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Bakery business plan


We want to open a bakery likes 85 degrees C in the Songjiang University Town around our school.

First, we will introduce 85 degrees C.It is Taiwan-style catering company, mainly engaged in supplying coffee and dessert. Its name means that "coffee tastes best at the temperature of 85 degree centigrade " , and it’s set up on the basic of five-star chef and banquet’s specified

top-level coffee .This shop is a new form of creative, it makes shop more bright with elegant lamplight , and suits with brand image, so that it can bring the consumer different feeling in the bright open space, at the same time the consumer can enjoy the sense of beauty and temptation from the delicious dessert, which will makes your sight、smelling and tasting feel brand new.

85 degrees C is created in 2004, and at present, 85 degrees C has became a chain of enterprise, and has more than 340 stores in Taiwan, annual operating income is more than RMB 1.5 billion, has exceed more than 200 Starbucks in Taiwan area.

Over the years, it is becoming more and more popular among consumers, especially among the young. There are a large number of students in the Songjiang University Town, it can meet the demands of the students’ need. So if we open a store like 85 degrees C, it will have a big market.

We aim to offer our high quality products at a competitive price to meet the demands of the university students.

Our bakery managed by our four partners. There are Peach, Helen, __ and I. Each of us has a different responsibility.

Peach is in charge of the sales, marketing and supply chain, and I am in charge of the administration and finance. Helen is interested in bakery, so she is in charge of the quality of our products and purchase. And ** is in charge of the customer service.

Our bakery also intends to hire two full-time pastry bakers whose duty is making bread and we also have two part-time staff to handle customer service and day to day operations.

Products and service

We offer a broad range of milk, tea, coffee in high quality, and also provide freshly prepared bakery and pastry products at all time. We cater to all the students’ dema nds by providing each student high quality products. And make our products suit the customer’s taste, down to the smallest detail.

Our bakery provides freshly prepared bakery and pastry products at all times during business operations. Moderate batches of bakery and pastry products are prepared during the day to assure fresh baked goods are always available. Especially in the morning, we will provide the fresh, healthy, delicious bread and milk for all the students to let them have a better breakfast.

We provide a comfortable place for students to have rest. We also provide free WIFI, you can come and have fun in surfing the Internet if you take your PC or mobile phone which WIFI allow.

Competitor Analysis

From the research we can see that there are several bakery shops around us, such as Lillian Cake Shop、Christine bread house, but we can find some problems with them. On the one hand, it has a very high cost. On the other hand, the environment there is too crowded. The most important reason is that there is no special bakery near our school, so we can open a bakery around.

Main Competitions

We may meet the following risks. First, the threat of potential entrants. Second, competition in this industry. Third, the threat of alternative products. Fourth, the buyer’s bargaining power is very strong.

Keys to Success and Promotion 、market penetration

Keys to success for our bakery will include:

1. Providing the highest quality products with personal customer service.

2. Competitive pricing.

3. Features of our products.

4. Advertisements and colorful activities.

5. Atmosphere

Because we think that our student is not only like delicious food but also looking for high quality and fresh products in a relaxing atmosphere where they can chat with their friends, relax themselves, read some books and review their homework. We also provide free WIFI, you can come and have fun in surfing the Internet .

Our promotion and market penetration

Promotion strategies will include three parts. Including Advance publicity、Later publicity and activities. Advance publicity will be large-scale, high strength and invest more. Later publicity will pay more attention to the customer relationship management. In addition to these, we will hold some specific activities planning and organization, such as sponsor the school party, in order to promote our bakery, at the same time we can also remind customer’s awareness through the activities. For the holidays, we will carry out targeted promotion strategies such as send leaflets and give some discounts to the customer.

Market Segmentation

Our bakery wants to establish a large regular customer base, and we will therefore concentrate our business and marketing on Songjiang university students, which will be the dominant target market. This will establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to ensure stability of the business.

Market analysis

The dominant target market for our bakery is university students. Personal and expedient customer service at a competitive price is the key to maintaining the local market share of this target market.

Because the students in Songjiang University Town have a higher demand on food, they always like fresh and good-tasted food and they also want a comfortable place to have rest. We provide fresh baked bread. You can always see our Baker in the continuous production of bread. We also provide delicious mike tea and coffee all days, especially on the breakfast time and dinner time. And the comfortable place for you and your friends is always available.

