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Nature of Convex Function and its Application in Proving


Chen Huifei, College of Mathematics and Computer Science

Abstract : Convex function is a kind of important function. Convex function is particularly important in the study of the inequality, and the study of the inequality is reduced to study the characteristics of the convex function,which

makes it necessary to study convex functions.We discuss definition, lemma, theorem and the nature of some commonly used discriminant methods of the convex function and the logarithmic convex function in this paper(According to known theorems, definitions, nature, Jensen inequality and other methods of convex function and the logarithmic convex function to recognize whether the function is a convex function); In this paper we also try to discuss the equivalent definition and nature of the convex function and the issue of its application in demonstration inequalities of convex function in order to have a better understanding of the nature and role of the convex function in proving inequalities; we also try to discuss some applications of convex function in proving inequalities(Convex function and the use of these convex function theorem, definition, nature, Jensen inequality to prove Inequality). We also have promoted and proved some inequality (Triangle inequality, Jensen inequality) and reached new results.

Key words : Convex function;Logarithmic convex function ; Jensen inequality; Hadamard Inequality;Application




2 概念

2.1 凸函数的定义


定义[1]2.1设函数()f x 在区间[,]a b 上有定义,若对[,]a b 上任意两点12,x x 和正数λ∈(0,1),总有

1212[(1)]()(1)()f x x f x f x λλλλ+-≤+- (A)

则f 为区间[,]a b 上的凸函数.(同时也称为上凸函数,若是不等号反向则称为下凸函.)

定义[1]2.2 若函数()f x 在D 上是正的,且ln ()f x 在D 上是下凸函数,则称()f x 是D 上的对数下凸函数这时, 对于任意,x y D ∈ 和(0,1)λ∈,有

ln [(1)]ln ()(1)ln ()f x y f x f y λλλλ+-≤+-. 即

(1)[(1)]()()f x y f x f y λλλλ-+-≤ (B)

如果(2) 中的不等号反向,则称()f x 是D 上的对数上凸函数.

2.2 对数凸函数的性质 我们已经有了凸函数以及对数凸函数的定义,现在我们来看一下对数的一些引理,定理及其性质等.

定理 2.1[2] (对数下(上) 凸函数的判定定理) 设()f x 是D 上的正值函数,且在D 上有二阶导数,则()f x 在D 上为对数下(上) 凸函数的充要条件为对于任
