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革兰氏阳性细菌(Gram-positive bacteria)
噬纤维菌属-黄杆菌属(Cytophaga-Flavobacterium) 浮霉状菌(Planctomycetales) 疣微菌(Verrucomicrobiales) 螺旋体(Spirochaeta) 绿色非硫细菌(Green non-sulfur bacteria)
摘自Martin来自百度文库o J M., et al. 1997, Brock Biology of Microorganisms(中译本)
What is marine bacteria?
其他群体在生殖上是隔离的(Mayr, 1969);
Sieburth,J.McN. 1979. Sea Microbes. Oxford University Press Vincent,W.F. 1988. Microbial Ecosystems of Antarctica. Cambridge University press, New York Austin,B. 1988. Marine Microbiology. Cambridge University Press Bartlett,D.H. 2000. Molecular Marine Microbiology. Horizon Scientific press
Hobbie,J.E. 1984. Heterotrophic Activity in the Sea (NATO conference series) Plenum Pub Corp Vreeland,R.H. 1991. Microbiology of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents(热水口) (Microbiology of Extreme and Unusual Environments). CRC Press Karl,D.M. 1995 The Microbiology of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents (Crc Series on Microbiology of Extreme and Unusual Environments). Crc Pr I Llc 。。。。。。
Kirchman, D.L. 2000. Microbial Ecology of the Oceans. Wiley_Liss press
Paul,J.H. 2001. Marine Microbiology (Methods in Microbiolgy, volume 30) Academic Press Smith J. 2002. Microbiology of Marine & Freshwater Environments. Chapman & Hall Munn,C.B. 2004. Marine Microbiology: Ecology and Application. BIOS Scientific Publishers
Principal environmental characteristics of an estuary.
HWOST= high water line of spring tide; LWOST= low water line of spring tide.
Thermal Vent Communities
类群 α - Proteobacteria 属 Agrobacterium,Brucella,Erythrobacter,Hyphomonas,Nitrobacter, Pseudomonas , Rodopseudomonas , Roseibium , sphingomonas γ Proteobacteria Achromobacter, Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Alteromonas, Beggiatoa , Candidatus Endobugula sertula ( 共 生 细 菌 ) Chromobacterium , Colwellia , Hahella , Halomonas , Idiomarina , Leucothrix ,Marinobacter,Marinomonas, Moritella,Nitrosomonas , Oceanospirillum,Photobacterium Pseudoalteromonas,Pseudomonas, Psychrobacter,Serratia, Shewanella,sulfur-oxidizing endosymbiotic bacteria,Thalassomonas,Thiobacillus,Thiocapsa,Thioflavicoccus , Thiomicrospira,Vibrio δ - Proteobacteria “ Candidatus Entothenella palauensis ” , Desulfobacter , Desulfobacterium , Desulfobotulus , Desulfofustis , Desulfomena , Desulfomonile , Desulfosarcina , Desulfotalea , Desulfotignum , Desulfovibrio ε - Proteobacteria Arcobacter,ectosymbiont of Alvinella pompejana,Sulfurospirillum , Thiovulum (含β -亚簇) Roseobacter ,
Marine bacteria should exhibit growth at salinities between 20-40 parts per thousand. True marine bacteria will not grow in the absence of sodium chloride. Marine bacteria must be capable of growth at the low nutrient concentrations found in the oceans. Marine bacteria must be capable of growth at low temperatures.
----from: Ward D.M., A natural species concept for prokaryotes. Curr Opin Microbiol 1998, 1:271-277
Major horizontal zonation in an ocean profile. (Soruce: Odum1971.) Intertidal:潮间带neritic浅海 区 euphotic zone 透光层 Aphotic zone无光层 Continental shelf大陆架 Continental slope大陆斜坡 Continental rise大陆隆 hadal zone深海带 (6000米以下)abyssal plain深海平原trench沟
嗜泉古菌界(Crenarchaeota) 广域古菌界(Euryarchaeota) 初生古菌界(Korarchaeota)
Colwell,R.R., et al. 1974. Effect of the Ocean Environment on Microbial Activities. University Park Press, Baltimore.
Colwell,R.R., et al. 1975. Marine and Estuarine Microbiology Laboratory Manual. University Park Press, Baltimore Wood,E.J.F. 1975. The living ocean: Marine microbiology. Croom Helm Litchfield,C.D. 1976. Marine Microbiology. Dowden,utchingon & Ross Inc.
ZoBell,C.E. 1946. Marine Microbiology. Chronica Botanica, Waltham, MA. Johnson,T.W. et al. 1961. Fungi in Oceans and Estuaries(海湾). Weinheim published by J.Cramer
Wood,E.J.F. 1965. Marine Microbial Ecology. Chapman &Hall press
Wood,E.J.F. 1967. Microbiology of Oceans and Estuaries. Elsevier Publishing, London
浩瀚的海洋是地球上生命的摇篮,它覆盖地球表 面积的70.8%。从海面到海底深层蕴藏着数量惊人的 生物、能源、矿产以及空间资源。目前的研究表明, 海洋微生物不仅在海洋生态环境和物质循环中具有 极其重要的作用,也是各种新型生物活性物质的潜 在来源。 由于世界面临严重的资源、环境、人口问题,海 洋生物资源包括海洋微生物资源的开发与多样性研 究已成为各沿海国家关注的热点。
薛廷耀编. 海洋细菌学. 科学出版社. 1962 北京
克里斯 A E.著. 孙国玉,李世珍译. 海洋微生物学(深 海). 科学出版社. 1964 北京
林永成, 周世宁主编. 海洋微生物及其代谢产物. 化学 工业出版社. 2003 北京
摘自Martinko J M., et al. 1997, Brock Biology of Microorganisms(中译本)
(Wiley, 1978);
(Stanier, 1986);
species, units of evolution and ecology, should be considered as ecologically unique (e.g. different biotypes, virulence(至病) properties, habitats, host ranges)
1914年,Issatchenko出版第一本海洋微 生物研究专著《北冰洋细菌的研究》,确 定了海洋微生物学的研究方向,并使海洋 微生物学发展成为独立的学科。
Certes, A. 1884. On the culture, free from known sources of contamination, from waters and from sediments brought back by the expeditions of the Travailleur and the Talisman: 1882-1883. C.R.Hebd.Sé ances Acad. Sci., 98:690-693