Financial Considerations

Our bakery shop expects to borrow about $500,000 from you. Mainly used for the purchase of raw materials, the loan, staff training, market promotion. We anticipates sales of about $614,000 in the first year, and $814,000 in the second year, of the plan. We should break even by the fourth month of its operation as it steadily increases its sales. So the company does not anticipate any cash flow problems.


BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE BUSINESS PLAN [My Company] 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 10000 123-4567 [Your Name] [DATE]

TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary (1) Management (2) [Company] History (5) [Product/Service] Description (7) Objectives (9) Competitors (10) Competitive Advantages (11) Innovation (13) Pricing (14) Specific Markets (15) Growth Strategy (16) Market Size and Share (17) Targeting New Markets (18) Location (19) Manufacturing Plan (20) Research & Development (21) Historical Financial Data (22) Proforma Financial Data (23) Proforma Balance Sheet (26) Cost Control (27) Effects of Loan or Investment (28) Attachments (29)

Executive Summary [My Company] was formed as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation] in [Month, Year] in [City, State], by [John Doe] in response to the following market conditions: [Startup, growth] opportunities exist in [Product/Service]. The need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets. [I/We] have several customers who are willing to place large [orders,contracts] within the next three months. Several other prospective [customers/clients] have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months. [I/We] previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the past few years I spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. This plan is a result of that study. The basic components of this plan are: 1. Competitive pricing 2. Expand the markets 3. Increased advertising 4. Lower our unit costs, 5. Thereby achieving higher profits. 1. Sign contracts 2. Increased advertising 3. Increase office staff To this end, [I/we] need investment from private individuals and/or companies. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. The company will be run as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation]. Financial Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sales $1,000,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 Net Income $25,000 $250,000 $375,000 Earnings per .01 .12 .14 share


创业计划书 Business plan

目录 一、项目概况 二、创业团队情况 三、市场评估 四、市场营销计划 五、企业组织结构 六、投资预测及资金来源 七、销售收入预测(12个月) 八、销售和成本计划 九、经营风险预测及规避措施

一、项目概况 (一)项目描述 随着中国经济发展的快速提升,人们消费需求的变化和消费水平的提高,人民生活习惯开始了多元化的趋势,西餐、糕点、面包等食品开始得到一部分高收入人群的青睐,行业利润较好,发展前景看好。对时尚,健康,品位和异国文化的追求成为最有消费潜力群体的消费理念! (二)盈利模式 吸引顾客味蕾,购买面包。特色面包,可自己动手制作。 二、创业团队 (一)团队成员背景 应届毕业生 (二)团队优势、劣势 对制作食物有自己的热忱,对工作热情、有信心。 工作经验缺乏 三、市场评估 (一)目标顾客描述 面包店主要是针对中老年人高血压、糖尿病等病不能吃甜食的困扰,制造一些适合中老年人吃的有益健康、有益改善病症的面包,以荞麦面包、藻类面包、麦麸面包等为主。另外就是正在减肥的年轻女孩和少妇,研制出一种吃了不但不会长胖而且还有助于减肥的产品,让年轻女性依赖上我的减肥面包。最后就是孩子,孩子可以说是甜点的主要消费群体,但吃多了糖对身体有害无益,要研制一种不加糖或加少量糖但却深深让儿童喜欢的儿童面包。儿童面包主要以花样繁多、口味各异吸引孩子的目光。 (二)市场变化的趋势 随着现代人的生活水平提高,生活节奏的加快,在日常生活中对各种烘焙食品的需求不断增加,这个市场有着无可估量的前景。一位在烘焙行业工作多年的人员介绍说,目前花样多多的面包、西点、蛋糕,正受到越来越多的年轻人和小孩子的欢迎,对于广阔的市场前景是毋庸质疑的。走在大街上,面包店随处可见,装潢考究,陈列的面包样式繁多;走进超市里,每家都有面包、糕点专柜,品种琳琅满目。知名的面包店更是在发展中加大新口味新产品的开发力度,营销方式上不断推陈求新以争取顾客眼球。


Bakery business plan Introduction We want to open a bakery likes 85 degrees C in the Songjiang University Town around our school. First, we will introduce 85 degrees C.It is Taiwan-style catering company, mainly engaged in supplying coffee and dessert. Its name means that "coffee tastes best at the temperature of 85 degree centigrade " , and it’s set up on the basic of five-star chef and banquet’s specified top-level coffee .This shop is a new form of creative, it makes shop more bright with elegant lamplight , and suits with brand image, so that it can bring the consumer different feeling in the bright open space, at the same time the consumer can enjoy the sense of beauty and temptation from the delicious dessert, which will makes your sight、smelling and tasting feel brand new. 85 degrees C is created in 2004, and at present, 85 degrees C has became a chain of enterprise, and has more than 340 stores in Taiwan, annual operating income is more than RMB 1.5 billion, has exceed more than 200 Starbucks in Taiwan area. Over the years, it is becoming more and more popular among consumers, especially among the young. There are a large number of students in the Songjiang University Town, it can meet the demands of the students’ need. So if we open a store like 85 degrees C, it will have a big market.


