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一、填空题(1-13题每空1分,14-18题每空2分,共30分) 1、状态函数的变化只决定于体系的和而与变化的途径无关。 2、在H、U、G、S、Q、W这些物理量中不是状态函数的是。 3、熵减少的反应在低温下可自动进行,此反应的△H(填: > 0,= 0或< 0)。 4、已知反应2NO + Cl2 → 2NOCl为基元反应,其速率方程式为,总反应是级反应。 5、对下列几种水溶液,按其凝固点由低到高的顺序是。A:0.1 mol·dm-3 C6H12O6;B:0.1 mol·dm-3 NaCl; C:0.1 mol·dm-3 CaCl2;D:0.1 mol·dm-3 HAc; 6、稳定状态下的单质的标准摩尔生成焓为。 7、S2-的共轭酸是;H2S的共轭碱是。 8、对相同类型的配离子来说,解离常数K i越小,则稳定常数K f越,配离子越。 9、隔离系统指系统和环境之间(填: 有或无)物质交换,(填: 有或 无)能量交换的系统。 10、往氨水中加入少量NaOH固体并使其完全溶解,则氨的解离度(填: 增加、降低或不变),溶液的pH值(填: 增加、降低或不变)。 11、某电池反应为2Hg(l)+O2(g)+2H2O(l)→2Hg2+(aq)+4OH–(aq),当电池反应达到平衡时,电池的E必然是。(填:> 0、= 0或< 0) 12、某温度时,反应N2(g) + 3H2(g) = 2NH3(g)的标准平衡常数为Kθ, 则反应 NH3(g)= 1/2 N2(g) + 3/2 H2(g)的平衡常数为。 13、钢铁发生吸氧腐蚀时,阴极上发生的电极反应是。金属防腐可采用的阴极保护法,是把被保护金属作为腐蚀电池的极。 14、已知反应C(石墨) + O2 (g)→ CO2(g) △H mθ (298.15 K)= -394 kJ?mol-1 反应C(金刚石) + O2(g)→ CO2(g) △H mθ (298.15 K) = -396 kJ?mol-1 则金刚石的△f H mθ(298.15K) = kJ?mol-1。


工程经济学名词术语表 Accelerated cost recovery system(ACRS) 加速成本回收法ADS(alternative depreciation system) 替换折旧法 Accountant’s analysis contrasted with economist’s 会计人员的分析与经济学家分析的差异 After-tax cash flow: 税后现金流量 using double-declining-balance depreciation 使用双倍余额递减折旧法 using modified accelerated cost recovery system 使用修正后的加速成本回收法using straight-line depreciation 使用直线折旧法 using sum-of-the-years’-digits depreciation 使用年数总和折旧法 Algeria ,price changes 阿尔及利亚,价格变化Alternative depreciation syetem 替换折旧法 Alternatives : 备选方案 common unit of measurement 相同的计量单位 in decision analysis 在决策分析中 differential consequences 差别分析 independent alternatives 独立方案 ordering of 排序 Amortization ,see depreciation 分派,参见折旧 Annual-cost analysis 费用年值分析 Annual-cost formula 费用年值公式 Annual-cost method, see Annual-worth method 费用年值法,参见年值法Annual-cost method 年值法 and incremental analysis 与增量分析 perpetual lived investments 与单独分析 Banks: 银行 use of continuous compounding 连续复利的利用 use of internal rate of return method 内部收益率法的使用Belarus ,price changes Belarus , 价格变化 Belarus/cost ratio method 收益/成本比法 cost-effectiveness 成本-效果分析 equal initial investments 相等的初始投资 formulas 公式 and incremental analysis 与增量分析 and individual analysis 与单独分析 relation to present-worth method 与现值分析法 rule of delta 增量(△)法则 service lives 服务寿命(服役寿命)


控制工程基础 交卷时间:2016-05-31 14:01:38 一、单选题 1. 设系统的特征方程为,则此系统() ? A. 稳定 ? B. 临界稳定 ? C. 不稳定 ? D. 稳定性不确定。 答案A 2. 超前校正装置频率特性为,其最大超前相位角为() ? A. ? B.

? C. ? D. 答案A 3. 以下说法正确的是() ? A. 时间响应只能分析系统的瞬态响应 ? B. 频率特性只能分析系统的稳态响应 ? C. 时间响应和频率特性都能揭示系统的动态特性 ? D. 频率特性没有量纲 答案C 4. 如题10图所示反馈控制系统的典型结构图,_______

? A. ? B. ? C. ? D. 答案C 5. 根轨迹渐近线与实轴的交点公式为() ? A. ? B. ? C. ? D.

答案D 6. 已知其原函数的终值() ? A. 0 ? B. ∞ ? C. 0.75 ? D. 3 答案C 7. 离散系统闭环脉冲传递函数的极点p k=-1,则动态响应为______。? A. 单向脉冲序列 ? B. 双向发散脉冲序列 ? C. 双向等幅脉冲序列 ? D. 双向收敛脉冲序列

答案C 8. 在系统对输入信号的时域响应中,其调整时间的长短是与()指标密切相关。? A. 允许的峰值时间 ? B. 允许的超调量 ? C. 允许的上升时间 ? D. 允许的稳态误差 答案D 9. 已知某些系统的开环传递函数如下,属于最小相位系统的是( ) ? A. ? B. ? C.

