当前位置:文档之家› 英语语法_形容词与副词模板.






1.1 什么是形容词


a lovely baby一个可爱的婴儿

the beautiful picture那幅美丽的图画

modern history现代历史

1.2 形容词的用法



He is a good boy.他是个好孩子。

The Chinese Communist Party is a great party.中国共产党是伟大的党。


The film is both moving and instructive.这部电影很感动人,而且富有教育意义。

I am very glad to see you.见到你很高兴。


Have you got everything ready for the journey? 你行装都准备好了吗?

We keep our rooms clean and tidy.我们经常保持房间的整洁。


The young are active.青年人积极好动。(the young作主语)

The blind can learn to read with their fingertips. 盲人能够用指尖学习阅读书籍。(the blind作主语)

He has a keen sense of the new.他对新鲜事物有敏锐的感觉。(the new作宾语)

[注一]上述三例中的the young = the young people,the blind the Blind people,the new the new things.

[注二]在The sun rose red(升起)中的形容词red和Don't marry young(不要早婚)中的形容词young都是主语补足语。

1.3 形容词的位置


a large wild plant一株很大的野生植物

a simple musical instrument一种简单的乐器

a small fierce dark brown animal一种小而凶的深褐色动物(注意dark修饰brown)

以上例子中的形容词之间并非并列关系,如第一例中的1arge与wild并非并列,而1arge所修饰的是wild plant。如表并列关系,形容词之间须用逗号或and。如:

a strong, swift horse一匹又壮又快的马

many happy and healthy children很多幸福而健康的儿童

a short and militant article一篇简短有力的文章(militant一词较长,放在short之后,这也是英语里安排形容词位置的一种方法。)


英语形容词比较等级(degrees of comparison)一般有两个:即比较级(comparative degree)和最高级(superlative degree)。不用比较等级的形容词通常称为原级(positive degree)。形容词的比较级形式是:"形容词+ 后缀-er "或"单词more + 形容词"。它的最高级形式是:"形容词+ 后缀-est "或"单词most + 形容词。

[注一] 形容词比较等级所加的-er和-est,自成一个音节,分别读作[E]和[ist]o 如:


tall [tC:l] taller[5tC:lE] tallest[5tC:list]

happy [5hApi] happier[5hApiE] happiest[5hApiist]

thin [Win] thinner [5WinE] thinnest [5Winist]

fine [fain] finer [5fainE] finest [5fainist]


near [niE] nearer [5niErE] nearest[5niErist]

clear [kliE] clearer[5kliErE] clearest [5kiErist]


strong [strCN] stronger [5strCNgE] strongest [5strCNgist]

long [lCN] longer [5lCNgE] longest [5lCNgist]


right, wrong,woolen,wooden.




we11好,健康的better best

bad 坏,差worse worst

many 多more most

much 多

little 小,少1ess 1east

far 远farther,further farthest,furthest


interesting有趣difficult 难

less interesting 较无趣less difficult 较不难

least interesting 最无趣leas difficult最不难

1.4 形容词比较级的用法

比较级用于二者的比较,其结构是:含有形容词比较级的主句+从属连词than 引导的从句(从句中常省去意义上和主句相同的部分)。如:

Li is older than Zhou. 比周年纪大。(从句中省去了is old)

There are more children in this nursey than in that one.这个托儿所的孩子比那个托儿所多。(从句中省去了there are children)

After two years' physical training,she is healthier and stronger.

经过两年的体力锻炼,她(比以前)健康强壮多了。(注意这里省去了从句than she was)

We are much better off than ever before.我们的生活比过去任何时候都要好得多。(than后省去了we were)

Paul weighs less than harry.保尔的体重比哈利轻。

Mary is less clever than Jane.玛丽不如简那么聪明。


The climate of Kunming is better than that of Lanzhou.



This book is even more difficult than that one.这本书比那本书更难。


Will the younger people give their seats to old people?请年轻人把座位让给老年人好不好?

1.5 形容词最高级的用法


Peter is the oldest boy of them all.彼得是这群男孩中年纪最大的。(介语短语of them all表示围) London is the biggest city in Britain,伦敦是英国最大的城市。(介词短语in Britain表示围) Mt. Qomolangma is the World's highest peak。珠穆朗玛峰是世界最高峰。(注意这里表示围的是名词所有格the world's)

This is the best film (that) I have ever seen.这是我所看过的最好的电影。(that在口语中一般省略,that从句表示围)


This novel is the best (that) I have ever read.这是我所看过的小说中最好的一本。


This is the shortest of the two roads.这是两条路中最近的一条路。

[注三] 形容词最高级用作表语表品质时,其前不用定冠词the。如:

He is happiest when he is working.他工作时最愉快。








early adj. 早的early adv. 早

high adj. 高的high adv. 高高地

long adj. 长的,长久的long adv. 长久地



1)普通副词(ordinary adverb)如:together一起,well好,seriously认真地,slowly慢,carefully 小心地。

2)疑问副词(interrogative adverb)如:when何时,where何地,how如何,why为何。

3)关系副词(relative adverb)如:where,when。

4)连接副词(conjunctive adverb)如:then然后,so所以,there{ore所以,however然而,hence 所以,thus这样,nevertheless然而,otherwise否则,still可是,仍然。




