当前位置:文档之家› [期末]黑龙江省哈师大附中高一上学期期末考试(、01)









1.What does the man think of the blouse?

A.It’s unsuitable. B.It’s up-to-date. C.It’s old-fashioned.2.When will the man meet Mr.Smith?

A.At 1:45. B.At 2:00. C.At 2:15.3.What does the woman suggest doing?

A.Painting the wall. B.Hanging some pictures. C.Rearranging the furniture.

4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Medicine. B.A doctor. C.An advertisment.5.What will the speakers do for their vacation?

A.Fly across the country. B.Travel around the world. C.Go on a cross-country road trip.



6.When will the woman see the movie?

A.On Sunday. B.On Saturday. C.On Friday.7.Where will the woman’s seats be?

A.At the back. B.In the front. C.In the middle.8.How much does each ticket cost?

A.$6. B.$8. C.$12.


9.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Friends. B.Classmates. C.Colleagues.10.What does the man like to do?

A.Cycling. B.Gardening. C.Climbing mountains.11.What kind of books does the woman like to read?

A.Love stories. B.Crime stories. C.Science fiction.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。

12.Why did the policeman give the man a ticket?

A.He drove fast. B.He took the wrong way. C.He went through the

red light.

13.What happened to the man in class?

A.He failed his exam. B.He took a wrong book. C.He couldn’t find his


14.What did the man forget to do?

A.Lock his car. B.Wind up the clock. C.Save the file in the computer.


15.Where does the man probably come from?

A.Japan. B.France. C.The US.

16.How does a man greet the host in France?

A.He shakes hands with him. B.He kisses him on one cheek. C.He kisses him

on both cheeks.

17.What do people usually do in the US?

A.They shake hands with the guests. B.They use the guests’ surnames when


C.They look the guests in the eyes when talking.


18.What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

A.Help organize the play. B.Direct the play. C.Act in the play.19.What should the listeners write down on the form?

A.Their ages. B.Their special skills. C.Their car numbers.

20.How many lighting people will be needed?

A.1. B.2. C.3.





21.The moment the cat heard the mice noises,it of the door.

A.make,rushed out B.making,rushing out

C.make,rushing out D.making,rushed out

22.The naughty boy to me that the hen there just now had two eggs the day before.

A.laid,laid,laid B.1ied,lying,laid C.1ied,laid,lain D.1aid,


23.The police found that the house and a lot of things .

A.has been broken into,has been stolen B.had broken in,had been stolen

C.had been broken into,stolen D.has been broken into,stolen

24.一I hear Jane fell off her bike and had her arm hurt.

—,why not go to see her?

A.If so B.If it C.If not D.If


25.一I’d like to take a week’s holiday.

一.We’re too busy.

A.Don’t worry B.Don’t mention it C.Pardon me D.Forget it 26.The look on her face suggested that she it before.

A.amazing,wouldn’t know B.amazed,hadn’t known

C.amazing,hadn’t known D.amazed,shouldn’t know 27.We spent a day in the country,picking wild flowers. the car full of flowers we went home.

A.Filling B.Making C.On D.With 28.It is quite impossible for people to do work in a day.

A.such little,such much B.so few,so much

C.such few,so much D.so few,so little

29.Not only interested in football but beginning to show an interest in it.

A.the teacher himself is,all his students are B.the teacher himself is,are all his students

C.is the teacher himself.are all his students D.is the teacher himself,all his students are

30. made me unhappy was he didn’t give me a call and left. A.What,what B.Which,what C.That,that D.What,that 31.一This is picture I told you about.

一I see.Isn’t it beautiful one?

A.a,a B.a,the C.the,the D.the,a 32.I will never forget the day Shenzhou VII was launched,has a great effect on my life.

A.when,which B.that,which C.which,that D.when,that 33.Tuantuan and Yuanyuan are the names given to the two pandas which have been sent to Taiwan.

A.commonly B.officially C.personally D.gonerally 34.一What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary ?

一I don’t know but I think it’s a really terrible thing.

A.break down B.break out C.break up D.break in 35.I sent my American e-pal an e-mail last week,and he replied ,which I hadn’t expected.

A.in no time B.at one time C.at a time D.in some time 第二节完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)


The sound of the rain hitting the windows wakes me up and it sounds just exactly as it did l5 years ago,which reminded me of my girlhood.

It was my second day of 36 and it was raining heavily.I could not 37 the habit I had at home,so I fell asleep right at my 38 .I woke up to find myself not in the classroom but carried on Dad’s back. We were 39 home.It was the last time I felt 40 to him.

After that,he never carried me or hugged me as other fathers did to their children.I was not bothered much by this 41 .I was proud of it.for I felt 42

and“grown up”.However,there were times when I felt depressed by not having searched for 43 from him.

One day.I was writing Chinese characters as homework.I hated doing this more than anything.Dad came and stood behind me for a moment, 44 me scratching(勾抹)the paper.Then he said,“This kind of writing needs 45 .Your writing is not strong enough.Press harder.”

I followed his 46 for the next two weeks.but 47 I could see little improvement.I followed my own method-the 48 way.His advice did not improve my writing but our 49 .As I grew older,I found out that he had finished his 50 in Grade 6,which was the highest grade in town then,so he was considered to be a 51 .People used to ask him to write something to put on the walls.but he never felt very useful.

He often said to me,“As you can see,this family is going to count on(指望)you.We are 52 to improve you anything for your future.You have to get 53 to change the life for yourself.”

As a result of his 54 ,I have 55 it through high school and through college.36.A.graduation B.employment C.college D.school 37.A.develop B.resist C.follow D.break 38.A.dormitory B.door C.desk D.bed

39.A.at B.already C.beyond D.halfway 40.A.close B.near C.happy D.relaxed 41.A.gap B.thought C.action D.scene 42.A.lonely B.depressed C.independent D.comfortable 43.A.comfort B.help C.support D.explanation 44.A.guiding B.directing C.watching D.blaming 45.A.skill B.patience C.time D.practice 46.A.introduction B.manner C.spirit D.advice 47.A.even if B.while C.as D.though 48.A.difficult B.slow C.entertaining D.fast 49.A.relationship B.friendship C.thought D.reality 50.A.schooling B.career C.hope D.dream 51.A.writer B.scholar C.scientist D.specialist 52.A.tired B.glad C.useless D.ready

53.A.an education B.a rich boyfriend C.a well-paid job D.a good writing 54.A.help B.expectations C.examination D.watch 55.A.succeeded B.got C.made D.found




A story tells that a senior villager led some other villagers carrying salt day and night to a town in order to trade rice as food the winter.One night they camped in a wilderness with a starry sky above.The senior villager,obeying the tradition passed down from forefathers,took out three blocks of salt and threw them into the

campfire,probably to predict the changes of weather in the mountains.

