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According to the topic, my design needs to adopt two AT89C52 to form a control system of principal and subordinate. The communication between the two MCU is to adopt the serial port. Meanwhile, launch end join with insult male genital 61 sound recognition system that board make remotely, can finish the remote control function of the pronunciation, and it adopts the infrared sensor to measure the mileage; The ultrasonic sensor carries on the obstacle to discern; Sensitization resistance complement in order to walk into whom electrical machinery control rotate organization carry on measuring, direction of the light source, The small car can go to the adjacent place of the light source with the software .The design adopts serial EEPROM of AT24C08 to write down the orbit of the car , and can repeat the route automatically which has been recorded.

The Design is on the basis of the complete software and hardware system, and the small car has the function of sound remote control, following any curve, recording the route where it has gone, finding out the light source, etc…

Keywords: MCU; AT24C08; sensor; SPCE061A


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1概述 (1)

1.2设计要求及主要功能介绍 (1)

1.2.1 手动控制功能 (2)

1.2.2 自动寻找光源功能 (2)

1.2.3 超声避障功能 (2)

1.2.4 记录路线与重放路线功能 (2)

1.2.5 声控功能 (3)

1.2.6 其他功能 (3)

1.3 MCS-51系列单片机简介 (3)

1.4凌阳SPCE061A精简开发板简介 (5)

第2章系统总体设计 (6)

2.1系统功能模块的划分 (6)

2.2单片机数目的选定 (6)

2.3系统原理框图 (7)

2.4系统软件主要特色 (7)

2.4.1软件分层结构 (8)

2.4.2多任务结构 (8)

2.4.3消息驱动结构 (13)

2.5本章小结 (15)

第3章各模块的详细设计 (16)

3.1 红外遥控模块的设计 (16)

3.1.1 遥控模块的功能需求 (16)

3.1.2 编解码芯片的选型 (16)

3.1.3 遥控模块原理图 (16)

3.1.4 遥控电路与语音识别模块的连接 (18)

3.2 数码管、发光二极管显示模块的设计 (18)

3.2.1 多位数码管扫描显示原理 (18)

3.2.2 工作状态指示灯及转向灯的设计 (19)

3.2.3 显示模块电原理图 (19)

3.2.4 显示任务的软件设计 (20)

3.3 声音提示功能的设计 (20)

3.4 前轮转向模块的设计 (21)

3.4.1 前轮转向的机械结构设计 (21)

3.4.2 前轮转向中点校准功能的设计 (22)

3.4.3 步进电机驱动芯片 (22)

3.4.4 前轮转向任务的软件设计 (22)

3.5 后轮驱动模块的设计 (24)

3.5.1 直流电机驱动芯片L298N (24)

3.5.2 后轮驱动任务的软件设计 (25)

3.6 里程检测模块的设计 (25)

3.6.1 探头的选型与安装 (25)

3.6.2 软件消抖与硬件消抖的比较 (26)

3.6.3 里程检测任务的软件设计 (26)

3.7 超声测距模块的设计 (27)

3.7.1 超声测距的理论依据 (27)

3.7.2 超声发射电路 (27)

3.7.3 超声接收电路 (28)

3.7.4 超声测距任务的软件设计 (29)

3.8 光源方向探测模块的设计 (30)

3.8.1 旋转机构设计 (30)

3.8.2 亮度检测电路的选型与设计 (31)