It is raining hard.雨下得很大。(副词hard作状语,修饰动词is raining。)

Don't drive too fast.车子不要开得太快。(fast是副词,作状语,修饰动词drive,副词too又修饰副词fast。)

He speaks English quite well.他英语讲得相当好。(well修饰动词speaks,quite又修饰副词well。)

This is a fairly useful tool,这是一件相当有用的工具。(fairly修饰形容词useful)

He has always helped his sister with her homework.他一向帮助他妹妹做家庭作业。(always修饰动词has helped)

She often went there.她常到那儿去。(often和there均是副词,修饰动词went。)

Perhaps he will telephone later.也许他以后会打来的。(perhaps是副词,用以修饰全句。)


Is he up?他起床了没有?

She is out.她出去了。


Life here is full of joy.这儿的生活充满了欢乐。(here修饰名词life)




It is a rather difficult job,这是一件颇为困难的工作。(rather修饰形容词difficult)

He runs very fast.他跑得很快。(very修饰副词fast)


The peasants there are busy digging a canal now.那里的农民现在正忙于修水渠。

On my way home,I met groups of Young Pioneers.在回家的路上我遇见成群的少先队员。




hard 努力地harderhardest

fast 快faster fastest

well 好better best

badly 坏worseworst

early 早earlier earliest

quickly 快more quicklymost quickly

happily 快乐地more happily most happily



David drives faster than anyone I know.大卫开车比我所知道的任何人都要快。

She plays table tennis better than I.她乒乓球打得比我好。(从句中省略了play table tennis) Mr. Martin usually gets to the office earlier than others.马丁先生到办公室通常比别人早。

They speak less fluently but more correctly than we do.他们讲得不如我们流利,但比我们正确。


I work fastest when I'm under pressure.我在有压力时工作得最快。

He swims the best in Class One.一班他游泳最好。





1)Rome is one of the oldest cities in the world. 罗马是世界上最古老的城市之一。

Her eldest daughter is a school teacher.她大女儿是个教员。

My elder brother is in college. He is two years older than I. 我哥哥在上大学,他比我大两岁。


2)They reached the place later than we.他们到达那儿比我们晚。

Twenty years later he returned to his home village. 二十年后,他回到自己的家乡。

3)Who spoke last?是谁最后发言的?

What is the latest news about the sports meet?关于运动会最近有什么消息?

3.2 as...as;not so. . .as或not as...as


This knife is as sharp as that one.这把刀跟那把一样快。

Bill is as tall as I. 比尔和我一般高。

Is this bag of soyabeans as heavy as that one?这袋大豆跟那袋一样重吗?

You know as well as I do.你和我一样明白。


容词之后,如German is as difficult a language as English.(德语和英语一样难学。)。这样的词序也适用于so,如I have never seen so beautiful a place as Guilin before.(我过去从未见过像这样美丽的地方。)

2)表示"不相等"用not so...as或not as...as。如:

Tian An Men Square was not so big as it is now.天安门广场过去没有现在这样大。

The Atlantic Ocean is not as big as the Pacific ocean.大西洋没有太平洋大。


用twice (两倍),three times(三倍)等加as...as..


New York is ten times as big as my home town.纽约有我的家乡十个大。

The output of the paper mill is now three times as high as it was in 1966.这家纸厂的生产比一九六六年增加两倍。

This river is twice as long as that one.这条河比那条河长一倍。

Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。


Three times three is nine.三乘三得九。

He is twice my age.他的年龄比我大一倍。

This lake is four times the size of that one.这个湖有那个湖四个大。

The irrigated area in this province is four times bigger than in l978.这个省的灌溉面积比1978年增加三倍。(four times bigger than = four times as big as)

Our county's agricultural output this year is 5 per cent higher than that of last year.我们县今年农业产量比去年增长百分之五。


可用much,far,still,even,a 1itt1e,no,any,a great deal等状语来修饰形容词和副词的比较级。如:

The Yellow River is long,but the Changjiang River is even longer.黄河长,长江更长。

We are much better off now.我们的生活比过去好得多。

She sings far better than the others.她唱得比别人好得多。

Wang is taller than Zhang. Li is still than Wang. 王比高,比王还高。


I couldn't move a step further,我连一步也走不动了。

The meeting lasted two hours longer than usual.会议比平常多开了两个钟头。

He is a head taller than I.他比我高一个头。(也可以说He is taller than me by a head.)

They got there earlier than we by twenty minutes.他们比我们早二十分钟到达那里。

The students of the university have increased by 100 per cent since l978.


Do you want any more? -Yes,give me two more.


Have you any more tickets? -Sorry,I have no more.

