当前位置:文档之家› 英语语法与写作——短文改写



二、Passage rewriting

1. Our neighbor is Captain Charles Alison. He will sail from Portsmouth. The time is tomorrow. We'll meet him. The place is at the harbor. We will do that early in the morning. He will be in his boat. It is small. It is called Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out. He will do that at eight o'clock. We'll have plenty of time. We'll see his boat, then we'll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an race. The race is important. It is across the Atlantic.

2..We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made inGermany. It was made in 1681. We keep our clavichord in the living room. Our family has it for a long time. My grandfather bought the instrument many years ago. Recently a visitor damaged it. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard. She broke two of the strings. My father was shocked. Now he does not allow us to touch

3. My daughter is called Jane. She never dreamed of receiving a letter. The letter was from a girl. She is of her own age. She lives in Holland. Last year, we were traveling across the Channel. Jane wrote her name and address on a piece of paper. She put it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again. Ten months later, she received a letter. It came from a girl. She was in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. They have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more. Letters will certainly travel faster.

had an experience last year. It was amusing. I had left a small village. It was in the south of France. I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped. He asked me for a lift. He had got into the car. I said good morning to him. I used French. He replied. He used French too. I only know a few words. I do not know any French at all. He and I did not speak during the journey. I had nearly reached the town. The young man suddenly said,”do you speak English?” His speaking was vely slow. I soon learnt, He was English himself.

5. Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport. I can hear the passing planes night and day. They built airport years ago. For some reason they could not use it then. Last year, they used it later. The noise must drive people away. Over a hundred of them have left from their homes. Few people did not move. I am one of them. A passing plane will knock down this house. Sometimes I think so. They offered a large sum of money to me. They wanted me to go away. I am determined to stay here.

I must be mad. Everybody says so. They are probably right.

had lunch at a village pub. After that I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair. The chair was beside the door. Now it wasn't there! I looked for it. The landlord came in.

He asked 'Did you have a good meal?".

I answered 'Yes, thank you. I can't pay the bill. I haven't got my bag.'

The landlord smiled. He immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned. He had

in into the garden. He often does this!

7. Fishing is my favorite spo rt. I often fish for hours. I don’t catch anything.

I don’t worry about this. Some fishermen are unlucky. They don’t catching fish, they catch old boots. They catch rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything.

I do not even catch old boots. I have spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home. I always have an empty bag. My friends say ‘you must give up fishing!’ ‘It’s a waste of time.’ They don’t realize one important thing. I’m not really interested in fishing. I am interested in sitting in a boat, I am interested in doing nothing at all!

8. Jimmy Gates was a circus owner. Last Christmas, he decided to take some gifts. He went to a children’s hospital. He was dressed up as Father Christmas. Six pretty girls accompanied him. Then, he set off. He rode a baby elephant. He went down the main street of the city. The elephant was called Jumbo. The police would not allow him to do this. He should know that. A policeman came over. He told Jimmy. He should go along a side street. Jumbo was holding up the traffic. Jimmy agreed to go at once. Jumbo would not like to go. Fifteen policemen pushed hard. They wanted to move him away from the main street. The police had a difficult time. They felt interesting.

carry him. Certainly, we should arrest him. He has a good record. We shall forgive him this time.”

9. In Japan, people hold a festival for the Dead. They have it one time each year. It is a cheerful occasion. On this day, people say the dead will return back to his home. The living welcomes them. They take a long journey, people expect they are hungry. They lie out food for them. People make special lanterns. People hang these lanterns outside each house, they do this help the dead find their way. People dance and sing a whole night. On the early morning, people throw the food into the river and into the sea, these food is they laid out for the dead. People think these food is unluck for any living one eat. In those near the sea towns, after the festive is over, people place the tiny lanterns into the water, these lanterns are they hanged in the streets the before night. Thousands lanterns slow drift out to sea, they guide the dead on their return journey to the other world. This is a moving spectacle. Crowds of people stand on the shore, they watch the lanterns drift away, at last they can be seen no more.

10. The Great St. Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. It is 2,473 meters high. it is the highest mountain pass in Europe. The monastery of St. Bernard is famous. People set it up in eleventh century. It lies about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travelers. These travelers were crossing the Pass. The Pass was dangerous. These dogs were friendly. People first brought them from Asia. People used them as watchdogs. They did so even in Roman times. They built a tunnel. It was through the mountains. The Pass is less dangerous. Each year, people still sent the dogs out into the snow. At any time a traveler is in difficulty. There is the new tunnel. There are still a few people. They attempt to cross the Pass. They rashly did so. They are on foot.

The monastery is very busy during the summer months. Thousands of people visit it. They cross the Pass in cars. There are so many people about. They have to keep the dogs in a enclosure. the enclosure is special. In winter, life is quite different. The life is at the monastery. The temperature drops to ?30°. There are very few people. They attempt to cross the Pass. The monks like summer. The monks are more like winter. They have more privacy. The dogs have greater freedom. People allowed them to wander outside their enclosure. Parties of skiers are the only visitors. They visit the monastery regularly. They do so in winter. They go there at Christmas. They go there at Easter. They are young people. They love the peace of mountains. The monks always give them a warm welcome at St. Bernard's monastery.

11. Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in small village. It was in the south of Greece, it named Parachora. One of Mary’s most precious possessions was a white lamb. It was her husband to give her. During the day, Mary tied the lamb to a tree in the field. Every night she pulled it back. However, one evening the lamb was gone. Someone cut the rope. It was clear that someone stole it. Dimitri came back from the field. His wife told him about it. He went out at once, he wanted to find the man who stole his lamb. He knew it well, in such a small village catching the thief was not difficult at all. He told it to his several friends. He found his neighbor, Aleko, suddenly had a new lamb. Dimitri went to Aleko’s house immediately. He was angry. He accused him to steal his lamb. He told him had better give it back to him. If not, he would go to call police. Aleko didn’t confess. He led Dimitri to the yard. It was all right. He had just bought a new lamb. Aleko explained, he said that his lamb was black. Dimitri felt sorry for his boldness. He apologized to Aleko. He said he accused him wrongly. Just when they talked. The sky began to rain. So Dimitri stayed at Aleko’s house to avoid rain. He waited and waited. The rain stopped. Half an hour later, he came out of the house. He was surprised. He found the whole body of the black lamb almost turned into white. The hair of the lamb was dyed black. Now it was washed out clean by the rain.

12..The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous monuments in the world. In the nineteenth century, the people of France presented to the United States of America. The statue was great. Auguste Bartholdi designed it. He took ten years to complete it. He used copper to make the actual figure. He used a metal framework to support it. The framework was Eiffel especially constructed. They transported it to the United States. Before this, they had to find a site for the statue. They had to build a pedestal for it. They chose a site. It was an island. It was at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, they erected a statue in Paris. It was 151 feet tall. In the following year, they took it to pieces. They sent it to America. By the end of 1886 October, they put the statue together again. Bartholdi officially presented it to the American people. Ever since then, it was a symbol for the millions of people. They passed through New York Harbour. They wanted to make their homes in America.

13. The prisoner of war killed the guard. He dragged quickly him into the bushes. He worked rapidly in the darkness. Soon he changed into the dead man’s clothes. Now, the prisoner dressed in a blue uniform. He carried a rifle over his shoulder. He marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. He could hear shouting in the camp itself. Lights were blazing. Men were running here and there. They had just discovered. A prisoner escaped. At that moment, a large car stopped at the camp gates. There were four officers inside the car. The officers got out. The prisoner stood to attention. They passed. He saluted. They had gone. The driver of the car came towards him. He was clear wanted to talk. He was rather elderly. He had grey hair. He had clear blue eyes. The prisoner felt

sorry for him. There was no other thing he could do. The man came near. The prisoner used a sharp blow. He knocked the man to the ground. Then he jumped into the car. He drove off as quickly as he could did.

was a great ship. On April 10th, 1912, it sailed for New York from Southampton. 1,316 passengers and 891 crew were on the ship. It had 46,000 ton. Even by modern standard, it was a huge one. People had built many ships. Titanic was the largest ship at that time. They thought it unsinkable. She had sixteen watertight compartments. Two of these were filled with water. It could still float. People will always remember the terrible sinking of the great ship. It sank on its first voyage. Life lost heavily. It set out. On the forth day, the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic. A lookout suddenly discovered a great iceberg. He gave an alarm immediately. The ship turned sharply. It hoped to avoid colliding with the iceberg face to face. It turned in time. It narrowly missed the great wall of ice. The wall was more than 100 feet above the sea. Suddenly, people heard a trembling sound from below. The sound was slight. The captain went down to see the problem. The noise was very little. No one thought the ship had been destroyed. On the bottom of the ship, the captain was horrified to see this. The Titanic was sinking fast. Five of its sixteen watertight compartments had already been filled with water. He gave an order. They wanted to give up the ship. Many people jumped into the water. The water was icy. Not enough lifeboats for all passengers. 1,500 people died.

long ago, on the Aegean island of Kea, archaeologists made an interesting discovery. There was a temple in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. An American team explored it. The city must be prosperous for a period of time. It once had a high level of civilization. Houses generally had three storeys high. They were made of stone. Rooms inside were very big. Walls were decorated beautifully. The city even laid out a drainage system. Under the narrow streets, people found a lot of pipes. They were made of earth. The archaeologists explored the temple. People used the temple for prey and worship from the fifteenth century . to Roman times. In the most holy room of the temple, people found pieces of fifteen statues. They all were made of earth. Each of them stood for a goddess. Once they were painted. Among them there was a statue. People found its body among the historic relics of the fifteenth century and its head among the relics of the fifth century. Its head must be found in Classic times and they protected it delicately. Even in those days, it was still a very precious thing of long history. Archaeologists put these broken pieces together again. They were surprised to find. The goddess looked very modern. She had three feet high. Her hands placed on her hips. She wore a long dress. The dress touched the ground. Although she was old, her body was elegant indeed. However, up to now archaeologists can not make sure who she was.

