当前位置:文档之家› 高级口译复习30篇之英译汉(上)



Passage 1

Australia is a land of exceptional beauty. It is the world's smallest continent and largest island, and a relatively young nation established in an ancient land. A series of geological and historical accidents has made Australia one of the world's most attractive counties from the tourist's viewpoint. This country has a land area of 7,686, 850 square kilometers and its coastline is 36,735 kilometers.// The vast movements of the earth's crust created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zones. This land has a small population, which left enormous areas unspoiled. Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, tropical beach to white snowfield, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas.//


Passage 2

It is always a pleasure to be among the best and the brightest in an atmosphere of learning. The university setting is the best incubator that exists for the inception and sharing of ideas. The agenda you’ve set forth here for the next two-and-a-half days is one that goes to the heart of what is exciting and important to business and industry today. I’ve been asked to share my thoughts with you today about moving from “me” thinking to “we” thinking. My view is simple: individuals add; team players multiply.// Tsinghua undergrads are fortunate in that more and more your

university is encouraging teamwork in your case work, stimulating the transition from “me” to “we”. At Wilson, we, too, are making great strides in breaking down the psychological and organizational barriers that result from “me” thinking. Even though we have more yet to do, we have been reaping exciting rewards by effectively using work teams to reengineer processes to gain improvements in costs, quality and response times.//




Passage 3

London is one of the world’s great centers for classical and popular culture. it has enjoyed a reputation for superb theater since the time of Shakespeare in the 16th century. The variety ranges from the majestic Royal National Theatre to the lavish Royal Opera House. The sheer number of symphony orchestras is impressive and includes the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the English Chamber Orchestra. // Some of the most well-known concert halls in the world, such as the Royal Festival Hall, provide favorable venues for the cornucopia of performances in London. London itself is a living museum, with more than 2,000 years of history and culture. But it also boasts one of the greatest concentrations of significant museums (more than 100) of any city in the world. The jewel in this cultural crown is the British

Museum, with 4 kilometers of galleries and more than 4 million exhibits.//

伦敦是世界上古典文化和通俗文化的大中心之一。自16世纪莎士比亚时代起伦敦一直享有拥有一流剧院的美誉,如宏伟的皇家国家剧院和豪华的皇家歌剧院。伦敦拥有数量众多的交响乐园,如伦敦交响乐团、皇家爱乐乐团和英格兰室内乐园。//伦敦有一些世界上最负盛名的音乐厅,如皇家节日厅,为伦敦各类音乐演出提供了良好的场所。虽然有着2000年历史和文化的伦敦自身就是一座活生生的博物馆,它却集中了一个宠大的博物馆群,数量超过100个,为世界其他城市所少见。大英博物馆镶刻在这顶文化皇冠上的一颗宝石,拥有4 公里长的展廊和400 万余件展品。//

Passage 4

Vancouver is predominantly a service center. Since the 1960s, employment in finance, insurance, and real-estate-related activities has tripled, that in accommodation and food services has quadrupled, that in health and welfare services has quintupled, and that in services for business has increased eightfold. Employment in primary and secondary industries has declined relative to population.// The majority of Vancouver's historic buildings are in the Gastown and Chinatown areas. Older sections of the city have undergone considerable change since 1960, when downtown high-rise office buildings and hotels were built. False Creek – a decaying industrial area with sawmills, rail yards, and small shops -- was transformed into a residential development project. Gastown, the original heart of the city, was restored in the 1880s style with antique stores and boutiques.//


起。法尔斯河这个锯木厂、铁路调车场、小店铺充斥其间的日渐衰败的工业区,已被改造为住宅发展区。旧城的市中心盖斯敦区已重新恢复了1880 年代的风格,古玩店和时装礼品店四处可见。Passage 5

The plunging water has worn away the lower rocks so that there are caves behind the sheets of water of both falls. Sightseers may enter the Cave of the Winds at the foot of the American falls and get an unusual view. The Canadian falls has carved a plunge basin 59 meters deep. Both the United States and Canadian governments have built parks, viewing platforms, paths, and highways. // The Niagara Reservation State Park was established in 1885 and is New York's oldest state park. It includes an observation tower, elevators that descend into the gorge at the base of the American falls, and boat trips into the waters at the base of the Horseshoe Falls. At night colored lights illuminate the falls and create a charming spectacle which viewers find hard to turn away from. The park area has long been a tourist site and a favorite spot for couples to spend their honeymoons.//

