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影响affect 道歉apologise 使惊骇appal

委员会committee 抱怨complaint 关心的concerned

温室conservatory 独立式的detached 失望的disappointed

不满意的dissatisfied 不利条件drawback 讨厌的dreadful

到期的due 选举elect 全面的extensive

花圃flowerbed 框架frame 排水沟gutter

无作为inactivity 草坪lawn 调查look into sth.

维护maintenance 割(草) mow 总的来说overall

油漆工painter 小路path 质量quality

取代replace 居民resident 屋顶roof

满意的satisfactory 使满意satisfy 破旧的shabby

空间space 郊区suburb 收拾tidy sth. up

无法接受的unacceptable 价值value 除草weed


Smoking a _f _f _e _c _t _s (影响) health. affects

I have come to a _p _o _l _o _g _i _s _e (道歉) to you. apologise

We were a _p _p _a _l _l _e _d (使惊骇) by the news. appalled

They are having a c _o _m _m _i _t _t _e _e (委员会) committee

There is no real reason for c _o _m _p _l _a _i _n _t (抱怨) . complaint

'They are very c _o _n _c _e _r _n _e _d (关心的) about the problems involved.' concerned

'I'm afraid you are very d _i _s _a _p _p _o _i _n _t _e _d (失望的) with me.' disappointed

That answer won't s _a _t _i _s _f _y (使满意) her. satisfy

We e _l _e _c _t _e _d (选举) him as President. elected

Your idea has little v _a _l _u _e (价值) . value


'1. If you say that something is d , you mean that it is very bad or unpleasant.

2. Something that is d covers a wide range of details, ideas, or items.

3. Something that is d is acceptable to you.

4. The d of something is how good or bad it is.

5. If one thing or person d another, the first is used instead of the second.

6. The d of something is its importance or usefulness.

7. A person who is d is wearing old, worn clothes.

8. Someone who is a d in a country or a town lives there.

9. If an event is d to something, it is caused by it.

10. A d house is one that is not joined to any other house.'


dreadful<|>extensive<|>satisfactory<|>quality<|>replaces<|>value<|>shabby<|>resid ent<|>due<|>detached


We were all ________ the bad news. 71140101

Please don't ________ him. 71140202

________ his work dissatisfy you? 71140304

Who is looking ________ the matter? 71140402

He studied hard; ___________ , he failed in his exam. 71140504

Look at your room. Please __________. 71140602

He will go and attend the meeting __________. 71140703

He is really __________ what he has done. 71140803

The building __________ by the fire. 71140901

The dirty dog needs _________ at once. 71141004



What does the word 'replaced' mean in the fourth line in paragraph 1 _________. 71220101

The word 'shabby' in the last line of paragraph 1 means _________. 71220203

The word 'drawback' most likely means _________. 71220302

The sentence 'we have a list of things to do as long as your arm' means _________. 71220403


Which of the following is TRUE about June and Pete's house? 71220504

Why did John Preston call a meeting last week? 71230102

What does the word 'inactivity' mean in the third sentence in paragraph 1? 71230204 What does the word 'due' mean in the first sentence of paragraph 2? 71230301



The doors _need painting <||>will need painting today. (paint) need/will need painting

He _needed to replace the gate last week. (replace) needed to replace

They _ needed to fix the roof last summer. (fix) needed to fix

The path _needs cleaning<||>will need cleaning before the winter. (clean) needs/ will