当前位置:文档之家› 英国签证户口本翻译模板--Household



H o u s e h o l d R e g i s t e r

Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of for Attention

I. Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’s identity status and mutual relations among

family members, and is the main basis for residence registration authority to investigate and confirm his/her registered permanent residence. In so doing, the household owner or members of this household

shall, of his/her own free will, show the booklet.

II. The household owner shall well keep the booklet, and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it. If loss arises, such shall be immediately reported to the residence registration authority.

III. The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any other

organization or individual shall not make any record on it.

IV. If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household, registration shall be declared to residence registration authority by holding the booklet.

V. When the whole household moves out of residence jurisdictional area, the residence booklet shall be returned to residence registration authority for cancellation.

Basic Information of Household

Register of Residence Change

Information of Member

Updates of Member's Information

Information of Member

Updates of Member's Information

Information of Member

Updates of Member's Information


I hereby confirm this translation of ‘Household Register’ is t rue and reliable. It is suitable for the application of visa.





英国签证所需材料请用英文或中文填写:(适用旅游/访友/商务) 申请人姓名:联系手机: 淘宝ID:(拍下宝贝付款的淘宝账号) 签证类型:身份证号码(如有):

注意事项: 1.由于护照属公民重要的合法证件,建议您选择可靠的快递,寄出时留好底单,以便跟踪查询, 我们不接受任何快递到付; 2.请您务必将护照/各类邀请函/接待证明/经济担保函/担保函等复印留底,您可能需要用护照信 息来预留(未支付状态)机票或酒店.出签证后拿到了您的护照和签证,请核对签证页上的信息准确无误之后再付费定机票和酒店。如果您在申请签证之前就已经预定好了机票和酒店的,如遇拒签等情况申请者本人承担损失,递交资料同时提供给我们申请人的机票和酒店英文订单,有助于签证的申请; 3.所有递交上来的资料原件都将被递交到使领馆,将不被归还,请知晓; 4.申根国家哪个国家停留天数最多就办哪个国家的签证;如果2个申根国家停留天数一样的话, 那么就申请入境国的签证; 5.我们可以为您提供办理签证用的机票和酒店订单,您要选择包含此服务的套餐。办完签证后我 们的酒店订单会陆续取消,您需要提供自己预定自己真实入住的酒店(必须签证国停留时间最长)和使用的机票订单.保险.资金等,应对入境海关调查; 6.申请者已经知晓自己购买的签证套餐所包含的服务内容,如需支付签证费的套餐会在递交签证 申请之前支付宝转账我们,为了不影响您的签证进度,请及时支付签证费; 7.近期签证申请旺季,我们审核材料需要3-5个工作日,审核之后安排预约递交,递交后的审核 时间由使馆决定,请尽早安排您的签证申请,以免耽误您的行程; 8.使领馆有权要求任何一位申请人到使领馆面试/补交材料,请知晓; 9.如果您顺利获得了签证, 使领馆如果要求您在签证申请地销签(那么本人在回国10天内必须到 申请地签证国的使领馆报道).请知晓; 10.所有申请表格上的签字都要和本人护照上的签字一致,签证官询问您是否自己签字的一定要说 是; 11.友情提示:申请旅游签证时间大于16天会增加拒签的风险,建议申请不要超过16天,超出16 天行程服务费和保险费均另计; 12.使馆是完全根据您的申请日期来批签证,签证均以使馆批复为准; 13.我们会发送注意事项到您登记的邮箱,请注意查收! 本人声明:以上所填内容完全属实,否则本人接受被取消申请资格并由本人承担因此造成的所有风险和损失,另外本人已经知晓以上所述注意事项! 申请日期:年月日★申请人中文签名:


签证户口本翻译模板 工作人员受过开除处分或刑事处分的,应当从重新参加工作之日起计算工作年限;但 情节较轻,并且经过任免机关批准的,其受处分以前工作的时间,也可以合并计算工作年限。 In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories. 户口本是证明公民身份、记录居民家庭关系状况的法定证件,是公民经常使用的一种 公开性证件。劳教、服刑等不良记录可以出现在个人档案或户籍备案中,而不能出现在户 口簿上,随易向公众展示。 分为两种形式,一种是《常住人口登记本》,户口登记机关留存备用,是整个户口登 记管理最基本的准据文档;一种是《居民户口本》,由户口登记机关加盖“户口专用章”,户口个人页加盖“户口登记章”之后颁发所登记的住户居民自己保存备用。财政部和发改 委2020年12月30日联合下发通知,自2020年1月1日起,取消和免征户口簿工本费。 海涛假期市场总监孙丽婵告诉记者,外国尤其是发达国家之所以需要中国公民提供户 口本,确实与中国存在很多非法滞留、打“黑工”有很大关系。孙丽婵说,其实外国人的 思想不会复杂到去了解什么是中国的户籍制度,也基本不会核对户口本信息是不是与其他 材料完全一致,但他们比较相信有家庭观念的人出现抛家舍业、滞留他乡的概率会很小。“所以户口本可能在外国人眼中有点儿‘家谱’的意思,证明签证申请人有家庭、有亲属。” 纯能量创造物质粒子无疑是相对论产生的最惊人的影响,也只有通过上述粒子观才能 理解。在相对粒子物理学诞生之前,人们一直以为物质的构成成分要么是不可毁灭和改变 的基本单位,要么是可以分解为其构成部分的合成物。基本的问题是:人们是否可以一次 又一次地分裂物质,或者说人们是否可以最终达到一些最小的不可分割的单位。 Economic issues have occupied people’s minds throughout the ages. (4) Aristotle and Plato in ancient Greece wrote about problems of wealth, property, and trade, both of whom were prejudiced against commerce, feeling that to live by trade was undesirable. The Romans borrowed their economic ideas from the Greeks and showed the same contempt for trade. (5) During the Middle Ages the economic ideas of the Roman Catholic church were expressed in the law of the


Points for Attention 1. Household register has legal effectiveness to certify a resident’s identity and relations between family members. It is the main basis for household registration authority to make survey and check the census register. The head of the household and the family members should hand out the household register on their own initiative when Staff members of the authority make survey and check. 2. The head of the household should keep the register properly. It is forbidden to alter privately, to transfer and to borrow or lend. If the register is lost, please let household registration authority know immediately. 3. The right of the household registration belongs to household registration authority. Any other unit or individual mustn’t make record on the register. 4. In case of the increase or decrease of the family members, the register should be handed to household registration authority for registration. 5. If the whole family moves from the jurisdictional area, the register should be handed to household registration authority for cancellation.


H o u s e h o l d R e g i s t e r Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of for Attention I. Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’s identity status and mutual relations among family members, and is the main basis for residence registration authority to investigate and confirm his/her registered permanent residence. In so doing, the household owner or members of this household shall, of his/her own free will, show the booklet. II. The household owner shall well keep the booklet, and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it. If loss arises, such shall be immediately reported to the residence registration authority. III. The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any other organization or individual shall not make any record on it. IV. If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household, registration shall be declared to residence registration authority by holding the booklet. V. When the whole household moves out of residence jurisdictional area, the residence booklet shall be returned to residence registration authority for cancellation. Basic Information of Household Register of Residence Change



此为样本,请按此格用带有贵学校中英文抬头、地址、电话、传真的信纸打印(请注意空格处也 需用打印的形式填写) DATE: (日期以阿拉伯数字根据日/月/年的格式填写) Visa Section (申请签证国家英文名称) Embassy in Shanghai .(本人姓名的拼音) is a student of our school. The school vacation is from (学校准假的具体开始日期,年份仍然用阿拉伯数字)to(学校准假的具体结束日期,年份仍然用阿拉伯数字). During this time (本人姓名的拼音)will visit (申请签证国家英文名称) for (请根据具体旅行天数填写)days. All the expenses during the travel will be borne by his/her(他/她的)parents. He/She will still study in our school after he/she comes back. Name(本人姓名的拼音) Date of birth(本人的出生日期,日期以阿拉伯数字根据日/月/年的格式填写) Passports No.(本人的护照号码) Grade (就读学校的年级,可以使用阿拉伯数字) Class(就读学校的班级,可以使用阿拉伯数字) Best regards.