All eagerly waited for the old man’s“weather report”:if the salt in the fire produced crackling sound,they would have good weather in store;if no sound was produced,it then meant the good weather would soon end and a storm would come at any moment.

The senior villager looked serious.The salt in the campfire made no sound at all.Convinced by this bad sign,he urged(催促)the whole team to set out immediately after daybreak.A young man in the group,however,insisted that they should not start in such a hurry,considering it superstitious to“forecast weather by using salt.

It was not until the next afternoon that the young man caught up on the wisdom of the old man when the weather suddenly changed,with cold winds blowing and a snowstorm raging.In fact,the method used by the clan head could be well explained by modem science:whether or not salt produces sound in campfire depends on air humidity(湿度).That is to say,when a storm approaches,due to high humidity,the dampened salt blocks will not produce any sound in fire.

56.The senior villager predicted the changes of the weather while camping in a wilderness that night.

A.by taking out salt B.by burning salt in fire

C.in a superstitious way D.depending on his wisdom 57.“The weather report”they got that night .

A.had a bad sign B.gave wrong information

C.was superstitious at that time D.was scientific according to modem science

58.After reading the passage,we can know .

A.the lower humidity is,the bigger sound salt will produce in fire

B.the higher humidity is,the bigger sound salt will produce in fire

C.dampened salt blocks will result in winds and storms

D.the young man never wanted to understand the old man

59.From the passage,it can be concluded that .

A.old people are always right

B.old people are wiser than the young

C.young people shouldn’t regard old ideas as useless or out of date sometimes D.young people usually have different opinions from the old


In the US,people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don’t know.This means a hostess may not seat a small group until a small table is available.even if a large one is.If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know,it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will disturb them.

At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water(自来水)before you order.You may find the bread and butter is free,and if you order coffee,you may get a free refill.

Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing time for stores or

restaurants,though they usually do make rules for bars.Especially in large cities.stores may be open 24 hours a day.

Serving in restaurants is often large.too large for many people.If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later.ask your waitress or waiter for a“doggie bag”.It may have a picture of a dog on it,but everybody knows you’re taking the food for yourself.

Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal.Some people have“Sunday dinner”.This is an especially big noon meal.

Tips are not usually added to the check.They are not included in the price of the meal,either.A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it On the table when you leave.In some restaurants,a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there.Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.60.Which of the following statements is true?

A.American people like sitting with people they don’t know.

B.A hostess always seats a small group at a large table.

C.American people never sit with people they don’t know.

D.American people will not light a cigarette if the people who sit at the same table mind their smoking.

61.What is served before you order?

A.Bread. B.Butter. C.Coffee. D.Cold water.62.What do American people always do when servings are too for them?

A.They take the food home with a“doggie bag”for their dogs.

B.They leave the food on the table and go away.

C.They take the food home with a“doggie bag”and enjoy the food later.

D.They ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for them.

63.What can you learn about“tips”according to the passage?

A.Customers often add tips to their cheek.

B.The price of the meal usually includes the tip.

C.People are not expected to pay tips in addition.

D.Tips are supposed to be left on the table when customers leave.


It seems that beauty and women are twins.You are joking? No,I do not.Observe for yourself Ads on fashion TV screens,radio programs,magazines,newspapers,and the streets.Whether they have realized it or not, women are surrounded(包围)by a sea of fashion.They are taught to think that without beautiful clothes they will grow old and lose their charm.So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and youth?

But I do not agree with the opinion that women have to show their beauty through their looks.The richness of their minds proves to be more beautiful and attractive than their looks.A woman who has experienced many troubles and may be called “aunt”or “granny” can still keep up her beauty if she has such excellent qualities as knowledge,ability,a kind heart,great courage,concern for others,etc.

In addition,old and young,beautiful and ugly are relative concept.People who keep a young mind will never feel old.Interested in new things and eager to learn

more,they keep up with the tide.Plainly(简朴地)dressed women may have a type of beauty that is pure and real.Reading and learning is the best way to keep one youthful.Good books ale rich soil which can feed the flower of one’s heart and looks.

64.According to the first paragraph,why are women caught by a sea of fashion? A.Because they are rich.

B.Because they are taught to follow any fashion.

C.Because they don’t dare to look attractive.

D.Because they think that they will look youthful and charming with beautiful clothes.

65.Which is more important to a woman in the author’s opinion?

A.Richness of one’s mind. B.Looks.

C.Following the fashion. D.Wealth.

66.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The richness of women’s minds proves to be more beautiful than their looks. B.A woman who may be called“aunt”is no longer beautiful.

C.A woman who has experienced many troubles may still keep up her beauty. D.It is not necessary for women to show their beauty though their beautiful clothes.

67.What is the best way for a woman to appear young according to the writer?

A.Dressing up. B.Reading and learning. C.Feeding the flower. D.Making up.


Barefoot Traveler is a tour agent that specializes in diving holidays,tailor-made to your own needs.The most popular destinations include Bonaire,Tobago,the Bahamas, Maldives,Oman,Seychelles and Thailand.

Our friendly and knowledgeable staff,who are qualified divers(潜水员)themselves,will be able to advise you on the best destinations for your requirements.

Whether you want to learn to dive,further your diving qualifications,continue to discover the underwater world,or simply relax on the beach,we are here‘to help organize your holiday.

We are happy to satisfy single travelers and offer special discounts(折扣). Group discounts are offered to groups of eight or more travelers and tailor-made packages are available for Dive Clubs.

