当前位置:文档之家› 浙江省温州市南浦实验中学、广场中学、绣山中学等2020届九年级学业水平检测英语试题



2019 学年第二学期九年级学业水平检测



1. 全卷有5个大题56小题,满分120分(含书写4分),考试时间90分钟。

2. 打*的单词可以在小词典中查找。

3. 答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上,超出规定范围或写在试题卷上无效。书写时字



一、单项选择(本题有10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分)

请从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

1. —Do you still remember experience of studying abroad?

—Yes, I will never forget about that.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

2.Mary couldn’t help laughing when a gentleman appeared on the stage and introduced

as the Monkey King.

A. myself

B. herself

C. himself

D. itself

3. —The weather report says it’s going to rain tomorrow.

—Really? I think it is to take an umbrella when we go out then.

A. strange

B. stupid

C. interesting

D. necessary

4. —The apple pie is so delicious. Can you tell me the of making it?

—Just follow the instructions and you are able to make it too.

A. ability

B. secret

C. value

D. result

5. I hadn’t been in touch with Alice for a long time, but I heard from her.

A. recently

B. immediately

C. hardly

D. quickly

6. —I want to keep a pet, but I don’t have too much time.

—Why not keep a parrot? You feed it, because it can feed itself.

A. needn’t

B. mustn’t

C. can’t

D. shouldn’t

7. After being punished by his mother, the boy sat without a word.

A. in danger

B. in person

C. in silence

D. in trouble

8. —I hear that your computer failed to work.

—Yes, but I it and now it works well again.

A. am repairing

B. repair

C. will repair

D. have repaired

9. —The famous singer Eason is going to hold a concert in Shanghai.

—Wonderful. Let’s find out so that we can add it to our holiday plan.

A. what he thinks of his concerts

B. if he is interested in Shanghai

C. when the concert will be held

D. how he will come to Shanghai

10. —I am so excited to be chosen for an exchange program in the US.

—I’m sure you will make greater progress there.

A. Pardon me?

B. Congratulations.

C. It’s nothing serious.

D. It was great fun.

二、完形填空(本题有15 小题,每小题1 分,共15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

In 2000, I was around seven years old. My parents, sister and I were coming

back from a ball game, which had been our 11 weekend adventure since I was

two. When we stopped in our driveway, we spotted two adult geese and a small goose.

The adults were startled by our return and flew away, but their baby was still too

young to 12 and couldn’t follow.

Hours passed, and night fell. With it came a deep 13 and a fear of watchful predators*. The small goose was walking around our yard, and it was clear that it needed warmth and 14 to make it to the morning.

We all slept 15 one eye open till morning came. And then another morning. And still another. Each morning, we would try to scurry* the little thing over to its parents, who kept coming back to our yard. However, it wouldn’t go to them and 16 wouldn’t come close enough to claim* it. By then, the young goose had clearly decided we were its 17 family, so we had to give it a name. My sister called the little guy Peeper, 18 it would follow us around the yard making a peeping noise.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months 19 almost a year passed. We settled into days 20 with feathery* hugs. My dad threw Peeper up into the air every day so that it could learn to fly.

One evening, my uncle came over, and my dad wanted to show him Peeper. He threw it up in the air, but this time Peeper just 21 . We looked for it for days, but it didn’t come back. Twenty years passed, and Peeper became a fond memory for my family.

Geese live to be around 25 years old, are very loyal*, and 22 forget their first home. Even so, it came as a total 23 to me when in 2019 an aging adult goose made its way back to my family home. After two weeks of the goose coming back 24 , it became clear to me that this wasn’t any unknown goose. It did all of the same things Peeper used to do. In addition, this goose also 25 to the name Peeper.

Much to my amazement, my old best friend had come back, 20 years later.

11. A. latest B. serious C. final D. usual

12. A. walk B. run C. fly D. pull

13. A. sleep B. hole C. cold D. wound

14. A. instruction B. protection C. communication D. operation

15. A. with B. without C. in D. through

16. A. I B. it C. they D. we

17. A. old B. new C. same D. different

18. A. so B. though C. because D. but

19. A. until B. when C. after D. since

20. A. compared B. stored C. remembered D. filled

21. A. gave up B. went off C. fell down D. came back

22. A. never B. sometimes C. often D. always

23. A. pleasure B. shock C. regret D. shame

24. A. rapidly B. quietly C. repeatedly D. separately

25. A. pointed B. changed C. belonged D. replied

三、阅读理解(本小题有15 小题,26-28 小题3 分;40 题5 分;其余小题2 分,共36 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


26. What is the Smart Ocean Chair made of?

A. Plastic bottles.

B. Fishing nets.

C. HDPE ocean plastics.

D. Recycled furniture.

27. What makes Lo & Sons backpack a good choice?

A. Lots of pockets.

B. Its heavy weight.

C. The expensive material.

D. Large space inside.

28. What do all the products have in common?

A.They are produced by the company Bureo.

B.They are from a factory on the coast of Haiti.

C.They are all made of recycled ocean plastics.

D.They are free if you buy them on this website


Drink of choice? Ceremonial* drink? Green tea is both of the above,

and the Chinese drink it morning, noon, and night, almost every day in

their life.

To the beginner, green tea is just green tea; but to the expert, which is

any Chinese person, green tea is different in many ways. There is this

year’s crop, last year’s crop, the spring crop, the autumn crop, north tea, south tea. To understand those differences, you just have to be born into that knowledge.

The process of making green tea is no secret. You just put a few leaves into a cup and pour in hot water—the hotter, the better. The key is in drinking it—drinking that hot tea without getting your teeth full of leaves. The only other secret is to keep adding hot water every time the guest takes a sip. In Chinese culture, the poor host is one who lets the tea get cold. As a native born U.S. southerner, I found this especially interesting. The Chinese, world-class experts on the subject find the whole idea of iced tea to be unthinkable.

Some drink their tea cup by cup. Some make tea in a bottle every morning and carry it with them all day, just adding hot water sometimes. Whatever the style is, they drink their tea. It’s more than a part of their diet. It’s a part of their lifestyle.

