《Can I help you》_PPT公开课课件

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1. 否定商 品经济 的存在 ,否定 市场及 价值规 律对经 济的调 节作用 。 2.自 由 贸 易 原 则; 成员间 权利与 义务的 综合平 衡;市 场准入 ,通过 谈判逐 步实现 贸易自 由化。 3.公 平 竞 争 原 则; 反对不 公正的 贸易手 段,尤 其倾销 和补贴 等方式 。 4.透 明 度 原 则 ;各 成员应 公正、 合理、 统一地 实施上 述的有 关法规 、条例 、判决 和决定 。 5.成 为 世 界 上 经济 增长速 度最快 的国家 ,创造 了世界 经济增 长史上 的新奇 迹。 6.社 会 生 产 力 高速 发展, 人民生 活发生 翻天覆 地的变 化。 7.从 总 体 上 已 达到 小康水 平,并 朝着全 面建设 小康社 会的新 目标迈 进。
A: They’re 120 yuan. B: Ok, but it’s too big for me. A: What about these ? Do you like them ? B: Ok,I’ll take them. A: Thank you! Byebye!
Listen and answer
How much is the blouse? It’s __5_5__ yuan.
My shoes are old and broken(穿破), I want to buy a pair of new shoes.
a pair of shoes
(一双 / 一对)
Let’s watch my shopping video!
I won’t take them. A: It doesn’t matter.
A: Good morning. Welcome to our shop! Can I help you?
B: Yes, please . I want to buy a pair of jeans. How much are the blue jeans?
1. Ben wants to buy________________ A.Shoes B. jeans C. shoes and jeans 2.How much are the blue jeans? 3.What colour are the shoes?
Sum-up: shoes
Let’s talk: 1. How to ask the price.(问价格)
2.Talk about how to buy the shoes in group.(2min) (联系实际生活思考购物场景和用语)
3. Show time.

Can I help you?
① Good morning.
Unit 10 Can Iຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduhelp you?
How much is the red sweater?
It’s _8_9___ yuan.
How much is the grey coat?
It’s __1_26__ yuan.
How much is the red jacket?
It’s __2_38__ yuan.

Thank you! Here you are. Here’s the money.
⑨ Bye bye! Welcome to come again.
I go on(继续)shopping. What do you see?
a pair of socks a pair of shorts
a big sock
Learning tips:
1.Write the price of clothes.(写价格)
2. Practise in pairs 。注意 礼貌用语。
3. 思考购物过程中出现不合 穿或不购买应该怎样用英语 说。
4.Show time.
1.It’s too small for me.(太小了.) 2.It’s too big for me.(太大了.) 3.It’s too expensive.(太贵了.) 4.It’s out of stock.(没货了.) 5.I don’t like the color.(我不喜欢颜色.) 6.I don’t like this style.(我不喜欢这个
Home work:
1.Cope the new words. 2.Recite the shopping dialogue. 3.Practise how to buy clothes in pairs。 4.Search for more clothes and shopping
sentences from the internet.(选做)
款式.) 7.Sorry ! I won’t take them.
A: Good morning. Welcome to our shop! Can I help you?
B: Yes, please . I want to buy a pair of trousers. A: Do you like these trousers? B: No, I don’t like this style
a pair of jeans a pair of trousers
How much are the sgrheoerntssocks ?
They’re 455 yuan.
¥ 45
¥ 90
Do you want anything else ?
Welcome to our shop!
② Can I help you?
③ Yes, please.
I want to buy a pair of shoes.
⑤ They’re 399 yuan.
④ How much are the black shoes?
⑥ I will take them.
socks a pair of shorts
jeans trousers 主要的购物用语:
复数名词问价格: How much are the..? They’re….. yuan.
Can I help you? Yes, please. I want to buy../I want .. How much are the..? They’re … yuan. I’ll take them.