We also offer a series of diving liveaboard choices throughout the Caribbean.Indian Ocean and South East Asia.Liveaboards are very popular scuba(呼吸器)diving holidays for those who want to access the best diving sites.

Our barefoot luxury holiday brand is for those trying something a little more special,whether it’s your honeymoon,anniversary or simply for more discerning(有品位的)travelers.We have a selection of 4 and 5 star levels which are the best in luxury holidays.

68.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A.To give some advice on diving. B.To introduce the popular


C.To teach diving skills. D.To attract tourists.69.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.It’s impossible to be offered tailor-made packages when you join Dive Clubs. B.Au staff are qualified divers with wide knowledge on the best diving.

C.Barefoot Traveler specializes in simple holidays.

D.Travelers can enjoy Winter Sun.

70.According to the passage,Barefoot Traveler .

A.is not a tour agent

B.has over 25 scuba diving liveaboard beats

C.makes the luxury holiday based on consumers’needs and desires

D.makes the luxury holiday you don’t have in mind

71.The best title for this passage would be

A.Welcome to Barefoot Traveler B.A Wonderful Experience C.Scuba Diving D.How to Choose Destinations



The majority(=Most) of your readers must have been surprised and shocked to read a letter from Mr.R.Hogg,published in last Wednesday’s Herald.Mr.Hogg seems to think that his own convenience and that of motorists in general are the only things that matter in our city.

I would have supported Mr.Hogg if he had just made suggestions to improve the situation.No doubt his problems would be partly solved if the local government built a multi-storey car park in the city center,instead of encouraging motorists to use public transport.All the same,judging from the tone of Mr.Hogg’s letter,I suspect that motorists who are so careless of pedestrians’(行人)safety that they would rather park their ears on the pavement than hold up the traffic would probably be too lazy to use a multi-storey car park if they had to walk a few hundred yards to their destination afterwards.

My main reason for writing,however,is much more important.Does Mr.Hogg realize that,according to figures(数字) showed by the Department of Transport,13,000 people were knocked down in Britain last year because of ears being illegally parked either on the pavement or on crossings? In fact,although the total pedestrian casualty(伤亡事故) rate has fallen over the last ten years,there has been an increase in accidents caused when pedestrians have to step out into the mad to avoid parked cars on the pavement and cannot see oncoming traffic.

I cannot share Mr.Hogg’s view that the government have paid little attention to“long-suffering motorists”:and I think the punishment for dangerous parking should be made severe enough to stop all motorists from breaking the law in this way.


Proudfoot Lane,Carchester 72.The letter above is written in answer to the letter by .

A.art editor B.a certain Mr.R.Hogg C.some readers D.some


73.The topic for the two letters is .

A.parking problems in the city center

B.building a multi-storey car park in the city center

C.public transport

D.the increase in accidents caused by parked cars on the pavement 74.What Mr.A.Walker does want to make known in his letter is that . A.the total pedestrian casualty rate has fallen

B.careless parking may cause serious traffic accidents

C.the convenience of motorists in general matters much

D.the safety of pedestrians matters lithe

75.In Mr.A.Walker’s opinion,severer punishment should be given to . A.all the careless motorists B.all the law breakers

C.all who step out into the road D.all who do dangerous parking 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)






It was three o’clock in the morning while suddenly 76.

the phone rang.Mr.Petrie climbed out bed and 77.

replied it.“Listen.I’m your next door neighbor.and 78.

your dog is barking such loudly that I can’t sleep.If 79.

you don’t do something else about it.I’m going to 80.

kill that dog!”The next morning at three o’clock, 81.

Mr.Petric went to the telephone and phone his neighbor. 82.

His neighbour dragged him from his bed and 83.

sleepy picked up the phone.“Listen,you,”shouted 84.Mr.Petrie,“I don’t even own dog!” 85.





3.参考词汇:攀比vie with...校园内 on the campus 方便的 convenient 自控

control oneself

Dear editor,

I'm writing to......

Yours truly,

Li Hua




完形填空36-40 DBCDA 41-45 BCACB 46-50 DCDAA 51-55 BCABC

阅读理解56-59 BDAC 60-63 DDCD 64-67 DABB 68-71 DBCA72-75 BABD


76. while→when 77. out^bed加of 78. replied→answered 79. such→so

80. 去掉else 81. right 82. phone→phoned 83. him→himself

84. sleepy→sleepily 85. own^dog 加a


One possible version:

Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion .Some students tend to think that it is necessary

for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school. They point out that it is more

convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if they have a mobile

phone. Additionally, it’s a fashion.

However, most teachers hold the view that it is not necessary for middle school students to

carry mobile phones to school. They argue that middle school students are not old enough to

control themselves. What’s more, it is a waste of time for students to play games or send messages

to each other by mobile phone. And it’s easy to cause the students to vie with each other. In

addition, schools usually offer the IC-card telephones for the students.

As far as I am concerned, I think following the fashion is understandable. But as middle

school students, we should put all our heart into our studies.



高一英语期末测试卷 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. — When shall we meet again? —Make it ____ you like; it’s all the same to me. A. one day B. any day C. another day D. some day 22. With the old worker ____ , we finished the work on time. A. help us B. helped us C. helping us D. to help us 23. —What are you going to do this afternoon? —I’ll probably go for a walk later on ____ it stays fine. A. as far as B. so long as C. even if D. as if 24. More and more people come to realize that much must be done to prevent pollution ____ well. A. from living B. to live C. to go D. from going 25. — Mrs. Brown will come to visit our school tomorrow, you know? — Tomorrow? I ____ she ____ today.. A. think; comes B. think; will come C. thought; is coming D. thought; was coming 26. The train ____ arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late. A. was supposed to B. was likely to C. was about to D. was certain to 27. —Let Pete take the place. He’s older and should be more experienced. —I don’t think so. A man doesn’t necessarily grow wiser ____ he grows older. A. because B. that C. than D. as 28. —This is only between us. — I see. I will ____. A. keep it secret B. keep it a secret C. I won’t let the secret out D. all of the above 29. ____ the window, his finger was cut but it was not serious. A. Cleaning B. While cleaning C. To clean D. When he was cleaning 30. My computer crashed, and ____ I didn’t make a copy of what I had typed. A. what’s worse B. on top of that C. in addition D. all of the above 31. My parents had to use ____ they had to buy the house in which we are now living.. A. what B. what that C. all what D. that 32. — Did you hear the gunshot last night? — Yes, ____ was when I was just about to enter the room ____ I heard it. A. there; when B. it; when C. it; that D. there; that 33. After ____ seemed a very long time, the badly wounded soldier came back to life. A. that B. it C. which D. what 34. —Who would you rather have ____ your computer? —My friend. A. repairing B. to repair C. repaired D. repair 35. You can never imaging what great difficulty I have ____ your house. A. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。