大学生创业计划书范文5篇 通过计划合理安排时间和任务,使自己达到目标,也使自己明确每一个任务的目的。以下是我整理的大学生创业计划书范文5篇,欢迎阅读参考! 大学生创业计划书(一) 自上初中以来我便开始住校,深知令人头疼的“吃饭”问题,也就是食堂的饭菜问题。由于学校食堂普遍都是以大锅菜的方式做的,因此虽然价格较低但很少能真正让学生欢迎。 一、餐馆名称: xxxxx。命名规则说明:低调,简单,易记,有特色(这里的特色不是说直接反映风味)但不古怪,不超过四个字,不带湘字。目前预定的形式是“xxxx酒家”或“xxxx荘” 二、餐馆风味:以湘东地区的农家风味为主 三、餐馆预计面积:280~350m2 四、目标城市:广州 五、选址要求: 1.在周边1里内起码要有一个中型居民小区,周围最好一定量的流动人口,应该是白领来往或是租房目标区; 2.如果条件不能满足第1点,则位置需要交通比较方便,来往有一定量私家车和有消费能力的人员能醒目的看到餐馆的位置; 3.租金不能超过60元/m2,40元/m2为最佳,最好是1楼有一个10m2左右进出铺面,主要营业面积在二楼;

4.餐馆本身需要能停车7~10辆家用轿车的能力,或是附近不超过200m有停车场。 选址总体评价,由于新手投入资金不宜过大,因此餐馆位置不能为现今已经很繁华处,但希望往来比较多的人员,并且具有消费能力,希望通过餐馆的风味特色能吸引到老客户,要求能在三个月后能做到盈利1万元/月。 六、餐馆布局要求:大厅内部要求能摆放4人小台或小圆桌12~15张,10人大台4张,16m2包厢(4*4m规格)4~5个。(但具体要看店铺的布局) 七、餐馆开张预算: 1.租金:两按一租,以300m2计算,每m2预计50元,此应一次支付4.5万元;如果面积有出入,无论如何不能超过5万 2.装修设计费用:800元 3.装修费用: a.门面外部装潢能突出特色、显眼、但不夸张费用为x元; b.内部大厅装修风格以突出农家风味为主,装修一般,但要求装修完不能有异味,费用为x元; c.厨房面积为40m2,装修强调排污、通风,费用为x元; d.厕所两个,男厕为1.5m2,女厕为1m2,要求通风,其他无特别需求,装修x元。自己买材料,总共预计8万元 4.办证费用:要求有消防、环保、卫生许可和营业执照等,费用预计6万元 5.购买用具费用: a.3台5p的空调,包厢4台小1p空调,共元(也可能使用中中央空调); b.十把吊扇或壁扇,共3000元,


商业计划书英文范文 篇一:商业计划书提纲写作(中英文) Business Plan Outline - 23 Point Checklist For Success Dave Lavinsky, Contributor If you’re looking for funding for a new or existing business, you need a business plan. Your business plan gives lenders and investors the information they need to determine whether or not they should consider your company. Your business plan outline is the first step in organizing your thoughts. And, when you follow the outline below, you ensure your business plan is in the format that prompts investors and lenders to take action. In the business plan outline below, you will see the ten (10) sections common to business plans, and the twenty-three (23) sub-sections you must complete. Section I – Executive Summary 1 – Executive Summary The Executive Summary is the most important part



目录 一、咖啡厅概况 (1) (一)营业时间: (1) (二)营业规格: (1) (三)经营模式: (1) (四)目标群体: (1) (五)主营业务 (2) 二、市场分析 (3) (一)调查问卷设计及分析数据结果 (3) (二)市场状况分析 (3) 三、店面设计 (7) (一)咖啡馆形象设计原则 (7) (二)咖啡馆招牌设计 (7) (三)橱窗设计 (8) (四)咖啡馆灯光效果 (8) (五)色彩与声音 (9) (六)室内设计 (10) 四、运营方案 (12) (一)产品特色: (12) (二)餐牌: (14) (三)星座咖啡简介: (15) 五、费用预算 (19) (一)初期财务预算 (19) (二)投入及产出分析 (20) 六、营销策略分析 (20) (一)营销方案 (20) (二)具体营销方法: (21) 附录 (23) 房屋租赁协议 (23) 营业许可证 (23)