They claim great value in this drink. It calms them down, controls the heartbeat, heals sore throats, and clears the mind. All this may or may not be true, but the real value of green tea is ceremonial. Chinese society and business develops around the cup of tea.

29. According to the passage, green tea is different in its to a Chinese.

A. picking time

B. color

C. cooking way

D. smell

30. According to the passage, what’s the right way to drink the green tea?

A. Drink the green tea with the leaves.

B. Drink the tea when it is cool enough.

C. Sometimes add some ice into the tea.

D.Pour hot water and keep the tea warm.

31. What kind of value of the green tea is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Social value

B. Historical value

C. Medical value

D. Ceremonial value

32. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Green Tea —drink of choice

B. Green Tea —a popular drink

C. Green Tea — an eastern secret

D. Green Tea — a Chinese lifestyle


There is a new kind of glasses that helps people considered legally

blind to see again. The company E-Sight created these unusual glasses.

They are electronic, and work by providing the users with huge amounts

of visual* information.

But how do they work? A high-speed, high resolution camera is set in the middle of the glasses. It gets video images of whatever is before it. The computer in the glasses immediately processes the video and shows it on two screens in front of the use r’s eyes. The video is improved by the glasses’ technology so that the user is able to see the image.

The glasses also autofocus* extremely quickly between short, medium, and long distance vision. This helps the user to move easily from reading a book, to watching TV, to looking out a window.

“The device is almost bombarding the eyes with so much information to send to the brain through the eye that it can present them with a picture that is pretty much what you would see or I would see. It is a true wearable breakthrough for those who are living with vision loss.” Jeffrey Fenton, the marketing director for E-Sight, said.

The company says the glasses have what it calls “b ioptic tilt abilities”. With these abilities, users adjust* the device so they have the clear and steady* video. Such balance in vision helps users avoid feeling sick. Users are advised to take time to get used to the glasses. In the beginning, they should wear them just a few hours at a time while their eyes adjust.

The World Health Organization says about 285 million people are visually_impaired, including 39 million who are blind. Among that group are the sisters of E-Sight founder Conrad Lewis. Lewis, an engineer, decided to help his sisters see.

The glasses are costly, however, user Julissa Marquez says they are worth the money. Marquez lost most of her eyesight in 2013 and after more than ten operations she was left with about thirty percent vision in one eye. Through the glasses, however, she says her vision is “a mazing.”

33. The glasses catch video images with the .

A. glass

B. computer

C. screens

D. camera

34. The glasses have all these advantages EXCEPT that .

A. users do not need to focus by themselves

B. it only takes a few hours to get used to the glasses


the pictures presented are as clear as the real things D.

“b ioptic tilt abilitie s” help the users feel comfortable

35. The underlined phrase “visually_impaired” probably means .

A. unable to see

B. pain in eyes

C. poorer in health

D. weaker in eyesight

36. The passage is mainly about .

A. how the glasses effectively work to help get normal vision

B. how E-Sight works to create the glasses to satisfy the blind

C. why vision loss has become a common problem nowadays

D. why these unusual electronic glasses are created by E-Sight


During the Christmas season, a large number of delicious puddings are

sold in this store. Here you are allowed to sample them before coming to a


I often wondered if someone who had no idea of buying, would take

advantage of this privilege*. One day I asked this question of the shop girl

and I learned it was indeed the case.

“There’s an old gentleman, for example,” s he told me, “h e often comes here and samples the puddings, though he never buys anything.” She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman appeared and began looking closely at the puddings with great interest.

“Tha t’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about,” whispered the girl. Then she turned to him, “Would you like to sample them, sir? Here’s a spoon for you.”The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted it and began eagerly to sample the puddings.

It was obvious that he sincerely believed that he might finally buy some. But I believed he wouldn’t.

Among the crowd of happy Christmas shoppers, the man seemed pitiful and out of place. Then I went up to him and said, “Sir, may I buy you the puddings? It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity* than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I wonder if you have mistaken me for someone else.” He quickly turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive puddings.

The girl took down the puddings, while he pulled out a worn little black wallet and counted the pennies. To save his “hon our”* he bought them which he could not possibly afford. How I longed for the power to unsay my words! It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could do now would be walking away.

“You pay at the desk,” the shop girl was telling him, but he didn’t seem to understand and kept putting the coins into her hand. And that was the last time I saw or heard him. Now he can never go there to sample puddings any more.

37. What was the writer curious about at the beginning of the story?

A. Why some people liked to sample puddings in this store.

B. Why many delicious puddings were sold during Christmas.

C. Whether people would try puddings without buying finally.

D. Whether people tried puddings before coming to a decision.

38. Why did the old man jump back when the writer offered him help?

A. He was so moved by the writer’s kindness.

B. He was shameful and didn’t want to lose face.

C. He was excited to get the puddings that he wanted.

D. He was afraid the writer wanted him to buy puddings.

39. How might the writer feel in the end?

A. Satisfied.

B. Cheerful.

C. Disappointed.

D. Regretful.

40. What does the writer want to tell us by writing “I felt that the kindest thing I could do now

would be walking away.”?

四、词汇运用(本题有15 题,每小题1 分,共15 分)


41. The boy when his sister returned home.

42. Though their house is bigger, is a lot cleaner.

43. Tina was from the meeting so I didn’t see her then.

44. A main job is to deal with letters and telephone calls for the boss.

45. I’m personally building a factory here, because it causes too much pollution.


Birthdays are celebrated all over the world. Some traditions are fairly 46 (相似的) from country to country: cakes, 47 (蜡烛), birthday wishes and birthday games. Other customs are not 48 (准确地,确切地) the same. Here are a few.

In Argentina, a girl’s 49 (第十五) birthday is quite special. Some parents hold a party for their child 50 (度过) the wonderful day. Girls usually dance the waltz first with their father, and then the boys at the party.

In China, friends and relatives 51 (邀请) to lunch and noodles are served to wish the birthday child a long life. And some parents may give their child a big 52 (惊喜), like his or her favorite toys.

