美国历史文化概况(英文版)UNIT (6)

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4. Marshall: General of the Army George Catlett Marshall (乔治•卡特莱特•马歇尔) (December 31, 1880 – October 16, 1959) :was an American military leader, Chief of Staff of the Army, Secretary of State, and the third Secretary of Defense. Once noted as the "organizer of victory" by Winston Churchill for his leadership of the Allied victory in World War II, Marshall served as the U.S. Army Chief of Staff during the war and as the chief military adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. As Secretary of State his name was given to the Marshall Plan, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.
Unit 6 The Great Depression and New Deal
Teaching Aims Text A
Text B Supplementing Reading
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After studying this unit, you are required to: 1. Have a general idea of the Great Depression and New Deal. 2. Understand the history of the Great Depression and New Deal. 4. Master the difficult words and expressions.
1.Paralysis: is the complete loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling (sensory loss) in the affected area, if there is sensory damage as well as motor. Paralysis is most often caused by damage in the nervous system, especially the spinal cord. Drugs that interfere with nerve function, such as curare, can also cause paralysis. There are many known causes for paralysis. And perhaps more yet to be discovered.
Text A
Introduction to The Great Depression
大萧条是指 1929年至1933年之间全球性的经济大 衰退。大萧条的影响比历史上任何一次经济衰退 都要来得深远,它从美国蔓延到其他工业国家, 加剧恶化了世界经济形势,成为第二次世界大战 爆发的一个重要根源。1933年初,富兰克林•罗斯 福当选为美国第 32届总统,他针对当时的实际, 顺应广大人民群众的意志,大刀阔斧地实施了一 系列旨在克服危机的政策措施,史称“罗斯福新 政”。
Reading Comprehension
Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true(T) or false(F).
1.The Great Depressions began in 1929 and ended in 1933. ( ) 2.Deteriorating economic situation started striking the United States since October 24, 1929, called “the black Thursday.” ( ) 3.The President of the United States in 1932 was President Hoover. ( ) 4.President Roosevelt presented to Congress more than 70 bills for approval, which were generally known as Roosevelt’s “New Deal.” ( )
2.Laissez-faire: In economics, laissez-faire means allowing industry to be free from state intervention, especially restrictions in the form of tariffs and government monopolies. The phrase is French and literally means "let do", but it broadly implies "let it be", or "leave it alone."
Reading Comprehension
5. President Roosevelt took America off the gold standard and increased the value of US dollars, which made American goods more competitive in the world market. ( ) 6.To increase the farmers’ income, Roosevelt asked the farmers to cultivate more farm land so as to increase production. ( ) 7.President Roosevelt was the only President who served more than two terms in American history. ( ) 8.The New Deal produced a far-reaching influence on America’s social welfare program. ( )