Millriver is a tiny village. Someone says it possesses a tree. The tree is cursed. Someone mentioned the tree in a newspaper. People visit Millriver. The number has now increased. The tree near a church. Someone planted it fifty years ago. It is only in recent years. It has gained an evil reputation. People say that anyone touches the tree will have bad luck, picks a leaf will die. The tree has already claimed a number of victims. Many villagers believe. They has been asked the vicar to ask others cut down the tree. Up to now he has refused. He has pointed out. The tree is a useful source. People can get income from it. Tourists have been coming to see it. They are from all parts of the country. People all said that. The tourists have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk. Up to now, there are no men has been struck down by sudden death!


The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a 'cursed tree'. Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased. The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an?evil?reputation. It is said that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die. Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims. The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down, but so far he has refused. He has?pointed?out that the tree is a useful

cutting their names on the tree-trunk. So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!


1. Our neighbor, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We'll meet him at the harbor early in the morning. He will be in his boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat since It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock so We'll have plenty of time to see his boat and then we'll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months to take part in an important race across the Atlantic. We are very proud of him.

2. We have an old musical instrument called clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. It was kept in the living room. It belongs to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged by a visitor who tried to play jazz on it. She struck the keys so hard that broke two of the strings. My father was so shocked that now he does not allow us to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father's now.

3. My daughter Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, when we were traveling across the Channel. Jane threw into the sea a bottle into which she put a piece of paper with her name and address on it. She never thought of it again. Ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now but they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more but ther will certainly travel faster.

4. I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France,

I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me for a lift and I stopped. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French, he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us speak during the journey. When I had nearly reached the town, The young man said slowly with a sudden,”do you speak English?”

I soon learnt that he was English himself.

5. Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and the passing planes can be heard night and day. The airport was built years ago, but for some reason it could not be use then. Last year, it came into use. Over a hundred of people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane. I was offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. Everybody says I must be mad. They are probably right.

6. After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag, I had left it on a chair beside

“Yes, thank you.” I answered“I can't pay the bill, I haven't got my bag.”

With a smiled, he immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag in his hand and he gave it back to me. “I'm very sorry.” He said “My dog had taken it into the garden. He often does this!”

7. Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this dose not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish.

I am even less lucky. I never catch anything——not even old boots. After I have spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. “you must give up fishing!”My friends say “It’s a waste of time.” They don’t realize one important thing. I’m not really interested in fishing.

I am interested in sitting in a boat without doing anything at all!

8. Last Christmas, Jimmy Gates, a circus owner, decided to take some gifts to a children’s hospital. Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo. He should have known that the police would not allow him to do this. A policeman came over and told Jimy he should go along a side street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic. Jimmy agreed to go at once, but Jumbo would not like to go. Fifteen policemen pushed hard to move him away from the main street. The police had a difficult time but they felt interesting. "Jumbo must be a few tons," a policeman afterwards said, “It was lucky that we needn’t carry him. Certainly, we should arrest him. He has a good record. We shall forgive him this time."

9. In Japan, a festival for the Dead is held once a year. It is a cheerful occasion as on this day, the dead is said to return to his home and he is welcomed by the living. After a long journey, they are expected to be hungry. Food is laid out for them. Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead find their way. People dance and sing a whole night long. On the early morning, the food which for the dead was thrown into the river and into the sea as food is thought unluck for any living one eat those towns near the sea, after the festive is over, the tiny lanterns that are hung in the streets the night before are placed into the water. Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea, guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world. This is a moving spectacle: crowds of people stand on the shore, watching the lanterns drifting away until at last they can be seen no more.

10. Connecting Switzerland to Italy, The Great St. Bernard Pass at 2473 meters, is the highest mountain pass in Europe. The famous monastery of St. Bernard which was set up in eleventh century, lies about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travelers who were crossing the dangerous Pass. These friendly dogs, first brought from Asia, were used as watchdogs even in Roman times. As a tunnel had been built through the mountains, the Pass is less

Pass on foot.

The monastery is very busy during the summer months. Thousands of people visit it, crossing the Pass in cars. As there are so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure. The. In winter, life is quite different at the monastery. When the temperature drops to ?30°, there are very few people who attempt to cross the Pass. The monks prefer winter to summer for they have more privacy.

The dogs have greater freedom since they are allowed to wander outside their enclosure. The only regularly visitors are parties of skiers who the monastery in winter and go there at Christmas and at Easter. There young people who love the peace of mountains are always give a warm welcome at St. Bernard's monastery by the monks.

11. Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in small village, Parachora, in the south of Greece. One of Mary’s most precious possessions was a white lamb which was given by her husband.

During the day, Mary tied the lamb to a tree in the field and every night she pulled it back. However, one evening the lamb was gone. The rope was cut so it was clear that it was stole.