2016-2017学年哈师大附中高一上学期期中数学试卷 考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 学校:___________:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 1.已知全集U R =,集合{|1}A x x =<,{|2}B x x =≥,则 ()U A B =( ) A .{|12}x x ≤< B .{|12}x x <≤ C .{|1}x x ≥ D .{|2}x x ≤ 2.下列函数是偶函数并且在区间()0+∞,上是增函数的是( ) A. 2y x -= B. 2 32y x x =++ C. ln y x = D. 3x y = 3.不等式 26 01 x x x +->+的解集为( ) A .{|21,x x -<<-或3}x > B .{|31,x x -<<-或2}x > C .{|3,x x <-或12}x -<< D .{|3,x x <-或2}x > 4.函数21 1(0,x y a a -=+>且1)a ≠恒过定点( ) A. ()01, B. ()1,2 C. ()1,1a + D. 1 ,22?? ??? 5.下列各组函数中不表示...同一函数的是( ) A.2 ()lg f x x =,()2lg g x x = B.()f x x = ,()g x = C.()f x = ,()g x =D. ()1f x x =+,11 ()11x x g x x x +≥-?=?--<-? ,, 6.已知函数(1)1 x f x x -= +,则函数()f x 的解析式为( ) A.1()2x f x x +=+ B.()1 x f x x =+


高一上学期期中数学卷 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共60.0分) 1. 设集合A ={1,2,4},B ={x |x 2-4x +m =0}.若A ∩B ={1},则B =( ) A. {1,?3} B. {1,0} C. {1,3} D. {1,5} 2. 设函数f (x )={x 2+1,x ≤1 2 x ,x >1,则f (f (3))=( ) A. 1 5 B. 3 C. 2 3 D. 13 9 3. 如果幂函数y =(m 2-3m +3)x m 2 ?m?2的图象不过原点,则m 取值是( ) A. ?1≤m ≤2 B. m =1或m =2 C. m =2 D. m =1 4. 设a =0.80.7,b =0.80.9,c =1.20.8,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系是( ) A. a >b >c B. b >c >a C. c >a >b D. c >b >a 5. 用二分法求函数f (x )=ln x -2 x 的零点时,初始的区间大致可选在( ) A. (1,2) B. (2,3) C. (3,4) D. (e,+∞) 6. 函数f (x )=√2?2x +1 log 3 x 的定义域为( ) A. {x|x <1} B. {x|01} 7. 已知函数f (x )=a x -2,g (x )=log a |x |(其中a >0且a ≠1),若f (4)g (4)<0, 则f (x ),g (x )在同一坐标系内的大致图象是( ) A. B. C. D. 8. 方程|log a x |=(1 a )x 有两个不同的实数根,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A. (1,+∞) B. (1,10) C. (0,1) D. (10,+∞) 9. 设奇函数f (x )在(0,+∞)上为单调递减函数,且f (2)=0,则不等式 3f(?x)?2f(x) 5x ≤0 的解集为( ) A. (?∞,?2]∪(0,2] B. [?2,0]∪[2,+∞) C. (?∞,?2]∪[2,+∞) D. [?2,0)∪(0,2] 10. 已知f (x )={(a ?3)x +4a,x ≥0a x ,x<0 ,对任意x 1≠x 2都有 f(x 1)?f(x 2)x 1?x 2 <0成立,则a 的取 值是( ) A. (0,3) B. (1,3] C. (0,1 4] D. (?∞,3) 11. 定义域为D 的函数f (x )同时满足条件①常数a ,b 满足a <b ,区间[a ,b ]?D ,② 使f (x )在[a ,b ]上的值域为[ka ,kb ](k ∈N +),那么我们把f (x )叫做[a ,b ]上的


高一物理期末精选综合测试卷(word 含答案) 一、第五章 抛体运动易错题培优(难) 1.如图所示,一小球从一半圆轨道左端A 点正上方某处开始做平抛运动(小球可视为质点),飞行过程中恰好与半圆轨道相切于B 点。O 为半圆轨道圆心,半圆轨道半径为R ,OB 与水平方向夹角为30°,重力加速度为g ,不计空气阻力,则小球抛出时的初速度大小为( ) A (323)6gR + B 332 gR C (13)3 gR +D 33 gR 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 根据题意,小球在飞行过程中恰好与半圆轨道相切于B 点,可知速度的方向与水平方向成600 角,根据速度方向得到平抛运动的初速度与时间的关系,再根据水平位移与初速度及时间的关系,联立即可求得初速度。 【详解】 小球在飞行过程中恰好与半圆轨道相切于B 点,可知速度的方向与水平方向成60°角,则有 0tan60y v v = 竖直方向 y gt =v 水平方向小球做匀速直线运动,则有 0cos30R R v t += 联立解得 0(323)6 gR v += 故A 正确,BCD 错误。 故选A 。 【点睛】 解决本题的关键是掌握平抛运动在水平方向和竖直方向上的运动规律,抓住速度方向,结合位移关系、速度关系进行求解。

