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(E: Examiner考官C: Candidate考生)

Part One

E: Hello.

C: Hello.

E: My name’s Andrew Jones and I’m your examiner today.

C: Nice to meet you Mr. Jones.

E: Can I have your full name please?

(注意考官的问题,这里问的是full name全名。考生听题要仔细,注意细节。)

C: My name is Li Zhang. I don’t have English name so you can call me by my surname Zhang.


E: Can I see your ID please?

C: Of course, here it is.

E: Thank you. Well, I’d like to ask you some questions about some a spects of your life. Let’s start with the subject of shopping. Do you enjoy shopping?

C: To be frank with you, shopping is last thing I want to do in my life. I just don’t like it.


E: Why?

C: W ell, I feel it’s a huge waste of time to shop around especially during the holiday when there are so many people on the street. Sometimes I feel breathless when I stand in the crowd.


E: So have you ever tried shopping on the Internet?

C: Oh, yes. It’s much more fun. I have tried to buy several things online and it turned out to be quite convenient and the price is good too.

E: Do you have anything you don’t like about online shopping?


C: Well, online shopping certainly has its weakness. I guess quality is one problem because I don’t get to see the actual product before purchase.

E: Now let’s say something about your hobby. What’s your main hobby?

(考官在从一个topic进入另一个topic时,会有明确的过渡,比如:now let’s say something about ...,考生一定要听仔细。)

C: My main hobby? Well, I am not the kind of person who can maintain a hobby for a long time. I used to be crazy about yoga but these d ays I’m really into watching horror movies.

(如果在回答问题时需要时间思考,不要出现长时间停顿,可以采用“拖延战术”,比如这里用“My main hobby?”自问自答的形式可以给自己创造几秒钟的构思时间。)

E: What’s your favorite sport?

C: I’m very into basketball. I’m a huge fan of Michael Jordon. Playing basketball is a

lot of fun because I can keep fit and meet new friends.

E: Why is exercise good?

C: Doing exercise can be very rewarding. It helps to control body weight, maintain strength and improve immunity.

E: Are there any other hobbies you’d like to have in the future?

C: Yes, I really want to try an extreme sport, like bungee jumping or paragliding. I know it is very popular in other countries but here in China, extreme sport is a relatively newcomer and not many people are willing to try but I think it must be the experience of a lifetime. E: Tell me why do you think some people want to take adventure to do extreme sports?

C: I think the fear that drives many people away from the risks of extreme sports may be the same ingredient that keeps others coming back for more. For some, life is all about adventures, risks and challenges.

E: Do you think hobbies should be relaxing or do you think they should be exciting?

C: I believe hobbies can be both relaxing and exciting. For example, reading is a way for people to relax and unwind. But reading horror stories can be very exciting. Listening to music helps to relax too, but only depends on what kind of music people listen to, classic, jazz, or rock ‘n roll.


E: Okay, let’s move on to the topic of language learning. When did you first start to learn English?

C: Let me see. Well, I remember I started to learn English when I was in primary school at the age of nine or ten. I can’t remember the exact year.


E: Tell me about your English language studies since that time.

C: I wasn’t quite interested in English at first. But my father paid for me to attend night school class. I then realized that English must be very important. Since I learned English in day school as well as night school, the improvement was quick.

E: Do you think it is important to learn a second language?

C: Yes, I think so, otherwise there is no need to have English class in school. Learning a second language helps people understand other culture better.

E: Do you think it is necessary to have a world language for everyone?

C: Absolutely. Having a world language helps to facilitate the communication between people from different cultures and English certainly has proved the necessity.

E: What do you think is the best way to learn a second language?

C: My approach is to practice this language with others, especially with native speakers.

I am quite sure this is the best and the most efficient way to learn a new language.

Part Two

E: Now I’d like you to speak on a topic for 1 or 2 minutes. I will give you the topic in a moment and you’ll have a minute to prepare and to make some notes if you want to. So