你还有票吗? -对不起,没有了。

[注二]可用形容词最高级+ possible或imaginable等词来强调语气。如:

I think he is the best possible man for the job.我认为他做这工作最合适。(也可以说the best man possible)

Swimming in winter is the best form of exercise imaginable.冬泳是最好的运动方式。(也可以说the best imaginable form)


1)"比较级+ and + 比较级"


The days are getting longer and longer.白天越来越长了。

He is becoming more and more interested in sports. 他对运动越来越有兴趣了。

The more the more 的用法


The harder you work,the more you Will learn.你越努力,就越学得多。

The greater the mass of a body,the greater is its inertia.物体的质量越大,它的惯性就越大。The more you eat,the fatter you get.你吃得越多,长得越胖。

The more,the better.越多越好。

2)more than和less than


There are more than three hundred households in this village.这个村子有三百多户人家。

The finished the Work in less than a year.他们不到一年就完成这项工作。

Our country has established diplomatic relations with more than one hundred countries.我国已经和一百多个国家建立了外交关系。

3)no more than和not more than

no more than的意思是"只不过",not more than的意思是"不多于"。试比较:

There are no more than ten tickles left. 剩下不到十票。(有"票少"的含义)

The experiment was done by not more than 5 persons. 做这个试验的人不到五个。(没有"多"或"少"的含义,只是客观地说明数目)

This room is no bigger than that. 这个房间并不比那个大。(有"两个房间都不大"的含义) This room is not bigger than that one.这个房间不比那个大。(没有"两个房间都不大或都不小"的含义)

[注]注意not …. Any more than或no more...than在下面句子中的用法。如:

They cannot do the impossible any more than we can.他们和我们同样不能做不可能的事情。He is no more diligent than I am.他和我同样不勤奋

4)no less than和not 1ess than

no less than的意思是"不亚于",not less than的意思是"不少于"。试比较:

There were no less than a thousand people at the meeting.


There were not less than one thousand people at the meeting.


This song is no less popular than that one.这首歌之受欢迎不亚于那首歌。(有"两首歌都受欢迎"的含义)

This song is not less popular than that one.这首歌受欢迎的程度不比那首差。(纯粹比较。不一定有"两首歌都受欢迎"的含义)

All the better和so much the better


If that is so,all the better.果真如此,那就更好。

If he will come,so much the better.如果他愿意来,那更好。


一、选择题 1.We’ll meet kinds of difficulties in our lives in the future.We should learn to be ________any challenge! A.confident enough to take on B.active enough to take up C.enough careful to take up D.enough patient to take on 2.Jack sings _________ and he is a _________ singer(歌手). A.nice; good B.well; good C.good; well 3.—How often does he watch TV? —He watches TV. A.hard ever B.ever C.never 4.—Susan, someone is waiting for you on the phone. It_______ be your sister, but I’m not sure.— Oh, please tell her to call me_______ because I’m busy now. A.might; later B.must; later C.might; late D.must; late 5.________of the people here live on rice, and the people there live________on wheat. A.Mostly; mostly B.Most; mostly C.Mostly; most D.Most; most 6.Of the three boys over there, John sings English songs ________. A.more beautiful B.the most beautiful C.more beautifully D.the most beautifully 7.Food is important for our health. So we must keep our food ________ and cook it________. A.clean; proper B.cleanly; proper C.clean; properly D.cleanly; properly 8.—Every student likes Ms. Wang very much. —Yes. She________makes her lessons interesting. A.never B.always C.Sometime 9.—What do you think of Rose? —She’s a lazy girl. She ________ helps her mother do house work at home. A.never B.often C.always 10.Look after yourself and take care of your pet. A.well; well B.good; good C.well; good D.good; well 11.—Talking with my parents is _____________ difficult for me. They never understand me.—Don’t worry. Nothing is difficult if you try your best. A.seldom B.never C.always D.sometime 12.Tony ________ gets up early, so he is never late ________school. A.never; for B.never; to C.always; for D.always; to 13.—I can’t find my dog. —________ you can ask the policeman for help. A.Why not B.May be C.Shall D.Perhaps 14.—How was your trip to the British Museum?


形容词 一.定义: 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征的词,叫形容词。 二. 注意:有些形容词只能作表语,如:alone, afraid, asleep 等。例如: Don't wake the sleeping baby up. He is asleep. The old man is alone. 形容词用来修饰something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代词,要放在这些词的后面。 例如: You'd better tell us something interesting. The police found nothing strange in the room. 多个形容词做定语时排列的先后顺序是:1)冠词或人称代词2)数词3)性质4)大小5)形状6)表示老少,新旧7)颜色8)事务、质地、人的国籍、用途。 例如:His grandpa still lives in this small short house.他爷爷还住在这个矮小的房子里。 The woman bought two beautiful Chinese plates.那个妇女买了两个漂亮的中国盘子。 形容词名词化:有些形容词前加定冠词后变成名词,表示一类人,谓语常用复数。这类词有:rich / poor; good / bad ; young / old ; healthy / ill ; living / dead ; black / white (表示人种等)。 例如:The young should take good care of the old.年轻人应该好好照顾老人。 The rich never help the poor in this country.在这个国家,富人从来不帮助穷人。 形容词短语做定语时要后置。 如:They are the students easy to teach.他们是很容易较的学生。 We live in a house much larger than yours.我们住的房子比你们的大得多。 else要放在疑问代词或复合不定词之后。 如:Did you see anybody else?你看到别的人了吗?


