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第41卷第5期电力系统保护与控制Vol.41 No.5 2013年3月1日 Power System Protection and Control Mar.1, 2013 MLRM法预估含风电场系统静态电压稳定裕度

徐玉琴1,刘文霞1,潘 雄2

(1. 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室(华北电力大学),河北 保定 071003; 2. 云南电网公司,云南 昆明 650217)


关键词:连续潮流;多元线性回归模型;风电;蒙特卡罗仿真;静态电压稳定裕度;N-1静态安全分析MLRM-based estimation of static voltage stability margin of power systems with wind farms

XU Yu-qin1, LIU Wen-xia1, PAN Xiong2

(1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources (North China Electric Power

University), Baoding 071003, China; 2. Yunnan Power Grid Corporation, Kunming 650217, China)

Abstract:For the complex power grid with wind farms, forecasting the stability of power grid fast while considering the randomness of load and wind farms will benefit the safe operation of power systems as well as provide reference for grid scheduling. The online static voltage stability of power grid is estimated by multi-linear regression models (MLRM) based on off-line computation results. This is the specific process: using Monte Carlo simulation to calculate true values of system's static voltage stability margin (SVSM) based on continuous power flow, and these true values will compose estimating sample space; when using MLRM method, the reactive power reserves of generator buses which influences voltage amplitude will become explaining variables and the voltage stability margin will become explained variables, then multivariate linear regression equation is established to compute the regression coefficients; forecasting the online SVSM finally. The test cases on improved IEEE 14-bus system and IEEE 118-bus system demonstrate the effectiveness of forecasting static voltage stability margin by MLRM method.

Key words:continuous power flow; multi-linear regression models; wind power; Monte Carlo simulation; static voltage stability margin (SVSM); N-1 static security analysis

中图分类号: TM71 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1674-3415(2013)05-0048-06

0 引言

系统电压稳定分静态电压稳定与暂态电压稳定。暂态电压稳定主要研究在大扰动(如短路、断线故障)下电压稳定情况;而变化缓慢的电压失稳通常作为静态问题来分析,采用连续潮流法(Continuous Power Flow, CPF)计算PV曲线是常用的分析方法[1]。有大量文献采用CPF法计算系统的静态电压稳定裕度[2-6](Static Voltage Stability Margin, SVSM),但均未考虑系统N-1及负荷波动对系统SVSM的影响。而文献[7]虽计及系统N-1计算小干扰稳定下系统电压稳定性,但仍未考虑负荷及风电波动性。蒙特卡罗仿真法可模拟系统多种运行状态,根据仿真结果进行概率统计[8]。但计算时间长,占用内存大,不适于在线仿真计算。多元线性回归模型(Multi-linear Regression Models, MLRM)可有效解决这一问题,采用特定方法建立回归样本空间及回归方程后,即可采用与输出响应具有较强相关性的变量作为解释变量,进而计算出相应的输出响应,该方法目前在电力系统分析中主要用于系统负荷预测。


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