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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Section B 一、【重点短语】 1. a fairy tale 一个童话故事 2.Sleeping Beauty《睡美人》 Cinderella《灰姑娘》 Little Red Riding Hood《小红帽》 3.sound stupid/silly 听起来愚蠢 4.cheat sb 欺骗某人 5.make a special clothes for sb. 为某人制作 特殊的衣服 6.the rest of the story 故事的其余部分 7.leave sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事 8.the whole family=all the family全家人 9.something else 一些别的东西 10.make a plan to do sth. 计划做某事 11.make a plan for sth/doing sth为(做)某事 制定计划 12.be quiet安静13.go to sleep 去睡觉 14.not……until直到…才…… 15.get lost=be lost 迷路 16.shine bright照耀 17.never mind不要紧;没关系 18.lead sb. to sp. 把某人领到某地 19.change one’s plan 改变计划 20.lived near a forest 生活在森林边 21.in the moonlight 在月光下 22.find one’ s way home 找到某人回家的路 23.the next day 第二天 24.send sb. to sp. 派某人去某地 25.the house make of bread, cake andcandy由 面包,蛋糕和糖制成的房子 26.day after day and year after year日复一日, 年复一年 二、【用法归纳】 1.be brave to do sth.勇敢地去做某事 2.cheat sb. (out) of one’s money骗钱 三、【语法讲解】 1.none与nobody/no one区别 nobody:指人。做主语时,谓语动词用单数。回答由Who提问的问句。 e.g.:--Who is in the classroom? --Nobody/No one. none:即可指人,也可指物。“没有任何人或物”。后可跟of,做主语时,谓语动词可单可复,强调数量。回答由How many或How much提问的问句。 e.g.: --How much money do you have? --How many students are there in the classroom?--None. nobody还有“小人物”的意思。 2.whole与all whole(形容词)“整体的;全部的”。限定词(冠词/物主代词/所有格等)+whole+可数名词单数. e.g.:The whole body was shaking。整个身体都在颤抖。 all(adj)“全部的”。all+限定词(定冠词the/物主代词/所有格等)+不可数名词或可数名词复数。 e.g.:all the money/all the country/all the students/all my life 一般来讲,whole 不能修饰复数可数名词,但是若复数可数名词前有具体的数量词时,则可以用whole 。e.g. : three whole days / all three days all与whole都可以用来修饰专有名词,但是用whole修饰专有名词时,一定要带of 。e.g. : the whole of China/ all China 3.along、cross、across、through along:“沿着”,水平方向直线运动 cross动词为“穿过,横穿”,名词为“十字,十字路口”


人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit6SectionB教材全解 Unit 6 I’m watching TV. Unit 6 Section B教材全解 1.shopping购物 【重点注释】shopping是不及物动词shop的现在分词形式。shop vi.意思是“购物”。shopping还可作名词,意为“购物”。常用短语:go shopping=go to the shop=go to buy things“去购物”;do the/some shopping“购物”;a shopping centre“购物中心”;a shopping list“购物单”;a shopping bag“购物袋”。例如:Can we go shopping now?现在我们可以去买东西了吗?Can you go shopping with me?你能和我一起去购物吗? 【拓展记忆】shop还可作名词,意为“商店”(美式英语“商店”为store)。例如:There is a shop near here.这儿附近有一家商店。There is a shop between my house and my school.在我家和我的学校之间有一个商店。 2.supermarket超市 【重点注释】supermarket可数名词,意为“超市”。例如:There is a supermarket near my home.我家附近有一个超市。super star超级明星。 ——No,he isn’t.He’s swimming in a pool.不,不是。他正在游泳池里游泳。【重点注释】①man意思是“男人,人”,其复数时men,与其对应的woman意思是“女人”,其复数时women。例如:Who is the man in this photo?这张照片里的人是谁?Does this woman still live here?这个女的还住在这里吗? 【拓展记忆】man,woman用于名词前作定语时,其单复数形式与所修饰的名词的单复数形式一致。例如:a woman writer一位女作家some women writers一些女作家[注意]与man和woman不同,boy和girl用作定语时,总是用单数。例如:a boy friend一位男朋友some girl friends一些女朋友 ②“人在河里(游泳),鱼在河里”均用in the river;“小木船在河里”用on the river;“桥在河上”用over the river。 ③pool名词,意为“水池,水塘”。例如:a swimming pool游泳池 a pool of……一池/滩……a pool of goldfish一池金鱼A pool of clear water is lit by underwater lights. 一池碧水被水下的灯光照亮。A stone dropped into a quiet pool of water.一块石头扔进一池静水中。