Signature: (请学校负责人亲笔签名,并加盖学校公章) Position: (签字人职务) SchoolName: (请用英文填写学校名称) School Address: (请用英文填写学校地址) Tel:(学校电话) Fax:(学校传真)红色字体请根据实际情况修改


签证用户口簿翻译模板(标准版) Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. Basic Information of Household No. 88888888 Register of Residence Change

Information of Member

Updates of Member's Information

翻译及填写注意事项: 1.户号:Household number 注意,我不知道其他地区的户口簿中这个“户号”是如何打印的。北京的户 号是红色字体,打印在表格外右上角。表格内“户号”一栏反而是空的。 填写的时候一定要注意,不要忘了将模板上的No. 88888888改为实际的户号。 2.集体户:Corporate 很多人将“集体户口”译为collective,是根据字面按照汉语思维做的机械翻译。译为corporate较为恰当。 非农业家庭户即为Non-agricultural family。 非农业集体户即为Non-agricultural corporate。 其他依此类推。 有的户口簿“户口类型”一栏不注明“农业”或“非农业”,直接就是“家 庭户”或“集体口”。这种情况,建议译为Household of a Family 或Household of a Corporate。 2a.集体户口常住人口登记卡

——这绝对是个具有“中国特色”的名词。我琢磨了一下,建议这样翻译:Registry of De Jure Population in Corporate Household 其中,de jure是个法律术语,拉丁文,意思是“合法的”、“已注册的”;De Jure Population就是“常住人口”的概念。 有人翻译为Permanent Resident,不能说错。一个国家的Permanent Resident,就是这个国家的“永久居民”(不一定是本国公民,也可能是拿到“绿卡”、获得该国永久居留权的外国公民)。但是,对于一个城市,特别是对于一个“集体户口”内的人口,只能是“常住人口”,不可能是真正“永久”的人口。现在不是封建社会,是允许劳动力自由流动的。所以,一个“集体户口”内的“常住人口”不建议译为permanent resident,译为de jure population好一些,也比较能够“跟国际接轨”,呵呵。 或者可以回避这个问题,直接简单译为Information of Member。 2b.非亲属,可译为Non-relative,或者用形容词Non-relational 所谓“亲属(relative)”,既可能是“血亲(法律术语consanguinity)”,也可能是“姻亲(法律术语affinity)”。两者可以统称relative,对应的形容词是relational。 其他还有一些非正式的用语,如kinfolk、kinsfolk、kindred等,一般不作为法律术语使用,而且其意义都偏向于“血亲”,或者有“宗亲”、“氏族”等含义,不要乱用。 Descent虽然也是正式的法律术语,但其意义是“(以血缘关系为纽带的)宗族、血统、门第、世袭”。这里也不适用。 3.户主与户内成员的姓名


Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of for Attention I. Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’s identity status and mutual relations among family members, and is the main basis for residence registration authority to investigate and confirm his/her registered permanent residence. In so doing, the household owner or members of this household shall, of his/her own free will, show the booklet. II. The household owner shall well keep the booklet, and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it. If loss arises, such shall be immediately reported to the residence registration authority. III. The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any other organization or individual shall not make any record on it. IV. If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household, registration shall be declared to residence registration authority by holding the booklet. V. When the whole household moves out of residence jurisdictional area, the residence booklet shall be returned to residence registration authority for cancellation.