语法复习专题四——形容词和副词 备考建议: 1.从几年来收集到的题目中可以看出高考对形容词和副词的考查主要集中在以下两点: (1)形容词的比较级和最高级; (2)在具体语境中辨析形容词和副词语义。 另外,考查形容词作定语时的语序问题的试题也不少。 2.对于比较级的考查,淡化结构,注重深层语义。“比较”的意思并不是直接能从“结构”中看出来的,而是从语句的深层意义中挖掘出来的。 3.在加强考查词义辨析的题目中,高考不但加强了对语义的考查(而不仅仅是语法),随着新教材词汇量的增大,而且注重对词汇扩展能力的考查。 要做好各类有关形容词和副词的试题应从这几方面去努力: 1.对单音节形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成、双音节和多音节的形容词及副词的比较级和最高级的构成,要加强记忆、找出其中规律;灵活掌握修饰比较级和最高级的副词和一些短语。 2.对某些副词的词义还需进一步认识,多数形容词在加-ly后,词义基本不变,而有些则不同,如:hard—hardly. 3.加强形容词、副词比较级考点的学习与应用,尤其是比较级在某些特定结构中的特殊含义,比较级及其修饰语的搭配和用法。巧记名词前多个形容词的排列顺序,形容词、副词等在不同语境下的辨析,要不断地提高分析试题的能力,克服思维定势,灵活运用所学的知识。 (1)加强对比较级和最高级表达法的学习,尤其是一些常见的句型,要做到张口能诵的程度。在理解上,不能留任何疑点。 (2)加强对形容词和副词的词义和用法的学习,要做到“词不离句,句不离义”。做题时,要结合语境,注意惯用法和固定搭配认真辨析从而做出最佳选择。 (3)判断句子成分,如果是作定语、表语等,一般是用形容词;如果是作状语、修饰谓语动词或形容词和副词,一般应用副词。但注意也有特殊情况,如形容词(短语)可作伴随或结果状语。 (4)分清句子结构,看看该句应该用原级、比较级还是最高级。 (5)注意特殊的含有形容词比较级的句型。 考点聚焦 1、形容词、副词的作用与位置 形容词是用来修饰名词的,常被放在名词前作定语,或放在系动词后面作表语。而副词则用来修饰形容词、动词,其他副词或者句子,一般位于形容词之前,动词之后或句子之首。以下属几种特殊情况,须牢记; (1)形容词短语作定语,定语后置。如:a language difficult to master (2)表语形容词(afraid、alike、alone、asleep、awake、alive等)作定语,定语后置。如a man alive。有些表身体健康状况的形容词如well、faint、ill只作表语。sick 既可作表语又可作定语,ill如作定语意为“bad”。 (3)用作定语,修饰由不定代词one、no、any、some和every构成的复合词如anything、something等时,通常后置。如:I have something important to tell you.


初一英语语法之形容词副词 形容词,副词的比较级:表示“比…更…”(-er) (一):一般直接在单音节和少数双音节形容词,副词尾+ ;tall Long (二):以e结尾的单音节和少数双音节形容词,副词词尾直接+_______;nice______ wide_______ (三):“以_____ +______结尾的单音节和少数双音节形容词,副词先___变____,再加____。busy______ early______ easy________ busy_______ (四):以______音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母(辅元辅)的单音节和少数双音节的形 词,副词,要_____最后一个辅音,再+______。big_____ hot_____ red____ thin_____ (五):多音节和部分双音节的形同此,副词,一般在此类词前面+__________构成最高级形式。interesting_________ relaxing___________ exciting__________ carefully___________ 注意:(1)比较级的句子中最常见的一个词than比。(2)比较级常用于两者的比较。形容词,副词的最高级:表示“最……”(-est) (一):一般直接在单音节和少数双音节形容词,副词尾+ ; tall Long Old Low (二):以e结尾的单音节和少数双音节形容词,副词词尾直接+___________; nice______ wide_______ large_______ fine______ (三):“以_____ +______结尾的单音节和少数双音节形容词,副词先___变____,再加____。busy______ early______ easy________ busy_______ (四):以______音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母(辅元辅)的单音节和少数双音节的形容词,副词,要_____最后一个辅音,再+______。 big_____ hot_____ red____ thin_____ (五):多音节和部分双音节的形同此,副词,一般在此类词前面+__________构成最高级形式。 interesting________ _ relaxing_______ __ exciting__________ carefully______ _____ 不规则变化。 good/well-better---best bad/badly--- worse---worst many/much----more---most 好的更好的最好的坏的更坏的最坏的许多的更多的最多的 (原级) (比较级) (最高级) (原级) (比较级) (最高级) (原级) (比较级) (最高级)


形副语法笔记本节课可以总结概括为非常7+2 1.简单过比较级最高级一般原则:直去双改more 2.特殊原则:(涉及常见词多多少少,好好坏坏老远)结合P44 1进行练习3.句型 1 比较级+than 2 最高级+范围 3 one of +最高级+名词复数 4 the +比较级,the +比较级越…就越… the more, the better. 5 as+原级+as 和…一样对比否定句型(not as/so 原级as) 6 比较级and 比较级越来越…注意强调多音节的情况more and more beautiful. 7 比较级than any other 名词单数同范围= 比较级than the other 名词复数同 范围 注意比较区分:比较级than any 名词单数异范围 XM is taller than any other student in his class. = XM is taller than the other students in his class. 对比:XM is taller than any student in his sister’s class. 倍数表达法 倍数as 原as The house is three times as big as ours. 倍数-1 比较级than The house is twice bigger than ours. 倍数the 名词of The house is three times the size of ours. 补充常见名词(length, width, height, size, weight) 可以修饰比较级的程度副词


