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1.Gradable antonyms(分程度反义词):a matter of degree.

eg. Old—middle-aged—younghot-warm-cold

plementary antonyms(互补关系):a matter of degree between two extremes.

eg. Alive—dead; male—female

3.relational opposites(关系反义词):pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a

relationship between the two items.

eg. father-son; teacher-pupil; doctor-patient;buy-sell;above-below

二、Paul Grice(保罗·格莱斯)提出的两个概念(书本P86)

1.conventional implicature(规约含意,约定俗成的):is based on the conventional

meaning of certain words in the language.

eg. He is rich but he is not greedy.

2.particularized conversational implicature(特殊规约隐涵):is inferred by the hearer with

reference to the context of communication.

eg. A:Where is the steak? B:The dog looks very happy.

三、Charles Hockett(霍凯特)提出的人类语言的识别特征之一(书本P8)

Arbitrariness(随意性):There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds.

eg. Rumble, crash, cackle, bang

四、Free morpheme(可独立存在的):a morpheme which can be a word by itself.

eg. boy(书本P33)


1.blending(拼缀,紧缩法):a blend is a word formed by combining parts of other words.

eg. Smog --- smoke+fog; motel---- motor+hotel

2.acronyms(首字母缩写,词首字母缩略法):are words derived from the initials of

several words

eg.IT-----information technology; CPI---- consumer price index

六、Languageaptitude(语言能力倾向,语言学能):the natural ability for learning a second language.(书本P164)

七、Semantic Changes(语意变化):(书本P102)

1.semantic broadening(扩展,意思越来越广,语义扩大化)

2.semantic narrowing(意思变小)

3.semantic shift(转换)

八、indirect speech act(间接言语行动):which aimed to explain indirect language in the light of the speech act theory.(书本P84-85)

1.The primary speech act is the speaker’s goal of communication while the secondary

speech act is the means by which he achieves goal.

2.eg. A:Let’s go to the movies tonight.

B:I have to study for an exam. (回答问题或者名词解释)

九、Sapir–Whorf Hypotheis(假说):

1. A theory put forward by the American anthropological linguists Sapir and Whorf

which states that the way people view the world is determined wholly or partly by the

structure of their native language.(书本P128)

2.Now there are mainly two different interpretations about the hypothesis: a

strongversion and a weak one. While the strong version believes that language

patterns determine people's thinking and behavior, the weak one holds that former

influences the latter.(全背)

3.eg. English-speaking culture tends to teach its people to name what is practical,useful

and important.

4. A good illustration of this point is the word snow in Eskimo and English.

十、Strategies for learning a second language?(书本P165)

1.Find their own way,taking charge of their learning.

anize information about language.

3.Are creative,developing a ―feel‖ for the language by experimenting with its grammar

and words.

4.Make their own opportunities for practice in using the language inside and outside the


5.Learn to live with uncertainly by not getting fluttered and by continuing to talk or

listen without understanding every word.

e mnemonics and other memory strategies to recall what had been learned.

7.Make errors work for them and not against for them.

e linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of their first language, in learning a

second language.

e contextual cues to help them in comprehension.

10.Learn to make intelligent guesses.

11.Learn chunks of language as wholes and formalized routines to help them perform

―beyond their competence‖.

12.Learn certain tricks that help to keep conversations going.

13.Learn certain production strategies to fill in gaps in their own competence.

14.Learn different style of speech and writing and learn to vary their language according

to the formality of the situation.