Unit6 Section B 考点4 make the soccer team组建足球队 此短语中的make相当于start。 They will make the basketball team.他们将组建篮球队。 拓展:与make有关的短语 make a resolution意为"下决心",其后可接to do sth.,意为"决心,决定做某事",相当于decide to do sth.或make a decision to do sth. How are they going to make their resolutions work?他们打算怎样实现他们决心要做的事呢? make up组成,捏造,化妆,弥补,赔偿 make it成功,准时到达 Nine players make up a team.9位选手组成一队。 You must make up the time you have wasted.你必须把浪费的时间补回来。 make good变富,获得成功 make for走向,朝...前进,导致 The ship made for the nearest port.轮船朝最近的港口驶去。 The large print makes for easier reading.大号字体便于阅读。 make...from用...制成(制造后改变了原料的性质和形状) make...of 用...制成(制造后不改变原料的性质和形状) Paper is made from wood.纸是由木材制成的。 It is a desk made of wood.它是一张木制的桌子 make off匆匆离开,逃走 make out 写出,开出 The thieves made off in a stolen car.小偷乘偷来的汽车跑掉了。 Please make out a list of the books you need.请把你要的书列出一张清单。 make use of 利用 Ex:1.---When shall we start? ---Let's it 9:00. A.set B.take C.make D.met 2.We will the table tennis team next year. A.take B.play C.make D.made 考点4 However,promises you make to yourself are resolutions and the most common kind is New Year's resolutions.然而,你给自己许下的诺言就是决心,而且最常见的类型就是新年的决心。 1.句子分析此句是含定语从句的并列句。you make to yourself是定语从句,修饰promises,省略关系代词that\which,关系代词在从句中作宾语。定语从句就是用作定语,起修饰作用的句子。拓展:引导定语从句的关系 词 that,who,which,when,where,why等 The man that you saw is my father.你看见的那个人是我的父亲。 He is the teacher that I met yesterday.他就是我昨天遇到的那位老师。关系代词who(谁,指人),whom(who的宾格形式),whose(谁的),which(哪一个,指物)。 That's the man whose house was burnt down.那就是房子被火烧毁的那个人。 He lives in the house whose windows are broken.他就住在那所窗子破了的房子里。关系副词when(指时间),why(指原因),where(指地点)。 That is the place where I was born.那就是我出生的地方。 Mum, can you tell me the time when I was born?妈妈,你能告诉我出生的时间吗? 2.promise(1)n.承诺,诺言 I don't trust his promise to come for a visit.我不相信他会如约前来访问。短语:make one's promise答应,许下诺言 keep one's promise信守诺言 break promise违背诺言(2)v.许诺,承诺 promising adj.有前途的,有希望的


人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit6SectionB 教材全解 watching TV、Unit6 Section B教材全解 1、shopping购物 【重点注释】 shopping是不及物动词shop的现在分词形式。shop vi、意思是“购物”。shopping还可作名词,意为“购物”。常用短语:go shopping=go to the shop=go to buy things“去购物”;do the/some shopping“购物”;a shopping centre“购物中心”;a shopp ing list“购物单”;a shopping bag“购物袋”。例如:Can we go shopping now?现在我们可以去买东西了吗?Can you go shopping with me?你能和我一起去购物吗? 【拓展记忆】 shop还可作名词,意为“商店”(美式英语“商店”为store)。例如:There is a shop near here、这儿附近有一家商店。There is a shop between my house and my school、在我家和我的学校之间有一个商店。 2、supermarket超市 【重点注释】

supermarket可数名词,意为“超市”。例如:There is a supermarket near my home、我家附近有一个超市。super star 超级明星。 【辨析记忆】 supermarket,store,shop①supermarket指自选商场,往往比store,shop经营规模大,经营时间长。例如:She likes doing the shopping in the supermarket,because she thinks a supermarket has more goods than a shop、她喜欢到超市买东西,因为她认为超市的货物比商店的货物多。②store与shop 均有“商店,商场”之意,基本上可以通用,美国英语常用store,英国英语常用shop。store与shop两者作名词时,意为“商店,商场”;作动词时,分别意为“贮藏”、“购物”。例如:These vegetables are stored for this store、这些蔬菜是为这家商场贮藏的。Mrs、Green often shops at the shop near her house、格林夫人经常在她家附近的商店里买东西。 3、Is the man swimming in the river?那个男人正在河里游泳吗? No,he isn’t、He’s swimming in a pool、不,不是。他正在游泳池里游泳。 【重点注释】 ①man意思是“男人,人”,其复数时men,与其对应的woman意思是“女人”,其复数时women。例如:Who is the man

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