劳动合同职业危害告知书 中英文对照版

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某某有限公司(以下简称甲方)与(以下简称乙方)依据《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》和有关法律、法规,甲乙双方经平等协商,自愿签订本补充约定。This Supplementary agreement of labor contract is made between Your Company Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “The Company”) and (hereinafter referred to as the “The Employee”) in accordance with Law of Occupational Disease Prevention of PRC and Relevant Legislation, subject to mutual agreement and voluntary signed.

一、甲方权利与义务Item I: Rights and obligations of The Company

1.负责如实将乙方工作过程中可能产生职业病危害及其后果、防护措施、待遇告知乙方,填写职业病危害因素告知表(见附表1)1. The Company must inform The Employee, the potential occupational hazards and the aftereffect in the work as well as the occupational disease prevention measures, remuneration and other related information. And fill a fact form of occupational hazards (Attachment I).


3. The Company arranges occupational health examination of pre-employment, on-job, pre-resign and have suffered acute occupational poisoning hazards for Employees. The company shall bear all the costs and provide the examination result.

4.负责对乙方进行上岗前和在岗期间职业安全卫生培训,指导乙方正确使用相关职业病防护设备和个人职业病防护用品。3. The Company arranges the pre-employment and on job the occupational health and security training, instruct The Employee for the correct utilization of occupational disease prevention equipment and individual used occupational disease prevention articles.

5.按照国家规定,使用达标的生产工艺设备、技术、材料,并对乙方工作区域进行职业危害防护,且按规定周期进行职业危害日常监测以及年度检测、评价,将结果在危害岗位中告知。4. In accordance with state regulations, The Company use of standard production process equipment, technology, materials. And implement occupational hazards protection for the work area of The Employee. And in accordance with regulations, The Company shall periodically perform occupational hazards of daily monitoring and the annual inspection , evaluation ,and informed result.


5. The Company do not assigning operation harmful to the health of the embryos or babies for Female workers during their pregnant and lactation period.

6. 按照《工伤保险条例》相关规定,对因甲方工作环境导致乙方患职业病的,进行救治、补贴。6. In accordance with Regulation on Work-Related Injury Insurances. due to The Company of the working environment, The Company providing treatment and compensation for The Employee leading to occupational diseases.

7. 在劳动合同存续期间,因乙方工作岗位、内容变更致使接触的职业病危害因素改变时,甲方应向乙方告知,并与乙方重新签订职业危害变更告知表(见附表2)7. in the labor contract duration, due to The Employee transferred , resulting in exposure of the occupational hazards change, The Company have to shall inform The Employee, and re-signed the occupational hazards change form (Attachment II)

二、乙方权利与义务Item II: Rights and obligations of The Employee

1. 自觉遵守甲方制定的岗位职业卫生操作规程和制度。Item I: The Employee must be obey The

Company establish the occupational health

management system and operating rules.

2. 正确使用职业病防护设备和个人职业病防护用品。Item II: The Employee must be proper use of

personal occupational diseases protective

equipment and occupational diseases protective


3. 积极参加职业卫生培训。Item III: The Employee must be actively

participate in occupational health training.

4. 定期参加职业病健康体检Item IV: The Employee should regularly

participate in occupational health check

5. 发现职业病危害隐患事故应及时报告甲方Item V: The Employee should inform The

Company for found the risks and the accident of

occupational hazards.

6. 树立自我保护意识,积极配合甲方,避免职业病发生。Item VI: The Employee must establish certain

awareness of self-protection, actively cooperate

with The Company, to prevent occupational


7. 离岗时,应按照规定参加甲方组织的离岗职业健康检查。Item VII: When The Employee leave company, should be participating The Company organized occupational health checks.