When Dimitri came back from the field, his wife told him what had happened. He went out at once to find the thief. He knew that in such a small village catching the thief was not difficult at all. After he told it to his several of his friends, he found his neighbor, Aleko, suddenly got a new lamb. Dimitri went to Aleko’s house immediately and accused angrily him of stealling his lamb. He told him he had better give it back to him. or he would go to call police. Aleko didn’t confess. He led Dimitri to the yard. It was true that he had just bought a new lamb. Aleko explained that his lamb was black. Sorry for his boldness. Dimitri apologized to Aleko for accusing him wrongly. Just when they talked, It began to rain. So Dimitri stayed at Aleko’s house until the rain stopped. Half an hour later, he came out of the house and he was surprised to found the black lamb almost turned into white. The wool of the lamb which had been dyed black, now was washed clean by the rain.

12. The Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous monuments in the world,was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue which was designed by Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported it by metal framework which was especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it was transported to the United States, a site had to be found for the statue and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was a island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall was erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken into pieces and sent to America. By the end of 1886 October, the statue was put together again and was officially presented it to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, it was a symbol for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.


历年中考英语常考英语语法250例(一) 2012-02-17 14:17:43 [来源]:互联网[作者]:佚名 大中小 1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、 look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级 and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4 agree with sb 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去 the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你是知道的 10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西) eg : ask you for my book 11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么 12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时 eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen 14 at the beginning of …………的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾 eg : At the end of the day 16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信 eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test 18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够…… eg : She is able to sing She can sing 20 be able to do sth 能够干什么 eg :she is able to sing 21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕……eg : I'm afraed to go out at night I'm afraid of dog 22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么 eg: I'm allowed to watch TV 我被允许看电视I should be allowed to watch TV 我应该被允许看电视 23 be angry with sb 生某人的气eg : Don't be angry with me 24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气 25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高


二、Passage rewriting 1. Our neighbor is Captain Charles Alison. He will sail from Portsmouth. The time is tomorrow. We'll meet him. The place is at the harbor. We will do that early in the morning. He will be in his boat. It is small. It is called Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out. He will do that at eight o'clock. We'll have plenty of time. We'll see his boat, then we'll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an race. The race is important. It is across the Atlantic. 2..We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made inGermany. It was made in 1681. We keep our clavichord in the living room. Our family has it for a long time. My grandfather bought the instrument many years ago. Recently a visitor damaged it. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard. She broke two of the strings. My father was shocked. Now he does not allow us to touch


第三节写作中真正实用的英语语法 据考证,“语法”一词源于希腊语“Grammatike”,意指体现于写作过程中的“文字的技巧”,它是语言运用的规则,构建句子的框架,遣词造句的黏合剂,也是英语各项技能的基础,尤其在写作过程中起着举足轻重的作用。 但四、六级考试改革中对语法题目的减少使很多人误以为语法的地位被削弱,加之近年来重视综合技能的各类语言理论的出现,使得一部分考生在写作复习过程中完全摈弃对语法部分的准备,久而久之,形成了“轻语法,重语感”的习惯。而另一部分考生则缺乏必要的语法运用能力,他们可以准确解答语法题目,却不能在作文中灵活运用语法写出漂亮句子。这些考生文章的共同特点就是只有其意,不见其形。 语言是思维的外衣,准确的语法是高分作文的重要必备条件。如果考生能在写作中娴熟地运用语法技巧,就可以使文章逻辑严密,形神兼备。 鉴于语法体系庞大繁杂而备考时间有限,此节内容无法涵盖整个语法体系,只能选择写作中出现频率较高的语法进行重点讲解,如状语前置、倒装、虚拟语气、强调句等,并辅以例句讲解,希望能够帮助考生扫除写作中的语法障碍,轻松闯关。 状语前置 一般而言,英语句子中,状语成分的位置是可前可后的。但状语的前置是六级作文中常用的句式。所谓状语前置,就是把修饰动词的状语结构,如分词短语,介词短语,动词不定式结构等放到句首。 这一句式的最大优点就是断句自然,让单调的句子有跳跃的节奏感。请看下面句子: 1)With the expansion of industrialization, requirement for energy all over the world is on the rise.(随着工业化进程的发展,全世界的能源需求都在增加。) 2)Once lushly forested, this region has seen more than 80% of its original vegetation cut down or burned. (这个地区曾经丛林密布,但现在80% 的原生植被被砍伐或焚烧。) 3)To reach millions of people who watch television, advertisers are willing to pay big money. (为了能抓住千千万万的电视观众,广告商们不惜花费巨额资金。) 在以上例句中,状语的前置使得句子结构分明,避免了后置的平庸化,尤其是第二个句子中的状语部分,既简洁又有力,本身就是一个出彩的表达,如果放置到句尾就不会出现这种效果了。而第三句中不定式目的状语的前置还在一定程度上起到了强调的作用。 倒装 倒装又分为全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词置于主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did等,并将其置于主语之前。倒装的作用是为了强调或平衡句子结构。 倒装本身是较复杂的高级结构,如果在六级写作中能加以正确运用,就特别