英国签证在职证明 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

英国签证在职证明参考样本(请使用时删除) Certification Visa Officer Consular Section, Embassy, Beijing/Shanghai(请选则使馆) Consulate Company: (公司名称) Add: (公司地址) Tel:( 区号-公司电话) Fax:(区号-公司传真) Dear Sir or Madam: I am (领导人姓名), the (领导人职务) in this company. I certify that (Ms.申请人姓名),who was born on (1999/09/19申请人出生日期), is working as (申请人职务) in our units. (His/Her) monthly salary is about (申请人月收入) RMB, and she/he has been working in our units since (申请人开始工作时 间).(she/he) has been allowed for a leave to visitAustralia from (2007/07/17)出行日期) to (2007/07/17)回程日期). We will keep (his/her) position during (his/her) visit in Australia. We also guarantee that (he/she) will come back to china and continue to work in our units after (he/she) returns from Australia. Best Regards (领导本人签名) (日期) The registration number as which the units is registered in the business bureau(营业执照注册号). 注: 1.在职证明需打印成英文 2.凡样本中标红的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留标红在完成后的在职证明中 3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中 4.请不要将“英国签证在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中 英国签证在职证明参考样本译文 (请使用时删除) 在职证明 英国驻北京/上海领事馆签证处: 公司名称: 地址: 电话:传真: 尊敬的先生/女士: 我是XXX,在此公司担任XXX职务。我证明XXX(出生日期:XXX)在我公司工作并担任XXX职务,月收入XXXX,自X年X月X日起开始在我公司工作。


Certificate of employment Date: 时间(打印日期即可) To: Consulate-General of 申请国家 This is to certify that the Mr/Ms 姓名is 职位in our company. He/She has been working here since 年月日. He/She is allowed to be off work between 去的日期and 回国日期to have a 旅游写 trip商务请写business trip to 所申请的国家,total 天数days . We guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws in your country and regulations and return to China on time. All of the traveling expenses will be paid by 旅游签证一般为自付费用himself/herself 商务签证通常为公司付款请写my company. We agree and will keep his/her position after he/she comes back to China. Name D.O.B Passport No. Position Monthly Salary 姓名(拼音)出生日期护照号职位RMB 月收入 Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Your sincerely Manager Position: 准假人英文职称 Manager Signature:准假人姓名拼音(不能为申请人,本人的领导即可无需法人签名) 中文签名负责人手写签名 公司盖章 Company:公司英文名称 Tel:(区号)公司电话 Fax:(区号)公司传真 Address:公司英文地址


赴英国签证申请表 ※以下内容请务必以真实情况填写,不能有空项,如不适用本人情况,请填“无” 该表格提交后将无法进行修改,因此请务必完整填写真实准确的信息!

~如果是,请填与如卜信息~: 付费原因: 43..是否有其他人与您一起前 往英国旅游? □ 是 □否 如果是,请填写如下信息: 姓名:中文: 出生日期: 国籍: 与您的关系: 44.您在英国是否有任何亲属或朋友? □ 是 □否 如是,请详细填写。包括此人与您的关系,此人的姓名,国籍,护照号,在英国的 详细居住地址(包含邮编),电话号码,工作还是学习? 45.您在英国是否安排好了住宿?(酒店,朋友或是亲属家里)□ 酒店/朋友/亲属的名字: 酒店朋友/亲属的地址: 46.您是否在过去10年内有过英国签证? □是 □否 如果是,请写明过去 年内,最近次签发的英国签证的记录: 33.抵达英国旳日期 34.离开英国旳日期 2016年4 月25 日 2016年5月5 日 35.您访问英国的主要目的 旅游 36.是否有任何人或公司将为您 支付您这次的旅行费用吗? 付费人/公司的名字(中英文) 付费人/公司的地址(中英文) 付费金额: 37.您是否有任何需要您的经济 支持的人?(包含18岁以下的儿 童;18岁以上但在家中与您一起 生活的青少年;您全时照顾的儿 童;需要您提供住宿或其它支持 的年长的亲属) □是 □否 如果是,请填写如下信息: 姓名:中文: 出生日期: 拼音: 此人目前同您在一起生活吗?□是 此人是否同您一起前来英国?□是 □否 □否 38.父亲姓名(如去世也需填写) 中文:郭啸天拼音:GUO 39.母亲姓名(如去世也需填写) 中文:李萍 拼音:LI PING 40.配偶姓名 中文:黄蓉 拼音:HUANG RON 41.子女的姓名: G 中文:郭襄 拼音:GUO XIANG XIAOTIAN 出生日期:1702年1 月1 日 出生地:湖北襄阳 出生日期:1712年10 月3日 出生地:湖北襄阳 出生日期:1823年1月11日 出生日期:1855年2月22日 出生地:桃花岛 出生地:湖北襄阳 拼音: 月 日 是 □否 如是,请填写如下信息:



Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. Points for Attention: I. Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’s identity status and mutual relations among family members, and is the main basis for residence registration authority to investigate and confirm his/her registered permanent residence. In so doing, the household owner or members of this household shall, of his/her own free will, show the booklet. II. The household owner shall well keep the booklet, and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it. If loss arises, such shall be immediately reported to the residence registration authority. III. The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any other organization or individual shall not make any record on it. IV. If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household, registration shall be declared to residence registration authority by holding the booklet. V. When the whole household moves out of residence jurisdictional area, the residence booklet shall be returned to residence registration authority for cancellation


PAGE 1-FRONT PAGE 1-BACK It is an accurate translation of the original document. Signature: Confirmed by the Translator: XXXX Contact: +861333333333Email:XXXXX Date of Translation: 2015/05/19

PAGE 2-FRONT PAGE 2-BACK It is an accurate translation of the original document. Signature: Confirmed by the Translator: XXXX Contact: +861333333333Email:XXXXX Date of Translation: 2015/05/19

PAGE 3-FRONT PAGE 3-BACK It is an accurate translation of the original document. Signature: Confirmed by the Translator: XXXX Contact: +861333333333Email:XXXXX Date of Translation: 2015/05/19

PAGE 4-FRONT PAGE 4-BACK It is an accurate translation of the original document. Signature: Confirmed by the Translator: XXXX Contact: +861333333333Email:XXXXX Date of Translation: 2015/05/19


签证父母收入证明模板 留学的申请材料中,除了基本的自我介绍、留学计划、学历证明等个人简历相关方面的材料以外,还需要有家庭经济相关的证明材料,主要是为了证明学生家庭有足够的经济能力来支付赴韩留学的费用,下面是小编为大家整理了签证父母收入证明模板,希望能帮到大家! 签证父母收入证明模板 致签证官: 兹证明同志在我xx工作,担任职务,月薪为rmb 10000 元。其孩子前往英国参加“xxxxx”的全部费用将由承担,特此证明。 单位电话: 单位地址: 英文版 dear sir or madam: it is hereby certificated that is employed in the first people’s hospital of pinghuas a . his monthly income is rmb. he will cover all the cost of his child participating in the oxford international model united nations conference (oximun XX) in the united kingdom. tel: unit add: 出国留学办理签证父母收入证明 家庭经济证明相关的材料,包括两个方面,一个是存款证明,另

一个就是父母的在职和收入证明了,在这篇文章中,我们就一起来看一下在职证明和收入证明所包括的内容都有什么: 一般除极个别学校对于在职收入证明有固定格式以外,大部分学校的申请材料中,在职证明、收入证明最好分别单独开具,也就是说材料包括父亲在职证明、父亲收入证明、母亲在职证明、母亲收入证明,这样四份组成。 在职证明主要为了证明父母在某单位工作,因此内容主要包括姓名,年龄,就职时间,现在是否在职,是否有职务,主要负责何种工作,最后需盖单位公章;收入证明主要包含父母在职期间的最近三到四年中的收入明细,比如月工资/年工资、奖金、缴税、总收入等等,关于具体内容可以请就职单位的财务协助填写,最后需盖财务章,以及单位公章。 在这里特别提醒在职证明和收入证明中需要注意的几点: 1、抬头信纸。和其它所有的材料一样,在职证明和收入证明的内容一定要确保真实可靠,切不可太过编撰,特别是收入,要与自己的职位和工作职责相符,这些内容都必须打印在有就职单位抬头及地址电话等相关信息的信纸上。 2、核实抬头信纸下方的地址电话等单位相关信息。特别是电话号码,一定要核实确实是真实可靠的电话号码,绝对不能出现电话号码是空号或者无人接听的情况,同时,此电话的接听人最好是熟悉学生父母的同事,不然在学校或者法务部打电话时,如果对方说根本不认识学生家长这样的情况的话,是会影响签证的。