As for the 53 (印度的) children, they wear white to school. However, 54 (每当) their birthdays come, children wear coloured clothes to school and give out chocolates to classmates.

In Japan, the birthday child wears new clothes to mark the occasion. Certain birthdays are much 55 (重要的) than others and these are celebrated with a visit to the local shrine. These are the third and seventh birthdays for girls and the fifth for boys.

五、书面表达(本题有1 题,共30分)

56. 线上课堂是时下热议的话题。请以Online Learning 为题向校刊投稿,谈谈你对线上课堂的看法并介绍你的学习经验。

要求:(1) 不能出现真实的个人身份信息。

(2) 词数:110 词左右。

Online Learning

adjust v.调整autofocus v.自动对焦ceremonial adj.礼仪的

claim v.认领commission n.佣金dignity n.尊严

feathery adj.毛茸茸的,轻软honor n.名誉loyal adj.忠诚的

predator n.捕食者privilege n.特权scurry v.疾跑

steady adj.平稳的visual adj.视觉的,视力的

2019-2020学年浙江省温州市乐清市七年级(上)期中数学试卷 (含解析)

2019-2020学年浙江省温州市乐清市七年级(上)期中数学试卷 一、选择题(共10小题). 1.2的相反数是( ) A .2- B .12 - C .2 D . 12 2.在实数22 7 ,0,4-,2中,是无理数的是( ) A . 227 B .0 C .4- D .2 3.一种巧克力的质量标识为“1000.25±克”,则下列合格的是( ) A .99.80克 B .100.30克 C .100.51克 D .100.70克 4.2019年10月1日首都北京一场盛大的70年国庆庆典,让14亿中国人群情振奋,14亿即为1400000000,可用科学记数法表示为( ) A .100.1410? B .81.410? C .91.410? D .91410? 5.数4是4.3的近似值,其中4.3叫做真值,若一个数经四舍五入得到的近似数是12,则下列各数中不可能是12的真值的是( ) A .12.38 B .12.66 C .11.99 D .12.42 6.估算381-的值( ) A .在6和7之间 B .在5和6之间 C .在4和5之间 D .在7和8之间 7.如图,数轴上的点E ,F ,M ,N 表示的实数分别为2-,2,x ,y ,下列四个式子中结果一定为负数是( ) A .x y + B .2y + C .2x - D .2x + 8.对于任意不相等的两个实数a ,b ,定义运算:a ※221b a b =-+,例如3※2223216=-+=,那么(5)-※4的值为( ) A .40- B .32- C .18 D .10 9.如图,在43?的方格纸中,将若干个小正方形涂上红色,使得其中任意一个22?正方形方格都至少含有一个红色小正方形,则涂上红色的小正方形的最少个数为( )


2019 学年第二学期九年级学业水平在线检测(英语试卷) 亲爱的同学: 欢迎你参加考试!请认真审题,积极思考,细心答题。答题时,请注意以下几点: 1.全卷满分90 分。考试时间为90 分钟。 2.答案必须写在答题卷相应的位置上,超出规定范围或写在试题卷上无效。 3.试卷上打*的单词可在“小词典”里查找中文意思。 一、单项填空(本题有10 小题,每小题 1 分,共10 分) 请从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1.— What do you think of the Friendship Helpline in our school? —It’s useful way to deal with the friendship problems. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2.On my sixth birthday, I received an from my parents and I often used it to make interesting music. A. invitation B. introduction C. instrument D. instruction 3.In this TV program, we will watch several experts argue about one problem and share ideas to find proper solutions. A. its B. his C. your D. their 4.At the police station, Peter some photos and tried to pick out the man he saw yesterday. A. cared about B. looked through C. paid for D. gave up 5.Although it is becoming much in the early spring of the year, I think you still have to wear enough clothes to prevent a cold. A. cooler B. wetter C. colder D. warmer 6.It’s better for us to stay indoors, when PM 2.5 reaches dangerous levels. A. properly B. possibly C. generally D. especially 7.Stores are not allowed in primary schools they often sell kids the food with high-fat, high-sugar, and high-salt. A. so B. because C. though D. unless 8.—It’s said that we can get to Longwan International Airport by subway now. —Yes, I the subway twice, which is very convenient and comfortable. A. take B. took C. have taken D. will take 9.— Kevin, could you please tell me ? —Well, they walk to school, recycle the waste and plant many trees. A.what students do to protect the earth B.how students go to school every day C.where students plan to plant the trees D.why students worry about the environment 10.—Dad, I want to prepare some music for the school leavers’ party. Do you have any ideas? —There are many kinds of music stored on my computer. . A.Face the truth B. Here we go C. Not at all D. My pleasure


2021年浙江省温州实验中学中考数学模拟试卷(3月份) 一.选择题(每题4分,满分40分) 1.﹣6的绝对值是() A.﹣6 B.6 C.﹣D. 2.图中阴影部分是由4个完全相同的的正方形拼接而成,若要在①,②,③,④四个区域中的某个区域处添加一个同样的正方形,使它与阴影部分组成的新图形是中心对称图形,则这个正方形应该添加在() A.区域①处B.区域②处C.区域③处D.区域④处 3.下列把2034000记成科学记数法正确的是() A.2.034×106B.20.34×105C.0.2034×106D.2.034×103 4.某校为丰富学生的课余生活成立了兴趣小组,学生会对全校400名学生各自最喜欢的兴趣小组进行问卷调查后(每人选一种),绘制成如图所示的扇形统计图,选择球类的人数为() A.40人B.60人C.80人D.100人 5.若x=m是方程x2+x﹣1=0的根,则m2+m+2020的值为() A.2022 B.2021 C.2019 D.2018 6.在螳螂的示意图中,AB∥DE,△ABC是等腰三角形,∠ABC=124°,∠CDE=72°,则∠ACD=()