一、咖啡厅概况 随着经济的高速发展及中西方文化的相互渗透。咖啡作为一种休闲饮品,受到越来越多人的青睐。特别是在大学校园内,随着大学生们消费水平的提高,咖啡类饮品日趋成为一种潮流。根据市场调查分析,在佳木斯大学校区开办一家这种具有针对性的主题咖啡屋已经得到同学们的认可,主题咖啡屋成为如今校园内的一种潜在需求。 (一)营业时间: 周一到周五:12:00-24:00; 双休日及公众假期:11:00-次日2:00. (二)营业规格: 星缘星愿咖啡店铺面积约一百五十平方米,预计咖啡店最多可同时容纳八十多名客人。 (三)经营模式: 出租场地,个体承包,雇佣全职人员和一些学生兼职,盈亏自负。 (四)目标群体: 咖啡店顾客对象为佳木斯大学学生、附近居民以及学校的部分拥有年轻心态想亲近学生生活的教师。 学生易于接受新颖和特别事物,新开的场所咖啡店及提供的咖啡果冻等最适合他们不过。另外,附近高校的学生也是本咖啡店的顾客对象,在此可以结交我校的美女帅哥。热闹年轻的氛围必定也能吸引老师的前来。


目录 第一章:项目分析 1.1创业机会选择的原因 (2) 1.2项目的分析 (2) 1.3项目前景分析 (2) 第二章:项目可操作性分析 2.1目标市场 (3) 2.2项目简介 (3) 2.3服务简介 (3) 第三章:市场分析 3.1市场分析 (5) 3.2市场预测 (6) 3.3竞争分析 (6) 第四章:发展战略 4.1营销策略 (6) 4.2管理策略 (7) 4.3财务分析 (7) 4.4风险分析和管理 (7) 第五章:创业团队 5.1公司文化 (8) 5.2团队建设 (8) 第六章:附录 (9)

创业计划书 第一章 创业机会选择的原因 根据我上大学以来的经历发现,感觉到餐饮业是一个很有发展潜力的市场。都说“民以食为天”,这句话的确是没有错,所以我想在呈贡大学城开一家特色小吃店,这里学生人数多,而且消费能力也比较强,所以我们选择这个小吃创业是因为: 1.位于大学城内,学生的消费能力比较强,具有广阔的消费市场。 2.我们的小吃店虽多,但没有几家是地地道道的小吃,而且都是单一的地方小吃,没有一家是多样化,多特色的小吃店。 3.餐饮业规模较小,经营风险小,资金易周转,团队易管理,效益回报快,不需要长期的投资,属于易经营的项目。 4.开小吃店对外部条件要求不高,对坏境的依赖性不强。经营比较灵活,易转变,对交通气候的不敏感,便于生产,经营。 5.适合团队创业,大家可以一起分担风险。 6.迎合了当代大学生的消费心理,容易打开市场。 开办特色小吃店是一个市场缝隙和机会。创业是一件具有很大风险的艰难的事情,尤其对于我们学生来说,创业资金比较短缺,资源整合的能力有待提高,所以我们必须做到谨慎,不能盲目的参与到市场竞争中。餐饮行业更适合我们的起步创业,因为它更侧重于服务,运营模式更易操作,规模较小,经营风险小,资金回转较快,也易退出市场。 项目分析 开办特色小吃店在呈贡大学城发展前景越来越好,由于呈贡距离市区较远,黄金校区周围开的特色餐馆都有区域性,没有一个综合各地特色的小吃店。而我们的小吃店却是各地小吃的组合而成,是一个综合性的小吃店。它弥补了这个空缺,是一个市场的缝隙。项目的发展具有以下几点优势: (一)面对广阔市场,接近大量的消费者。大学城的学生都来自五湖四海,他们远离家乡,在异地吃到家乡的小吃,减少水土不服的影响 (二)制定了差异化营销战略。多样化、跨地域特色小吃对长期在食堂吃饭不满意学校食堂伙食的同学们具有较大的吸引力。 (三)具有成本领先的优势。我们的小吃店专门聘请了精通各地特色小吃的厨师,在一定程度上节约了成本。同时,我们的小吃物美价廉,在学生的可承担范围之内。 综上所述:开办特色小吃店在我校有很好的消费市场和发展前景。 地址选择在餐饮店经营中有着重要的作用。店的规模大小、所处地点和成本高低都直接影响着我们特色店的目标市场、营销战略与商品构成。结合大学城的实际情况,有许多学生习惯于三点一线的生活方式,许多时候为了节约时间会选择最近的地点而不愿到较远点地方,所以在地理位置选择上应离寝室区较近。


