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1. Naturally , our grandparents were pleased to get our phone call . (副词)

2. We worked hard , from sunrise to sunset . (介词状短语)

3. To help my disabled aunt , I spend an hour working in her house every day . (不定式)

4. Seen from a distance , the farmhouse looked deserted . (过去分词)

5. I know how to light a camp fire because I had done it before .(原因状语从句)



常用引导词:when, as, while, as soon as, while, before, after, since , till, until

特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, the instant, immediately , directly, every time, the day,no sooner …than, hardly …when, scarcely …when

(1)Tell him I need to see him the minute he arrives. 他一到就告诉他我要见他。

(2)The children ran away from the orchard(果园) the moment they saw the guard.

The moment he saw me, he ran away. 他一看见我,就跑了。

He said he’d call you the moment he got home. 他说他一到家就给你打电话

(3)The instant I saw him, I knew he was the man from the restaurant.

(4)Immediately you begin to speak, he gives you his full attention.你只要一开始说话,他就全神贯注地听。

(5)My sister came directly she got my message. 我妹妹一收到我的信息就来了。

(6)Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.

(7)no sooner... than... ,"一...就..." ,引导时间状语从句,主句用过去完成时,"than"后面的从句用一般过去时.(从这里可以知道,no sooner后面是主句;than后面是从句)

例: I had no sooner reached home than it began to rain. 我一到家天就下起雨来

No sooner ...than...常放在句首,表示强调.这时主句要倒装.

例:No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain.

(8)He had hardly sat down when the telephone rang.他刚坐下电话就响了。

He had scarcely sat down when there was a knock at the door. 他刚坐下就有人敲门


Hardly had I finished eating when he came in.




特殊引导词:wherever, anywhere, everywhere

Generally, air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.

She was standing exactly where you are standing now那时他就站在你现在站的地方。

Stay where you are.呆在原地别动。

Wherever you go, you should work hard.

Sit anywhere you like 随便坐吧


常用引导词:because, since, as,

特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that(考虑到,鉴于), for the reason that My friends dislike me because I’m handsome and successful.

I won’t stay long, seeing that/ seeing as you are busy我不会久呆,看你很忙

Now that everybody has come, let’s begin our conference.

I have been lucky in that I have never had to worry about money我很幸运,从来不必为钱发愁。

I think we paid too much money for the house, considering that we needed to get the roof repaired. 考虑到我们得修屋顶,我认为我们的房子买贵了


常用引导词:so that, in order that

特殊引导词:(just)in case以防万一,for the purpose that,

Take an umbrella, in case it rains.带把伞吧,以防下雨。

The teacher raised his voice on purpose that the students in the back could hear more clearly. 5.结果状语从句

常用引导词:so …that, so…that, such …that,

特殊引导词:such that

He got up so early that he caught the first bus.

It’s such a good chance that we must not miss it.


常用引导词:if, unless,

特殊引导词:as/so long as只要, only if只有, providing/providing that/provided that(只要), suppose that, in case (美)如果, on condition that(条件是)

We’ll start our project if the president agrees.

What shall we do if it snows tomorrow?

Don’t leave the building unless I tell you to.

You can go out to play as long as you stay in the backyard.只要不出后院,你可以出去玩

You will certainly succeed so long as you keep on trying.

I told him he would succeed only if he tried hard.我告诉他,只有努力才能成功。

You can borrow the car , providing I can have it back by six o’clock.


He can come with us , provided he pays for his own meals.

In case I am late, start without me.如果我来晚了,你们就别等我先开始吧。


常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though

特殊引导词:as尽管,虽然(用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while ( 一般用在句首)=although,no matter …,in spite of the fact that, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever, whether……or……(不管……还是……)

While there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty.


Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.


The old man always enjoys swimming even though the weather is rough.

No matter how hard he tried, she could not change her mind.

He won’t listen whatever you may say.