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立场文件的英文是Position Paper,可定义为“表明一国在某一个问题上的基本观点和立场的文件”。立场文件反映了一个国家对特定话题的立场和解决建议,许多代表也会用立场文件作为大会中第一次发言的发言稿,由此可见其重要性。一篇立场文件只阐述对于一个议题的国家立场观点,如果一个委员会的议题有两个,那么就需要提交两份立场文件。一份立场文件的篇幅应尽量控制在一到两页。立场文件作用其他国家可以通过一国的立场文件来了解该国在这一议题上的基本立场,确定该国是否与自己的国家具有共同的目标和利益等等,这样便于各国协会协商和合作。也可以提醒本国代表自己的底线。立场文件同时也是会议开始阶段各国陈述观点的主要参照发言材料,但它并不是发言稿。立场文件的格式和要点1)开头立场文件的开头应该包括以下部分:代表姓名(delegates)代表来自的学校(schools)国家(country)委员会(committee)议题(topic)2)正文正文的内容一般安排如下:背景介绍:简要陈述议题。这一部分所占篇幅最小,只需简单概括该问题的历史,并提出讨论解决该问题的重要性即可。





立场文件作为会议要求的正式文件,在用词方面也有固定的要求。用词要求正式,避免口语化的表达。一般,立场文件都采用第三人称“中国认为(China thinks)、美国代表团相信(the US Delegation believes)”等等,而不用“你、我、他”。同时立场文件的表达应当简洁明了,尽量不要采用修辞、排比等过于文学的表达方式。由于篇幅有限,立场文件应该围绕议题和国家立场展开,确保每一句话都是为了表达国家立场服务。我们建议代表使用一个简明的架构来书写立场文件。你的工作不是把你所收集的大量信息填充到结构中,而是把你的观点、建议以及解决办法等等信息融合起来加以整理,使他们能够很好的融合到你的立场文件结构中,让你的立场文件更有建设性。一篇好的立场文件应包括以下几个方面:简要阐述议题,并说明代表国认为对这个议题对于其本国以及整个国际社会所具有的重要性。代表国所持有的立场、态度。可包括该国与此相关的国内事务及外交政策,以及过去在国际工作中所支持过的决议等等。对于联合国所采取过的主要措施代表国持怎样的态度。代表国对委员会的建议。可包括代表国认为有效可行的解决措施,以及国际社会应承当的角色。所以确切的说,立场文件更接近说明文,而不是一般认为的议论文或者辩论陈词。后者往往要求先明确表达观点(比如托福作文或GRE的Argument部分),然后旁征博引来证明观点的正确正当。但是立场文件的写作不是要通过具有冲击力的词汇说服阅读者,而是要通过合理引用客观资料说明问题,并在此基础上得出结论,更强调体现出一种分析的过程。换





C ommittee:

Topic:The Military Use of Children

Child soldiers originated from ancient Greece, ancient Greek boy began to receivemilitary training and participation in the war from the age of seven, after centuries ofEuropean Employment of twelve year old boy do child soldiers, war weakened after theywere unfortunately as the slave trade. By nineteenth Century, Russia, France,American have the use of child soldiers. Child soldiers training is brutal, many childrendied in the war, torture, disease and hunger. In twentieth Century the use of surge in the number of child soldiers in World War II, fascist use a large number of child soldiers,then the child soldiers is not limited to men, daughter of child soldiers also appeared in the war. Child soldiers living in dangerous and stressful environment, caused thempsychological disease. Comparison of adult they were at the end of the war ravagedmore.

Child soldiers are low price, easy to manage, obedient so Africa, South Asia, Latin America still use informal or formal child soldiers, these child soldiers as cannon fodder,spy, slaves and servants, the desperate situation. These children will be affected by thedestruction is not only physically, but also spiritual. Their educational opportunities lost,so after the war, their spirit was greatly destroyed, many of them are suffering from a mental illness. Not a normal life in society.

Child soldiers return to society is the biggest problem facing the world, only the two sides conflict refused to use formal or informal child soldiers, the problem can be solved fundamentally. So the United Nations should enact the provisions prohibiting the use ofchild soldiers, child soldiers, the dissolution of team, restore them in social life. Let thechildren have a good education and good family environment, is the problem facing theinternational brook no delay.

About child soldiers, Japan enacted laws prohibiting the use of child soldiers, reduce conflicts with other countries, without armed conflict, not recruiting child soldiers, let the children a good education, and good family environment and social environment. The publicity of child soldiers, to urge other nations to reject the use of child soldiers,physical and mental health of children, grow up happy.