Table of Contents 1.The Route from Concept to Company (2) 1.1.Success factors (2) 1.2.Stages of development (3) 2.The Business Idea (6) 2.1.Developing a business idea (6) 2.2.Elements of a promising business idea (7) 2.3.Protecting your business idea (10) 2.4.Presenting your idea to investors (11) 3.The Business Plan (13) 3.1.Advantages of a business plan (13) 3.2.Characteristics of a successful business plan (13) 3.3.The investor’s point of view (15) 3.4.Tips on preparing a professional business plan (17) 4.Structure and Key Elements of a Business Plan (19) 4.1.Executive summary (19) 4.2.Product or service (21) 4.3.Management team (22) 4.4.Market and competition (24) 4.5.Marketing and sales (27) 4.6.Business system and organization (32) 4.7.Implementation schedule (36) 4.8.Opportunities and risks (38) 4.9.Financial planning and financing (38)


大学生创业计划书范文 创业计划是创业者叩响投资者大门的“敲门砖”,一份优秀的创业计划书往往 会使创业者达到事半功倍的效果。 一、创业计划书 是创业者计划创立的业务的书面摘要。它用以描述与拟创办企业相关的内外部环境条件和要素特点,为业务的发展提供指示图和衡量业务进展情况的标准。 通常创业计划是市场营销、财务、生产、人力资源等职能计划的综合。写好创业计划书要思考的问题: (一)关注产品 (二)敢于竞争 (三)了解市场 (四)表明行动的方针 (五)展示你的管理队伍 (六)出色的计划摘要 二、创业计划书的内容 一般来说,在创业计划书中应该包括创业的种类、资金规划及基金来源、资金总额的分配比例、阶段目标、财务预估、行销策略、可能风险评估、创业的动机、股东名册、预定员工人数、具体内容一般包括

以下十一个方面: (一)封面 封面的设计要有审美观和艺术性,一个好的封面会使阅读者产生最初的好感,形成良好的第一印象。 (二)计划摘要 它是浓缩了的创业计划书的精华。计划摘要涵盖了计划的要点,以求一目了然,以便读者能在最短的时间内评审计划并作出判断。计划摘要一般包括以下内容: 公司介绍; 管理者及其组织; 主要产品和业务范围; 市场概貌; 营销策略; 销售计划; 生产管理计划; 财务计划; 资金需求状况等。 摘要要尽量简明、生动。特别要说明自身企业的不同之处以及企业获取成功的市场因素。 (三)企业介绍 这部分的目的不是描述整个计划,也不是提供另外一个概要,而是对你的公司作出介绍,因而重点是你的公司理念和如何制定公司的战略

目标。 (四)行业分析 在行业分析中,应该正确评价所选行业的基本特点、竞争状况以及未来的发展趋势等内容。 关于行业分析的典型问题: (1)该行业发展程度如何?现在的发展动态如何? (2)创新和技术进步在该行业扮演着一个怎样的角色? (3)该行业的总销售额有多少?总收入为多少?发展趋势怎样?(4)价格趋向如何? (5)经济发展对该行业的影响程度如何?政府是如何影响该行业的? (6)是什么因素决定着它的发展? (7)竞争的本质是什么?你将采取什么样的战略? (8)进入该行业的障碍是什么?你将如何克服?该行业典型的回报率有多少? (五)产品(服务)介绍 产品介绍应包括以下内容:产品的概念、性能及特性;主要产品介绍;产品的市场竞争力;产品的研究和开发过程;发展新产品的计划和成本分析;产品的市场前景预测;产品的品牌和专利等。 在产品(服务)介绍部分,企业家要对产品(服务)做出详细的说明,说明要准确,也要通俗易懂,使不是专业人员的投资者也能明白。一般地,产品介绍都要附上产品原型、照片或其他介绍。