2.一种定点投抛游戏可简化为如图所示的模型,以水平速度v1从O点抛出小球,正好落入倾角为θ的斜面上的洞中,洞口处于斜面上的P点,OP的连线正好与斜面垂直;当以水平速度v2从O点抛出小球,小球正好与斜面在Q点垂直相碰。不计空气阻力,重力加速度为g,下列说法正确的是() A.小球落在P点的时间是1 tan v gθ B.Q点在P点的下方 C.v1>v2 D.落在P点的时间与落在Q点的时间之比是1 2 2v v 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A.以水平速度v1从O点抛出小球,正好落入倾角为θ的斜面上的洞中,此时位移垂直于斜面,由几何关系可知 111 21 1 2 tan 1 2 v t v gt gt θ== 所以 1 1 2 tan v t gθ = A错误; BC.当以水平速度v2从O点抛出小球,小球正好与斜面在Q点垂直相碰,此时速度与斜面垂直,根据几何关系可知 2 2 tan v gt θ= 即 2 2tan v t gθ = 根据速度偏角的正切值等于位移偏角的正切值的二倍,可知Q点在P点的上方,21 t t<,水平位移21 x x >,所以 21 v v >,BC错误; D.落在P点的时间与落在Q点的时间之比是11 22 2 t v t v =,D正确。


2007年度高一上学期期末测试题 仙村中学 林凯 一.选择题(每题5分,共50分) 1.已知集合{}1,2,3A =,集合B 满足{}1,2,3A B =,则集合B 的个数为( ) A 3 B 6 C 8 D 9 (改编自必修1 12 P B 组1) 2.{}{}|34,|2A x x B x x =-<≤=<-,则A B =( ) A {}|34x x -<≤ B {}|2x x < C {}|32x x -<<- D {}|4x x ≤ (改编自必修1 8 P 例5) 3.已知函数(1)(0)()0(0)(1)(0)x x x f x x x x x +>?? ==??-???? D 2|3x x ? ? >??? ? (改编自必修1 74 P A 组7) 7.已知一个几何体它的主视图和左视图上都是一个长为4,宽为2的矩形,俯视图是一个


高一数学上学期期中考试试卷 一. 选择题(本大题共11小题,每小题4分,共44分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把正确的选项填在答题卡上。) 1. 设{}{}{} S M N ===1231213,,,,,,,那么()C M C N S S ()等于( ) A. ? B. {}13, C. {}1 D. {}23, 2. 不等式()()x x --<120的解集为( ) A. {} x x x ||<>12或 B. {}x x |-<<21 C. {} x x x |<->21或 D. {}x x |12<< 3. 函数y x x =≤2 0()的反函数为( ) A. y x x =≥()0 B. y x x =-≥()0 C. y x x = -≤()0 D. y x x =--≤()0 4. 下列函数中哪个与函数y x =是同一个函数( ) A. y x =()2 B. y x x =2 C. y x =33 D. y x = 2 5. 不等式11 2 1- 04或 B. {}x x x |<->40或 C. {}x x |04<< D. {}x x |-<<40 6. 命题“线段垂直平分线上的点到线段两端的距离相等”与它的逆命题、否命题、逆否命题中,真命题有( ) A. 4个 B. 3个 C. 2个 D. 1个 7. “p 或q 是假命题”是“非p 为真命题”的( ) A. 充分而不必要条件 B. 必要而不充分条件 C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 8. 反证法证明命题“如果a ,b ∈N ab ,可被5整除,那么a ,b 至少有一个能被5整除”应假设的内容是( ) A. a b ,都能被整除5 B. a b ,有一个不能被5整除 C. a 不能被5整除


哈师大附中2020级高一上学期期中考试化学试题 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 Na 23 Mg 24 S 32 Cl 35.5 一、选择题(本题包括25小题,每小题2分,共50分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.下列物质分类的正确组合是 2.以下说法中不正确的是 A.根据是否有电子的转移,将化学反应分为氧化还原反应和非氧化还原反应 B.根据分散系中分散质粒子的直径大小,将分散系分为溶液、胶体和浊液 C.根据分子含有的氢原子个数,将酸分为一元酸、二元酸等 D.根据在水溶液里或熔融状态下能否导电,将化合物分为电解质和非电解质 3. 下列说法正确的是 A.物质的量可以理解为物质的质量B.物质的量就是物质的粒子数目 C.物质的量的单位摩尔只适用于分子D.物质的量是表示物质所含微观粒子多少的物理量4.下列说法不正确的是 A.在进行钠与水反应的实验时,多余的钠需要放回原试剂瓶中 B.焰色试验前需将铂丝用稀硫酸洗净,在酒精灯外焰灼烧至与原火焰颜色相同 C.丁达尔效应是由于胶体粒子对光的散射形成的 D.在实验室制取氯气时,用饱和食盐水除去氯化氢杂质 5.下列关于钠的叙述不正确的是 A.取用金属钠时,所需用品一般有小刀、镊子、滤纸、玻璃片 B.金属钠与Ca(HCO3)2溶液反应时,既有白色沉淀又有气体逸出 C.金属钠可保存在煤油中,也可保存在CCl4中 D.钠投入到水中立即熔化成小球,说明其熔点低,且钠与水的反应是放热反应 6.下列说法不正确的是 A.Na2O2是呼吸面具中氧气的来源 B.因为氯气有漂白性,所以可用于杀菌、消毒、漂白 C.Na2CO3可用于制玻璃、肥皂、造纸、纺织等,而NaHCO3可用于治疗胃酸过多,制造发酵粉等D.利用氯气与碱反应能得到含氯消毒剂 7.某同学用以下装置制备并检验Cl2的性质。下列说法正确的是


高一物理期末考试试题 温馨提示: 1.本试题分为第Ⅰ卷、第Ⅱ卷和答题卡。全卷满分100分。 2.考生答题时,必须将第Ⅰ卷上所有题的正确答案用2B 铅笔涂在答题卡上所对应的信息点处,答案写在Ⅰ卷上无效,第Ⅱ卷所有题的正确答案按要求用黑色签字笔填写在答题卡上试题对应题号上,写在其他位置无效。 3.考试结束时,将答题卡交给监考老师。 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共 48分) 一、单选题:(本题共8小题,每小题4分,共32分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求。) 1.下列关于摩擦力的说法正确的是( ) A .摩擦力的方向总与物体的运动方向相反 B .摩擦力的大小与物体所受的正压力成正比 ; C .静摩擦力的方向总与物体相对运动趋势的方向相反 D .滑动摩擦力总是阻碍物体的运动 2.将物体所受重力或拉力按力的效果进行分解,下列图中错误.. 的是( ) 3.下列几组共点力分别作用于同一物体上,有可能使物体做匀速直线运动的是( ) A .1 N 、5 N 、3 N B .3 N 、6N 、8 N C .4 N 、10 N 、5 N D .4 N 、8 N 、13N 》 4.如图所示,斜面小车M 静止在光滑水平面上,一边紧贴墙壁。若再在斜面上加一物体m ,且M 、m 都静止,此时小车受力个数为( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6 5.如图所示,用一根长1m 的轻质细绳将一幅质量为1kg 的画框对称悬 挂在墙壁上,已知绳能承受的最大张力为10N ,为使绳不断裂,画 框上两个挂钉的间距最大为(g 取10 m/s 2) ( ) A .12m B .22 m C .33m D .32 m A B C D


