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【篇一:教案-商务英语阅读-unit 11-叶兴国】

unit 11

teaching objectives:

1. to remember and use new words and expressions;

2. to learn how businesses publicize their ideas of environmental protection;

3. to learn how businesses help their consumers to lead a healthy lifestyle;

4. to review and learn some knowledge about idioms;

5. to deal with the language points in text a and text b.


1. to learn how businesses publicize their ideas of environmental protection;

2. to learn how businesses help their consumers to lead a healthy lifestyle.


how to help students understand and use english idioms.

teaching time: 2 periods.

teaching procedures:

part i pre-reading questions

it can be used as lead-in questions. for students, they can discuss with each other and will have free answers. part ii extensive reading

in this part, there are two texts and their relevant exercises. by reading the texts in limited time, teacher helps students understand the contents and the reading methods to build reading abilities gradually. text a succeeding as a “green” business

a. let the students look at 3 questions first and then read text a as quickly as they can for the first time to get find their answers;

b. check the answers to the 3 questions first and then the answers to exercises i ii;

e. read through the text and analyze the language points in the text:

1. increasing numbers of businesses, both small and large, are jumping on the “green bandwagon”. 越来越多的企业,无论规模大小,都正一窝蜂地涌向“绿色浪潮”。

jump on :扑向,猛扑,此处的jump on the bandwagon意为“紧跟潮流,随大流”,也可用climb on the bandwagon。如:weinstein is just one of a mushrooming number of internet users who are jumping on the blogging bandwagon, publishing online journals to write about topics that interest them.


many female teenagers jump on the bandwagon by dressing in black. 许多女孩跟随时尚,穿黑色衣服。

bandwagon: n. 时尚,浪潮; [音乐]乐队彩车; [非正式用语] 引导车; [非正式用语]潮流

[例句] everyone seems to be jumping on the get-happier bandwagon.


2. greenwashing: 绿色粉饰,指公司为树立支持环保的虚假形象而做的公关活动、捐赠等。

3. oil giant, shell, has come under a huge amount of fire lately for using their sponsorship of britain’s most prestigious wildlife photography exhibition to “greenwash” their environmental credentials. 石油巨头壳牌石油公司最近已经受到了强烈的抨击。原因在于他们通过赞助英国最富盛名的野生动物摄影展来“粉饰”自己的环保认证。

come under fire: 本意是“遭到枪击” ,此处“受到言辞攻击” 。如: the government has come under fire for its decision to close the mines. 由于决定关闭矿山,政府受到了抨击。雨后春笋般涌现的互联网用户正在一窝蜂地涌向博客,他们发布网络日志来写他们感兴趣的话题,温斯坦只

4. public relations can help here but it is vital that any companies are “walking the walk” before they conduct any sort of pr campaign. 公共关系可以在这方面起作用,但至关重要的是,任何公司在开展公关活动之前,都要把所说的付诸实施。

walk the walk 用行动来显示事物的真实性、实在性,即“说到做到” 。英语中常用talk the talk, walk the walk表示“说是说,做是做”的意思。如:don’t talk the talk, walk the walk. 别光说不练。

5. however, there may be a gap between how many of them like the idea of sustainability and how many will pick the “green” product or service over the cheaper, yet not so eco-friendly one, each and every time. 然而,有多少人赞成可持续发展的理念,又有多少人每一次都能选择一种“绿色”的产品或服务而放弃更便宜却不那么环保的商品或服务呢?两者之间可能有差距。

6. bio-mimicry, a design discipline that takes nature’s best ideas and turns them into designs and processes to achieve this. 仿生模拟是一种采纳自然界最好的方式,然后模仿并应用于设计和程序,解决可持续发展的设计准则。它是实现可持续发展的好


7. although a fairly new concept, a few businesses are already embracing this fresh new approach, as can be seen in this wonderful ceiling fan, inspired by a falling sycamore seed. 尽管还是一个相当新的理念,一些公司已经接受了这个新方法。受梧桐


f. assign exercises iii and iv as their homework.

text b the wellness boom

a. several minutes for students to use some basic reading skills to read the text only once, then ask them to do exercise i;

b. check the answers to exercise i;

c. point out some language points:

1. today canyon ranch is arguably the premium health-spa brand of choice for the super-rich. 如今,“峡谷牧场”可以说是超级富豪对优质健康温泉的首选。

arguably 在句中不是“有争议地”的意思,而是“可能,大概”的意思。如:penicillin is arguably the greatest medical discovery of the last century. 青霉素大概是上个世纪医学上最伟大的发现。premium在这句话中是“优质的,高级的”的意思,而在本文另一句话中(insurers such as wellpoint and britain’s pruhealth are rewarding people who take part in health-improvement programmes with lower or bigger deductibles.),是“保险费”的意思。

3. another will be to maintain credibility in (and for) an industry that combines serious science with snake oil. 另一个困难是维持一个把严肃的科学和万灵药相结合的产业的信用度。

snake oil 常用于口语中,是指江湖郎中声称可治疗风湿、感冒。秃发等疾病而无科学依据的蛇油或万灵药。

4. easy fixes, such as new-age therapies, may appeal to them more than harder but proven ways to improve health. 相比那些操作难度大但已经证实能有效改善健康的方法,诸如新时代治疗术那样简便易行的方法,对他们更有吸引力。

d. assign exercises ii and iii as their homework.

part iii reading skills

before dealing with text a and text b, ask students to read through the whole passa

ge of reading skill, to lead them to understand the details about idioms, especially asking them to pay special attention to the examples. part iv supplementary reading: who owns your address book?

ask students to read it in a limited time after class, and then write a summary.

part v test yourself

ask students to do it and check the answers by themselves.

questions for discussion and reflection:

1.if you were a leader of company, what would you do to help consumers to lead a healthy lifestyle?

