新概念英语一册L1 74 短语总结 结合初中课本

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新概念一册常用词组与语言点(L1~L74)1.劳驾、对不起打扰一下Excuse me. 30.打开(电视机、电灯、收音机等)turn on

31.关(电视机、电灯、收音机等)turn off 2.早上好good morning

32.脱掉下午好good afternoon take off 3.33.穿上4.上楼come upstairs put


34.什么颜色what color 追逐run after


35.6.来见见come and meet 在河面上on the river

36.在花园里in the garden 7.您好How do you do?

37.在树底下give sb. sth=give sth to sb 给某人某物under the tree


38.…怎么样?What about …?= How about…?9.不是那些not those

39.做…怎么样?What about=How about=Would you like=Do you want架子上的

那些10.the ones on the shelf …

climb the tree

爬树on the shelf 40.11.在架子上

pardon=I beg your pardon=pardon me? 请你再说一遍on the right 41.在右边12.

a fine day

在左边42.on the left

好天气、晴天13.be with families in the middle of在14.……中间…43. 和家人在一起fly over on the table 从…上空飞过44.15.在桌子上look at

16.…in the kitchen 看45.在厨房in the sky

在盘子上on the plate 在天上46.17.

under the bridge 18.桥底下on the floor 在地板上47.

s homework do one'48.做作业19.靠近门near the door

jump off 掉下、跳离on the bed


want to do 想要做某事21.在冰箱里in the refrigerator 50.

cook a meal 在房间里51.in the room 做饭22.wait for 23. 52.等待进来come in

have a meal

open the door 开门24. 吃饭53.look after=take care of

照顾54.shut the door 25.关门wash the dishes must do


27.a photograph of air the room

是房间通风…56.…的一张照片in the valley make the bed 整理床铺、铺床28.

57.在山谷中on the river

29. dressing table


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59.沿着…走walk along 90.一英镑的糖a pound of sugar

91.in the water 半磅咖啡half a pound of coffee


92.61.横渡swim across

四分之一磅茶a quarter of a pound of tea

93.一听烟丝a tin of tobacco 62.在公园旁边beside the park

94.当然走出…walk out of certainly= of course 63.95.沏茶64.走进…里go into

make the tea

96.make a bookcase 在水壶中in the cupboard 做一个书架65./书橱97. 66.给你here you are

在那边over there

98.在茶壶后面behind the teapot

67.打算做某事be going to do

99.我能…但我不能…I can 68.为…(准备的)be for sb …but I can't…

100.最喜欢的颜色69.favourite colour 在茶壶里in the teapot

101.寻找look for 70.等待…wait for

102.s face 快点hurry up shave one71.刮脸'103.72.到这来come here

听….listen to

104.do with=deal with 73.处理…一会儿in a minute

105.隔壁…74.穿上put on next door

106.在某人的办公室in one脱掉75.take off

's office

107.put上放在……要求某人做某事ask sb. o do sth. on

把76.…108.in front of …77.在前面(外部)为某人打信type a letter for sb. 109.怎么了?What's wrong?=What's in the front of …78.在前部(内部)the matter?=Is there something

wrong with you?

79.小心be careful

110.一百、两百、三百on the shelf

在架子上80.one /two /three hundred

111.81.一个可爱的花瓶a lovely vase

数以百计的hundreds of

112.给某人展示82.…数以千计的show sb sth= show sth to sb thousands of 113.举起椅子take sb sth= take sth to sb 83.带给某人某物lift the chair

114.84.送给某人某物send sb sth= send sth to sb 读书read the book

115.一块乳酪85. a piece of cheese 读杂志read the magazine

116.做蛋糕一块面包86.a loaf of bread make a cake\make cakes

117.做饼干make biscuits

a bar of soap

一块肥皂87.118.a bar of chocolate 88.一块巧克力喜欢做某事(偶尔)like to do