飞泻直下的河水冲蚀着下面的岩石,久而久之,两大瀑布的水帘之后便出现了洞穴。游客可以进入位于美国瀑布谷底旁的“风穴”,观赏穴内奇景,可一饱眼福。加拿大瀑布长年累月的冲蚀,在其谷底造就成一个59 米深的盆池。美加两国政府分别为尼亚加拉瀑布建造了公园、观赏台、步行路径和高速公路。//尼亚加拉保护区州辖公园于1885年建立,是纽约州年代最久的州辖公园。公园里耸立着一座观察塔,游人乘电梯直下,可来到美国瀑布底部的峡谷地带。游客还可以乘坐游艇驶入马蹄瀑布谷底的水域。夜幕降临后,瀑布在五色斑斓的灯光的照耀下,显得风情万种,妩媚无比,令人流连忘返。多年来,尼亚加拉瀑布公园一直是游人驻足之胜地,鸳侣蜜月之佳所。


Passage 1 女士们、先生们:很高兴能有机会参加这次“中国日”年会。亚洲是世界上最大的洲,拥有世界60%的人口。它资源丰富,历史悠久。中国式亚洲的一员,同所有亚洲人民一样,中国人民勤劳智慧。中国人民愿与所有亚洲人民一起,共创亚洲的美好明天。 Passage 2 我们非常高兴能和你们在英格兰度过这样一段愉快的时光。在告别英格兰的时候,我觉得自己对它和它的历史有了更多的了解。我们希望在不久的将来能在中国接待诸位,请诸位看看中国的变化。现在,我提议为东道主的健康干杯!希望在不久能看见你们。 Passage 3我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎辞。印度是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问印度是我的强烈愿望。我为能成为贵公司的客人而深感荣幸。这次访问给予我一次很好的机会结交新朋友。我公司同印度有着有好的合作关系。我们在许多领域里的合作都取得了重大进展。我们的合作是富有成效的。我们将继续成为和睦共助的伙伴关系。 Passage 4今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学接待格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。中新两国教育界人士的互访,增进了相互间的了解和学术交流。我相信格林博士这次对对我校的访问必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系做出重要贡献。明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。 Passage 5今天各位能出席这个招待会,我们深感荣幸。欢迎到中国来。在发展对外贸易中,我们坚持“互相尊重、平等互利”的原则,这一原则有助于发展我们各国独立的民族经济。我愿借此机会对各位朋友给予我们的合作和支持表示感谢。 Passage 6 在这个满天星斗、举国同庆的夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾从百忙之中拔冗光临我们的春节联欢晚会。春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我希望各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会能使我们彼此有机会沟通、增进友谊。最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年健康、事业有成。 Passage 7近年来,中国在交通方面的资金投入每年都有所增加,公路建设因此有了很大发展。到去年末,这方面的投资超过了人民币3,200亿元。自从我国实行西部大开发策略后,西部的公路建设也得到了迅速发展。在今后的几年里,西部地区将继续成为公路建设的重点地区。 Passage 8中国加快发展,将给中美关系发展提供新的机遇与动力。例如,中国的旅游业带动航空业的发展,已经给美国企业带来了可观的实惠。中国从美国进口大量的大豆、小麦等农产品,为美国农业提供了广阔的市场。我相信,中国完全有可能在未来的20年乃至更长的时间里,继续保持稳定快速的经济增长。 Passage 9中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,农村地区经济不发达。穷