2. in your opinion, if you were a boss, what would you do to publicize the ideas of environmental protection? assignments 1. write a short summary of about 50 words to express the main idea of supplementary reading;

2. finish all exercises in this unit.

3. preview new words and expressions in unit 12.



【篇二:商务英语阅读教案lesson 3】

【课题】chapter three product life cycle





- 什么是产品周期日常生活中产品的生命周期




















活动一: 要求学生小组讨论两幅图片及相关问题


活动三:小组讨论并介绍floppy disk, tooth paste, iphone, plastic container的产品情况小组讨论和回答活动三的问题









how many stages are there in the product life cycle? what are they?











小组讨论并回答问题what are three version of nintendo’s game player?







what is the product life cycle?

can you name one product that is in it’s decline stage?



【篇三:教案-商务英语阅读-unit 8-叶兴国】

unit 8

teaching objectives:

1. to learn how to live and how to plan our life;

2. to learn how to beat retirement blues;

3. to know about the memorial methods to help students remember words;

4. to deal with the language points in text a and text b.

5. to remember and use new words and expressions;


1. to learn how to live and how to plan our life;

2. to learn how to beat retirement blues;

3. to know about the memorial methods to help students remember words;


how to help students remember words by knowing about the memorial methods.

teaching time: 2 periods.

teaching procedures:

part i pre-reading questions

it can be used as lead-in questions. for students, they can discuss with each other and will have free answers. part ii extensive reading

in this part, there are two texts and their relevant exercises. by reading the texts in limited time, teacher helps students understand the contents and the reading methods to build reading abilities gradually. text a how long will you live?

a. let the students read text a as quickly as they can for the first time to get the general idea;

b. ask students to tell others the general idea of the text;

c. then use some basic reading skills to read through the text again to find the answers to exercises i;

d. check the answers to exercises i;

e. analyze the language points in the text:

1. 1-year-olds: 一岁的小孩。合成词变成复数,如果该合成词有主干词,则在主干词后面加-s:brother-in-law→brothers-in-law, looker-on→lookers-on; 如果该合成词没有主干词,则在最后一个词的词尾加-s:grow-up→grow-ups, forget-me-not→forget-me-nots; 若合成词中有man或woman的话,复数形式则要求其构成部分也要作相应变化:a woman doctor→women doctors, a man cook→men cooks。

2. hypothetical [or synthetic] cohort:假定或综合队列,实验样本的一种方式。cohort:在人口统计学、统计学或市场调查中定义的一代人。如:the cohort of people aged 30 to 39 are more conservative. 年龄在30岁到39岁的一群人更加保守。

3. if your retirement plan assumes you’ll live to 81, you probably won’t hit it right on the button. 如果你的养老金计划假设你将活到81岁,你可能计算得并不准确。

4. by the way, while the odds are heavily against his reaching 95, if he should happen to make it, he then faces a 22% chance of getting to 100. 顺便说说,虽然他活到95岁的可能性很小,但是如果他能的话,那么他就有22%的机会活到100岁。

5. trouble is, the science behind them can be squishy. 麻烦在

于这些做法的科学基础可能是脆弱的。 behind: 作为……的基础、支持。如:behind your every action is self-interest. 你的每一个行动都是出于个人私利。

f. assign exercises ii and iii as their homework.

text b plan ahead to beat retirement blues

a. several minutes for students to use some basic reading

skills to read the text only once, then ask them to do exercise i;

b. check the answers to exercise i;

c. point out some language points:

1. retirement blues: 退休引起的忧郁。 blues: 常作the blues,非正式用法,表示“忧郁”、“悲伤”等。如: she’s got the blues. 她变


2. with no plan for organizing their time and no ability to develop a new ways of identity, they often sink into depression. 他们没有组织时间的计划,也没有能力去开发一个新的自我,于是


3. it’s often necessary to renegotiate your relationship and invent new ways of being together. 重新商定你们的关系并创造新的相处方式常常是很有必要的。

4. for people with spiritual inclinations, this is a time to

nurture and reflect on that aspect of their personality. 对那些带着精神倾向的人来说,发展和思考他们个性的这个方面正是时候。

5. as we finish our careers, we tend to move into areas that reaffirm and reintegrate early impulses. 当职业生涯结束时,我们常回过头去重新确认最初的动力,并使之更加完整。

d. assign exercises ii and iii as their homework.

part iii reading skills

before dealing with text a and text b, ask students to read through the whole passage of reading skill, to lead them to understand the details about memory methods, especially asking them to pay special attention to the examples.

part iv supplementary reading: over 60 and overlooked

ask students to read it in a limited time after class, and then write a summary.

part v test yourself

ask students to do it and check the answers by themselves.

questions for discussion and reflection:

1. how will you plan your retirement life? why?

2. what should you do to take care of the aged in your family? assignments

1. write a short summary of about 50 words to express the main idea of supplementary reading;

2. finish all exercises in this unit.



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