第一单元语法部分参考答案 PART III GRAMMAR Subject- Verb Agreement When the subject is compound Reference for the Classroom Activities Summary: 1. A compound subject with and takes a plural verb in most cases, but when it expresses a singular meaning or when each of the singular subjects is considered individually, it takes a singular verb. 2.After a compound subject with or, nor, either…or, neither…nor, not …but,the verb agrees in number and person with the nearer part of the subject. 3.Intervening phrases or clauses not introduced by coordinating conjunctions do not affect the number of a verb. Such phrases are normally introduced by prepositions or prepositional phrases such as well as, as much as, rather than, along with in addition to, together with, with, plus, and including. When the subject expresses quantity Reference for the Classroom Activities All the sentences are correct. Summary: 1.Nominal phrases of time, money, weight and measurement normally take a singular verb. 2.Some words or phrases, such as all, most, alf, the last, the rest, take a singular or plural verb, depending on the meaning of the noun or pronoun that follows. 3.Phrases lik e lots of, heaps of , loads of take singular or plural verbs depending on the form of the nouns that follow. 4.In sentences with more than one or many a modifying the subject nouns, the verb should take a singular form though it is plural in meaning. When the subject is a relative pronoun, a what-clause, or in the there-be structure Reference for the Classroom Activities


基础英语(含词汇、语法、阅读、写作) 一、指导思想与基本原则 基础英语的入学考试主要考察考生的语言基本技能和基本功,主要测试考生读、写的能力以及对基本语言知识和语法的理解和运用,是综合英语语言技能考试,是报考我校“外国语言学及应用语言学”和“英语语言文学”两个学科(含语言学、文学与翻译方向)研究生的专业考试科目之一。为帮助考生明确考试复习范围和有关的考试要求,特制定本考试大纲。本考试大纲主要依据英语专业部分课程教学大纲进行编制,同时也结合了其他院校相关课程和考试的基本要求。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃。 二、考试目的 通过考查考生是否牢固掌握英语语言基础知识和检测考生词汇、语法、阅读理解和写作等方面的英语综合运用能力和思维能力,考察他们从事科学研究的素质,进而挑选优秀者从事英语专业硕士研究生的学习。聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净祸。 三、考试要求 本考试为能力考试,不考查理论知识,但相关语言知识(如语法、词汇等)应该牢固掌握,应掌握英语阅读和英语写作的基本能力。残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭。 1.阅读能力方面,能综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能来理解难度为八级以上的英语书面材料,能看懂英语书刊报纸上的英语文章,既能理解其字面意义,又能理解其隐含意义;既能辨别出文中的事实与细节,又能概括出全文主旨;了解阐述主旨的事实和细节;利用上下文猜测某些词汇和短语的意义;既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文之间的逻辑关系;根据所读材料进行判断、推论或做出结论;领会作者的观点、意图和态度;能把握文章结构、掌握作者思路。酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥顧。 2.词汇和语法方面,能掌握英语常用词汇120XX个;掌握常用同义词和反义词;掌握基本的构词知识;运用复合词或派生词的词缀与词根知识造词;正确识别语境化的单词或短语及其释义;熟练掌握英语单复数、时态和语态等基本语法知识,熟练掌握英语的基本句型;能识别和改正语句中的语法错误,能在语境中综合运用语法和词汇知识。彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑诒。 3.写作方面,能够熟练掌握描述、叙事、定义、对比、议论、论说等常用题材和体裁的写作特点和手法,能根据要求写出语言准确、表达得体,具有一定思想深度的文章。謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔。謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔點。 四、考试方式及时间 考试方式为笔试,采用客观试题与主观试题相结合、单项技能测试与综合技能相结合的办法。时间为三个小时。 五、考试题型 本科目考试由三部分构成: 第一部分阅读 1.阅读理解:本小节包括七至八篇文章,共40小题,要求应试者根据文章的内容,从每小题后给出的4个选项中选择一个最佳答案。厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚。厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚卺。 2.补全短文:本节为一篇300-500字的短文,其中有五处空白,文章后面有6-8段文字,要求应试者根据文章内容选择五段文字,并将其放回文章原来位置,以恢复文章原貌。茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪。茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪镀。 第二部分词汇和语法 该部分由六节构成。 1.句子完整。选择填空。找出最能使句子完整的词或短语。 2.词语替代。选择填空。找出能替代下划线的词或短语。

大学英语写作课程unit 3 语法和练习答案

PART III GRAMMARp -ing and -ed forms of verbs Reference for the Classroom Activities 1)That woman who is laughing is my mother. 2)Finally they found the treasure that had been hidden. 3)This is the place that is most frequently reported in the press. 4)The boy who was enchanted stared at the screen, mouth wide open. Now, ask students to summarize the use of the -ing and -ed forms as modifiers Summary 1.The –ing form of a verb is used when the action described by the verb continues to happen or when the relationship between the modified and the verb is active. 2.The –ed form of a verb is used when the action is completed at the time another action occurs or when the relationship between the modified and the verb is passive. Nouns Reference for the Classroom Activities 1).development of career educators 2). readjustment of the flight timetable 3). money problems of high-school art education 4). country for family vacation 5). the study of the growth of childhood personality Now, ask students to summarize the rules of using nouns as modifiers. Summary Nouns can be put ahead of another noun as its modifiers in English; but too many nouns clustered can cause ambiguity and misunderstanding. Very often the maximum of nouns as modifiers is two, though sometimes this number may be exceeded. So the guiding principle for noun modifiers is that they shouldn’t pose too much difficulty to the reader’s comprehension.