A .16° B .28° C .44° D .45° 7.如图,Rt △ABC 中,∠A =30°,∠ABC =90°.将Rt △ABC 绕点B 逆时针方向旋转得到△A 'BC '.此时恰好点C 在A 'C '上,A 'B 交AC 于点E ,则△ABE 与△ABC 的面积之比为( ) A . B . C . D . 8.如图,△ABC 内接于⊙O ,AC 是直径,点D 是AC 延长线上一点,且∠DBC =∠BAC , ,则DC :AC 的值为( ) A . B . C . D . 9.如图,一次函数y =x +4的图象分别与x 轴、y 轴交于A ,B 两点,过原点O 作OA 1垂直于直线AB 交AB 于点A 1,过点A 1作A 1B 1 垂直于x 轴交x 轴于点B 1,过点B 1作B 1A 2垂直于直线AB 交AB 于点A 2,过点A 2作A 2B 2 垂直于x 轴交x 轴于点B 2…,依此规律作下去,则点A 5的坐标是( )


2018-2019学年浙江省温州市乐清市八年级(下)期末数学试卷 一、选择題(本题有10个小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列视力表的部分图案中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( ) A . B . C . D . 2有意义,则x 应满足( ) A .3x … B .3x > C .3x -… D .3x ≠ 3.五边形的内角和是( ) A .180? B .360? C .540? D .720? 4.某班18名男生参加中考体育模拟测试,1000m 跑步项目成绩如下表: 则该班男生成绩的中位数是( ) A .7 B .7.5 C .8 D .9 5.用配方法解方程2640x x --=,下列配方正确的是( ) A .2(3)13x -= B .2(3)13x += C .2(6)4x -= D .2(3)5x -= 6a =,则0a … ”时,第一步应假设( ) A a ≠ B .0a … C .0a < D .0a > 7.下列命题是真命题的是( ) A .对角线互相垂直的四边形是菱形 B .对角线相等的菱形是正方形 C .对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形是正方形 D .对角线相等的四边形是矩形 8.反比例函数k y x = 的图象如图所示,则k 的值可能是( )

A.3-B.1C.2D.4 9.如图,在正方形ABCD中,E为边BC上一点,将ABE ?沿AE折叠至ABE ?处,BE与AC 交于点F,若69 EFC ∠=?,则CAE ∠的大小为() A.10?B.12?C.14?D.15? 10.在平面直角坐标系中,反比例函数 k y x =的图象上有三点(2,2) P,(4,) Q m -,(,) M a b, 若0 a<且PM PQ >,则b的取值范围为() A.4 b


温州市实验中学2019-2020初中毕业生学业考试语文一模试卷 一、语文知识积累(27分) 1.读下面这段文字,根据拼音写出相应的汉字。(4分) 没有一匹神奇的坐骑,能像一页诗句,带我们领略人世的真dì⑴;也没有一艘非凡的战舰,能像一册书籍,把我们带到hào hàn⑵的天地;也即令你一贫如洗,也没有任何栅栏能阻挡你在书的王国遨游的步履。多么质pǔ⑶无华的车骑!而它却装载了人类灵魂中全部的美丽! 2.古诗文名句默写。(10分) ⑴关关雎鸠,▲。(《诗经·关雎》) ⑵▲,西出阳关无故人。(王维《送元二使安西》) ⑶一川烟草,满城风絮,▲。(贺铸《青玉案·凌波不过横塘路》) ⑷子曰:“▲,不成人之恶。小人反是。”(《论语·颜渊》) ⑸“壮游无止,这是中国的古风。”王勃送别即将“宦游”蜀州的朋友杜少府时以“海内存知己, ▲”相赠;杜甫年轻时曾漫游齐鲁大地,“▲, ▲”写出了他神游于泰山之巅,心底激荡的远大抱负;苏轼游蕲水清泉寺,见寺前溪水西流,发出了“▲?▲”的感慨;宋濂曾到百里外的地方拜师游学,克服种种困难,“▲”一句道出了他从不羡慕同舍生,也不觉得吃穿不如别人的原因。 3.解释下列两组文言词语。(4分) ⑴信: A.欲信.大义于天下▲ B.弗敢加也,必以信.▲ ⑵苦: A.何苦.而不平▲ B.必先苦.其心志▲ 4.翻译下列句子。(4分) ⑴山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒也。(《醉翁亭记》) ▲⑵子非鱼,安知鱼之乐?(《庄子与惠子游于濠梁》) ▲ 5.名著阅读。(5分) ⑴下列表述正确 ..的一项是(▲)(3分) A.武松是《水浒》中的一个豪侠义士,他“醉打蒋门神”、“怒杀阎婆惜”,给读者留下了深刻的印象。 B. 《骆驼祥子》中,祥子和小福子结婚后,小福子拿钱给祥子买车,祥子第二次实现了梦想。 C. 《海底两万里》写了在海底环球探险旅行时,经历了搁浅、土人围攻、同鲨鱼搏斗、冰山封路、章鱼 袭击等许多险情。 D. 《聊斋志异》是清代文学家吴敬梓创作的文言短篇小说集,是我国古代讽刺文学的典范。 ⑵根据名著内容填空。(2分) A.《格列佛游记》中,小人国的党派之争是以▲划分阵营的。 B.《老人与海》里多次写到老人梦见▲,暗示着他永远奋发向上,精神不垮。 二、现代文阅读(28分) (一) 细读 ..下面这篇文章,完成6至9题。(19分) 大河家张承志①


2019年浙江省温州市鹿城区绣山中学中考数学二模试卷 一.选择题(共10小题,满分40分,每小题4分) 1.3的相反数是() A.﹣3B.3C.D.﹣ 2.在以下绿色食品、回收、节能、节水四个标志中,是轴对称图形的是() A.B.C.D. 3.我县人口约为530060人,用科学记数法可表示为() A.53006×10人B.5.3006×105人 C.53×104人D.0.53×106人 4.计算(﹣x2)3的结果是() A.﹣x6B.x6C.﹣x5D.﹣x8 5.不等式x+5<2的解在数轴上表示为() A.B. C.D. 6.掷一枚六个面分别标有1,2,3,4,5,6的正方体骰子,则向上一面的数不大于4的概率是() A.B.C.D. 7.AD是△ABC的中线,E是AD上一点,AE:ED=1:3,BE的延长线交AC于F,AF:FC=() A.1:3B.1:4C.1:5D.1:6 8.如图,?ABCD的对角线AC,BD交于点O,AC⊥AB,AB=,且AC:BD=2:3,那么AC 的长为()