创业计划书大学生版 创业主要是由在校大学生和大学毕业生群体组成。现今大学生创业问题越来越受到社会各界的密切关注,因为大学生属于高级知识人群,并且经过多年的教育往往背负着社会和家庭的种种期望。在现今社会经济不断发展就业形势却不容乐观的情况下,大学生创业也自然成为了大学生就业之外的新兴的现象。 一、创业计划书 是创业者计划创立的业务的书面摘要。它用以描述与拟创办企业相关的内外部环境条件和要素特点,为业务的发展提供指示图和衡量业务进展情况的标准。 通常创业计划是市场营销、财务、生产、人力资源等职能计划的综合。写好创业计划书要思考的问题: (一)关注产品 (二)敢于竞争 (三)了解市场 (四)表明行动的方针 (五)展示你的管理队伍 (六)出色的计划摘要 二、创业计划书的内容 一般来说,在创业计划书中应该包括创业的种类、资金规划及基金来源、资金总额的分配比例、阶段目标、财务预估、行销

策略、可能风险评估、创业的动机、股东名册、预定员工人数、 具体内容一般包括以下十一个方面: (一)封面 封面的设计要有审美观和艺术性,一个好的封面会使阅读者 产生最初的好感,形成良好的第一印象。 (二)计划摘要 它是浓缩了的创业计划书的精华。计划摘要涵盖了计划的要点,以求一目了然,以便读者能在最短的时间内评审计划并作出 判断。计划摘要一般包括以下内容:公司介绍; 管理者及其组织; 主要产品和业务范围; 市场概貌; 营销策略; 销售计划; 生产管 理计划; 财务计划; 资金需求状况等。 摘要要尽量简明、生动。特别要说明自身企业的不同之处以 及企业获取成功的市场因素。 (三)企业介绍 这部分的目的不是描述整个计划,也不是提供另外一个概要,而是对你的公司作出介绍,因而重点是你的公司理念和如何制定 公司的战略目标。 (四)行业分析 在行业分析中,应该正确评价所选行业的基本特点、竞争状 况以及未来的发展趋势等内容。关于行业分析的典型问题: (1)该行业发展程度如何?现在的发展动态如何?


商业计划书模板英 文版 1

BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE BUSINESS PLAN [My Company] 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 10000 123-4567 [Your Name] [DATE]

TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Management ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。[Company] History ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。[Product/Service] Description ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Objectives ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Competitors ......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Competitive Advantages ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Innovation ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Pricing ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Specific Markets ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Growth Strategy .................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Market Size and Share ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Targeting New Markets ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Location .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Manufacturing Plan ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Research & Development ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Historical Financial Data .................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Proforma Financial Data ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Proforma Balance Sheet ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Cost Control ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Effects of Loan or Investment ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Attachments ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


大学生创业计划书10篇 大学生创业计划书: 甜品类休闲食品一向是女性朋友们的最爱,所以如果能在女性聚集区开一家蛋糕店应当是不错的选择,同时还经营生日蛋糕,只要做出自我的特色就必须会受到广大朋友们的喜爱。 一、蛋糕店概况 1、本店发属于餐饮服务行业,名称为麦琪午时茶,是个人独资企业。主要为人们供给蛋糕、面包、冰淇淋已及饮料等甜品。 2、本店打算开在社区贸易街,开创期是一家中档蛋糕店,未来打算逐步发展成为像安德鲁森、朝阳坊、那样的蛋糕连锁店。 3、本店需创业资金9.5万元。 二、经营目标 1、由于地理位置处于贸易街,客源相对丰富,但竞争对手也不少,异常是本店刚开业,想要打开市场,必须要在服务质量和产品质量上下功夫,并且要进一步扩大经营范围以满足消费者的不一样需求。短期目标是在贸易街站稳脚跟,1年收回本钱。长期目标则是逐步发展成为一家经济实力雄厚并有必须市场占有率的蛋糕连锁公司,在众多蛋糕品牌中闯出一片天地,并成蛋糕市场的着名品牌。 三、市场分析 1、客源:本店的目标顾客有:到贸易街购物娱乐的一般消费者,约占50%;四周学校的学生、商店工作职员、小区居民,约占50%。客