? D. 答案C 10. 关于线性系统稳态误差,正确的说法是:( ) ? A. 稳态误差计算的通用公式是 ? B. 一型系统在跟踪斜坡输入信号时无误差; ? C. 增加积分环节可以消除稳态误差,而且不会影响系统稳定性;? D. 增大系统开环增益K可以减小稳态误差。 答案D 11. 以下关于系统稳态误差的概念正确的是() ? A. 它只决定于系统的结构和参数 ? B. 它只决定于系统的输入和干扰 ? C. 与系统的结构和参数、输入和干扰有关


NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering COURSE EM691 Cost Estimating for Capital Projects INSTRUCTOR Randy Reagan Email: reagan@https://www.doczj.com/doc/266630464.html, Homepage: https://www.doczj.com/doc/266630464.html,/~reagan/. TEXTS Engineering Economy, Sullivan, Wicks, Koeling, 14th edition, Pearson, 2009. Note: At the time the 14th ed. text was selected Pearson advised NJIT that a 15th edition would be available in the fall of 2011. However we recently learned that the first printing of the 15th edition was completed in December 2010 and the 15th edition is now available. The 15th edition is almost identical to the 14th edition and students who purchase the 15th edition should be able to study all the course material by using the more recent text. However please be advised that some of homework problems and problem numbering have changed with the 15th edition and therefore students purchasing the 15th edition will be responsible for synchronizing to homework problems specified in the 14th edition. REFERENCES Other related reference materials have been placed on reserve at the library. https://www.doczj.com/doc/266630464.html,/w/page/16142929/Reagan COURSE FORMAT This course will be delivered via a eLearning format where students are responsible for learning by self-study without in-person lectures. Students will be guided through a series of learning sessions by the instructor however students must lean heavily on the assigned text as a key resource and review lecture notes provided through Moodle. The homework is an Excel project which reinforces topics covered in the learning sessions. Several synchronous internet (Wimba) web meetings will be scheduled during the course of the term to cover a summary of the material and to provide a forum for student questions. Students are also able to hold discussion with the instructor via email or pre-arranged meetings during the term. Students are responsible for completing all course exams/deliverables by the specified dates. COURSE MGT Announcements, notes, resources, assignments and due dates will be posted at: https://www.doczj.com/doc/266630464.html,. DESCRIPTION Cost management, estimating and financial techniques used in budgeting, evaluation, planning, and control of capital investments. Emphasis on quantitative financial analysis in capital projects, risk management and decision techniques commonly used in Engineering Management. TOPICS The course will cover the following topics: 1.Introduction to Engineering Economics 2.Cost Concepts 3.Cost and Financial Management 4.Cost Estimating 5.Time Value of Money 6.Project Evaluation 7.Project Selection 8.Depreciation and Taxes 9.Pricing & Exchange Rates 10.Breakeven and Sensitivity Analysis 11.Risk Analysis 12.Capital Budgeting 13.Multiattribute Decision Making EXAMS Exams are intended to cover all material in the assigned text chapters, lecture notes and homework. Students will be asked to solve a set of problems very much like the examples in the text or the homework. All exams will be proctored according to guidelines that will be discussed prior to the exam. EXCEL PROJECT Students will complete a comprehensive set of homework problems in Excel. Students may optionally work in groups (e.g. 2 to 3 max in a group) for the purpose of comparing solutions however each individual is responsible to submit their own original project work for grading. Projects must be developed according to detailed instructions provided with the assignment and submitted by the due date to receive full credit. . GRADING Mid-Term Exam 30%, Excel Project 35%, Final Exam 35% POLICIES Students are responsible for adhering to all university policies including the policies for academic integrity. Additional policies emphasized in this course may be found at the course Moodle site.


《工程经济学》常用英文缩写释义 ?利息I:interest(n.兴趣,关心,重要性,影响,利息,[常pl.]利益,利害) ?本金P:principal(n.本金;首长,负责人;主角;[法]委托人,当事人、adj.主要的;本 金的;最重要的;资本的) ?现值P:present value;其中P是指present(adj.现在的,出席的,当面的)、V是指:value (n.价值,估价,评价,价格) ?终值F:final value(adj.最后的,最终的,决定性的) ?天数/期数N:number(n.数,数字,数量,号码,算术,诗,韵律) ?年金A:annuity(n.年金,养老金,年金享受权) ?现金流出CO:Cash Outflow;其中C是指Cash(n.现金;支付金额、vt.兑现;支付现款、 adj.现金的;)、O是指outflow(n.流出;流出量;流出物;vi.流出;) ?现金流入CI:Cash Inflow;其中C是指Cash(n.现金;支付金额、vt.兑现;支付现款、 adj.现金的;)、I是指inflow(n.流入,注入;流入物;内流,吸入) ?净现金流量NCF:Net cash flow;其中N是指:net(adj.净余的,纯粹的)、C是指:cash (n.现金)、F是指:flux(n.涨潮,变迁,[物]流量,通量) ?原始投资额I:investment(n.投资,可获利的东西) ?净现值NPV:Net Present Value;其中N是指:net(adj.净余的,纯粹的)、P是指present (adj.现在的,出席的,当面的)、V是指:value(n.价值,估价,评价,价格) ?净现值率NPVR:Net Present Value Rate其中的前三个字母同上文,最后一个R是指:rate (n.速度;比率;等级;(利息等的)费率)。 ?内部收益率IRR:Inside Reward Rate ;其中I是指inside (n.里面,内部,内脏,内情adj. 内部的,秘密的,于室内工作的adv.在里面prep.在……之内)、R是指reward(n.报酬,奖金、vt.酬劳,奖赏)、R是指rate(n.比率,速度,等级,价格,费用) ?总投资收益率ROI:Return On Investment;其中R是指Return(v.回转,返回;复发,又 来;送还;言归正传;n.归来;来回,汇成;赢利;统计表)、I是指investment(n.投资,投资额;封锁;(时间、精力的)投入;值得买的东西) ?年息税前利润EBIT:Earnings Before Interest and Taxes,其中E是指:earning(n.所赚的钱, 收入)、其中的B是指:before(prep.在……之前)、I是指:interest(n.兴趣,关心,重要

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