初中英语语法形容词、副词的复习教案 Brainstorm: 你能分清形容词和副词的用法和写法吗?你知道怎么使用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级吗?你知道在英语中有很多形容词词缀吗? 一.形容词和副词的辨析 1.形容词和副词的区别 形容词:用来修饰名词 副词:用来修饰动词、形容词和副词 所以区别形容词和副词的关键在于看它所修饰的内容。 例如:Candy is a lovely girl. Candy smiles lovely. 在这两句话中,都有lovely这个单词,但是词性却完全不同。在第一句中lovely用 来修饰girl所以是形容词,而第二句中,lovely用来修饰动词smiles,所以是副词。 2.形容词变副词的规律 a.一般的形容词在结尾加ly变为副词。例如:careful-carefully b.以元音加e结尾的单词要去e在加ly。例如:true-truly c.辅音加y结尾的单词去y变i在加ly。例如:angry-angrily d.单音节y结尾直接加ly。例如:shy-shyly e.以le结尾的单词直接将e变为y。例如:terrible-terribly f.形容词、副词同形:hard, fast, friendly, late, early, lovely, long。这部分请同学们 注意,其中很多单词加ly之后就变成其他意思的单词了。例如:hardly就变成 “几乎不”的意思,是小学阶段五大隐形否定词(few,little, never, seldom, hardly) 之一。 二.形容词和副词的比较级 1.比较级的范围:一般为两者或两个部分进行比较。例如:I’m taller than you. Group One did better than Group Two. 2.比较级的结构:结构上比较级有三个明显的标志。 ①than:一般用than连接两个比较的部分。例如:Tom runs faster than Mike.其中Tom 和Mike是比较的两部分,用than连接他们进行比较。在than的句式中有一个需要 同学们特别注意:I’m taller than any other students in my class.这句话中用than连接 的是I和any other students in my class两个部分,其实表示的是最高级的概念,译 为我比我们班其他同学都要高,其中any other ……是固定搭配,译为任何其他的。 ②a little, much, a lot, even, still:可用来专门修饰比较级。例如:Lisa was sick yesterday, while today she is much better. ③as+形容词或副词原形+as……:译为像……一样。例如:Mary is as clever as Susan.Mary像Susan一样聪明。 另外,两个比较级连用表示“越来越”的意思。例如:Days get longer and longer in Spring.白天在春天越来越长了。 3.比较级的写法: ①单音节单词后+er。例如:tall-taller, short-shorter ②重读闭音节双写最后一个字母再加er:hot-hotter, big-bigger, thin-thinner, fat-fatter ③双音节辅音+y结尾去y变i再加er:ugly-uglier, busy-busier, easy-easier, early-earlier,


【英语】英语语法副词归纳总结 一、单项选择副词 1.He wasn’t to lift the case. A.too strong B.enough strong C.strong enough D.so strong 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查enough的用法。句意:他没有力气提起箱子。此处enough“足够”是副词,修饰形容词时放在形容词后面。故选C。 2.The man should be excused because he caused the damage _______. A.deliberately B.unintentionally C.meaningfully D.determinedly 【答案】B 【解析】 句意为这个人应该被原谅,因为他是无意中造成了伤害。故选unintentionally无意地。 3.Instead of hiding behind walls, a defender sometimes must ________ engage and disable enemy forces before they strike. A.flexibly B.actively C.primitively D.conservatively 【答案】B 【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A. flexibly易曲地,柔软地;B. actively活跃地,积极地;C. primitively最初地,自学而成地;D. conservatively保存地,保守地;句意:守卫者有时必须在敌方部队攻击前________吸引火力并打倒他们,而不是躲在墙后面。只有选B表示“积极地吸引火力”符合语境。 4.Pollution has reached high level in some urban areas, which is quite worrying. A.disturbingly B.slightly C.exactly D.flexibly 【答案】A 【解析】考查副词。句意:在一些城市污染已经到了令人不安的程度,这是相当令人担忧的。根据后边which is quite worrying这是相当令人担忧的,可知前边污染已经达到了令人不安的程度。A令人不安地;B轻微地;C恰好地;D灵活地。故选A。 5.They gave mo ney to the old people’s home either _____ or through their companies. (安徽2015) A.legally B.sincerely