源数目充足,消费水平中低档。 2、竞争对手:根据调查结果得知国内品牌蛋糕店有很多,仅福州连锁蛋糕店就有很多如安德鲁森、朝阳坊、红叶、安琦尔。所以竞争是很大的。 四、经营计划 1、先是到四周几家蛋糕店刺探情报,摸清不一样种类和尺寸蛋糕的本钱价。了解各类蛋糕店的经营理念以及经营的小花招。 2、开业金筹齐后,开始在各大蛋糕店挖角。不能明目张胆地挖,要趁店里人少时,偷偷跑过往和店里师傅商量。或者招聘糕点师傅,开蛋糕店师傅很重要,所以要慎重研究。 3、据了解发现一套消费定率:顾客永远没有最便宜的价钱。今日你能降低几元钱,明天可能就有同行竞争者以更低的价钱与你争夺订单。从中体会到产品市场必须的竞争策略:降价促销并不是长期的经营策略,唯有以最好的材料制作出最高品质的蛋糕,才能吸引顾客,将顾客留住。 4、蛋糕店主要是面向大众,所以价格不会太高,属中低价位。 5、可印一些广告传单,以优惠券的形式发放,以到达广告宣传的效果 6、蛋糕店能够专门开辟休闲区域,设置很多造型别致的座椅。顾客可买上一些点心,坐在蛋糕店里慢慢品尝,蛋糕店的休闲功能得到进一步强化。 7、经过多方调查,出于竞争等方面的需要,不少蛋糕店推出一



目录 一、市场现状分析 (一)英语培训市场背景 (3) (二)少儿英语培训行业现状 (4) (三)与品牌培训机构的比较分析。 (4) (四)顾客市场目标分析 (5) (五)竞争品牌订价策略的比较分析 (6) 二、培训中心介绍 (一)师资准备 (6) (二)宣传手段 (6) (三)培训特色 (7) (四)“教”后服务 (7) 三、市场可行性分析 (一)市场发展趋势 (9) (二)经费预算 (9) (三)不可控因素分析 (10) 四、市场竞争力分析 (一)市场定位 (11) (二)分析优势 (12) 五、调整方案 (一)网络营销 (14) (二)一对一私人外教 (14) 一、市场现状分析

(一)英语培训市场背景 中国是一个尊重知识,崇尚教育的古老民族,为了孩子的未来,父母们可以说决不吝啬。实际上,教育投资已然成为中国家庭一项最主要的支出。根据调查,中国人的教育开支目前已占到所有消费开支的15%左右,仅次于食品消费。也有经济学家指出,中国95%以上的行业和产品已基本满足了供求平衡或供大于求,唯独教育远远未满足需求,仍是卖方市场,英语教育尤其如此。有关调查显示,近些年来,中国的培训市场发展迅速,作为其中重头的“英语培训”更是得到了快速发展,各培训机构如雨后春笋般纷纷出现。当前国内英语培训市场的市场总值已接近200亿元,全国的英语培训机构总数量不下5万家,虽然已出现局部竞争过热现象,但英语培训市场在未来一段时间内仍将保持高速增长。外语培训市场“钱景”诱人,外语培训行业这块肥沃的市场也成了众多品牌教育机构的必争之地。目前,随着培训市场消费者的逐渐理性,培训行业也全面进入了“竞争时代”,比较著名的外语培训机构有新东方、新动力、亚美欧、环球雅思、新航道、博顿、昂立、巨人、李阳疯狂英语、世纪博文。 (二)少儿英语培训行业现状 一项关于城市家庭的随机抽样调查显示,几乎每个家庭都希望自己的孩子从小就开始进行英语方面的培训。从家长的认识和市场的认识,大家都觉得没有英语对孩子来说没有一个好的未来;从家长来说,需求也是非常旺盛的,希望孩子有好的英语,好的未来。这说明少儿


Business plan for the pet market Miracle Nov-22-2009

E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Pets sold on the market today is very large, an increasing number of younger age groups like to keep as pets and to their partners. They not only satisfied with a simple feeding, but also regard them as their parents. Because they have this mentality, the other relevant market came into being and pets - pet grooming, health care and so on. At present, there are already many such institutions abroad; many domestic first-line has also been developed cities, a similar organization, but due to technical reasons, and other aspects of a single national comparison of many of these institutions In developed city markets,there exists a lackage of all-package organization for all kind of pet services.In second line cities,some service organizations for only one kind of pet still have a large market share,but we need a more effective solution to develop market there.For the consideration,our program is to design the market in Nanning,through the program,we can find a more effective way to learn how the pet service market works and how to explore potential business opportunity.


