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7.contribute vt. & vi.捐献;贡献→contribute _______ 为……做贡献;有助于→make______________为……做贡献
[答案] to;contributions to 8.__________讲得通;有意义→make sense of弄懂 [答案] make sense 9.__________vt.拒绝;抛弃→refuse v.拒绝 [答案] reject 10.construction n.建设→________________正在建设中 [答案] under construction
[ 答 案 ] investigation ; drew a conclusion ; should be responsible for;outbreak
5.At last I applied for a job as a secretary,but was also ______(拒绝). So far my job hunting has ____(到了一个终点).
4.After the __________(调查), the police __________(得 出一个结论) that it was the polluted river that ___________(应 为……负责) the ______________(爆发) of the disease.
3.It has ______________(宣布) that ______________(除 了) John,two other persons are also__________(怀疑) to be ______________(与……有关联) the theft.
[答案] been announced;apart from;suspected;linked to
Great Scientists
c 1.识记填读 ontents
2.联想填读 3.构词填读 4.语境填读 5.句式填读 6.核心词汇 7.单元语法 8.微型考场 9.名师讲坛
基础知识回顾 考点互动探究
Ⅰ.识记填读 1.__________ vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫;n. 失败 [答案] defeat 2.__________ adj. 熟练的;n.专家 [答案] expert
Ⅱ.联想填读 1.__________vt. & vi.推断出;结束→draw/ come to/ reach/ arrive at a conclusion得出结论 [答案] conclude 2.expose vt.暴露→expose...__________暴露;使显露 [答案] to 3.______vt. & n.治愈→__________sb.__________sth.治 愈某人……__________v.治疗 [答案] cure;cure;of;treat
4.__________v.吸收;使专心→be__________________ 专心于……
[答案] absorb;absorbed in 5.__________vt. & n.责备→be ____________应受责备 [答案] blame;to blame 6.____...to...将……和……联系或连接起来→____...with... 把……和……联系或连接起来 [答案] link;connect
Ⅳ.语境填读 1.The theory that he ______________(提出) sounds good in theory but __________________(没有意义) in practice. [答案] put forward;doesn't make sense 2.Don't __________yourself __________(暴露于) the too strong sunlight for a long time. It will ________________(导致) being sunburnt. [答案] expose;to;lead to
3.__________ n. 挑战;vt.向……挑战 [答案] challenge 4.__________ vt. 怀疑;认为;n.嫌疑犯 [答案] suspect 5.__________ adj. 积极的;肯定的;确实的 [答案] positive 6.__________ adj.小心的;谨慎的 [答案] cautious
4.pollute vt. 污染;弄脏→__________ n.污染 [答案] pollution Leabharlann Baidu.announce vt. 宣布;通告→__________ n.通告,布 告;宣布 [答案] announcement 6.instruct vt. 命令;指示;教导→__________ n.指 示,命令;教导;(pl.)用法说明,操作指南→__________ adj. 富有教育意义的 [答案] instruction;instructive
Ⅲ.构词填读 1. __________ n.特征:特性→character n. 品质,性格; 特点,特性;人物,角色;汉字 [答案] characteristic 2.scientific adj. 科学的→__________ n. 科学家 [答案] scientist 3.conclude vt. & vi. 结束;推断出→__________ n. 结 论;结束 [答案] conclusion
[答案] rejected;come to an end
1.characteristic n.(P1)特性;特征(character n.[人的] 天性,性格;个性;角色,人物;文字,字母)
[一句背诵] One of the characteristics of the film is that there are so many characters who are of a strong character and not famous at all.这部影片的特色之一就是有那么多的角色,其 个性都特别坚强,且完全不知名。