A.2B.C.3D.4 9.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,点A,B在反比例函数y=(x>0)的图象上,如果将矩形OCAD的面积记为S1,矩形OEBF的面积记为S2,那么S1,S2的关系是() A.S1>S2B.S1=S2C.S1<S2D.不能确定 10.如图,将两张长为5,宽为1的矩形纸条交叉,让两个矩形对角线交点重合,且使重叠部分成为一个菱形.当两张纸条垂直时,菱形周长的最小值是4,把一个矩形绕两个矩形重合的对角线交点旋转一定角度,在旋转过程中,得出所有重叠部分为菱形的四边形中,周长的最大值是() A.8B.10C.10.4D.12 二.填空题(共6小题,满分30分,每小题5分) 11.把多项式3mx﹣6my分解因式的结果是. 12.如果样本x1,x2,x3,…,x n的平均数为5,那么样本x1+2,x2+2,x3+2,…x n+2的平均数是13.如图,过正五边形ABCDE的顶点D作直线l∥AB,则∠1的度数是. 14.如图,Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠ABC=30°,AB=8,将△ABC沿CB向右平移得到△DEF,若四边形ABED的面积等于8,则平移得距离等于.


温教学〔2007〕78号 温州市教育局关于表彰2007年 全市第二批德育工作先进集体和个人的通知 各县(市、区)教育局,市局直属各学校: 为了贯彻落实《温州市教育局关于加强和改进中小学生思想道德教育的实施意见》(温教学〔2005〕17号),根据市教育局《关于做好2007年教育系统各级各类先进集体和个人评选推荐工作的通知》(温教政函〔2007〕106号),今年6月以来,各地各校推荐上报各类先进集体和个人材料。经研究,决定授予温州市第十四中学等53所中小学“温州市德育工作先进集体”称号,授予吴君宏等79位老师“温州市优秀德育工作者”称号,授予严晓清等103位老师“温州市优秀德育课教师”称号。 希望受表彰的德育工作先进集体和先进个人戒骄戒躁,再接 — 1 —

再厉,为提高我市中小学德育工作水平作出新的贡献。 温州市2007年中小学德育工作先进集体(53个) 市局直属学校(4个) 温州市第十四中学温州市第二十二中学 温州市职业中等专业学校温州市实验小学 鹿城区(3个) 温州市广场路小学温州市第十七中学 温州市仰义第二小学 瓯海区(3个) 瓯海区郭溪镇燎原小学瓯海区娄桥中学 瓯海区职业中等专业学校 龙湾区(2个) 龙湾区沙城中学龙湾区永中二小 瑞安市(7个) 瑞安市职业中等专业学校瑞安市第四中学 瑞安市安阳实验中学瑞安市飞云镇中心小学 瑞安市广场实验小学瑞安市塘下镇中心小学 瑞安市莘塍镇第六小学 — 2 —

乐清市(7个) 乐清市柳市镇第六小学乐清市乐成镇第一小学 乐清市白象中学乐清市虹桥镇第九小学 乐清市第三中学乐清雁荡镇第二中学 乐清市虹桥中学分校 永嘉县(7个) 永嘉县乌牛镇中学永嘉县瓯北镇第三中学 永嘉县上塘镇城西小学永嘉中学 永嘉县瓯北镇第六小学永嘉县西源乡中心小学 永嘉县职业中学 平阳县(5个) 平阳县鳌江中学平阳县昆阳镇第三小学 平阳县闹村乡中学平阳县萧江镇第三小学 平阳县鳌江镇第六中学 苍南县(7个) 苍南县莒溪镇初级中学苍南县金乡镇第三小学 苍南县龙港镇凤江辅导小学苍南县灵溪镇第四中心小学苍南县矾山高级中学苍南县灵溪中学 苍南县仁英高级中学 文成县(3个) 文成中学文成县玉壶镇中心小学 文成县珊溪镇中心小学 — 3 —


2019年初中毕业升学考试模拟试卷评分标准 一、选择题1-15 CACBDDBCADCBCBB 二、填空题(本大题共有8小题,每空2分,共40分) 16.(1)日冕层(2)核聚变 17.(1)惯性(2)支持力大于重力(3)5→4→3→6→8 18.(1)A(2)温度、溶剂种类 19.(1)右心房(2)基因(3)ABCD 20.(1)933.3(2)A 21.(1)3.5×105(2)A 22.(1)O 2(2)可燃性(3)不能,由实验结果可知,铈的金属活动性比铁、铜强,无法被置换 23.(1)汽化(或蒸发)(2)非特异性免疫(3)2NO 2+4CO N 2+4CO 2 三、实验探究(本大题共有4小题,27题(2)6分,其余每空3分,共36分) 24.(1)相同时间内,溶液变蓝的程度。(2)①使各试管中硫酸的溶度不相同(2分);②保证各试管中氯酸钾(KClO 3)和碘化钾(KI)浓度相同(1分)。(4)另取一支试管,加入1mL3%KI 、0.1gKClO 3、3mL30%K 2SO 4、6mL 蒸馏水、5滴淀粉液,与2号试管对比(与3、4号试管设置对比方案也可,若通过举证酸的方案则给2分) 25.(1)先变大后变小(2)测量图丙中0102上相邻两点间的距离,距离相等(3)4 26.(1)0.3(2)D 4,此时电压表示数已大于U 0,不满足探究关系。(3)4.5 27.(1)无性(2)实验要点:①对照组设置2分(3组、煮沸、油层);②无关变量控制2分(葡萄糖溶液的量、干酵母的量);③实验现象观察2分(时间、温度计示数变化)满分示例:取三个一样的装置分别标为A 、B 、C 。在A 装置中加入250ml 的葡萄糖溶液,加入10g 活性干酵母;在B 装置中加入250ml 煮沸后冷却的葡萄糖溶液,加入10g 活性干酵母,再用石蜡油铺满液面;在C 装置中加入250ml 葡萄糖溶液,不加活性干酵母;在适宜条件下实验,30分钟后,观察记录温度计示数变化。 四、解答题(本题有6小题,第28题6分,第29题8分,第30题8分,第31题6分,第32题7分,第33题9分,共44分) 28.答题要点:①光合作用制造营养;②叶片边缘缺口排水防止腐烂或微生物滋生;③硬刺防动物咬食;④空腔送氧呼吸作用;⑤水生可补充强烈蒸腾作用;⑥种子繁多,保证传宗接代。满分示例:王莲巨大叶片能进行光合作用,保证植物生长所需营养物质;在高湿环境中,叶缘缺口可以帮助排水,保持叶片干燥,避免叶片积水而造成腐烂,影响其光合作用,也避免真菌和藻类的滋生;叶脉和叶柄浑身是刺可以防止食草鱼类的咬食;上表面大量气孔和高温环境带来强烈蒸腾作用,降低植物温度同时会散失大量水,但王莲生长在水中,可以随时补充水分;叶脉、叶柄、茎处的空腔,让气体得以输送,叶柄、茎、根生长在水中也不会缺氧;种子坠入水中,容易被其他水生生物吃掉,但大量种子保证了种族的繁衍。 29.(1)BDE(2分) (2)解:设稀硫酸溶质的质量分数为x 2NaOH+H 2SO 4=Na 2SO 4+2H 2O 80984020%50x =? x=19.6%,答:稀硫酸溶质的质量分数为19.6%