Unit 6 Opening and closing ceremonies Lesson Three Translation for the text (All those on the rostrum and those present took their seats.) Good afternoon, representatives, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen! The 1999 global celebration ceremony of World Habitat Day formally opens. Please rise for the National Anthem. Sit down, please. Now , allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders and guests present on the rostrum: Acting Executive Director of UNCHS(United Nations Centre for Human Settlement )…Mr. xx; Minister of China Construction Department, Mr. xx; Mayor of Dalian, Mr. xx; Chairman of England Construction and Social Housing Fund Committee, Mr. xx; Coordinator of UNCHS, Mr.xx Let’s welcome the mayor of Dalian, Mr. xx to give the welcome speech. (The mayor gives the welcome speech.) Thank you, Mr. Mayor. The UN Secretary General, Mr. Annan has sent his greeting speech to the Habitat Day. Please project his speech. (Secretary General Annan’s speech is projected.) Welcome the Minister of Construction Department, Mr. xx to give his speech. (The minister makes his speech.) Welcome the Acting Executive Director of UNCHS to give his World Habitat Day address.( The Director addresses.) It is time for the Award Ceremony of the 1999 UN Habitat Prize which is set by UN as the highest honor prize for the governments, organizations, individuals all over the world that have made remarkable contributions in habitat field. Let’s welcome the coordinator of UNCHS to announce and introduce the list of prize winners. (The list is announced.) Let’s invite the Acting Executive Director of UNCHS to present the award.( Music is played.) Welcome the Egyptian prize winners to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Dalian Mayor…to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome the Indian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Colombian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Slovakian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome American representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Ghanaian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Kenyan representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize (The music comes and ends Let’s welcome the Chairman of England Construction and Social Housing Fund Committee to announce and introduce the 1999 Habitat Prizes for individuals. (The list is introduced and announced.) Welcome Mr. xx and Mr. xx from Britain to come to the rostrum to receive your prizes. Let’s invite the Minister of China Construction Department to present the award. (Music is played.) Today, we observe the grand global celebration ceremony of 1999 World Habitat Day in Dalian, which has achieved complete success under the instruction of UNCHS and with the help


situations. 【参考译文】 ①玩视频游戏鼓励孩子的即刻满足。 ②连续数小时看带有预录笑声的电视节目,只会使孩子以消极的方式处理信息。 ③同时,长时间通过耳机听节奏单调的音乐鼓励孩子待在自己封闭的天地里,而不是去做其他的尝试。 ④所有这些行为会阻止重要的交流与思考技能的提高,并且使孩子很难发展持久的注意力,而这将是未来他们从事的众多工作所需要的。 ⑤他们应该知道如何处理挫折、压力和不称职感。 ⑥他们还应该学习如何解决问题和化解冲突,学习开动脑筋和批判性思维的方法。 ⑦家庭讨论可以帮助孩子练习,并且帮助他们将这些技能应用到日常生活当中。 “搭配记忆法”对我们记忆单词、攻克翻译题有很大的帮助,但任何巧妙的方法都需要在长久的练习中熟能生巧,希望大家在以后的复习过程中,能按照这种方法把真题吃透,学英语贵在积累,三天打鱼两天晒网的学习方式要不得,只要坚持下去,终有一天,你的英语会变得很不一样!

【参考译文】 ①想要申请攻读博士学位的每一个学生都应该阅读一下这本精妙的、睿智的小书:《思想的市场:美国大学的改革和抗拒》。 ②然后他们可能会决定另觅他路。 ③因为在美国大学里已经发生了某种奇妙的事情,哈佛大学英语教授Louis Menand敏锐地捕捉到了这一点。 ④他关注的主要是人文学科:文学、语言、哲学等类似的学科。 ⑤这些都是要过时了的学科:现在美国大学的研究生中有22%的学生选择商务为自己的专业,与之相比只有2%的人主修历史专业,4%的学生主修英语专业。 “搭配记忆法”对我们记忆单词、攻克翻译题有很大的帮助,但任何巧妙的方法都需要在长久的练习中熟能生巧,希望大家在以后的复习过程中,能按照这种方法把真题吃透,学英语贵在积累,三天打鱼两天晒网的学习方式要不得,只要坚持下去,终有一天,你的英语会变得很不一样!