Introduction很多文献已经讨论过了 A. Solar energy conversion by photoelectrochemical cells has been intensively investigated. (Nature 1991, 353, 737 - 740 ) B.This was demonstrated in a number of studies that showed that composite plasmonic-metal/semiconductor photocatalysts achieved significantly higher rates in various photocatalytic reactions compared with their pure semiconductor counterparts. C. Several excellent reviews describing these applications are available, and we do not discuss these topics D.Much work so far has focused on wide band gap semiconductors for water splitting for the sake of chemical stability.(DOI:10.1038/NMAT3151) E. Recent developments of Lewis acids and water-soluble organometallic catalysts have attracted much attention.(Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666) F. An interesting approach in the use of zeolite as a water-tolerant solid acid was described by Ogawa et al(Chem.Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666) G. Considerable research efforts have been devoted to the direct transition metal-catalyzed conversion of aryl halides toaryl nitriles. (J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, 7984-7989) H. There are many excellent reviews in the literature dealing with the basic concepts of the photocatalytic processand the reader is referred in particular to those by Hoffmann and coworkers,Mills and coworkers, and Kamat.(Metal oxide catalysis,19,P755) I. Nishimiya and Tsutsumi have reported on(proposed)the influence of the Si/Al ratio of various zeolites on the acid strength, which were estimated by calorimetry using ammon ia. (Chem.Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666) 二、在results and discussion中经常会用到的:如图所示 A. GIXRD patterns in Figure 1A show the bulk structural information on as-deposited films.


《英语语法与写作》课程教学大纲 课程编码:学分:2 总学时: 40 说明 【课程性质】 英语语法与写作是高等学校英语语言学习的必修课程,是本科段的重点基础课程。 【教学目的】 其目的旨在使高校英语专业学生系统地认识英语从词到句乃至语篇的构造,提高英语写作的规范性,学会用英语准确地,有效地传递信息和表达思想。 【教学任务】 本课程是一门基础技能训练课,通过传授比较系统和完整地英语语法知识和英语写作技巧,使学生学会运用语法规则于写作实践之中,提高实际运用英语的能力。经过对语法知识系统的讲练,使学生对英语语法的基本结构与规律有一个明确完整的概念,能较熟练的运用这些语法的基本规则分析解释各种语法现象。通过大量练习,尤其是结合大量的写作训练,在语言实践中以文章背景为语境,纠正语法错误及语言的错误使用,使学生的英语语言综合技能在质量上有较大的提高。 【教学内容】 本课程将英语语法与写作相结合,通过句子合并学习语法规则,通过规则讲解提高句子写作。每章包括语法和写作两部分。语法部分系统讲述了句子成分、短语、从句和句子等重要语法点的功能、形式、种类、以及在句子中运用的位置与标点。写作部分又分改错与改写两块。改错包括残缺句、不间断句、杂乱句等常见的写作错误。各单元提供相关写作错误的描述、实例以及改正方法。改写部分介绍了句子合并策略、句子重心、句内句间关联等句子写作技巧,旨在通过技巧的讲解和操练使学习者改变英语写作中的中文行文习惯,并将语法规则具体运用到语篇写作之中。 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则: 一、语法教学应该抓住形式,意义和用法三个环节,正确处理三者之间的关系。明确让学生掌握语言形式是基础,了解其意义是关键,学会使用才是真正的目的。


人教版初中英语七年级下册 Unit2 语法与写作指导 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Unit 2 语法与写作指导 语法指导之一 询问时间及时间表达法 【教材原句】 1.——What time do you usually take a shower,Rick? ——I usually take a shower at six forty. 2.——What time does Rick eat breakfast? ——He eats breakfast at seven o’clock. 3.——When do your friends exercise? ——They usually exercise on weekends. 以上例句,是由疑问词和引导的,用来询问时 间的特殊疑问句及其相应的回答。(what time;when) 【语法透析】 一、如何用when 与what time 询问时间 When 与what time 都可以用来询问时间,意为“什么时候”,但它们并不完全等同。在不同的语境下,它们的使用还是有一定讲究的。What time 用来询问具体的时间点;when 既可以用来询问具体的时间点,还可以用来询问时间段。也就是说,它们有时可以互换,有时却不能,具体用法如下: 1.询问做某事的时间(钟点)时,两者可以互相替换。例如:——When /What time do you go to school?——I go to school at seven o’clock. 2.询问钟表所表示的具体时间(钟点)时,即几点几分,只能用what time,而不能用when。例如:——What time is it now,Jack?——It’s eight thirty. 3.询问事件发生的年份、月份、日期等非钟点性时间时,只能用when,而 不能用what time。例如:1)——When was your brother born?——He was born in 1995.2)——When is Teachers’Day?——It’s September10th. 【拓展记忆】用what time 提问时间,答语应包括具体的时间点;用when 提问时间,答语则不一定为具体的时间点;用when 提问时间,回答若是具体的时间点,则可以用what time 替换。 【试题链接】——do you go to school? ——At 7:00 in the morning.


