产业集群理论According to Porter

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产业集群理论According to Porter (1990), a business cluster is a geographical location where enough resources and competences amass and reach a critical threshold, giving it a key position in

a given economic branch of activity, with a decisive sustainable competitive advantage

over other places, or even a world supremacy in that field. However, before the classic

theory of cluster, there were also somerelevant researcheswhich had prepared the basis of

cluster theory. For example, the initial theory describingmanu facturers’ assembling may

be backward to Weber’s (1929) theory of the location of industries. According to Weber, manufacturers tend to gather in a particular location in pursuit of lower cost. In most

instances, getting together can facilitate cooperation between different manufacturers,

and hence reduce the operation and transaction costs; thus a certain district where main

and big manufactures are located can have the geographical advantage to attract more newcomers (Weber, 1929)产业集群理论的研究文献可以追溯到古典经济学关于规模经济和分工理论,英国经济学家A. Marshal(1890)在其出版的《经济学原理》中对产业聚集进行了集中的研究,他用三个要素对产业的地区性聚集做出了解释,即劳动力市场共享、中间产品投入和技术外溢,这也被称为外部经济理论。此理论在当今仍然被众多学者用来分析产业集群形成的机制。注:Marshall (1920) first

claimed that integrated industries could enable the healthy sustainable development of an

ind ustrial district. Besides Marshall’s theory, the comparative advantage theory also

implied the inherent mechanisms of geographical assembling. Resources tend to gather

together where the efficiency is higher, that is why manufacturers are attracted to the

higher productive district together with its resources (Case and Fair, 1999). This theory

was based on the assumption that distribution of resources is unbalanced, while the

efficiency of each industrial area is different, and they had the inherent power to approach

to balance (

继A. Marshal对产业集聚给出解释之后,工业区位理论创始人Alfred. Weber(1909)又从工业区位理论角度对产业聚集进行了比较深入的研究,包括产业集聚优势的因素并且量化了集聚的形成规则,其研究成果具有相当的价值。此后,又有来自各个学派的研究学者对产业集聚进行了研究。以谢费尔·克里斯泰勒、弗里德曼等人为代表的市场学派批判Alfred. Weber 忽视了市场因素,他们更加注重市场因素对产业集群的影响,将信息成本引入集群分析之中,并考虑政治、文化、教育发展阶段等方面对市场信息流动和企业的影响,开阔了研究视野。与市场学派一同成长的还有产业联合体理论和增长极理论,他们分别从各自的角度对产业集聚进行了经济分析。进入到20世纪80年代之后,产业集群理论的发展进入了一个黄金阶段。这其中又以新经济地理学家P. Krugman的研究更为典型,他把地理区位作为分析市场和竞争的一个重要因素,建立了区域经济集聚的分析模型,在此基础上对产业集群进行研究取得了重要的成果。产业集群概念的正式提出是在1990年,著名管理学家Michael E.Porter(1990)在《国家竞争优势》一书中正式提出产业集群(industrial cluster)的概念,比较具有代表性,被众多学者所接受。







Closed Innovation Principles Open Innovation Principles

The smart people in our field work for us. Not all of the smart people work for us* so we must find and tap into the knowledge and expertise of bright individuals outside our company.

To profit from R&D, we must discover, develop and ship it External R&D can create significant value; internal R&D is needed to ourselves. claim some portion of that value.

If we discover it ourselves, we will get it to market first. We don’t have to originate the research in order to profit from it.

If we are the first to commercialize an innovation, we will win. Building a better business model is better than getting to market first.

If we create the most and best ideas in the industry, we will win. If we make the best use of internal and external ideas, we will win.

We should control our intellectual property (IP) so that our We should pro fit from others’ use of our IP, and we should buy others’

competitors don’t profit from our ideas. IP whenever it advances our own business model.