英国签证在线申请说明 根据英国签证中心最新规定( 英国签证中心为英国边境总署所管理, 是您递交申请及支持文件、录入生物辩识数据如指纹的场所) , 开始对所有在中国的签证实行在线申请。其中, 包含在线填写申请表格和在线预约送签时间。 请您仔细阅读附件中的《英国商务签证材料》, 在填表之前确保您手中的信息完整。具体流程如下: 1. 在线填写申请表格网址: 网页如下: 请点击网页右下角的按钮”Apply for a UK visa now”开始申请。 如果填写完申请后, 需要再次登录您的申请, 请直接点击以上页面左侧的第三项”Existing Applications Login here”。 2. 开始填写表格 注意:

- 请用英文大写字母填写表格 - 确保您的电脑连接有打印设备, 以便完成后直接打印出申请表格 - 打印好申请表格后, 请在表格第一页右侧贴上申请人照片 - 请在打印好的申请表格第2页和末页, 由申请人本人签名和填写日期 - 关于表格的解释说明详见第2页至31页 - 关于在线预约的说明详见第32页至34页 第一页: 申请安全问题 开始在线申请之前, 请填写以下必要的安全问题。( 请记住您所填写的信息, 以便保存之后再次登录使用) Enter your E-mail address 填写您的邮箱地址 请填写: 您的邮箱地址( 用于再次登录申请和发送GWF号码)

Confirm your E-mail address 确认您的邮箱地址 Entre a password for your application/appointment 设定您的登录密码( 密码至少为8-12个字符) Confirm your password 确认您的登录密码 Enter a password reminder word 填写密码找回关键词 完整填写之后请点击Next( 下一页) 第二页: 关于签证申请信息


Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. Basic Information of Household No. Type of Household:Name of Householder: Household Number:Current residential address: Authorized supervisor:Authorized Administrator: Registrar:Date of Issue: 1 Register of Residence Change New Address Date of registration update Registrar

Information of Member Name Householder him/herself or Relation to the householder Former name (if available) Sex Place of birth Ethnicity Ancestral native place Date of birth Other residential address in this city (county) Religious belief Citizen ID card number Stature Blood group Educational degree Marital status Military service status Employer Occupation When and from where immigrated to this city (county) When and from where moved in current residential address Registrar:Date of register: Updates of Member's Information Updated item Updated content Date of Update Registrar


英国签证申请材料之居民户口簿翻译件模板 Points for Attention 1. The Household Register has a legal force to identify the status of a citizen and the relationship of family members. It’s a main basis for the household registration office to make residence investigation and check. When the household registration office makes residence investigation and check, the householder or anyone of the family members shall bring forth on his/her own initiative the Household Register. 2. The Household Register shall be under proper keep of the householder. No alter, transfer and lease is allowed. The loss of the Household Register must be reported to the household registration office promptly. 3. Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the Household Register. No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it. 4. Any increase or decrease of family members in the household or any alteration of the registration items shall be registered on the Household Register by reporting to the household registration office. 5. If the whole family has moved out of the jurisdictional area of the residence, the Household Register shall be submitted to the household registration office for cancellation. Registration of changed items and record of change


Mr.XXX(PassportID:XXX)worksXXXyearsforourcompanyfromXXX.Heisapplyingforthevisa toFranceandotherSchengencountries(suchasGermany,Italy,Britain)asthetouristduri ngXXX.Duringtheirjourney,hewillberesponsibletosettleallthetravelexpensesinclud ingairfare,hotelaccommodationandmeals.Weunderstandthathemustcompliedthelocalla wandoughttoreturntoChinaonschedule.WewillkeephispositionduringhisvisitinFrance . YoursSincerely VisaApplication:XXXGender:male Dateofbirth:XXX Passport:XXX Nameoftheleader: Positionoftheleader:DeputeGeneralManagerHumanResources Signature: Company'sStamp CompanyName:XXX Tel:XXX Add:XXX 在职证明 兹证明XXX(性别:男,护照号码:XXX)自XXX年XXX月起在我XXX工作,至今已经XXX年。他申请于XXX年XXX月XXX日到XXX年XXX月XXX日赴法国和其他申根国家(出行的国家主要是;法国?、德国?、意大利?、英国等)旅游签证。

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