英语语法——形容词与副词 来源:普特英语 形容词 1.1 什么是形容词 形容词(adjective)是修饰名词表示名词属性的词,常放在它所修饰的名词之前。如: a lovely baby一个可爱的婴儿 the beautiful picture那幅美丽的图画 modern history现代历史 1.2 形容词的用法 形容词在句中可用作: 1)定语 He is a good boy.他是个好孩子。 The Chinese Communist Party is a great party.中国共产党是伟大的党。 2)表语 The film is both moving and instructive.这部电影很感动人,而且富有教育意义。 I am very glad to see you.见到你很高兴。 3)宾语补足语和宾语一起构成复合宾语。如: Have you got everything ready for the journey? 你行装都准备好了吗? We keep our rooms clean and tidy.我们经常保持房间的整洁。 4)相当于名词某些形容词前用定冠词the,变成名词化的形容词,可在句中作主语、宾语等。如: The young are active.青年人积极好动。(the young作主语) The blind can learn to read with their fingertips. 盲人能够用指尖学习阅读书籍。(the blind作主语) He has a keen sense of the new.他对新鲜事物有敏锐的感觉。(the new作宾语) [注一]上述三例中的the young = the young people,the blind the Blind people,the new the new things. [注二]在The sun rose red(旭日升起)中的形容词red和Don't marry young(不要早婚)中的形容词young都是主语补足语。 1.3 形容词的位置 形容词常放在它所修饰的名词之前。关于形容词有时可以后置的问题(见16.18),但如有一个以上的形容词修饰名词,这些形容词的顺序则由它们和被修饰名词的关系的密切程度来决定。一般说来,关系最密切的最*近被修饰的名词,关系较疏远的离被修饰的名词也较远。如: a large wild plant一株很大的野生植物



小学英语语法之副词 副词的意义:用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词和全句的词,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等。如 Cars run fast.(副词修饰动词run) It is raining heavily outside.( 副词修饰动词rain) These candies are very delicious. (副词修饰形容词delicious) I can't work too quickly.( 副词修饰副词quickly) Luckily, Ms Black won the lottery.(副词luckily修饰全句) 副词的分类: 时间副词:today, tomorrow, yesterday, always, often, now, before 地点副词:here, there, down, up, down 方式副词:slowly, badly, hard, fast 程度副词:very, much, still, almost, too 疑问副词:why, what, where, when, how 副词的位置 1.副词修饰动词、动名词、名词时,通常放在被修饰动词的后面。 I’m working carefully. She is working hard. 2.副词修饰形容词、副词时,通常位于被修饰的词前。 The book is very interesting, I like it very much. She swims quickly enough.


小学英语语法之副词 副词的意义:用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词和全句的词,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等。如 Cars run fast.(副词修饰动词run) It is raining heavily outside.( 副词修饰动词rain) These candies are very delicious. (副词修饰形容词delicious) I can't work too quickly.( 副词修饰副词quickly) Luckily, Ms Black won the lottery.(副词luckily修饰全句) 副词的分类: 时间副词:today, tomorrow, yesterday, always, often, now, before 地点副词:here, there, down, up, down 方式副词:slowly, badly, hard, fast 程度副词:very, much, still, almost, too 疑问副词:why, what, where, when, how 副词的位置 1.副词修饰动词、动名词、名词时,通常放在被修饰动词的后面。 I’m working carefully. She is working hard. 2.副词修饰形容词、副词时,通常位于被修饰的词前。 The book is very interesting, I like it very much. She swims quickly enough. 3.副词修饰数词时,通常位于数词前。

The women is over forty, but she looks very young. 副词的排列顺序 1.副词表示时间地点时,小单位在前,大单位在后。 Next week, I’ll reach Kunming, China. Lucy was born on November 12th,1985,in Changchun, Jilin Province. 2.副词表示方式时,拼写短的在前,拼写长的在后,并用and或者but 连接。 Can you say it slowly and clearly? 3.多个不同副词排列:程度+方式+地点+时间 The man runs very slowly along the river at 6:30 every morning.方式副词的变化(形容词变副词) 1. 规则变化


2017高考英语重点语法: 高考英语常考语法总结——形容词和副词形容词、副词是每年高考必考点之一,近几年语境综合化程度越来越高,难度加大。高考热点有:形容词、副词词义辨析;原级、比较级、最高级的使用;倍数的表达方法;比较等级的修饰语;多个形容词的排列顺序;常见形容词、副词的惯用法等。 关于形容词与副词这一考点,主要考查以下几个方面: 1. 考查形容词和副词的基本用法 形容词在句中一般作定语、表语、补语,而副词在句中主要作状语。 2. 考查形容词作定语的后置规律 形容词作定语一般位于所修饰的名词前,但下列三种情况形容词要后置: ①形容词短语作定语时;②表语形容词作定语时;③修饰复合不定代词时。 3. 考查多个形容词作定语的排序 多个形容词修饰名词时,其排序规律是:(限定词+程度副词+) 描绘+大小(长短、高低)+形状+年龄(新旧)+颜色+国籍或产地+物质材料+类别或用途+名词。 4. 考查副词在句中的位置规律 副词修饰形容词或其它副词时,一般位于被修饰词的前面,但enough却要放在被修饰的形容词或副词的后面。 5. 考查–ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别 -ed形容词,通常说明人,意为“(某人)感到……”;-ing形容词通常说明事物,意为“(某事物)令人……”或“令人……的(事物)”。 6. 考查两种不同形式的副词的用法差异 即考查与形容词同形的副词与形容词后加ly构成的副词的区别。 7. 考查形容词和副词的比较等级。 8. 考查比较等级的修饰语。 考点1:在具体的语境中辨析形容词与副词的语义 从复现的频率来看,此点是高考对形容词、副词考查的第一大热点。解答此类题关键是要分析具体的语境,结合基本词义、搭配等来选择正确的答案。