英语语法与写作基础 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

英语语法基础 一、词性 1. 名词(noun →n.): 表示人或物的名称,man, teacher, book, music, time等。 另有专有名词如Tom, New York, Wall Street, ATM等。 动名词也是名词,由动词+ing构成,表示某种行为,如:swimming, playing basketball, being short等。 在英语中,名词可做句子的主语、宾语、表语、定语、补足语、同位语。如: I love studying English in my leisure / spare / free time. (主语、宾语)Being short is not a disadvantage. (主语、表语) The railway bridge is to be reconstructed next month. (定语) We made him monitor. (宾语补足语) We Chinese people mean what we say. (同位语) 2. 各种代词(pronoun →pron.) 指代人或物,如人称代词he, she, us, them, 指示代词this, that, these, 不定代词some, any, someone, something, all, each,疑问代词what, which等。 代词类似于名词,在英语中通常做主语、宾语,少数可以做表语、同位语、定语。 What has happened to him(主语、宾语) This is my book. Yours is over there. (定语、主语)


.英语语法与基础写作作业资料汇总 . .测验一:句法知识及运用【第2-4周】 .测验一1. 单项选择题(30题,共15分) 题目1 正确 获得0.5分中的0.5分 标记题目 题干 There are so many people in the hall _______ it's hard for me to find her. 选择一项: A. that B. because C. for D. why 反馈 解析:本题考查"so...that..."这一固定句型搭配。"so + 形容词 + that从句"表示"如此......以至于......"。 意为:"大厅里的人是如此之多,以至于对我来说,要找到她,并非易事。" 正确答案是:that 题目2

正确 获得0.5分中的0.5分 标记题目 题干 _______ you join her birthday party tomorrow? 选择一项: A. Have B. Are C. Do D. Will 反馈 解析:本题考查一般将来时。 tomorrow 是一个将来的时间,应该用一般将来时。此句是一个一般疑 问句,故直接把助动词 will 提前至句首即可。句意为:"你明天会参加她的生日会吗?" 正确答案是:Will 题目3 不正确

标记题目 题干 _______ I want to do is to have a good rest after such a long trip. 选择一项: A. that B. All what C. which D. All 反馈 解析:本题考查关系代词的辨析。"all I want to do is"是一个固定搭配,表示"我想做的就是......"。句 意为:"在这么长的一段旅途后,我想做的就是好好休息。" 正确答案是:All 题目4 正确 获得0.5分中的0.5分 标记题目


人教 , 版 , 初中 , 英语 , 七年级 , 下册 ,Unit1, 语法 , 与 , 人教版初中英语七年级下册 Unit1 语法与写作指导 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Unit 1语法与写作 语法指导 情态动词can 的用法 【教材原句】 1. —— Can you and Tom play chess? —— Yes,we can./No,we can ’t. 2. —— What can you do? —— I can dance. you can join the soccer club. 4.I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 以上例句,是含有情态动词的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其回答,其中 “I can dance. ”是句,1句是句,2句是句。( can ,肯定,一般疑问,特殊疑问) 【语法透析】 本单元学习的情态动词can,表示某人具有做某事的能力,它的意思是“能,会”,但不能 独立存在,它必须与动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词can 没有人称和数的变化。 肯定句 主语 +can+动词原形 +其他。 We can play the guitar. She can dance. 否定句 主语 +can+not+ 动词原形 +其他。 We can’t play the guitar. She can’t dance. 一般疑问句