[标签:标题] 篇一:2015汉译英句子翻译(包括参考译文) 2015年汉译英综合练习 1. 她就是这样风里来,雨里去,成年累月地工作着。 This is how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year round. 2. 西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光奇丽。 The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with emerald hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. 3. 但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变过来。 But it’s the way I am, and try as I might, I haven’t been able to change it. 4. 一踏上中华人民共和国国土,我们就随时随地地受到关怀和照顾。 From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. 5. 袭人道:“一百年还记得呢!比不得你,拿着我的话当耳边风,夜里说了,早起就忘了。”“I’ll remember it if I live to be a hundred!”said Aroma. “I am not like you, letting what I say go in at one ear and out at the other forgetting what’s said at night by the next morning.” 6. 要制造飞机,就必须仔细考虑空气阻力问题。 Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be made. 7. 为什么总把这些麻烦事推给我呢? Why should all the unpleasant jobs be pushed onto me? 8. 只有在我过于劳累,在我长时间无间断地工作,在我感到内心空虚,需要补充精神营养 的时候,我才感到寂寞。 I am lonely when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. 9. 中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。 The successful explosion of the first atomic bomb in China caused great repercussions all over the world. 10. 我们应该实行国民经济信息化和科研成果产业化。 We should build an information-based national economy and apply scientific research achievements to industrial production. 11. 你说的倒轻巧,你也给我捧个奖杯回来。 You talk as if it were very simple. Why not try yourself and see if you can bring back a trophy, too? 12. 中国应该用实践向世界表明,中国反对霸权主义、强权政治、永不称霸。 China should show the world through actions that she is opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony. 13. 中国明朝的著名旅行家徐霞客一生周游考察了16个省,足迹几乎遍布全国。 Xu Xiake, a great traveler in China’s Ming Dynasty, visited 16 provinces in his lifetime, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country. 14. 阿Q将衣服摔在地上,吐一口唾沫,说:“这毛虫”! Ah Q flung his jacket on the ground, spat, and swore, “Hairy worm!”


2019年CATTI二级笔译英译汉真题及参考答案 【第一篇】 So where there is financial connection, we see that rapid improvements in quality of life can quickly follow. In our modern context, there are several important channels to achieving this greater financial connectivity. I want to highlight two today: increased capital mobility and increased financial inclusion. First, enabling capital to flow more freely. Allowing capital to flow across borders can help support inclusive growth. Right now, foreign direct investment —FDI — is only 1.9 percent of GDP in developing countries. Before the global financial crisis, it was at 2.5 percent. Making progress on major infrastructure needs will require capital flows to rise again and to be managed safely. Greater openness to capital flows can also bring down the cost of finance, improve the efficiency of the financial sector, and allow capital to support productive investments and new jobs. Challenges that come with opening up capital markets. Thankfully, we know from experience the elements that are required for success. These include sound financial regulation, transparent rules for investment, and attention to fiscal sustainability. We also need increased financial inclusion. A few numbers: close to half of the adult population in low and middle-income Asia-Pacific economies do not have a bank account. Less than 10 percent have ever borrowed from a financial institution. And yet, we know that closing the finance gap is an “economic must-have” for nations to thrive in the 21st century. IMF analysis shows that if the least financially inclusive countries in Asia narrowed the finance gap to the level of Thailand — an emerging market economy — the poverty rate in those countries could be reduced by nearly 4 percent. How can we get there? In part, through policies that enable more women and rural citizens to access financial services. The financial gender gap for women in developing countries is about 9 percent and has remained largely unchanged since 2011. There is no silver bullet, but we know that fintech can play a catalyzing role. In Cambodia, for example, strong public-private partnerships in supporting mobile finance has led to a tripling in the number of micro-financial institutions since 2011. These institutions have now provided loans to over 2 million new borrowers, representing nearly 20 percent of the adult population. Many of these citizens had never had a bank account. Now they can save for the future and perhaps even start a business of their own. These are ideas that can work everywhere. But countries have to be willing to partner and learn from each other. That is one of the major reasons why last October, the IMF and World Bank launched the Bali Fintech Agenda. The agenda lays out key principles — from developing financial markets to safeguarding financial integrity — that can help each nation as it strives for greater financial inclusion. 【第一篇参考答案】