温州市乐清市10个最知名的旅游景点_排行榜 10、高氏家族墓地 乐清高氏家族墓位于乐清市北白象高岙村,建于明代,墓地依山并环宗祠而筑,布局独特。其中高友玑墓最具规模、形制独特,主体建筑为三座四柱三楼式神位牌楼组合而成,并将祖孙四代七人的墓碑按昭穆之制分列其中,具有鲜明的地域特征和时代风格,实属罕见。墓由神道门、华表等仿木石构和石像生组成。乐清高氏家族墓位于乐清市北白象高岙村,建于明代,墓地依山并环宗祠而筑,布局独特。国家级第六批重点文物保护名单。 9、王十朋故里旅游区 乐清王十朋纪念馆,乐清史上仅有的状元,也是“状元故里”历史文化的重要发祥地。被评定为国家3A级旅游景区。王十朋故里景区核心区梅溪村,位于淡溪镇四都社区,曾获得浙江省“全面小康建设示范村”、“历史文化名村”、“特色旅游村”等荣誉称号,是淡溪镇打造浙江省风情旅游小镇的核心区块。 8、雁荡山筋竹涧生态农业观光园 筋竹涧农业观光园主要是在发展生态农业的基础上,以亲近大自然,让身与

心达到和谐的健康基础为主导,开发休闲观光农业,建立合理的生态链。筋竹涧农业观光园是一种全新的休闲业种,它以木屋风情、田园风光为主要风格,迎合城市人、商旅人士追求“绿色”“生态”“田园”“亲子”的一种“返璞归真”心态,综合了城市人、商旅人士比较感兴趣的农村生活状态.把“一亩三分地”自耕自种自留地区、“现采现做”生态园区、“牲畜家园”区、“趣味童年”区、“操作展示”区等一系列的全新休闲方式综合起来,形成了一站式享受田园乐趣的业态。 7、温州南塘文化旅游区 南塘文化旅游区位于鹿城区中心地带,主要景点包括南塘河、南塘风貌街、白鹿洲公园、文化村、庄头滨水公园。南塘河及南塘街均有千年历史,有丰富的文化底蕴,且文化村内拥有谷超豪故居,全面展示了温州“数学之乡”的特点和风采。南塘,顾名思义,乃城南之堤塘也,“印象南塘”已成为极具特色的“温州城市客厅”。“印象南塘”景区所在区域是温州历史文化精华区,也曾是现代文明城市的疮疤区,通过大量保护利用工程建设和社会投入,现在的“印象南塘”已成为综合性、多样化的文化休闲旅游区。 6、浙江雁荡山国家森林公园 浙江雁荡山国家森林公园位于浙江省乐清市东北部,处于雁荡山景区的核心地带。截至2014年8月,辖区内有净名、灵峰、灵岩、大龙湫、雁湖等五

2020年温州市绣山中学九年级第一次学业水平检测 英语

2019 学年第二学期九年级第一次学业水平检测(英语试卷)亲爱的同学: 欢迎你参加考试!请认真审题,积极思考,细心答题。答题时,请注意以下几点: 1.全卷满分90 分。考试时间为90 分钟。 2.答案必须写在答题卷相应的位置上,超出规定范围或写在试题卷上无效。 3.试卷上打*的单词可在“小词典”里查找中文意思。 一、单项填空(本题有10 小题,每小题 1 分,共10 分) 请从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1.It’s just short way from here to the restaurant. The best way to go is on foot. A.an B. a C. the D. / 2.I’m very lucky to have my family around who always me no matter what decisions I make. A.expect B. control C. support D. remember 3.—The prices of vegetables are higher in winter than in summer. —Yes, that’s because it’s much to grow vegetables in cold weather. A.harder B. better C. faster D. cooler 4.—I take a walk after dinner every day. —Wow! That’s such a good that you must be very healthy. A.match B. task C. habit D. dream 5.Yellow is one of the brightest colors which can be seen . A.slowly B. carelessly C. calmly D. easily 6.My parents aren’t me when I travel alone. They’re sure I can take good care of myself. A.pleased with B. afraid of C. worried about D. proud of 7.—will you stay at your grandparents’ house? —It depends on when my parents will come to pick me up. A.How soon B. How long C. How far D. How often 8.—The show is going to start soon. But where is Mr. Watson? —Just wait a few more minutes. He to come. Maybe there is so much traffic. A. promises B. has promised C. will promise D. is promising 9.—Helen, could you tell me ? —Perhaps in summer. We hope to go swimming in the sea. A.when you will visit Qingdao B. what you will do in Qingdao C. why you will visit Qingdao D. who you will go to Qingdao with 10.—The weather report says it’ll be rainy tomorrow. —. I’ve planned to have a picnic tomorrow afternoon. A.I hope so B. No deal C. That’s too bad D. Here we go


