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Operation Instruction to Oil-Water Separator


YSF型油水分离组合装置是由中国船舶工业总公司第九设计研究院针对陆域含油废水特性设计的一种新颖油水分离装置,采用了多项油水分离的最新成果,可以适用于不含表面活性剂的各类机油、柴油、润滑油、动植物油等油品的含油废水处理,具有结构紧凑,操作管理维修简便,能耗低,分离效率高等特点。处理后出水的含油量能有效地控制在5mg/L以下,可直接排放或适当回用,分离出的废油也可回收利用,因此在节能、节水、保护环境等方面均显示出良好的技术经济效益。YSF type oil-water separator combiner, one of latest oil-water separating device, which has been designed in the light of oiled wastewater’s characteristic by No. 9Design and Research Institute of Ship Industry Parent Company of China and has adopted many latest oil-water separating research results, is suit for many kinds of oiled wastewater treatment such as machine oil, diesel oil, lubricating oil and tallow, vegetable tallow. And it has the advantage of compact structure, easy operation and maintenance, low consumption, high separating effect etc. So, the oil percentage of effluent by treatment can be up to down 5mg/L effectively and may directly discharge or reuse properly, also, the removal oil can reuse. Thereby above, it is indicative that it has upstanding technical economical benefits at aspects of energy and water saving, environment protection.

本装置采用简便、低运行耗费的全物理法处理工艺。It had adopted true physical treatment process, which is easy, and low energy consumption.

处理装置将一至三级处理工艺组合成一钢制圆筒形整体结构,与螺杆泵,油水层析槽及电器控制盒组合成具有完整功能的处理装置。The complete device is one combiner from the first level treatment to the second into one cylinder steel structure with screw pump, oil-water separating trough and electric control box.

处理工艺充分利用了重力分离特性,不同分离材料的浸润特性等有利于提高油水分离率的物理特性,对于工况较复杂的各种机械混合类含水量油废水具有广泛的适应能力。The process will make all best use of gravity separating characteristic, different soakage of different material, coarse grain, adsorption aggregation to increase oil-water separating coefficient, and even for different complicated oilness wastewater, it still can be dealt with.

二、操作说明:Operation manual

1、检查:装置启动前应先检查各阀门阀位,螺杆泵及电气控制工况是否符合要求。Check: before starting, check whether all valves, screw pumps and electric control are right or not.

2、运行准备:Running prepare

2.1新装置第一次起动:将螺杆泵进水管转接清水池(水槽及水箱),开启排油阀,排气阀后启动螺杆泵,逐级进液,排气,直至相应筒体满流后关闭相应的排油、排气阀,各级全部满流后继续运行半小时,一般采用循环运行方式,即运行也水可返回水池(槽或箱)。First starting: Turn the inlet of screw pumps to clearing water reservoir, turn on the oil discharge valve, air exhaust valve, then, turn on screw pumps, influent enters and air escapes step by step, until the cylinder is full and all units work half an hour, we just shut then down.

2.2一般启动:先将螺杆泵进出水管转接清水池运行半小时,并逐级排气至满流。Common starting: first turn screw pumps to clearing water reservoir and let it run 30mins, and exhaust step by step up to full-flow.

2.3 含油废水处理运行:处理装置经清水运行半小时,并逐级排气至满流后,可将进水管转入废水池进入处理运行,同时根据含油废水的含油浓度确定排油周期,排油只需开启排油阀,并通过排油观察控制开启时间,一般条件下,每班只需开启一次(8小时一次)。Oilness wastewater processing running: After doing a running with clearing water half an hour and step by step exhaust air to full-flow, we turn the wastewater over to the sewerage pool to treat and make the discharge period of oil in the light of oil concentration. And only turn on the oil discharge when it is necessary and observe the start time, generally speaking, only one for one shift

i.e. 8hrs once.

2.4 停车:结束运行前应将螺杆泵进水管转入清水池(槽或箱)运行半小时,然后再停泵,停泵时就关闭所有阀门,保持筒体的满流状态。Shut down: before running over, turn the inlet of screw pump to clearing water reservoir and make it work 30mins, then, shut it down; when the pumps are off, all valves are off and the cylinder is full-flow.

三、装置特点:Apparatus Features

1、由于陆域含油废水的处理工艺一般总先利用含油废水池进行沉砂、隔油预处理,可大大降低进入处理装置的含油废水浓度,因此处理装置的排油周期可以较长,一班排油一次就可以了。Because generally first do the settling grit and skimming oil treatment for field oilness wastewater, which can decrease the oil