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Final Exam,Spring2013

1.Take the linear instrumental variables equation

y i=x i 1+z i 2+e i

E(e i j z i)=0

where for simplicity both x i and z i are scalar1 1:

(a)Can the coe¢cients( 1; 2)be estimated by2SLS using z i as an instrument for x i?

Why or why not?

(b)Can the coe¢cients( 1; 2)be estimated by2SLS using z i and z2i as instruments?

(c)For the2SLS estimator suggested in(b),what is the implicit exclusion restriction?

(d)In(b),what is the implicit assumption about instrument relevance?

[Hint:Write down the implied reduced form equation for x i.]

(e)In a generic application,would you be comfortable with the assumptions in(c)and(d)?

2.Take the linear homoskedastic CEF

y i=x0i +e i(1)

E(e i j x i)=0

E(e2i j x i)= 2

and suppose that y i is measured with error.Instead of y i;we observe y i which satis…es

y i=y i+u i

where u i is measurement error.Suppose that e i and u i are independent and

E(u i j x i)=0

E(u2i j x i)= 2u(x i)

(a)Derive an equation for y i as a function of x i.Be explicit to write the error term as a

function of the structural errors e i and u i:What is the e¤ect of this measurement error on the model(1)?

(b)Describe the e¤ect of this measurement error on OLS estimation of in the feasible

regression of the observed Y on X.

(c)Describe the e¤ect(if any)of this measurement error on appropriate standard error

calculation for^ .

3.Take a linear equation with endogeneity and a just-identi…ed linear reduced form

y i=x i +e i(2)

x i= z i+u i(3) where both x i and z i are scalar1 1.Assume that

E(z i e i)=0

E(z i u i)=0

(a)Write down the standard2SLS estimator^ 2SLS for using z i as an instrument for x i:

(b)Find the asymptotic distribution for^ 2SLS:

Write the asymptotic variance as a function of =E(z2i e2i);Q=E(z2i);and

4.In the context of model(2)-(3)from question3:

(a)Derive the reduced form equation

y i=z i +v i:(4) Show that = = if =0;and that

E(z i v i)=0

(b)Let^ denote the OLS estimate from linear regression of Y on Z,and let^ denote the

OLS estimate from linear regression of X on Z.Write =( ; )0and let^ =(^ ;^ )0: De…ne the error vector i= v i u i .Write p n ^ using a single expression as a function of the error i:

(c)Show that E(z i i)=0

(d)Derive the joint asymptotic distribution of p n ^ as n!1:Hint:De…ne = E z2i i 0i

(e)Using the previous result and the Delta Method,…nd the asymptotic distribution of the

Indirect Least Squares estimator^ =^ =^

(f)Bonus:Is the answer in(c)the same as the asymptotic distribution of the2SLS estimator from question3?[Hint:Show that 1 i=e i and 1 1 = ]