汉译英练习15篇(口译) [策马翻译培训口译培训·练习一] Passage 1 上海菜系是中国最年轻的地方菜系,通常被成为“本帮菜”,有着400 多年的历史。同中国其他菜系一样,“本帮菜”具有“色,香,味”三大要素。| 上海菜的特点是注重调料的使用,食物的质地和菜的原汁原味。其中最著名的有特色点心“南翔小笼”和特色菜“松鼠鲑鱼”。| “南翔小笼”是猪肉馅,个小味美,皮薄汁醇。“松鼠鲑鱼”色泽黄亮,形如松鼠,外皮脆而内肉嫩,汤汁酸甜适口。| 在品尝过“松鼠鲑鱼”之后,我们常常惊讶于“松鼠”的形状,觉得在三大评价标准上在添加“形”这个标准才更合适。| 译文: Shanghai cuisine, usually called Benbang cuisine, is the youngest among the major regional cuisines in China, with a history of more than 400 years. Like all other Chinese regional cuisines,Benbang cuisines takes “color, aroma and taste” as its essential quality elements.| Shanghai cuisine emphasizes in particular the expert use of seasonings, the selection of raw materials with quality texture, and original flavors. Shanghai cuisine is famous for a special snack known as Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings and a special dish called “Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish”.| Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings are small in size, with thin and translucent wrappers, filled inside with ground pork and rich tasty soup. Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish is yellow-colored and squirrel-shaped, with a crispy skin and tender meat, all covered with a sweet and sour source.| After tasting Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish, we are always amazed by the squirrel shape and think that it is more appropriate to plus “appearance” as the fourth element. Passage 2 美国人强调效率、竞争和独创性,而中国人则将严谨规划放在首位,鼓励团队成员之间的密切合作和无私奉献。|


2019年英语中级口译考试汉译英必备篇(5) 香港中文大学,简称“中大”,成立于1963年。中大是一所研究型综合大学,以“结合传统与现代,融汇中国与西方”为创校使命。//40多年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓不过立。中大校园占地 134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园之一。//中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工 5200多人,近万名本科生、约2000多名研究生,其中约2500多人来自45个不同的国家和地区。//中大实行灵活的学分制,不但有助于培养有专有博的人才,而且还赋予学生更大的学习自主权。中大的多元教育有助于充分发挥每一个学生的潜能。// The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is a research-oriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West.//For more than 40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. s 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.//CUHK’ s fa culty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more than 5200 staff members,approximately 10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some 2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong.//The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree of free choice of students in designing their own learning. The multi-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.//


英译汉历年真题全文翻译 1994年真题参考译文 新学派科学家们认为,在扩大科学知识范围的过程中,技术是一股被忽视了的力量(71)他们认为,科学之所以向前发展,与其说是因为天才伟人的真知灼见,还不如说是因为像改进了的技术和工具之类更为普遍的东西。(72)一位新学派的领袖人物坚持说,简言之,所谓的科学革命主要是指一系列工具的改进、发明和使用;这一系列工具的改进、发明和使用在无数个方面拓展了科学的领域。(73)多年来,工具和技术本身作为根本性革新的源泉在很大程度上被历史学家和思想家们所忽视了。肯定技术的现代派认为,诸如伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯韦、爱因斯坦这样的著名科学大师以及像爱迪生这样的发明家都十分重视各种不同的、可用于科学实验的工艺信息和技术装置并从中获益匪浅,提倡肯定技术、否定天才的论点之核心是对伽利略在科学革命的初期所起作用的分析。当时人们对天体的认识源于公元二世纪时的天文学家托勒密。他认为,在复杂的天体系统中所有的天体都围绕着地球运动。(74)伽利略最伟大的成就在于,在l 609年他是第一个用新发明的望远镜来观察天空的人,以证实行星是围绕太阳旋转而不是围绕地球旋转的。但故事中真正的英雄,新学派科学家们认为,是改进制作眼镜的机器的漫长过程。 联邦政府的政策不可避免地卷入了这场“技术”对“天才”之争。(75)政府是应该以牺牲技术作为代价来增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这常常取决于人们把哪一个看作驱动力量。

