lot more free time to do what they like ________ the Double Reduction Policy (双减政策) came out. A.if B.though C.since D.before


2023年安徽省合肥市瑶海区部分学校中考三模英语试 题 一、单项选择 1. Nearly all the primary schools in our city ________ after-school service for students. A.take B.produce C.follow D.provide 2. In a restaurant, people usually choose food and drink from the . A.book B.menu C.newspaper D.magazine 3. —My brother likes taking part in all kinds of activities. —I think so. He is ________. A.serious B.strange C.active D.patient 4. You don’t have to _______ every new word in the dictionary while reading. A.look for B.look up C.look at D.look after 5. —Would you like more fish to eat? — No, thanks. I can ________ eat anything. I am full. A.truly B.easily C.nearly D.hardly 6. Without hard work, almost ________ can live a better life. A.anybody B.somebody C.nobody D.everybody 7. Everyone should try to protect the environment ________ we can have a better life. A.even though B.as if C.so that D.as long as 8. I came home very late last night, ________, early this morning. A.at least B.on the whole C.in a word D.or rather


2023年中考英语试卷 一. 单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分) 从每题所给旳A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一种可以填入空白处旳最佳选项。 31. —Nice to meet you, Mr Green. I’m Sandy and this is Brad, Ken and Emily. —. A. See you later B. You’re welcome C. Pleased to meet you all D. You have a point there 32. Cathy has such a good that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year. A. sleep B. idea C. voice D. time 33. Helen has got two brothers. of them likes chocolate, but she loves it. A. Neither B. None C. Each D. Any 34. When the baby dog , it was very hungry. So we gave it some food. A. is found B. was found C. has been found D. will be found 35. Mr. Black’s memory is getting . As a result, he often leaves his keys at home. A. older B. poorer C. greater D. better 36. Many wild animals are , and it’s time for us to do whatever we can to protect them. A. on duty B. on show C. in order D. in danger 37. Please don’t make so much noise. I hear the speaker very well. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t 38. —Look at the stone bridge! Do you know it was built?


2023年安徽省C20教育联盟中考三模英语试题(含听 力) 一、听录音选图片 1. What does the man buy? A.B.C. 2. Which does Betty like to collect? A.B.C. 二、听短对话选答案 3. How does Bill feel? A.Happy. B.Angry. C.Sad. 4. Where did Susie go for her holiday? A.Beijing. B.Shanghai. C.Shenzhen. 5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Boss and secretary. B.Teacher and student. C.Doctor and patient. 三、听长对话选答案

听下面一段对话,回答小题。 6. What is the topic of their report? A.Saving the planet. B.Protecting the water. C.Dealing with pollution. 7. What is Linda’s second idea? A.Avoid throwing litter about. B.Walk instead of taking a car. C.Reuse some of the litter if possible. 听下面一段对话,回答小题。 8. What does the woman think of having a picnic? A.Boring. B.Tiring. C.Interesting. 9. Why doesn’t the woman want to go to the art museum? A.Because there are lots of people there. B.Because it may be rainy tomorrow. C.Because she just went there last weekend. 10. What will they do this weekend? A.Go to the zoo. B.See a film. C.Stay at home. 四、听短文选答案 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。 11. How does the speaker like his parents? A.Strict. B.Friendly. C.Hardworking. 12. What is the second rule of the speaker’s family? A.He must do some housework. B.He has to finish his homework on time. C.He can only play computer games on weekends. 13. Why must the speaker get up early during holidays? A.Because he needs to eat breakfast on time. B.Because he needs to learn English in the morning. C.Because he needs to do exercise with his parents. 14. How many family rules are told by the speaker? A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. 15. What does the speaker think of his family rules? A.He thinks the family rules are too strict for him.


安徽省庐江县2023年英语中考模拟试题 注意事项: 全卷包括“试题卷”(8页)和“答题卷”或“答题卡”(2页)两部分。 本试卷共四部分,十大题,满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。请务必在“答题卷”或“答题卡”上答题,在“试题卷”上答题无效。考试结束后,请将“试题卷”和“答题卷”或“答题卡”一并交回。 第一部分听力(共四大题,满分20分) I.短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1. What does Darning like doing? A. B. C. 2. How is Jim going to Xiamen? A. B. C. 3. When is Bob's birthday? A. On October 1st. B. On October 2nd. C. On October 3rd. 4. Why is Sam so tired? A. Because he got up early. B. Because he watched TV late. C. Because he stayed up late. 5. How does the woman feel? A. She is satisfied with the shoes. B. She is sad because the shoes are expensive. C. She feels uncomfortable because the shoes are too small. II.长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至7小题。 6. Where could Linda be? A. At the school. B. At home. C. At the hospital. 7. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Doctor and patient. B. Father and daughter. C. Teacher and student. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。 8. Where did the woman lose her bag?

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