2018第一学期期末考试 高一数学试题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共48分) 参考公式: 1.锥体的体积公式1 ,,.3 V Sh S h =其中是锥体的底面积是锥体的高 2.球的表面积公式2 4S R π=,球的体积公式3 43 R V π=,其中R 为球的半径. 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项 是符合题目要求的. 1.已知全集{0,1,2,3},{1,3}U A ==,则集合U C A = ( ) A .{}0 B .{}1,2 C .{}0,2 D .{}0,1,2 2.空间中,垂直于同一直线的两条直线 ( ) A .平行 B .相交 C .异面 D .以上均有可能 3.已知幂函数()α x x f =的图象经过点? ?? ?? 2, 22,则()4f 的值等于 ( ) A .16 B.116 C .2 D.1 2 4. 函数()lg(2)f x x =+的定义域为 ( ) A.(-2,1) B.[-2,1] C.()+∞-,2 D. (]1,2- 5.动点P 在直线x+y-4=0上,O 为原点,则|OP|的最小值为 ( ) A B .C D .2 6.设m 、n 是两条不同的直线,α、β是两个不同的平面,则下列命题中正确的是 ( ) A .若m ∥n ,m ∥α,则n ∥α B .若α⊥β,m ∥α,则m ⊥β C .若α⊥β,m ⊥β,则m ∥α D .若m ⊥n ,m ⊥α, n ⊥β,则α⊥β 7.设()x f 是定义在R 上的奇函数,当0≤x 时,()x x x f -=2 2,则()1f 等于 ( ) A .-3 B .-1 C .1 D .3


哈师大附中高一上学期期中考试 化学试卷 可能用到的相对原子量: H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Al 27 S 32 Cl 35.5 .选择题(本题包括 25小题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意,共 50分。) ① 用50 mL 量筒量取5.2 mL 稀硫酸 ② 用分液漏斗分离苯和四氯化碳的混合物 ③ 用托盘天平称量11.7g 氯化钠晶体 ④ 用250 mL 容量瓶配制 250 mL 0.2 mol/L ⑤ 用坩埚蒸发NaCI 溶液 ⑥ 用烧杯溶解KNO 晶体 5?下列物质的水溶液能导电,但属于非电解质的是 6.以下实验装置一般不用于分离物质的是 7.下列溶液中,与 100mL 0.5mol/LNaCl 溶液所含的Cl 「浓度相同的是 1. 图标 A 所警示的是 A. 当心火灾——易燃物质 .当心火灾一一氧化物 C. 当心爆炸一一自燃物质 .当心爆炸——爆炸性物质 2. F 列各物质的分类、名称 (或俗名)、化学式都正确的是 A. 碱性氧化物 氧化铁Fe 3Q .酸性氧化物 碳酸气CO C. 酸硫酸H 2SO .碱纯碱Na 2CO 3. F 列实验中所选用的仪器合理的是 的NaOH 溶液 A.①⑤⑥ .③④⑥ .①③④ .②③④ 4?科学家已发现一种新型氢分子,其化学式为 在相同条件下,等质量的 H 和H2相同的是 A.原子数 ?分子数 .体积 .物质的量 A. CHCOOH B . CI 2 C . NaCl D . NH B . D .

9.下列变化中,必须加入氧化剂才能发生的是 2 — A. SO 2 T S B . SO 3 T SQ C 10?用N A 表示阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列叙述正确的是 A. 在沸水中加入 0.1mL5moI/L 的FeCb 制得胶体,Fe(OH )3胶体粒子数目为 5x 10— 4N A B. 0.5moI/L MgCI 2溶液中含有 Cl — 的数目为 2 C. 标准状况下,5.6 L H 20含有的电子数目为 2.52 D. 13.2g CO 2和N 2O 形成的混合物含有的原子数目为 0.9 N A 11. 下列离子方程正确的是 A. 向氢氧化钙溶液中通入足量二氧化碳: OH+ CQ -HCO 3— B. 足量的锌粉与硫酸铁溶液反应: Zn+2Fe 3+「Zn 2++2Fe 2+ C. 向盐酸中投入碳酸钙: CO — + 2H =H 2O +CO f D. 向稀硫酸溶液中投入铁粉: 2Fe +6H + =2Fe 3+ +3出匸 12. 下列溶液的导电能力最强的是 A. 10mL 18.4moI/L 硫酸 B . 20mL 1.0moI/L 盐酸 C. 30mL 1.0moI/L 醋酸 D . 40mL 1.0moI/L 氨水 13. 在水溶液中能大量共存,且加入过量稀硫酸溶液时,有气体生成的是 A. Na +、Ag +、CO 2— 、CI — B . K +、Ba 2+、SQ 2—、CI — C. Na +、X 、HCO —、NO — D . Na +、X 、CHCOO 、SQ 2— 14. 下列有关物质组成的说法正确的是 A. 物质均是由分子构成,分子均是由原子构成 B. 只由一种元素组成的物质一定是单质 C. 碱性氧化物均是金属氧化物,酸性氧化物均是非金属氧化物 D. 硫酸是纯净物,盐酸是混合物 15 .氢化钙中氢元素为— 1价,可作制氢剂,反应的化学方程式是: CaH+2HO=Ca(OH) 2+2H A. 100mL 0.5mol/L MgCI 2 溶液 B . 200mL 0.25moI/L AICI 3 溶液 C. 50mL 0.5moI/L HCI 溶液 &下列电离方程式书写正确的是 A. CHCOOINH —CHCOO+NH + + 2— C. H b S —2H + S D . 25mL1moI/L KCI 溶液 B. HNO —++NO — + + 2— D . NaHCO_Na +H +CQ HCQ T CO 2