中考英语语法考点复习 形容词、副词

透析中考英语语法形容词、副词考点 【形容词、副词命题趋势】 形容词是用来修饰名词的词表示名词的属性,副词和形容词一样,在句中起修饰作用,所不同的是:形容词主要修饰名词;而副词主要修饰动词、形容词、副词和句子等。对形容词、副词的考查是高考一项重要考查内容,考查的方向主要体现在以下几个方面: 1. 形容词的用法; 2. 副词的用法; 3. 形容词和副词原级、比较级、最高级的用法; 4. 形容词和副词在句中的区别和位置。 【考点诠释】 一、考查形容词的作用与位置 形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。常放在被修饰的名词前作定语,放在系动词后作表语,或放在宾语之后作宾语补足语。 1.多个形容词作定语时的排列顺序 【考例】--Yeah, too _______work makes me tired. [太原市] A. little B. many C. much [答案]C。[解析]本题重在考查几个形容词的用法。little有“小的”或“几乎没有”等意思。many与much都有“多”的意思,但many修饰可数名词复数,much修饰不可数名词。空格后的名词work是不可数名词,故应选C。 2.形容词用作定语,修饰不定代词时,通常后置。 The idea of "sunshine sport" makes it possible for kids to choose and do about sport as long as one hour every day. [哈尔滨市] A. pleasant something B. anything pleasant C. nothing pleasant [答案]B。[解析]考查形容词和不定代词的位置关系。从句子意思可知应填anything pleasant 表“任何高兴的事”。A结构不对,C表否定。 3.表语形容词(well,unwell,ill,faint,afraid,alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake等)作定语,需要后置;有些表示身体健康状况的形容词,如well,faint,m只作表语;sick既可作表语又可作定语。 【考例】Carl felt _______because he won the first prize in the school singing competition. [安徽省] A. interested B. proud C. angry D. worried [答案]B 。[解析]考查形容词词义。根据句意“获奖是值得高兴、自豪的事情”,应选proud。 I feel ________to have a friend like him. He always helps me out when I am in trouble. [太原市] A. luckily B. happy C. sorry [答案]B。[解析]本题重在考查系动词的用法。系动词feel“觉得”其后可接形容词作表语,A项为副词,故排除;B、C虽然都是形容词,但意义相反,根据后句推断选B。 Jin Yong is one of the greatest and oldest____ writers.He is still__________.[镇江] A.1iving;alive B.1iving;1iving C.alive;living D.alive;alive 答案:A解析:alive作表语或后置定语,指“有生命的,活的,还出着气的”;living指“健在的,现行的,现代的”,可作表语,也可作定语。句意为“金庸是最伟大的健在的老作家之一,他仍然活着”,故选A。 4.用作补足语。 【考例】Li Lei's words made her_________..[济南]


最新英语语法副词归纳总结 一、单项选择副词 1.________, more Asian politicians are voicing support for clean power. In July, 2019, Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines’ president, also instructed his energy minister to reduce his country’s dependence on coal. A.Surprisingly B.Unfortunately C.Horribly D.Promisingly 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:有希望的是,更多的亚洲领导人支持新能源。在2019年7月,菲律宾总统Rodrigo Duterte也指示他的能源部减少该国对煤的依赖。A. Surprisingly令人吃惊地;B. Unfortunately不幸地;C. Horribly令人害怕地;D. Promisingly有希望地。各国领导人支持新能源,所以这里应该需要褒义词Promisingly表示“有希望地”,故选D项。 2.To tell the truth, his behavior displeased me more than______. A.somehow B.somewhere C.somewhat D.sometimes 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查副词。more than somewhat意为“非常”。句意:说实话,他的行为让我非常不快。 3.Don’t defend him any more. It’s obvious that he ___________ destroyed the fenc e of the garden even without apology. A.accidentally B.carelessly C.deliberately D.clumsily 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词辨析。句意:别再为他辩护了。显然他是故意把花园的围墙弄坏的,而且还不道歉。A. accidentally偶然地;B. carelessly粗心地;C. deliberately故意地,刻意地;D. clumsily笨拙地。根据前一句Don’t defend him any more.可推知,他是故意把花园的围墙弄坏的,故选C项。 4.________ he has not pleaded the guilty. A.So far B.As C.Till far D.By far 【答案】A 【解析】


英语语法专题(词法) 形容词和副词 1. 形容词在句中主要用作定语, 表语, 复合宾语的补语, 特殊结构中的状语: 【例句】 Miss Smith is a very good teacher.(前置定语) He has nothing pleasant to tell you. Something terrible will happen.(后置定语) Don’t feel sad, everything will be all right.(表语) They found the book quite instructive.(补语) They spent six days on the small island, cold and hungry.(状语) 2.形容词的某些特殊用法 1)当某些表示行为的动词用作系动词时, 作表语 有些行为动词常用作系动词,后面应跟形容词作表语,不能误用副词。常见这类动词有:appear,act,become,feel,fall,get,grow,look,remain, seem,sound,smell,stay,taste,turn,etc. 【例句】 We believe that he already feels very sad about his mistake and we have decided to take no further action. Since one of their members was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, the family felt bad when they heard over their radio that the peace were to be discontinued. 2)表示人品的形容词的常用结构 “It is十表示人品的形容词十of十代词十不定式”,这种结构用来表示对某人所做的事的一种赞赏,或者厌恶。用在这种结构中的形容词有: brave,clever,considerate,cruel,foolish,good,kind,nice,rude,silly,stupid,thoughtful,wicked,wise,wrong,etc. 【例句】 It was very kind of you to lend him some money to escape the bankruptcy. It’s considerate of you to meet me at the airport. 3)易误作副词的形容词 通常形容词加后缀-ly可变为副词;但有些带-ly词尾的词却是形容词,特别容易引起误用,如: lovely(可爱的)likely(很可能的) deadly(致命的)earthly(现世的) leisurely(有闲的)weekly(每周一次的) yearly(每年一次的)manly(丈夫气概的) brotherly(友爱的)friendly(友好的), badly (糟糕的)


