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【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】TOEIC Vocabulary 1 -Ads for Jo b

vacancy 空位

leave 休假

head office 总公司

branch office 分公司

sales department业务部account ing department 会计部promotion 升迁

demotion 降级

sign up 签雇用合约dismissal 解雇

president 董事长


a letter of recommendation 推荐信

bonus 分红

commute 通勤

Applications must arrive no late r than 申请函必须在……之前到达

Applications should be postmark ed no latter than 申请函上邮戳在……之前有效

inflation-linked pay increase 通货膨胀连动型调薪

is preferred 认为……比较好

is required 是必须的

is negotiable 是可商谈的

labor management 劳工管理labor market 劳工市场Master of Business Administratio n 工商管理学硕士

names of reference 保证人opening空缺

part-time position 兼职工作prior experience 过去的经历renewable for only once 仅可延长一次的合同

salary is competitive 高薪transit 中转

the position is un-renewable 此职位无法延长(合同)

short-listed applicants 初审合格者

inter-office memo 公司内部便条



Vocabulary-Announcement & In formation

special offer 特卖

fare change 价格变动

arrival of a guest 贵宾来访across-the-broad 全盘的admission fee 入场费a i r f a r e 航空费用

assembly 议会a t t r a c t i o n 吸引人之物

claim 主张collapse 瓦解condition 条件\状况current far e 现行价格

deficit-ridden 受举债之苦的evidence 证据

explicitly 明确指出地

fare hike 价格波动

warrant 权限inconclusively 味觉状态的water rates 水费

fare reduction 降价harbinger 预兆

implicitly 暗含的

room charge 住房费scapegoat 替罪

provisional 暂时的tentatively requirement 必要条件

reveal 损失,透露

TOEIC Vocabulary-Business Let ters

account 交易对象

close a deal 成交

make a contract 签约

break a contract 毁约exhibition 展示会presentation 发布会

bilateral trade 双边贸易car shipment 汽车出口collapse 决裂

dumping 倾销

embargo 禁止通商

fiscal year 会计年度

gain compliance 获得承认grant 无偿帮助

import duties 进口关税

make concession让步

margin 盈余

official statistics官方统计references 照会对象

self-restraint 自我设限

terms 支付条款

trade deficit贸易赤字

trade surplus 贸易盈余

untied loan 自由融资

World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织

telephone bill 电话账单TOEIC Vocabulary-Contract affiliation 附属

annual wage increase 年薪调升call for 要求collective bargainin g 集体交涉

contract 合同convention 大会coordination 协调

employee 雇员

employer 雇工

labor 劳工

labor accident 劳工灾害

labor contract 劳工合同

labor-management struggle 劳资斗争

penal regulation 惩罚规则proposal 提议

protest 抗议

reach an agreement达成协议stage a strike 发起罢工

terms of contract 合同条款wage 实施

the Japanese Trade Union Confe deration 日本劳工团体联盟the right to strike 罢工权

the right to work 工作权

wage dispute 薪金争议working hours 工作时间TOEIC Vocabulary-Invitation write someone over 请人来thank-you note 致谢函

get-together 亲朋好友的聚会cocktail party 以喝酒为主的聚会

dress-up party 必须盛装赴会的宴会

acceptance speech (提名之)接受演说

after-dinner speech 餐后演说award ceremony 颁奖仪式dedication 献辞

deliver an address 发表演说express one's condolence over 悼念

farewell address 告别演说inaugural ceremony 就职演说nomination speech 提名演说opening ceremony 开幕仪式party convention 当大会

pay a tribute to 向……致赞美之词

piano recital 钢琴演奏会publication party 出版招待会wedding banquet 婚宴welcome party 欢迎会

you're cordially invited to



Vocabulary-Newspaper Article action plan 行动计划afterward-looking posture 后顾的姿态

approve protocol 批准协议书assume office 就任

bilateral trade 两国间的贸易coalition government 联合政府economic summit 经济峰会forward-looking posture 前瞻的