1995年真题参考译文 广泛用来帮助选拔、分类、委派或者提拔学生、雇员和军事人员的标准化教育或心理测试最近在图书、杂志、日报甚至国会中成了攻击的目标。(71)把标准化测试作为抨击的目标是错误的,因为在抨击这些测试的时候,批评家没有注意到错误在于那些不甚了解或者是不能胜任的使用者。测试本身只是工具,其特点是在具体条件下可以得到相当精确的测定。测试结果究竟是有价值、无意义或者有误导作用在部分程度上取决于工具本身,但在很大程度上取决于使用者。 所有对未来表现有根据的预测都取决于对相关的过去表现的一些了解:学习成绩、研究能力、销售纪录或者任何合适的信息。(72)这些测试将在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实,这取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适应性,还取决于解释这些信息的技能和才智。任何认真记分的人都知道,能获得的信息往往不全面,而且预测很容易出现错误。应该根据这种情况看待标准化测试。对于一个人的学识,他所掌握的技能或者他是哪种类型的人,标准化测试提供了快捷,而客观的获取信息的办法、和其他种类的信息一样,按这种方法获得的信息从质量上来讲也有其自身的长处和短处。(73)因此,在某一特定情况下,究竟是采用测试,(采用)其他种类的信息,或是两者兼用,取决于与相对效度有关的来自经验的证据,还取决于诸如费用和可获取性之类的因素。(74)一般来说,当所要测定的特征能够最为精确地界定时,测试最为有效;而当所要测定或预测的东西不能明确地界定时,测试的效果则最差。如果使用得当,测试提供一种快速获取有关许多人的可比性信息的方法,有时还会鉴别出潜力大、过去却未被承认的学生,但测试无法做到的事情也很多。(75)例如,这些测试并不能弥补明显的社会不公平现


TEXT 41 The bane ofItaly 祸起意大利(陈继龙编译) Jun29th 2006 FromThe Economist print edition ALEXANDER STILLE'S new book on Silvio Berlusconi, the flamboyant[1]former Italian prime minister, is neither a b________①nor a work of investigative journalism.Its real value is that it represents the first attempt, in English at least, to recount in a readable fashion the story, not of Mr Berlusconi himself, but of Berlusconi-ism. (1)That gives it a wide appeal, for, as its author argues persuasively, Berlusconi-ism is the extrapolation[2]to grotesque[3] extremes of a phenomenon that has gradually, and all too imperceptibly, become widespread. 亚历山大·斯蒂莱的新作写的是个性张扬的意大利前任总理西尔维奥·贝鲁斯科尼,但它并非是一本传记,也不是新闻调查作品。其真正的价值在于,它首次尝试以一种可读性较强的风格,记述了“贝鲁斯科尼主义”而不是贝鲁斯科尼的生平。这也是本书独具魅力之所在,因为诚如作者很有说服力地论证的那样,“贝鲁斯科尼主义”是对某种现象怪诞至极时的推论,这种现象日趋普遍而所有人却都浑然不觉。 Mr Stille is at his best when he describes how a man with a corporation with billions of dollars of d_______②succeeded in less than eight months, between 1993 and 1994, in turning himself into his country's leader. (2)Along the way, he identifies various keysto Mr Berlusconi's success. 斯蒂莱先生最出彩的描写是,一个拥有一家债台高筑的公司的人,如何在1993年至1994年间的短短8个月内,成功地使自己成为国家领导人。他在书中一一揭示了贝鲁斯科尼的成功要诀。 TEXT 40 Selling the sage of Qufu 推销孔圣人(陈继龙编译) Jul6th 2006 | TOKYO FromThe Economist print edition