2017-2018学年度第一学期期末考试 高一数学试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共4页,满分120分.考试限定用时100分钟.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回.答卷前,考生务必将自己の姓名、座号、考籍号分别填写在试卷和答题纸规定の位置. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共48分) 参考公式: 1.锥体の体积公式1 ,,.3 V Sh S h =其中是锥体的底面积是锥体的高 2.球の表面积公式2 4S R π=,球の体积公式3 43 R V π=,其中R 为球の半径. 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分,在每小题给出の四个选项中,只有一项 是符合题目要求の. 1.已知全集{0,1,2,3},{1,3}U A ==,则集合U C A = ( ) A .{}0 B .{}1,2 C .{}0,2 D .{}0,1,2 2.空间中,垂直于同一直线の两条直线 ( ) A .平行 B .相交 C .异面 D .以上均有可能 3.已知幂函数()α x x f =の图象经过点? ?? ?? 2, 22,则()4f の值等于 ( ) A .16 B.116 C .2 D.1 2 4. 函数()lg(2)f x x =+の定义域为 ( ) A.(-2,1) B.[-2,1] C.()+∞-,2 D. (]1,2- 5.动点P 在直线x+y-4=0上,O 为原点,则|OP|の最小值为 ( ) A B .C D .2 6.设m 、n 是两条不同の直线,α、β是两个不同の平面,则下列命题中正确の是 ( ) A .若m ∥n ,m ∥α,则n ∥α B .若α⊥β,m ∥α,则m ⊥β C .若α⊥β,m ⊥β,则m ∥α D .若m ⊥n ,m ⊥α, n ⊥β,则α⊥β


高一年级化学上学期期中阶段测试试题卷 时量:60分钟(必考部分)30 分钟(选考部分) 满分:100 分(必考部分)50分(选考部分) 必考部分 可能用到的元素的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Ca 40 一、选择题(每小题3分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.如果你家里的食用花生油混有水,你将采用下列何种方法分离 A.过滤 B.蒸馏 C.分 液 D.萃取 【答案】C 2.下列说法中正确的是 A.1molNaOH的质量是40g B.1molCH4体积约为22.4L C.CO2的摩尔质量为44g D.1molH2O中约含6.02×1023个H 【答案】A 3.下列关于胶体的说法中正确的是 A.胶体外观不均匀B.胶体能通过半透膜 C.胶体能产生丁达尔效应D.胶体不稳定,静置后容易产生沉淀 【答案】C 4.关于氧化剂的叙述正确的是 A.分子中不一定含有氧元素B.分子中一定含有氧元素 C.在反应中失去电子的物质D.在反应中化合价升高的物质 【答案】A 5.在自来水蒸馏实验中,下列操作叙述不正确 ...的是

A.在蒸馏烧瓶中盛约1/2体积的自来水,并放入几粒碎瓷片 B.将温度计水银球插到蒸馏烧瓶中的自来水中 C.冷水应从冷凝管下口进,上口出 D.收集到的液体取少量滴入硝酸银和稀硝酸,无明显现象 【答案】B 6.用四氯化碳萃取碘水中的碘,下列说法中不正确 ...的是 A.实验中使用的主要仪器是分液漏斗、烧杯、铁架台(带铁圈) B.碘在四氯化碳中的溶解度比在水中的溶解度大 C.碘的四氯化碳溶液呈紫红色 D.分液时,水层从分液漏斗下口放出,碘的四氯化碳溶液从分液漏斗上口倒出 【答案】D 7.下列溶液中,能大量共存的离子组是 A.K+、Na+、CO32-、NO3- B.Ag+、Na+、SO42-、Cl- C.OH-、HCO3-、Ca2+、Na+ D.Ba2+、Na+、OH-、SO42— 【答案】A 8.配制一定体积、一定物质的量浓度的溶液时,下列操作会使配得的溶液浓度偏小的是A.容量瓶中原有少量蒸馏水 B.溶液从烧杯转移到容量瓶中后没有洗涤烧杯 C.定容时观察液面俯视 D.滴管加水时,有少量水滴到容量瓶外 【答案】B 9.已知3.01×1023个X气体分子的质量为16 g,则X气体的摩尔质量是 A.16 g B.32 g C.64 g /mol D.32 g /mol 【答案】D 10.影响一定数量气体体积大小的主要因素是 A、气体分子的摩尔质量 B、微粒本身的大小 C、微粒的质量 D、微粒间的平均距离 【答案】D

高一数学必修一 期末测试卷 含详细答案解析

数学必修一期末测试模拟卷 含解析 【说明】本试卷分为第I (选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 第I 卷 (选择题 共60分) 一、单选题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1. 设U Z =,集合{}1,3,5,7,9A =,{}1,2,3,4,5B =,则图中阴影部分 表示的集合是( ) {}.1,3,5A {}.1,2,3,4,5B {}.7,9C {}.2,4D 2. 若函数()33x x f x -=+与 ()33x x g x -=-的定义域均为R ,则( ) .A ()f x 与()g x 均为偶函数 .B ()f x 为偶函数,()g x 为奇函数 .C ()f x 与()g x 均为奇函数 .D ()f x 为奇函数,()g x 为偶函数 3. 已知函数()3log , 02, x x x f x x >?=?≤? 则f ? ? ) .4A 1.4B .4C - 1.4 D - 4. 函数 y = 的定义域是( ) 3.,14A ?? ??? 3.,4B ??+∞ ??? ().1,C +∞ ()3.,11,4D ?? +∞ ??? U 5. 552log 10log 0.25+=( ) .0A .1B .2C .4D 6. 函数()3log 82f x x x =-+的零点一定位于区间( ) ().5,6A ().3,4B ().2,3C ().1,2D 7. 函数()()2 312f x x a x a =+++在(),4-∞上为减函数,则实数a 是取值范围为( ) .3A a ≤- .3B a ≤ .5C a ≤ .3D a =- A B U


哈师大附中2020级高一上期中考试英语试卷 2020.11.04 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间为120分钟。 第I卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.When is the girl’s birthday? A.May 5th. B. May 15th. C. May 16th. 2.What is the man’s hobby? A.Taking photos. B. Listening to music. C. Collecting stamps. 3.What did the man buy yesterday? A. A shirt. B. A jacket. C. A sweater. 4.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.At school. B. At a hospital. C. At a stadium. 5.What does the man mean? A.They should ask about the fee first. B.Their neighbor will help them paint the house. C.They haven’t got enough money to paint the house. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。 6.When will the woman leave for the Newcastle on Friday? A.At 10 a.m. B. At 12 p.m. C. At 2 p.m. 7.Where will the woman get the bus ticket? A.From the man. B.From the ticket office. C.From the travel center.


