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Unit 1


was am,is 的过去式

were are 的过去式

China 中国

went go的过去式

parent 父,母;家长

hometown 故乡

took take 的过去式

tour 旅行;旅游

Sun Moon Lake 日月潭

lake 湖

did do的过去式

swam swim的过去式

take a boat tour 乘船游览


How was your winter vacation? 你的寒假过得如何?

It was wonderful. I visited the Great Wall. 好极了,我参观了长城。

was 是is 的过去式。



一般在动词原形末尾直接加上-ed。如:look-- looked, visit--visited, watch--watched


末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stop--stopped。末尾是辅音字母+y 结尾的动词,先改y为i,然后再加上-ed。如:study--studied。

不规则动词的过去式需要记忆。如:am/is--was, are--were, go--went,come--came,take--took,have(has)--had.

How about you ? Were you in China?


No, I wasn’t. I went to Australia. 不,我不在中国。我去了澳大利亚。

How was the weather there? 那里的天气如何?

It was hot. It was summer there. 那里天气很热,是夏天。

I went to Taiwan with my parents. 我和父母一起去了台湾。

with 介词,意思是和,跟,随着

Is it your hometown? 台湾是你的故乡吗?

Yes, it is. 是的,是我的故乡。it 指代前面提过的台湾。

I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake. 我乘船游览了日月潭。



elephant 大象

map 地图

over there 在那边

hill 小山

under 在……下面

next to 紧挨着

animal 动物

saw see的过去式

hungry 饿的

ate eat的过去式

any 任何的;若干


Look, there is a map over there. 瞧那边有一幅地图。

there be 句型表示的是“某处有(存在)某人或某物”,其结构为There be +名词+地点状语(地点状语也可以放在句首)。

主语是单数名词或不可数名词时用there is ,主语是名词的复数形式时用there are 如:There is a baby elephant in the zoo. 动物园里有一只小象。

There are some bears under tree. 树下有几只熊。

There are some elephants behind the hill. 小山后面有几只大象。

Let me take a photo of it. 让我来给它拍一张照片。

There are some tigers next to the lions. 紧挨着狮子园有几只老虎。

Next to 紧挨着

What animals did you see, children? 你们看到了什么动物?

We saw pandas, tigers, monkeys……我们看到了熊猫,老虎,猴子


Did you give bananas to the monkeys? 你们喂猴子吃香蕉了吗?

No, we didn’t. 不,我们没有。


We are hungry. We ate the bananas. 我们很饿,我们吃了香蕉。



Easter 复活节

color 上颜色

color the eggs 给蛋上颜色

brown 棕色的

hide 藏

garden 花园

look for 寻找

pick up 捡起

got get的过去式

Easter Bunny 复活节小兔子


What are you going to do, Mom? 妈妈,你准备做什么?

I’m going to make some Easter Eggs. 我准备做一些复活节彩蛋。be going to do sth 将要去做某事;打算,计划做某事

they look beautiful. 它们看起来很漂亮。look 系动词。

I’m going to hide them in the garden. 我准备把它们藏在花园里。They’re looking for Easter eggs. 他们在寻找复活节彩蛋。

Kate is picking up an egg. 凯特正在捡鸡蛋。

Did you have a good time? 你们玩得快乐吗?

Yes, we did.是的,我们玩得很快乐。

Unit 4


spring outing 春游

climb 攀爬

mountain 山

water 水

thirsty 渴的

camera 照相机

sky 天空

cloud 云

get on 上车

shout 喊叫

top 顶部

at the top of the mountain 在山顶


We are going for a spring outing. 我们将要去春游。

We’re going to climb a mountain.我们打算去爬一座山。What’re you going to take with you? 你准备带什么去?

I’m going to take some water with me. 我打算带点水。take……with somebody 是随身携带的意思。

Are you going to wear sports shoes?


Now they are climbing the mountain. 现在他们正在爬山。