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1. 你的工作涉及什么?

What does your job involve?

2. Janet是一名有经验的老师和培训员。

Janet is an experienced teacher and trainer.

3. Janet是一名国际认证的公共演说者,她在世界各地做激动人心的演讲。

Janet is also an internationally accredited public speaker and she gives motivational talks around the world.

4. CFO负责公司账目并控制资金出入。

CFO is reponsbile for the company's accounts and controls money coming in and going out.

5. 我处理员工的问题

I deal with employee’problems.

6. 我们每个周一开员工大会。

We have a staff meeting every Monday.


May I introduce myself?


My name is Henry, and this is my colleague, Sarah.


I can’t remember where exactly.

10. 我最想去的旅行目的地是台湾。

My favorite destination for holiday is Taiwan.


Sarah is the best candidate.


Ian makes a significant contribution to company staff development.


The construction of high speed railway is going well.


Apart from some minor problems, everything is proceeding according to plan.

3. 公司对达到他们目标的人给予涨薪。

The company is giving a pay rise to employees who meet their targets.

4. Dave周一下午休息。

Dave’s taking time off on Monday afternoon.

5. 我认为我们能提前完成任务。

I think we are ahead of schedule.

6. 我需要跟你讨论新R300系列的设计。

I need to discuss the design for the new R300 series with you.

7. 周四早晨我要拜访客户。

I’m visiting clients on Thursday morning.

8. 我一整天都有会。

I’ve got meetings all day.

9. 目前,周三看上去可以。

Wednesday looks OK at the moment.

10. 我写信是为了确认下周三的会见。

I’m writing to confirm our meeting next Wednesday.

11. 我期待今年再次见到你。

I’m looking forward to seeing you again this year.

12. 当地的经理没有按照建筑计划进行,我们可能不能按期完成工作了。

The local manager isn’t following the building plans and we might not meet the deadline.


Production rose steadily in the second half of the year.


Sales went up sharply after the product was advertised on TV. Everybody want it!

3. 销售在圣诞节后降低,但是幸运的事在随后几个月中都稳步增长。

Sales decreased after Christmas, but fortunately they went up steadily in the following months.

4. 股票价格稳步增长,但是在夏季保持持平。

The share price increased steadily, but then it leveled off during the summer.

5. 我们的股票价格去年整体保持稳定。

Our share price remained steady for the whole last year.

6. 12月份销量不错,然后1月和2月照常减少,3月又小幅度反弹。

The sales were very good in December. Then we saw the usual decrease in January and February, and we recovered a bit in March.

7. 前两个月我们都很缓慢,但是由于亚洲的新订单,我们的产量在三四季度大幅增长。The first two quarters we were rather slow, but as a result of new orders from Asia, our production rose dramatically in the third and fourth quarter.


We started the year in a strong position, but in the second quarter worldwide sales fell sharply. 11. 前两季度,股票价格稳步增长,而它在剩下的时间都保持最高值。

The share price rose steadily for the first two quarters, and it remained steady at its maximum for the rest of the year.


As I mentioned earlier, new orders from Asia meant that sales went up to their previous level by the end of the year.


I am delighted to announce that last year was also an excellent year in this respect.

1. 日本是电子产品,如音响产品的主要生产者。

Japan is a major producer of electrical goods such as audio products.

2. 欧盟国家之间没有关税。

There is no customs control between EU countries.

3. 批发商从生产商购入并给零售商供货。

A wholesaler buys from manufactures and supplies retailers.

4. 电话会议是连接在世界各地工作的人们的好方法。

Teleconferencing is a great way to connect people who work in different parts of the world.

5. 在开会之前,发出会议议程,这样每个人都知道讨论的主题。

Before the meeting, send out the agenda so that everyone knows the topics for discussion.

6. 你可不可以确保订单可以被正确并且尽快送出?

Could you please assure me that the order will be sent correctly and as soon as possible?