Can+主语 +动词原形+其他? Can you play the guitar? Yes,we can./No,we can ’t. Can she dance? Yes,she can./No,she can ’t. 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+can+主语 +动词原形+其他? We can play the guitar. →What can you do? The boy can tell stories She can dance. →What can she do? →What can the boy tell? 情态动词can 的具体含义如下: 1. 表示脑力或体力方面的“能力”,意思是“能,会”。例如:I can speak English.我会讲英语。 He can play basketball.他会打篮球。I can’t ride a motorbike.我不会骑摩托车。 What can you see in the picture?你能在图画中看到什么? 2. 在口语中,情态动词can 你可以出去了。 You can sit 不准在马路上踢足球。表示“许可”, can’t表示“不准”。例如: here. 你可以坐在这儿。 You can’t play football You can go out. in the street. 3.指“请求做某事”,常用于一般疑问句。 Can you?“请你好吗?”,表示说话人的请求; Can I ?“我可以吗?”用来征求对方是否允许自己做某事。如在末尾加上 please 一词就显得更有礼貌了。例如:Can you help me,please?请你帮助我好吗?Can I have a cup of tea,please?请问,我可以喝一杯茶吗? 【试题链接】——Can you ride a horse? —— No,I. ’t not’t’t ( can 表示能力,用它来提问,就用它来回答。故选C。) 【拓展记忆】情态动词can 表示请求时,其回答可用Yes,OK 或 Certainly等作肯定回答;用No 或 Sorry 等作否定回答。例如:——Can you look after my books,please?你可以照看一下我的书吗?——OK./All right可以。/好吧。注意:如果用certainly作肯定回答,语 气更肯定;用Sorry 作否定回答,语气则更委婉、客气。例如:——Can I see your guitar? 我可以看看你的吉他吗?——Certainly.当然可以。——Can you sing?你会唱歌吗?—— Certainly,I can.我当然会。——Sorry,I can’t.很抱歉,我不会。


高中英语常用固定搭配一、语法填空常考固定搭配 next to 挨着,靠近 I got a place next ________ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. be based on 建立在?基础上 It is the operational mode of shared bikes ________(base) on the satellite navigation (卫星导航)system, electronic payment as well as big data that has surprised the world. play a role in 在?中起作用 As part of its plan, the WHO asked governments to consider the role food advertising plays ________ encouraging people to eat unhealthy food. both ?and??和?都 And the hutong today is fading into the shade for ________ tourists and local people. neither ?nor ?既不?也不? Neither a single person ________ any traffic was in sight at all. either ?or ?要么?要么? I ’msure most people would side with the honest person. ________ we live in the truth or we live in lies. Truth sets us free and lies leave us in nothing but more troubles. come into 产生;出现 existence Xuan paper, known as one of the Four Treasuresof the Study, first came into ________(exist) in Jing County in the Tang dynasty. turn off 关掉


英语基础写作讲义 、写作基本要求 ①字数(字数不够怎么办) ②信息完整 ③语法可接受 ④行文连贯 ⑤词汇与句式多变 二、写作规范 ①标点 顿号、’”英语没有顿号,一般用逗号取代。汉语中用顿号表示一句话中间并列的词和词组之间的停顿。 书名号汉语书名号为《》,表示书籍、报刊等名称。英语中不用书名号,而是用斜体字表示,以区别于印刷体;但打字或书写时,因没有斜体字,便在书名或刊名下划一横线。句号英语的句号是是实心的小圆点,即“.”常用于陈述句和祈使句之后。而汉语的句号是 空心圆圈,即。”。 省略号英语的省略是三个实心的小圆点,位于一行的中间。 ②字母大小写(题目应放在第一行的中间,第一个单词的首字母和每一个名词、动词、形容词、副词等的首字母都要大写。) ③选词 在写作中特别要注意,不能过多使用过于口语化的词汇,要书面化。Cool - very good ④书写(注意格式) 三、写作基本结构框架 文章结构: -±-

Begi nnin g+Body1+...+Body N+ Ending Body 的结构:Topic sentence+ Supporting sentence+ Concluding sentence 段落是文章的基本构成成分,其作用是围绕文章的主题或中心思想从不同角度进行有组织的、逻辑性强的说明或阐述。段落由一系列围绕同一主题的句子组成。当新的主题出现时,就应开始新的段落。段落一般由三部分构成:主题句(topic sentence、支撑句(supporting sentence 或扩展句(developing sentence 和结尾句(concluding sentence。请看下面的一篇短文: What is a topic sentence? The topic sentence in troduces the paragraph. What does it do? It tells the reader what your paragraph will be about. Example: There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reas on is that En glish has become an international Ianguage. It is now used by most international compa ni es, in clud ing the compa ny where I work, for bus in ess com muni catio n. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary Ianguage. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my compa ny soon. For all these reas on s, I am very excited about lear ning En glish. ANALYSIS: What are you going to tell the reader about? Topic Sentence There are three reas ons why I want to lear n En glish. 文章中的第一句就是段落的主题句,顾名思义,段落的主题句是表达该段落主题或中心思想的句子,段落的其他句子都是对该主题句的进一步扩展或论证。所以,写好主题句往往是写好文章的关键。在构思主题句时,应注意两个常见的问题,一是主题句太空泛,没有具体内容;二是因一个段落中出现一个以上的主题句而使得段落的中心内容不明确。段落的主题句一般位于段落的开头,尤其是对议论文更是如此。 同样是这篇文章,我们再来看一下它的支撑句。 Support ing Senten ces What are supporting sentences? support ing senten ces come after the topic senten ce, to expla in your topic senten ce. The support ing senten ces with their support ing details make up the body of a paragraph. What do supporting sentences do? They give information to develop and support the main idea of the paragraph.

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