英语语法副词的种类及分析 一.什么是副词 副词(adverb)修饰动词、形容词和其他副词等,说明时间、地点、水准、方式等概念。如:often往往,here 这里,very很,quickly很快地。 二.副词的构成 1)本身就是副词,如now现在,there那里,here。 2)由形容词加词尾-1y变来,如firmly坚决地,happi1y幸福地。 long adj. 长的,长久的long adv. 长久地 三.副词的种类 副词可分为下列几种: 1)普通副词(ordinary adverb)如:together一起,well好,seriously认真地,slowly慢,carefully小心地。 2)疑问副词(interrogative adverb)如:when何时,where何地,how如何,why为何。 3)关系副词(relative adverb)如:where,when。 4)连接副词(conjunctive adverb)如:then然后,so所以,there{ore所以,however不过,hence所以,thus这样,nevertheless不过,otherwise否则,still不过,仍然。 四.副词的用法 副词在句中可用作: 1)状语(这是副词在句子中的主要功用) It is raining hard.雨下得很大。(副词hard作状语,修饰动词is raining。) Don't drive too fast.车子不要开得太快。(fast是副词,作状语,修饰动词drive,副词too又修饰副词fast。) He speaks English quite well.他英语讲得相当好。(well修饰动词speaks,quite又修饰副词well。) He always helps his sister with her homework.他总是协助他妹妹做家庭作业。(always修饰动词helps) She often went there.她常到那儿去。(often和there均是副词,修饰动词went。) Maybe he will telephone later.也许他以后会打电话来的。(maybe是副词,用以修饰全句。) 2)表语 Is he up?他起床了没有? She is out.她出去了。 3)定语Life here is full of joy.这儿的生活充满了欢乐。(here修饰名词life) 五.副词的位置 1)修饰动词时,有三种位置。 2)修饰形容词和副词作状语时,须放在被修饰词之前。如: It is a very difficult job,这是一件非常困难的工作。(very修饰形容词difficult) He runs very fast.他跑得很快。(very修饰副词fast) 3)副词作定语时,一般放在被修饰的名词之后。如: The peasants there are busy digging a canal now.那里的农民现在正忙于修水渠。 On my way home,I met groups of Young Pioneers.在回家的路上我遇见成群的少先队员。 六.副词的比较等级 和形容词同形的副词的形式变化与形容词完全相同。但以词尾-1y结尾的副词(注意early一词的-1y不是副词的词尾)须用more和most。另外,须注意下面例词中well,badly的不规则变化。如:原级比较级最高级 hard 努力地harder hardest fast 快faster fastest well 好better best badly 坏 worse worst


英语语法:副词 副词及其基本用法 1 副词的种类、用法和位置 副词在句子中修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。用来表示时间、场所、状态及水准。 1.副词的种类 (1)时间副词 ①表示大体时间:now,then,yesterday,today, tonight,before,justnow,recently,so far ②表示频率:always,usually,often,sometimes.seldom,never ③其它作用:already,yet,late,early,soon,at once,immediately,atfirst,at last,finally (2)地点副词 ①表地点: here,there,home,abroad,upstairs,downstairs,anywhere,everywher e, nowhere,somewhere. ②表位置关系(后接宾语时,用作介词): above,below,round,around,down,up,in,out,inside,outside,across ,back,along,over, away,near,off,past

(3)方式副词表示谓语动词"怎样地",(此类副词绝大部分由形容 词加ly构成): badly,bravely,gratefully,calmly,carefully,carelessly,nervousl y,proudly,patiently, politely,sadly,properly,rapidly, wrongly,suddenly. (4)水准副词多数用来修饰形容词或副词:much,(a)little,a bit,very,sO,too,enough,quite,rather,completely,terribly,deepl y,nearly,almost,hardly (5)疑问副词构成特殊疑问句:how,when, where,why (6)连接副词连接主语、宾语或表语从句:how,when,where,why (7)关系副词引导定语从句:when,where,why (8)其它性质的副词对整个句子实行说明,一般用逗号与主句隔开: frankly(坦率地说,说真的),generally(一般说来),luckily(幸 运地是),first of all(首先)等。 1.地点副词、时间副词和方式副词一般放在句末 注意 地点副词作定语时要后置,不属于这种情况。有时少数地点副词 和时间副词能够作定语,放在所修饰词的后边。 The students here are all from China. I'll wait for you here.(地点副词) 我将在这儿等你。

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