创业计划书大学生版XX 随着人们的生活水平不断地进步,生活质量不断地提高和对生活的追求。鲜花已经是人们生活不可缺少的点缀! 开一家鲜花店是不错的。 一、项目背景千姿百态的花儿述说着千言万语,每一句都述说着" 美好" ,特别是现在。随着人们的生活水平不断地进步,生活质量不断地提高和对生活的追求。鲜花已经是人们生活不可缺少的点缀! 花卉消费近些年来呈越来越旺的趋势,除了花卉本身所具俏丽姿容,让人们赏心悦目,美化家居等功效外,它还可以开发人们的想象力,使人们在相互交流时更含蓄,更有品位这样我们创办上校园花店以鲜花专递为市场切入点,兼顾站长期市场占有率和短期资金回报率以抢占市场,以满足个性消费为主题,以鲜花为试点带动其他产品,最终能形成具有" 地质大学青鸟花店" 品牌优势的市场。是十分可行的。 二、公司项目策化 1、提供鲜明,公司使命有效,畅通的销售渠道,提供产品服务为根本,促进鲜花市场的大发展。我们的青鸟将成为一个可爱的信使,把祝愿和幸福送到千家万户。为人类创造最佳生活环境 2、公司目标 立足地大,服务武汉,辐射华中。创建上花店一流的公司。本公司将用一年的时间在武汉的消费者中建立起一定的知名度,并努力实现收支平衡。在投入期仅选择站总站所在地质大学西校

区作为试点市场,该区市场容量在3000 人以上,较有代表性,试点时间为一个半月。当模式成功后,以asp 的形式在分站推广。经过3 到 6 个月的运营后再扩张到其余的市场 三、经营环境与客户分析 1、行业分析 " 地质大学青鸟花店" 站是由在校大学生推出的面向650 万在校大学生的垂直站,因此目标消费者定位为在校大学生。该站除武汉地质大学的总站外,在湖北各高校设有分站,因此,暂定的目标消费群以湖北各高校大学生为重点,将来逐步扩大市场,以地质大学为例,各类在校生近 2 万人,则投 入8 校共有近20 万的目标消费者,而最新的统计表明,全国在校大学生有650 万左右,这样的市场规模是相当庞大的,而且考虑到将来在校生毕业后仍将成为站的忠诚客户这一现实,目标市场的容量将是相当可观的 2、调查结果分析本公司对武汉的各高校大学生为重点进行客户分析,主要采取问卷调查(问卷调查表见附录一)和个别访谈的方式。 此次我们共发出问卷50 份,收回37 份。由于时间有限,问卷数量不多,但还是从一定程度上反映了广大消费朋友的消费心理和需求: ⑴有明显的好奇心理,在创新方面有趋同性,听同学或朋友介绍产生购买行为;


My Business Plan Nowadays, the employment of college students is becoming more and more of a problem. Many university students after graduation not find the job but stay at home. As a college student on how well the future is the way I have been considering.So I have a business plan. I want to open a flower shop.The location of flower shop is very important. Usually the florist location follow avoid excessive competition principle, is to choose the florist less place. In the larger of the stream to the location where demand for flowers, bigger places, such as hospitals, https://www.doczj.com/doc/274250562.html, signs design is very important. Because it was the first to introduce catches the eye, so must concise let a person at the first glance to remember. And to have the certain culture connotation, so your brand is easier to be remembered.Stores have their own decorate a style, close to nature, such as brick wall, and the stone wall, board wall.The ground must be waterproof slip resistance, easy to clean up. The store shelves can choose natural wood frame of the glass and transparent. At the florist before opening the florist business products need category and business scope down.The category includes flowers, potted flower, dry flower, process such as silk flowers, business include household flower arrangement, gift flowers, wedding flowers, etc.When a customer came in to warm greeting customers. Try to know the customer buy flowers use and its individual fond of.And leave your client's name. Even if the customer didn't buy any product to also have no relation, to get good information records. If the customer after come again, with him a chat, you expect them to say his be fond of, name and so on, he will certainly surprised, moved, the client will immediately pulled close distance with you, this deal will greatly improve rate. With the customer communication in note that certain details, to someone with customers browse shop, introduce products. Will vigorously develop the other way sales, such as telephone service, network and so on. Many customers didn't have time to buy flowers, and consumption ability, which has phone transactions, trading online huge market.But to solve the credit problem, payments, phone number and website propaganda and so on. For my business planning should be down-to-earth, one step a footprint. Can not just to walk before you run. Everything begins from nothing .Then step by step ahead toward.

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