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1. 我对自己的所作所为问心无愧。(conscience)

I have a clear conscience for what I have done .

2. 这个任务对我来说太艰巨。(tough)

The task is too tough for me.

3. 在这个时候彼得转换了话题。(at this point)

At this point Peter changed the topic.

4. 工人们抱怨工资太低。(grumble)

The workers are grumbling about the low salary.

5. 对不起,我不是有意伤害你的。(mean to)

I’m sorry . I didn’t to mean to hurt you.

6. 另一方面,塑料袋极大地危害环境。(on the other hand)

On the other hand, plastic bags greatly damage the environment.

7. 你不必内疚,该为此负责的是我。( conscience )

You shouldn’t have a guilty co nscience. It is I that should be responsible for it.

8. 尽管洪水冲坏了公路,游客们还是被如期送回了宾馆。(plan )

Although the floods destroyed the roads, the tourists were sent to the hotel as planned .

9. 我原本打算能在星期三之前赶到,但最后还是迟到了。(mean )

I had meant to get there before Wednesday but I was late finally.

10. 一看到屋内杂乱不堪,他就知道出事了。(On doing … )

On seeing the house in disorder, he knew something must have happened.

11. 我给了店员一张一百元的钞票,他多找了我一张五十元的。

I gave the shop assistant one hundred yuan, he gave me an extra 50 yuan

12. 我很懊悔伤害了你,但当时我真的不是故意的。

I regret having hurt you, but I didn’t do it on purpose at that time.

13. 他当时太害怕了,甚至都忘记了报警。

Frightened, he forgot to tell the police.


Your suggestion sounds reasonable , but I am afraid I don’t agree with you at this point.


But Peter was busy picking up the books on the floor and was narrowly knocked down by a bike.

16. 别再无休止的抱怨了,这无济于事。

Don’t grumble continuously. It’s no use.


You should not bully the child younger than you.


I had meant to return the book to you on Tuesday, but I forgot to bring it .


The flight to Shnaghai can’t take off because of the big fog.



We have tried our best so we left with a clear conscience.


On seeing the house in disorder, I immediately realized that somebody had broken in.


I regret not helping him when he was in trouble .


Believe it or not, Tom narrowly missed a car accident yesterday.

25你买这支笔花了多少钱?(pay for)

How much did you pay for the pen?

26.我在找一本书时,偶然发现了一张多年前拍的照片。(looking ,taken)

When I was looking for a book, I found a photo taken a year ago accidentally.

27.纵然再次失败,我也要再做一次努力。(even if)

Even if I may fail again, I will have another try.

28.刚才我看见一位老人在狗的引导下穿过马路。(see sb doing)

Just now I saw an old man crossing the road guided by a dog.

29.他没有理解你的意思,所以他犯错了。(get one’s point)

He made a mista ke because he hadn’t got your point.


Compare with the past, and you will find our life has greatly changed.

31.实际上,这两个问题有很多相同之处。(in common)

In fact, the two problems have a lot in common .


You hesitated , showing a lack of courage and confidence.


I persuaded him to worker harder to make progress.


The boy is not very confident so he doesn’t know how to deal with unexpected things.


Don’t grumble to him. It’s no use.


What you said sounds reasonable but I am afraid I don’t agree with you. 37.你知道销售人员是怎样说服我买了他们的新产品吗?

Do you know how the salesman persuaded me to buy their products ?


Their company suffered great loss in the last economic crisis.


He hesitated for a long time before he made up his mind to go to work in Tibet.


I do remember posting the letter but I forgot when I posted it .
