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though/ although “尽管 ............ 即使.... ”

连接词:although(尽管),though(尽管),however(无论怎样),whatever(无论什么),whoever(无论谁).whomever(无论谁),whichever(无论哪个).whenever(无论何时),wherever(无论哪里),whether(就是否人no matter (who, what, where, when, etc)(无论),even if(即使),even though(即使)等。

注意:当有though, although时,后面得从句不能有biH,但就是though yet 可连用、这两个连词意思大致相同,在一般悄况下可以互换使用。在口语中'though较常使用although比though正式,

Although its raining, they are still working in the field、虽然在下雨■但她们仍在地里干活。

Although/Though he was worn out, (still) he kept on working、

Though the sore be healed, yet a scar may remain伤口虽愈合■但伤疤留下了 o (谚语)J

Although/Though he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong、

He is very old, but he still works very hard、虽然她很老,但仍然努力地工作。



例如:She Passed the examination though she had not studied very hard、)1、she is young, she knows quite a lot、

)2、 _____ we gave him something to eat, he would save it up for his little sister 、 Whatever B 、However C 、Whenever D 、Whichever

)3、Though it rained heavily yesterday, ______ he got to school on time 、

but B / C and

)4、 Alice is a good student 、


A 、When

B 、 However

C 、Although

D 、Unless

ever if/even though 即使 We'll make a trip even ifZthough the weather is bad 、 whether.八or 八、表示“不论就是否 ........... ”「'不管就是 .... 还就是

You'll have to attend the ceremony whether you're free or busy 、

Whether you believe it or not, ifs true 、

5o matter+疑问词”或“疑问词-ever 得含义为“ ................. 都 .... ;不管


彳列女口:No matter what happened, he would not mind 、 (=Whatever happened, he would not minci> )

No matter who you are, you must keep the law 、(=Whoever you are, you must keep the law 、

)1、一You bought the car about ten years ago?

—Yes 、

it"s old, it still runs well 、 A.


B 、 Since

C 、Although

D 、 But A 、 ,she has one shorting 、 A 、ahhouguB 、as C 、however

D 、 even if ( )5、Mary spends a lot of money on clothes

because B 、thougu C 、if D 、so

her family is not rich 、 A 、 )6、 difficult the task may be, we will try our best to finish it 、

A 、 No matter

B 、 No wonder

C 、 Though

D 、 However

its difficult to make her dream e true, she never gives up 、

they may not succeed, they will try their best 、 一些易混淆得语法讲解:

1、四个花费:spenacostjake 与pay 得区别

(1) spend time / money on sth. 在 ......... 上花费时间/金钱 例:1 spent two hours on this maths problem 、

spend time / money (in) doing sths 花费时间(金钱)做某事。

例:They spent two years (in) building this bridge 、

spend money for sth 、 花钱买 例:His money was spent for books 、她得钱用来买书了。

⑵sth 、costs (sb. ) +金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。

例:A new puter costs a lot of money 、买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱q

(3)take 后而常跟双宾语

It takes sb. +时间+to do sth.做某事花了某人多少时间©

例:It took them three years to build this road 、

As Though B 、Unless

C 、Because

D 、If )1、 )2、

A 、 Though

B 、 When

C 、 Because

D 、 Unless ()3、_


_ Harry is only 10 years old, _________ he knows more about scienee than A 、Though :/ B 、Though;but C 、Though;because A 、 A 、 )4、 well you drive, you must drive carefully 、

No matter where B 、 In order that

C 、 No matter how

D 、 As soon as )5、

If hamburgers are junk food, many children like them. B 、 Unless C 、 Because

D 、Although )6、My brother and I look different we are twins.

A 、 unless

B 、 as

C 、 though

D 、 because