A. 1 B. - C. 73 D. 2 3 2019学年第一学期八年级学业水平期中阶段性检测 数学试题 一.选择题:(每小题3分,共30分) 1. 下列九宫格中"阴影部分是轴对称图形的是(▲) 2. 下列长度的三条线段,不熊组成三角形的是(▲) A. 3, 4, 5 B. 1, 3, 3, C. 2, 3, 4 3. 已知等腰三角形的两边长分别为3与7,则它的周长是(A ) A. 13 B. 17 C. 13 或 17 D. 10 4. 如图,CD 是 RtA48C 的高线,若ZA=65° ,则ZBCD ( A ) C. 65° D. 55° 5. 一个不等式组的解在数轴上的表示如图所 示,则下列符合条件的不等式组为(A ) 6. 对于命题“若a>B,则同>岡”,能说明它是假命题的是(A ) A. a=2f b =1 B. a=l, b =2 C.々=1, b = ~2 D. a = ~2, b = ~l 7"△ABC 的边和角的大小如图所示,下列选项中与AABC.全等的三角形是(A ) 第7题图 A. B. C. D. 8. 如图,在等边如18(?中,点D,互分别在边48, BC±,把△#£>£沿着诳翻折, 使点3落在点费 处,DB', EB'分别交边乂。于点戶,G.若ZADF=75° ,则ZGEC 的度数为(▲) A. 45° B. 40° C. 35° D. 30° 9. 如图,在 RtA^5C 中,匕4=90° , £8=30° , C7)平分ZACB 交 48 于 O DEHBC 文 刀C 于点瓦 若况=10,则』E 的值为(▲) C. (x<3 |x>-l D. x<3 x<-l 第5题图 A.


浙江省一二三级重点中学名单 一、省一级重点中学 杭州市: 杭州高级中学杭州第二中学浙江大学附属中学杭州学军中学 杭州第四中学杭州第十四中学杭师院附属三墩高级中学杭州长河高级中学 杭州外国语学校萧山中学萧山区第二高级中学萧山区第三高级中学 萧山区第五高级中学余杭高级中学余杭第二高级中学富阳中学 富阳市第二高级中学富阳市新登中学桐庐中学临安中学 临安昌化中学临安市於潜中学淳安中学严州中学 宁波市: 镇海中学宁波效实中学宁波中学鄞州中学 慈溪中学余姚中学宁海中学象山中学 奉化市第一中学北仑中学鄞州区姜山中学鄞州区鄞江中学 慈溪市浒山中学宁波第二中学宁波万里国际学校中学(民办) 宁波华茂外国语学校(民办) 鄞州区正始中学宁波市李惠利中学镇海区龙赛中学宁海县知恩中学 慈溪市杨贤江中学 温州市: 温州中学温州第二高级中学瓯海中学瑞安中学 乐清中学平阳县第一中学苍南县第一中学永嘉中学 嘉兴市: 嘉兴市第一中学嘉兴市高级中学平湖中学海宁市高级中学 桐乡市高级中学海盐元济高级中学嘉善高级中学嘉兴市秀州中学 桐乡市第一中学平湖市当湖高级中学桐乡市茅盾中学海盐高级中学 嘉善第二高级中学 湖州市: 湖州中学湖州市第二中学湖州市菱湖中学德清县第一中学 德清县高级中学安吉高级中学长兴中学德清县第三中学 长兴县华盛虹溪中学(民办) 绍兴市: 绍兴市第一中学上虞春晖中学诸暨中学绍兴县柯桥中学 嵊州市第一中学绍兴市稽山中学上虞中学新昌中学 绍兴县鲁迅中学诸暨市牌头中学绍兴县越崎中学 金华市: 金华市第一中学浙江师范大学附属中学(金华二中)金华市汤溪高级中学兰溪市第一中学 东阳中学义乌中学永康市第一中学武义第一中学 浦江中学磐安中学金华艾青中学义乌市第二中学 衢州市: 衢州第二中学衢州第一中学江山中学龙游中学 丽水市: 丽水中学缙云中学遂昌中学青田中学 云和中学龙泉市第一中学庆元中学松阳县第一中学 景宁中学 台州市:


2019-2020学年七年级(上)期中数学试卷 一.选择题(共8小题) 1.﹣6的倒数是() A.6 B.﹣6 C.D.﹣ 2.在2,﹣1,﹣3,0这四个数中,最小的数是() A.﹣1 B.0 C.﹣3 D.2 3.用代数式表示“a与b两数平方的差”,正确的是() A.(a﹣b)2B.a﹣b2C.a2﹣b2D.a2﹣b 4.下列各式计算结果为负数的是() A.﹣(﹣1)B.|﹣(+1)| C.﹣|﹣1| D.|1﹣2| 5.某地一天的最高气温是8℃,最低气温是﹣2℃,则该地这天的温差是() A.10℃B.﹣10℃C.6℃D.﹣6℃ 6.估算﹣1的值在() A.1和2之间B.2和3之间C.3和4之间D.4和5之间 7.若m+2n=﹣2,则2n﹣1+m的值为() A.3 B.1 C.﹣3 D.﹣1 8.如图①,在五环图案内,分别填写数字a,b,c,d,e,其中a,b,c表示三个连续偶数(a<b<c),d,e表示两个连续奇数(d<e),且满足a+b+c=d+e如图②2+4+6=5+7.若b=﹣8,则d2﹣e2的结果为() A.﹣56 B.56 C.﹣48 D.48 二.填空题(共11小题) 9.正数5的平方根是. 10.今年国庆节期间,全国掀起了一轮观影潮据统计,国庆7天,电影《我和我的祖国》票房达2136000000元,将数字2136000000科学记数法表示为.