英汉翻译 一、给下列的英译汉作出判断,正确在括号用T表示,错误用F表示。 1、I’d die first. 我宁愿先死。(F ) 2、Kill it please. 别干了,你!(T ) 3、I find it hard to get going in the morning. 我发现早上起来就懒得动。(T ) 4、The troops of the two countries are kept at arm’s length.两国军队相距很远。(T ) 5、He knew that Shanghai was the bastion of Far East imperialism. 他知道上海是远东帝国主义的堡垒。( F ) 6、The importance of electronic computers cannot be over-estimated.电子计算机的重要性不能过高地估计。(F) 7、The importance of electronic computers cannot be over-estimated.电子计算机的重要性不能过高地估计。(F) 8、I don’t care about going. 我愿意(可以)去。(F ) 9、That’s the door. 门在那儿。( F ) 10、Let the cat out of the bag. 露出马脚。(T) 11、If I want you I will ask for you .请不要插嘴。(T ) 12、If I want you I will ask for you .请不要插嘴。(T ) 13、I could not feel better. 我感觉很好。( T ) 14、I could not feel better. 我感觉很不好。( F ) 15、It leaves nothing to be desired. 这已完美无缺。(T ) 16、Mary is a girl of a boy.玛丽是个男孩式的女孩。(F ) 17、There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。(T ) 18、Domestic shame should not be made public.家丑不可外扬。(T ) 19、That’s too much for me. 那对我来说太多了。( F ) 20、Keep it dark . 这事不可泄露出去。(T )


历年上海英语中级口译翻译英译汉真题及答案 原文: 出自Newsweek Why We Must Fire Bad Teachers The relative decline of American education at the elementary- and high-school levels has long been a national embarrassment as well as a threat to the nation’s future. Once upon a time, American students tested better than any other students in the world. Now, ranked against European schoolchildren, America does about as well as Lithuania, behind at least 10 other nations. For much of this time—roughly the last half century—professional educators believed that if they could only find the right pedagogy, the right method of instruction, all would be well. They tried New Math, open classrooms, Whole Language—but nothing seemed to achieve significant or lasting improvements. Yet in recent years researchers have discovered something that may seem obvious, but for many reasons was overlooked or denied. What really makes a difference, what matters more than the class size or the textbook, the teaching method or the technology, or even the curriculum, is the quality of the teacher. Much of the ability to teach is innate—an ability to inspire young minds as well as control unruly classrooms that some people instinctively possess (and some people definitely do not). Teaching can be taught, to some degree, but not the way many graduate schools of education do it, with a lot of insipid or marginally relevant theorizing and pedagogy. In any case the research shows that within about five years, you can generally tell who is a good teacher and who is not. 我们为什么必须叫停“不称职”的老师?


B5M1(句子翻译) 1.It_doesn’t_matter_whether you will attend the party or not. 你来不来参加派对并不重要。 2.Many students are hot on playing computer games, while Wang Chen likes playing Weiqi. 许多学生热衷于电脑游戏,而王琛却喜欢下围棋。 .They have a lot in common and get along well with each other. 3.他们有很多相同之处,相处得很融洽。 .They are twin sisters, yet they have_little_in_common in their hobbies. 4.她们是孪生姐妹,但是她们的业余爱好几乎没有相同之处。 .In_common_with other companies, they advertise widely as well. 5.和其他公司一样,他们也广泛地做广告。 .One false step will make a great difference. 6.失之毫厘,谬以千里。 .The twins look so similar that you can hardly tell_the_difference_between them. 7.这对双胞胎看起来太像了,你简直无法把他们区分开来。 .It might be obvious to you, but it isn’t to me. 8.这对你来说也许很容易理解,但对我却并非如此。 .It_is_obvious_that the two Englishes have much in common. 9.很显然,这两种英语有很多共同之处。 .Obviously (obvious), American spelling is simpler than British spelling. 10很显然,美式拼写要比英式拼写简单。 .Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news gets around quickly. 11.好事不出门,坏事传千里。 .It’s time I got down to some serious work. 12.我该认真干点正事了。 .I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn’t get through. 13.昨天我试着给你打过几次电话,但是没有打通。 .A man in confusion (confuse) cannot focus on the required work. 14.思绪混乱的人不可能集中精力做他被要求做的工作。 ③The confused look on his face suggested that he was confused about the confusing questions asked by his parents.(confuse) 15.他脸上迷惑的表情表明他对父母问的那些令人迷惑的问题感到困惑。 They confused me by asking so many confusing questions. I was totally confused, standing there in confusion, not knowing what to do.

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