terminology 酒店专业术语

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Adjoining Rooms: Two separate rooms with a common wall. 相邻房间

Advance Deposit : Payment inadvance on an account prior to the guest`s arrival in order to assure

a room.being held after 6:00pm and guarantee reservation. 预收定金Allowance : A reduction in the guest`s bill(folio) resulting from either unsatisfactory service or

a posting error. 调账

Arrival Time: The day a guest is expected to register with the hotel.预抵日期

Ambulatory Room: Room especially equipped for wheelchair patients. 残疾人房

ASAP : As Soon As Possible 尽快

A verage Room Rate : The average number of dollars derived from the sale of rooms This is

calculated by dividing total room revenue by the vumber of room sold.The

rate should be net rate exclusive breakfast and room surcharges. 平均房价

A vailability: Denotes a conditional status of rooms .SPACK A V AILABLE means a room can be

obtained through reservation or registration. 出租率


Back to Back: This is when one group is brought into the hotel just as another group is ready to depart 预抵和预离是同一间房

Blocked : A reservation for which a specific room has been reserved. 所房

Bucket Check : V erification that information on registration cards is identical to information of the computer. 挂牢

Booked :Reservations can only be accepted for a group or convention still holding open room blocks. 预定


Call Accounting : Computer system that tracks guest telephone calls. 电话计费系统Cancellation Number : Number given to a customer who is canceling a guaranteed reservation.The number appears on the Computer Screen when a reservation is cancelled.


Check In : Refer to C/I. The formalitics attendant to arrival at a hotel including signing of registration card. 办理入住

Chcek In Time : Hotel standard check in time is 14:00 ?

Check Out : Refer to C/O. The formalities attendant to departure of the guest and the settlement of the account. 退房

Check Out Time: Hotel standard check out time is 12:00noon.Only Priority Club Reward member entitled late check out till 14:00. the latest check out time is 16:00

which should approved by the hotel management.An late check out is

approved, must be noted in the departure time field. 退房时间

City Ledger : A guest`s account that is no longer active in the Front Office but is still active in accounts receivable in the Accounts Department. 挂账

Cooperate Rate: A special discounted room rate offered to a person who is frequent hotel guest.

Also referred to as the BUSINESS RA TE. 公司协议价Commissioned Sales: Sales made by a travel agent to which the hotel must pay a commission for the booking. 回佣Complimentary Rate: A room provided to the guest at no charge.This is normally done as a promotion of business or good will. 免费房间

Confirmed Reservation: A reservation request that is confirmed by telephone or mail prior to the guest`s arrival at the hotel. 确认预定

Confirmation : Record of reservation information mailed to a guest . 确认函Connection Room : Two (2) rooms with a common door other than the hallway door. 连通房COT : Baby`s bed. 婴儿床


Daily Count : Records the number or arrivals and departures and the total number of rooms to sell. 了解酒店当日房态

Day Rate : A room rate for less than an overnight accommodation.Normally50% off the rack rate.For the cooperate day rate will be offered by Director of Sales.


Data Link : Enables two(2)computer systems to one another. 数据连接Departure Date : The date the guest is scheduled to check out of the hotel 离店日期Deposit :A cashier`s net receipts for the day. 押金

Direct Bill : An account with a debit that is sent to the Accounting department for billing.These must be approved in advance by the Credit Manager. 入账DNA:A guest with a time arrival reservation (6:00) who does not arrive.(Do Not Arrive) 有预定但客人未到

Double Room : Two (2)people in a room. 可以两个人住的大床间


Early Arrival : This term refers to the guest who arrives at the hotel before the scheduled check in time.Depending upon the availability of rooms of the guest will

either be assigned a room or asked to check any bags and return at a later

time when rooms are ready. 有预定但提前到的客人ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival 估计到达时间

ETD : Estimated Time of Departure. 估计离店时间


F.I.T : Free Individual Traveler.A guest who comes to the hotel as a non-affiliated

group member. 没有预定的客人(散客)Folio : Record of guest charges and transactions 账单

Forecast : A weekly report that forecasts the next two (2) weeks percentage of