2017-2018高一数学上学期期末考试试题及 答案 https://www.doczj.com/doc/2611945041.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

2 2017-2018学年度第一学期期末考试 高一数学试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共4页,满分120分.考试限定用时100分钟.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座号、考籍号分别填写在试卷和答题纸规定的位置. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共48分) 参考公式: 1.锥体的体积公式1,,.3 V Sh S h =其中是锥体的底面积是锥体的高 2.球的表面积公式2 4S R π=,球的体积公式343 R V π=,其中R 为球的半径. 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一 项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知全集{0,1,2,3},{1,3}U A ==,则集合U C A = ( ) A .{}0 B .{}1,2 C .{}0,2 D .{}0,1,2 2.空间中,垂直于同一直线的两条直线 ( ) A .平行 B .相交 C .异面 D .以上均有可能 3.已知幂函数()αx x f =的图象经过点? ?? ??2,22,则()4f 的值等于 ( ) A .16 B.116 C .2 D.1 2 4. 函数()lg(2)f x x =+的定义域为 ( ) A.(-2,1) B.[-2,1] C.()+∞-,2 D. (]1,2- 5.动点P 在直线x+y-4=0上,O 为原点,则|OP|的最小值为 ( ) A B .C D .2 6.设m 、n 是两条不同的直线,α、β是两个不同的平面,则下列命题中正确的是 ( ) A .若m ∥n ,m ∥α,则n ∥α B .若α⊥β,m ∥α,则m ⊥β


2012-2013学年度上学期期中考试 高一数学试题【新课标】 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题和填空题)和第Ⅱ卷(答题卷)两部分, 共 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟. 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有 一项是符合题目要求的.把答案填在答卷相应空格中) 1. 若集合{1234}A =,,,,{2478}{0,1,3,4,5}B C ==, ,,,,则集合()A B C 等于 ( ) A. {2,4} B. {0,1,2,3,4,5} C. {2,4,7,8} D. {1,3,4} 2. 下 列 函 数 中 , 值 域 为 (0,) +∞的是 ( ) A .y x = B.2x y = C. 2x y -= D. 12++=x x y 3.“龟兔赛跑”故事中有这么一个情节:领先的兔子看着慢慢爬行的乌龟,骄傲起来,睡了 一觉,当它醒来时,发现乌龟快到终点了,于是急忙追赶,但为时已晚,乌龟还是先到达了终点.如果用S 1、S 2分别表示乌龟和兔子所行的路程,t 为时间,则下图中与该故事情节相吻合的是 ( ) 4. 已知()f x 的定义域为[4,3]-,则函数)()()(x f x f x F --=的定义域是 ( ) A. [3,3]- B. [4,3]- C. [3,4]- D. [4,4]- 5. 满足“对定义域内任意实数y x ,,都有()()()f x y f x f y ?=+”的函数可以是 ( )

A .2()f x x = B .()2x f x = C .2()log f x x = D .ln ()x f x e = 6. 已知函数()y f x =和()y g x =的图象关于y 轴对称,且2 ()2f x x x =-则()g x = ( ) A.2 2x x - B.2 2x x + C. 2 2x x -+ D. 2 2x x -- 7.设奇函数()f x 在(0)+∞,上为增函数,且(2)0f =,则不等式 ()() 0f x f x x --< 的 解 集 为 ( ) A .(20)(0,2)-, B .(2)(0,)-∞-,2 C .(2)(2)-∞-+∞,, D .(20) (2)-+∞,, 8. 2 ()log (1)(01)a f x x ax a a =-+>≠且满足:对任意实数21,x x ,当2 21a x x ≤ <时,总有 12()()<0 f x f x -,那么 a 的取值范围 是 ( ) A. (0,2) B.(0,1) C.(0,1) (1,2) D. (1,2) 9.定义函数D x x f y ∈=),(,若存在常数C ,对任意的D x ∈1,存在唯一的D x ∈2,使得 12()()f x f x C =,则称函数)(x f 在D 上的几何平均数为C.已知(),[2,4]f x x x =∈, 则 函 数 ()f x x =在 [2,4] 上的几何平均数为 ( ) A.2 B.2 C.22 D.4 10. 若两个函数的对应关系相同,值域也相同,但定义域不同,则称这两个函数为同族函数.那么与函数 2,{1,0,1,2} y x x =∈-为同族函数的个数有 ( ) A. 5个 B. 6个 C. 7个 D. 8个 二、填空题(本大题共7小题,每小题3分,共21分 .把答案填在答卷中相应横线上) 11.若全集{1,2,3,4,5,6}U =,{2,4,5}A =,{1,2,5}B = ,则 ()U C A B = .


永登一中2016—2017学年第一学期末考试卷 高一英语 第I卷 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项. (A) The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the most beautiful building in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture. It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools. The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the 17th century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631.The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect(建筑师) Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble(大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition. The Taj Mahal took 23 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shan Jehan was imprisoned(监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal. 1. The Taj Mahal was built for_______. A. Mumtaz B. Shah C. Either Mumtaz or Shah D. Both Mumtaz or Shah 2. Why do you think Shah Jehan was buried next to his wife? A. His own tomb hadn’t been built. B. He hoped to be buried there. C. King and Queen should be buried together. D. He liked Mumtaz all his life. 3. The passage mainly tells us _______. A. why the Taj Mahal was built B. the love story between Shah and Mumtaz C. some information about the Taj Mahal D. the Taj Mahal--- the pride of Indians

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