11.比较大小:(填“>”或“<”) 12.化简:|﹣2|=. 13.若规定一种运算:a*b=a﹣b,则3*(﹣2)=. 14.校本课上同学们用彩泥制作作品现有一块长、宽、高分别为2cm,3cm,4cm的长方体彩泥材料,小文要取材料的制作一个立方体模型,则小文制作的模型棱长为cm. 15.已知商店里牛奶x元/盒,面包y元/个,且商店规定购买数量达到20份以上,牛奶打8折,面包打9折.现要订牛奶、面包各40份,则共需元. 16.一个三角板顶点B处刻度为“0”.如图①,直角边AB落在数轴上,刻度“40”和“25”分别与数轴上表示数字﹣3和﹣1的点重合,现将该三角板绕着点B顺时针旋转90°,使得另一直角边BC落在数轴上,此时BC边上的刻度“20”与数轴上的点P重合,则点P表示的数是. 17.有三个有理数p,q,r,其中p与q互为相反数,r为最大的负整数,则(p+q)2019﹣r2019=.18.如图,数轴上标出若干个点,每相邻两点相距1个单位,其中点A,B,C,D,E,F对应数分别是整数a,b,c,d,e,f,且d﹣2a=12,那么数轴上的原点是点. 19.实数a,b,c,d满足:|a﹣b|=6,|b﹣c|=4,|d﹣c|=5,则|d﹣a|的最大值是. 三.解答题(共7小题) 20.计算下列各题 (1)﹣2÷×(﹣) (2)﹣22+12×() (3)2×(﹣)+2×(结果精确到0.1,其中≈1.73,≈1.41)


2019学年第一学期九年级期中阶段性检测(英语试卷) 卷I(110分) 一、听力(20分) 略 笔试部分(90分) 二、单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共计10分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 16.-The ticket makes me think of_____trip to Qingdao with my parents last year. -You must have a great time there. A.a B.an C.the D./ 17. We've collected different kinds of stamps from all over the world, and hope to have a(an)_____the near future. A library B.exhibition C.parade D.platform 18.-Mum, can I put on my new dress? -I don' t think it’s_____to do that. It's getting cold outside. A. exciting B. polite C.wise D.important 19.-Jack_____after he broke my cup. -He changes a lot. You know he never said sorry before. A considered B. apologized C. advised D. refused 20. We should protect the environment, or we'll______what we do. A.point out B. hand in C. make up D.pay for 21. The China Women's National V olleyball Team train hard as usual,_____they have won the gold medal in World Cup. A. Because B. and C. but D.although 22. The Chinese writer Mo Yan, a winner of Noble Prize,_____greatly by Lu Xun’s books in his school life. A is influenced B has been influenced C.was influenced D. will be influenced 23.-Could you tell me_____? -Yes. I will take a bus to Yandang Mountain and have a picnic there.

2020年浙江省温州市鹿城区温州绣山中学八年级第一学期英语Module 1—3检测卷(无答案)

2020年浙江省温州市鹿城区温州绣山中学八年级第一学期英语M1-M3检测卷 笔试部分 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1 Remember to bring ________umbrella with you when you go to London. It always rains there. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2 It's very important to learn ________because it's the rule of the language. A.spelling B.grammar C.pronunciation D.vocabulary 3 The football match was so exciting that fans ________their teams. A.cheer on B.ask for C.look up D.agree with 4.Steven felt ________to speak in class.because he practised a lot yesterday. A.shy B.relaxed C.confident D.excited 5.Beijing is the capital of China and it is famous _______the Palace Museum. A.for B.of C.as D.with 6 In the football match last night,we tried our best to ________the other team and succeeded at last. A.win B. beat C.join D.miss 7-Lora.you have made the same mistake for three times! -I'm so sorry.I will check it _______next time. A.quietly B.quickly C.carefully D.carelessly 8 We should read books in the place with plenty of light,_______it is good for our eyes. A.so B.or C.because D.but 9 --What happened? -My computer doesn't work.There must be ________with it. A.something wrong B.everything wrong C.anything wrong D.nothing wrong 10 I can’t go to the Music Festival with you this Saturday because I need to look after my little brothers . ________! There will be many well-known bands you like . A Good idea B Never mind C Pretty good D What a pity 二完形填空。(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)


2019-2020学年浙江省温州市鹿城区温州实验中学九年级第一学期英语期中检测 笔试部分(95分) 单项填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ― Your sofa is very beautiful. ―Thanks. This is only furniture I bought by myself in my room. 【A】a 【B】an 【C】the 【D】/ 【答案】C 【解答】考察冠词。这是我房间中,唯一一件我自己买的家具。冠词表示特指,故选C ― Look! in the team is doing differently from other soldiers. ―Oh, that’s a shame! He must be very embarrassed if he knows that. 【A】Nobody 【B】Everybody 【C】Somebody 【D】Anybody 【答案】C 【解答】考察不定代词。句意:看!队伍中有人的表现跟其他人不一样。“somebody”符合题意The children think Father Christmas waits they fall asleep and then comes in and leaves presents for them. 【A】until 【B】before 【C】while 【D】after 【答案】A 【解答】考察连词。根据句意以及动词wait,连词until符合题意。 【易错点】易错项D,很多同学看到后面半句话,第一反应就是填after,忽略了动词wait与until 的搭配使用。 ―How is the Grand Canyon? ―If you put the two tallest buildings in the world on top of each other at the bottom of the canyon, they still would not reach the top. 【A】long 【B】deep 【C】wide 【D】tall 【答案】B 【解答】考察形容词。根据第二人回答“把世界上最高的两座大楼叠在一起,也无法触及大峡谷的顶部”由此可知,二人在讨论的是大峡谷的深度,故选B 【易错点】易错项D,很多同学看到“two buildings”,第一反应就是tall,忽略题目所讨论的对象是大峡谷,是无法用“tall”来形容的。

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